Presented on the Senate Floor on October 1, 1998 s1

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Presented on the Senate Floor on October 1, 1998 s1

Senate Bill #72 Page 1

Presented to the Senate floor on May 13, 2010.

Authored by: NAVARRO Co-authored by: Loberstein, Mahood Ling, Tanner, Cheng Introduced by: Tanner

Referred to: Internal Affairs Commission Business and Finance Commission

Recommendation: Internal Affairs Commission Do Pass as Amended, 9-0-0 on May 13, 2010. Yes: Abergel, Cano, Freeman, Maemura, Martin, Mohammed- Zakir, Navarro, Ramachandran, Webb.

Business and Finance Commission Do Pass as Amended, 7-0-1 on May 18, 2010. Yes: Albin, Chan, Cheng, A. Lee, T. Lee, Mezhvinsky, Williams. Abstain: Sayed.

An ASUCD Senate Bill to implement the Long-Range Plan for The California Aggie.

Section 1. The ASUCD Senate hereby adopts the following Long-Range Plan (see attached).

Finance: No Appropriation: None Vote: Majority


The Aggie is an entirely student-run daily newspaper catering to the UC Davis student body and the surrounding community. With a daily circulation of 8,000, The Aggie has the highest estimated readership of any newspaper in Yolo County at 30,000 readers per day. The Associated Students of UC Davis funded The Aggie until the late 1970s, when editors chose to start operating as an independent news source by relying solely on advertising revenue. This continues to be a paramount characteristic of The Aggie, insulating the paper from financial pressures intended to influence content. While The Aggie was never funded by the UC Davis administration, it does operate free of charge in the Freeborn Hall basement, where the paper has been located since 1968.

Over the years, The Aggie has brought together thousands of student employees with the challenging goal of putting out a daily newspaper. Without an official journalism program at UC Davis, The Aggie trains and develops its employees in a real world newsroom. Students who got their start in The Aggie newsroom have gone on to work for news outlets across the country, including The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Sacramento Bee and The Los Angeles Times. Senate Bill #72 Page 2

The Aggie began as The Daily Agricola in 1915, a weekly publication focusing mostly on agricultural topics. As UC Davis grew, The California Aggie (renamed in 1922) began publishing twice a week in 1963 and eventually five times a week in 1966.

The Aggie’s fate in the 1960s followed that of many university newspapers. As student opposition to the Vietnam War increased, The Aggie faced growing pressure from both campus administrators and UC Regents to downplay student protests. Aggie editors, along with those of other UC papers, ignored their demands and continued covering student dissidents, administration crackdowns and the arrest of protesters. This censorship sparked the desire of many college newspapers to free of outside influence, be it university administrators or student government.

In 1969, while still receiving financial support from ASUCD, The Aggie began asserting its independence by endorsing candidates in the ASUCD election for the first time. Later that year, UC Davis and other universities set up committees to oversee campus media operations. Subsequently, the UC Davis Media Board — not the student government — has selected The Aggie Editor in Chief and the Director of KDVS every year since.

The Aggie became financially independent of ASUCD in the late 1970s and continues to rely solely on advertising sales to support itself. Thanks to the steady stream of advertising revenue coming in during the 1980s and 1990s, The Aggie was able to set aside roughly a million dollars in reserves. Unfortunately, like all daily newspapers, advertising fell off with the rise of the Internet — a problem that was compounded by the economic slowdown of recent years. In order to cover operating costs, The Aggie has had to pull from those reserves, which are now significantly reduced. Consequently, The Aggie was forced to take several cost-cutting measures for the 2009-2010 year, including eliminating several paid positions and going to an online-only format for Friday's edition. These cuts brought The Aggie's operating budget down from the previous year's $390,569 to $230,632. The 2010-2011 budget will be $189,487. The Aggie management hopes that the cuts, coupled with several possibilities for increasing revenue, should ensure the newspaper's continued presence and independence well into the future.


