The Belton Independent School District Provides an Athletic Program for the Benefit Of

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The Belton Independent School District Provides an Athletic Program for the Benefit Of



Athletic Director Bob Shipley

Belton ISD Girls Athletic Coordinator Brenda Gomez

Middle School Coordinators Courtney Kerr North Belton Middle School Kari Norman South Belton Middle School Magna Green Lake Belton Middle School BISD MIDDLE SCHOOLS ATHLETIC RULES The Belton Independent School District provides an athletic program for the benefit of the students in this district. We believe that participation in a respected and competitive athletic program can provide students an opportunity to learn responsibility, dedication, leadership, hard work, and respect for authority as well as offer many other beneficial qualities.

PHYSICALS: The district requires that students involved in athletic programs in BISD must have a current physical on file. Physicals are required annually. Students wishing to participate in volleyball, cross-country, basketball, track, swimming and/or golf must turn in a physical to coaches before they can participate. Students may not participate nor tryout if they do not have a physical. Student schedules will be changed from athletics if they do not have a physical form turned in within the first month.

CONDUCT: Students involved in the sports program are expected to maintain a high standard of behavior in the classroom. Students with unsatisfactory conduct grades will be subject to disciplinary actions. Classroom teachers will be in contact with coaches if any athlete is a continual behavior problem. If the behavior is not improved, a conference will be required with the parent, student, and the athletic coordinator.

Participation in athletics is a privilege, not a requirement of our students. Athletes will be expected to follow the established rules. In order to participate in athletics, the student will have to show responsibility, not only with grades but with conduct as well. All students shall follow the Belton Independent School District Student Code of Conduct, which is distributed at the beginning of the year. The coach of that sport may initiate any disciplinary action. Severe or continued violations could result in immediate suspension from athletics. Any athlete that is assigned ISS will be put on probation for the first offense. The second offense will be cause for removed from the sport for the remainder of the season. PRACTICES: It is the parent/guardian responsibility to get your child to and from practices. The buses will not provide transportation to practices. If transportation is a problem, you do not need to sign up for athletics. All practices are mandatory. If you miss three or more practices that were deemed unexcused, you will be subject to removal from the team. If you are picked up late FIVE times from practices or games it will be counted as an unexcused missed practice. All athletes MUST be picked up no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled practice time if the practice is afterschool.

ATTENDANCE/INJURY: A. Attend all classes and be on time. B. Try to make all appointments at times other than the athletic period or during practice time unless absolutely necessary. C. If an athlete is absent, be sure to call the coaches office before the athletic period or practice time. D. A phone call is required when absent from practices or games before the scheduled time. E. If a player has an unexcused absence, the coach may have that player be docked playing time.. F. Athlete will be required to make-up the missed practice before playing in a game. G. If an athlete is ill or injured, one of the coaches should be notified. The school trainer will either treat the athlete or recommend that a physician be contacted. Athletes should see their coach prior to going to the trainer. Injured athletes should still attend practice and dress out. JEWELRY: No jewelry is allowed to be worn at any practices or athletic events. If you get your ears pierced, you MUST take the earrings out. No exceptions. We suggest that any piercing be done early in the summer and NOT during the school year.

GRADES: Students involved in the sports programs are expected to maintain a high level of academic achievement in the classroom. Students are required to maintain an average of 70 or above to be eligible to participate in a sport. Students that are consistently ineligible may be removed from the athletic program. According to the University Interscholastic League (UIL), a student may practice but not participate in a scheduled event (game, match, meet) if they have made below a 70 for the current grading period. The student may become eligible again if they are passing the class failed by raising the grade to a 70 or above at the three weeks grade report.

We have a 9 week grading period but it is important to know that at the 6-Week Progress Report, if an athlete is failing any class, she will be ineligible to play for the next three weeks. This is a change from the previous year! This is a progress report but it is also a UIL eligibility rule at that time. The next grading period is at the 9 week point. At this time, if the student is passing the class they failed previously; they will become eligible to play.