A. Editor in Chief: The Editor in Chief is the chief administrative officer of The California Aggie. The Editor in Chief bears final responsibility and authority for all production, personnel, fiscal and policy matters and serves as the paper’s primary liaison with ASUCD, the Campus Media Board, the University and the general public. B. Managing Editor: The Managing Editor is the chief administrative officer of the newsroom and is responsible for the daily news content and composition of the newspaper. C. Business Manager: The Business Manager is responsible for maintaining financial operations for The California Aggie. The Business Manager is also responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief and Managing Editor in developing plans, goals, policies and procedures for the newspaper. D. Assistant Business Manager: The Assistant Business Manager assists the Business Manager in Maintaining financial operations of The Aggie and assists in supervising the paper’s daily layout. E. Advertising Manager: The Advertising Manager is responsible for managing The California Aggie’s advertising functions and the budget outlined by the Editor in Chief and Business Manager. F. Art/Ads Director: The Art Director is responsible for all artistic visual elements in the newspaper such as info graphics, illustrations, advertisements and other designs. G. Design Director: The Design Director determines the stylistic presentation of The California Aggie and supervises the paper’s daily layout. H. Campus Editor: The Campus Editor is responsible for news coverage of the UC Davis campus as well as the University of California as a whole. This includes all aspects of student, staff and faculty life as student interest and focus necessitates. I. City Editor: The City Editor is responsible for news coverage of the City of Davis, Yolo County, California, the nation and international scene as student interest and focus necessitates. J. Features Editor: The Features Editor is responsible for producing daily human-interest pieces. The Features Editor must be well versed in all events that pertain to UC Davis, the City of Senate Bill #72 Page 3

Davis, Yolo County or any other realm whose activities may be of interest to the newspaper’s readership. K. Arts Editor: The Arts Editor is responsible for coverage of arts, entertainment and news events on campus, in the City of Davis and in the Sacramento area. This includes coverage of art organizations, films, concerts, plays, art exhibitions, etc. L. Sports Editor: The Sports Editor is responsible for coverage of all ICA competitions, games, tournaments, etc. pertaining to the UC Davis athletics department. M. Copy Chief: The Copy Chief is responsible for the style and quality of the writing that appears in the newspaper. N. Assistant Copy Chief: The Assistant Copy Chief assists the Copy Chief in ensuring the style and quality of the writing that appears in the newspaper. O. Opinion Editor: The Opinion Editor is responsible for editing and compiling opinionated material in The California Aggie, including columns, cartoons, letters to the editor, guest opinions and editorials. P. Science Editor: The Science Editor is responsible for the news and features coverage of scientific research at UC Davis and in the Davis community. Q. Photo Editor: The Photo Editor is responsible for fulfilling the photographic needs of the newspaper for daily production. R. Night Editor: The Night Editor is responsible for overseeing the layout and overall design of the newspaper while working with the Design Director, a team of Layout Artists and a Copyreader. S. Assistant Night Editor: The Assistant Night Editor assists the Night Editor in overseeing the layout and overall design of the newspaper. T. Distributors: The Distributors are responsible for distributing The California Aggie in town and on campus every day the newspaper is published and/or scheduled for distribution. U. Layout Artists: The Layout Artists are responsible for designing and laying out the newspaper under the supervision of the Design Director and Assistant Design Director. V. Salesclerks: The Salesclerks are responsible for accomplishing front-office tasks as deemed necessary by the Business Manager. Senate Bill #72 Page 4


The California Aggie

Editor in Chief

Managing Editor/ Business Operations Manager

Assistant Art Director/ Design Copy Night Business Manager Ads Director Chief Editor

Assistant Assistant Assistant Advertising Sales Clerk Design Director Copy Chief Night Editor Manager Manager

Layout Copy Advertising Salesclerks Artists Readers Representatives

Campus Editor Distributors Campus Writers (5-7)

Science Editor City Editor

City Writers Science Writers (5-7) (5-7)

Photo Editor

Opinion Editor

Features Editor Opinion Writers (5-7)

Arts Editor Sports Editor Features Writers (5-7)

Arts Writers (5-7) Sports Writers (5-7)

Senate Bill #72 Page 5

Future Plans: 1. Look into hiring unpaid interns to gain experience into the operations of The Aggie.


The Aggie is located at 25 Lower Freeborn Hall and occupies rooms for their Front Office, Advertising Department, Newsroom, Layout Room, Dark Room, and Archives. Recently, The Aggie gave away its storage room to KDVS and Campus Copies during the MU renovations and the recent moving of Campus Copies from the first floor to Lower Freeborn Hall during The Coffee House’s renovations.

The Aggie publishes daily issues Monday-Friday. The Aggie distributes 8,000 hard copies of its daily issue Monday-Thursday during every academic week while classes are in session. In addition, The Aggie uploads its daily issue every day Monday-Friday to During Summer Session II, the newly hired Aggie staff publishes one issue every week and resumes publishing daily issues during the first week of Fall Quarter. In every issue, The Aggie covers UC Davis campus news, UC Davis sports, science and technology, local news, the local arts scene, and various state and national news pertinent to students at UC Davis. Opinions from the editor staff, students, and outside professors are also published in every issue.

Future Plans

1. Publish articles that are only available on The Aggie’s website to increase Internet traffic. 2. Develop an online blog on The Aggie’s website. 3. Create an online photo gallery of pictures taken and published by The Aggie.


The California Aggie is currently subsidized by Capital Reserves but has been profitable in recent fiscal years (2007-2008). For the fiscal year (2009-2010) The California Aggie’s total income is $154,400 and its total costs are $225,233. For the upcoming fiscal year (2010-2011) The Aggie will achieve profitability.

1. Expenses: A. Salaries: The California Aggie has budgeted $86,877 for salaries and stipends for twenty-four (24) positions. Independent contractors a. Editor-in-Chief: The Editor-in-Chief has a salary of $3,945 over the fiscal year. b. Managing Editor/Operations: The Managing Editor/Operations has a salary of $3,700 over the fiscal year. c. Managing Editor/New Media & Development: The Managing Editor/New Media & Development has a salary of $3,690 over the fiscal year. d. Business Manager: The Business Manager has a salary of $3,840 over the fiscal year. e. Assistant Business Manager: The Assistant Business Manager has a salary of $600 over the fiscal year. f. Advertising Manager: The Advertising Manager has a salary of $3,780 over the fiscal year in addition to commission for success in obtaining advertising and display contracts. g. Art Director/Ads: The Art Director/Ads has a salary of $3,630 over the fiscal year. h. Design Director: The Design Director has a salary of $3,015 over the fiscal year. i. Assistant Design Director: The Assistant Design Director has a salary of $1,800 over the fiscal year. j. Campus Editor: The Campus Editor has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. k. City Editor: The City Editor has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. l. Features Editor: The Features Editor has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. m. Arts Editor: The Arts Editor has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. n. Sports Editor: The Sports Editor has a salary of $2,774 over the fiscal year. o. Copy Chief: The Copy Chief has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. p. Assistant Copy Chief: The Assistant Copy Chief has a salary of $1,800 over the fiscal year. q. Photo Editor: The Photo Editor has a salary of $3,042 over the fiscal year. r. Night Editor: The Night Editor has a salary of $3,045 over the fiscal year. Senate Bill #72 Page 6

s. Assistant Night Editor: The Assistant Night Editor has a salary of $1,890 over the fiscal year. t. Sales Clerk Manager: The Sales Clerk Manager has a salary of $1,890 over the fiscal year. u. Associate Editor (5): The Associate Editors have combined salary of $6,400 over the fiscal year. v. Distributors: The Distributors have a combined salary of $5,280 over the fiscal year. w. Layout Artists: The Layout Editors have a combined salary of $11,616 over the fiscal year. x. Salesclerks: The Salesclerks have a combined salary of $5,760 over the fiscal year.