Athletic Equipment and Grades in Athletics:  All athletes will be provided with workout clothes. Warm-ups will be issued during the winter months. Athletes must provide their own running/athletic shoes and white socks.  Ten points will be deducted from the athlete’s grade each time the athlete is not dressed properly and an additional 10 points if she chooses to not participate without a parent note for that day or a doctor’s note. If any part of the uniform is missing on game day, the athlete will not be allowed to travel with the team and/or play in that game.  *A parent note excusing a girl from participating is only good for one day. A note, email or phone call will be required each day. After two days, a doctor’s note will be required and should have the date the athlete can return to normal activity.  Locks: Athletes will be issued combination locks and lockers. It is very important to lock everything into the locker at all times. We cannot be held responsible for anything that you leave out in the locker room or for anything stolen when not locked. Athletes will be required to pay a fee for any lost items. GIRLS ATHLETICS Our athletic program provides an opportunity for the athletes to participate in conditioning activities, agility drills, strengthening activities and skill development. The purpose of the program is to improve athletic abilities and maintain a disciplined environment.  The 8th grade girls will workout during the first period of the day. They will have BEFORE SCHOOL or AFTER SCHOOL practice depending on the sport and weekly schedule. Schedules will be sent home and posted on the Girls Athletic website. All tutorials need to be taken care of during tutorials times from 750AM-820AM.  The 7th grade girls will workout during the 7th period of the day. They will also have AFTER SCHOOL or BEFORE SCHOOL practice. All athletes must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm if the practice is afterschool. All tutorials need to be taken care of during tutorials times.  Please note that practices may vary and be held before or after school depending on the team and sport.  Try-outs will be held at the beginning of each season. The number of girls on each team will depend on the sport. Volleyball and Basketball games: Volleyball and basketball games will be on Thursday evenings and an occasional Monday evening. There will be a total of 9 regular games, plus up to two tournaments. Tournaments will be played on Friday evenings and/or Saturdays.  All athletes must remain with their team throughout a tournament.  We encourage ALL athletes to stay until ALL games are over to support and help clean up the gyms.. All athletes will be expected to be picked up on time following any games, practices, or tournaments. All athletes must ride the bus to the event as well as ride home on the bus with the team. This is a BISD district wide athletic policy. Exceptions will be made for certain situations but only if the parent has a viable reason and has talked to the coach ahead of time. Athletes must have a note before getting on the bus to ride home with their parent.

Cross Country All boys and girls will practice before school at 6:30am and/or afterschool until 5:00pm. Practice schedules will be given out. Athletes may participate in volleyball, football, or cheerleading and also participate in cross-country. The distance that an athlete runs in meets is two miles or 1-½ miles depending on who is hosting each meet. We will participate in six meets. These will be held on a Saturday morning or Wednesday afternoon. Schedules will be handed out the first day of practice.

Golf: Golf is year round this year. You do not have to be in the athletics class to participate in golf. You will need to provide your own golf clubs and bag. Those wanting to participate in golf please see one of the coaches or listen for announcements made by the coach.

Swimming: All athletes wanting to be on the swim team must be in the swim class, which is 7th period. Those athletes in Sports class will be able to swim after school upon the approval of Coach Burt the HS swim coach. Tryouts are held in the spring for the following school year. They will swim at the Belton High School swim center. Parents will need to pick up their athlete at the swim center.

Multiple Sports: If you are interested in participating in more than one sport during the same season the coaches will work this out with you on an individual basis.

Fall Sports: (Aug.-Nov.) Volleyball, Cross Country, Golf, Swimming Winter Sports: (Nov.-Feb.) Basketball, Swimming, Golf Spring Sports: (Feb.-April) Track, Swimming, Golf If a student is not participating in a particular sport during the season, they will be in the off-season program.

UIL Sports Participation: Please realize that all school UIL sports have priority. If you are participating in a city league such as soccer, swimming, softball, you will need to work around the school athletic schedule.

It creates a tremendous problem when your daughter misses a tournament for an outside sport. This is unfair to your team members to not be in attendance. All tournaments are required. If a tournament is missed, the athlete will be suspended for 2 regular season games/matches.

We are excited about the opportunity to work with your daughter. We also know that this is a new experience for many of you. Please know that we are here to make this a great experience for your athlete. We will push your child in order to experience success at improving in athletics! Many times there might be some confusion….please feel free to call us and we will certainly try to answer or address all of your concerns.

We look forward to an exciting year working with your child! Go Belton Tigers!


This material is being made available to you because your daughter wishes to participate in athletics. Please understand that participation in athletics is a privilege and not a right.

Please be aware of our “open door” policy if you have any questions or concerns. It is recommended that you first contact the coach that is working with your child if you have a concern. Then if necessary, contact the athletic coordinator.

We are aware that we are working with your most prized possession. We hope to build on those values taught at home and hope to better prepare your child to succeed and have a positive experience at B.I.S.D.

The B.I.S.D. athletic policy and this B.I.S.D Middle School athletic rules packet is not intended to be all encompassing. Coaches under the direction of the Girls Coordinator and Athletic Director shall have the right and responsibility of dealing with individual discipline problems on a case-by-case basis. ALL disciplinary situations will be handled as consistently and fairly as possible.

Your signature will assure that you will support our rules, regulations and coaching staff.

Please return to the coaching staff as soon as possible:


I, (athlete printed name) ______, agree to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Girls Athletic Department, Student Code of Conduct and all other school rules. I understand that failure to do so will result in the disciplinary actions stated above.

Athlete Signature______

I, (parent/guardian printed name) ______, understand the rules and regulations and will, to the best of my ability guide my daughter to adhere to these rules. I understand and realize that all school UIL sports have priority. If my daughter is participating in a city league such as soccer or softball, I understand that I will need to work around the school athletic schedule.

Parent Signature______

Email Address ______Please print clearly

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