B. Employee Benefits: The California Aggie was budgeted $2,424 for various employee benefits.

C. Administrative/Programmatic Expenses: a. Copying & Printing: Copying and Printing and Printing are line items that are $1,650 and $69,207 respectively. Both are budgeted for papers used for copying various pictures, articles, letters and the printing of office paperwork and The Aggie’s numerous daily issues. b. Supplies: Office Supplies, Equipment Supplies, and Photo Supplies are line items that are $850, $550, and $250 respectively. Each line item is budgeted for supplies that are used to continue the basic operations of The Aggie’s offices and its photography equipment. c. Telephones: Telephone Equipment and Telephone Long Distance are line items that are $10,224 and $1,500 respectively. Both line items are budgeted to maintain The Aggie’s telephone lines and long distance lines. d. Mail: A line item of $1,100 that budgeted for postage and letters envelopes. e. Repair & Maintenance: A line item of $1,900 that is spent to maintain The Aggie’s office security system and repair broken computers. f. Services Rendered: A line item of $19,628 g. Subscriptions: A line item of 2,350 that is budgeted for subscriptions to various newspapers and magazines around the country to keep up on current events. h. Admin Recharge: A line item of $16,383 budgeted for Admin Recharge. i. Van Recharge: A line item of $10,800 that is used for transporting The Aggie’s newspapers throughout campus and the City of Davis. j. Network Recharge: A line item of $8,040 that is paid to Creative Media to maintain The Aggie’s website. k. Allowance for Uncollectables: A line item of $1,500 that is an estimate for the amount of money The Aggie projects it will not receive from companies that previously agreed to pay The Aggie. l. ASUCD Display: A line item that generates $10,000 in income but is placed in expenses because it is an expense for ASUCD and provides income for The Aggie.

2. Income a. National Display ($13,000): Income from national companies that pay for newspaper displays within the paper editions of The Aggie. b. Commissionable Display ($95,000): Income from companies that pay for newspaper displays within the paper editions of The Aggie. c. Campus Display ($37,500): Income from local companies that pay for newspaper displays within paper editions of The Aggie. d. Online Advertising ($1,000): Income from companies that pay for ads on The Aggie’s online edition. e. Classified Advertising ($9,500): Income from companies that pay for ads that are displayed in The Aggie’s Classified Section. f. Miscellaneous Income ($300): Income from the sales of archived issues. g. Bank Card Percentage (-$1,900): A fixed line item for income related expenses based on credit card royalties

Future Plans

1. Continue to pursue more companies to pay for advertising such as; McDonald’s, Walmart, and Coca-Cola. 2. Don’t spend more than what The Aggie will be budgeted for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. Senate Bill #72 Page 7


The Aggie made a profit in the 2010-2011 fiscal year for the first time since the 2007-2008 fiscal year. With the decline of newspaper readership, income from advertising and displays has subsequently fallen. The Aggie has cut tens of thousands of dollars over the past two years and will continue seeking more companies to place their ads in The Aggie. For the fiscal year 2010-2011 The Aggie’s total income will be $204,900 and its total costs will be $189,487, creating a profit of $15,413.

1. Expenses: A. Salaries and Stipends: The Aggie has budgeted $41,250 for stipends and salaries for twenty-three (23) positions. a. Editor in Chief: The Editor in Chief has a stipend of $3,000 over the fiscal year. b. Managing Editor: The Managing Editor has a stipend of $2,700 over the fiscal year. c. Business Manager: The Business Manager has a stipend of $2,700 over the fiscal year. d. Advertising Manager: The Advertising Manager has a stipend of $1,500 over the fiscal year in addition to commission for success in obtaining advertising and display contracts. e. Art Director/Ads: The Art Director/Ads has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. f. Design Director: The Design Director has a stipend of $1,200 over the fiscal year. g. Assistant Design Director: The Assistant Design Director has a stipend of $1,050 over the fiscal year. h. Campus Editor: The Campus Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. i. City Editor: The City Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. j. Features Editor: The Features Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. k. Arts Editor: The Arts Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. l. Sports Editor: The Sports Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. m. Copy Chief: The Copy Chief has a stipend of $1,200 over the fiscal year. n. Assistant Copy Chief: The Assistant Copy Chief has a stipend of $1,050 over the fiscal year. o. Photo Editor: The Photo Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. p. Night Editor: The Night Editor has a stipend of $1,200 over the fiscal year. q. Assistant Night Editor: The Assistant Night Editor has a stipend of $1,050 over the fiscal year. r. Opinion Editor: The Opinion Editor has a stipend of $2,250 over the fiscal year. s. Science Editor: The Layout Editor has a stipend of $1,200 over the fiscal year. t. Copy Readers (6): The six Copy Readers make a combined stipend of $5,400 over the fiscal year. u. Distributors: The Distributors have a combined salary of $4,428 over the fiscal year. v. Layout Artist (4-5): The Layout Artists have a combined salary of $10,037 over the fiscal year. w. Salesclerks: The Salesclerks have a combined salary of $6,002 over the fiscal year.

B. Employee Benefits: The Aggie has budgeted $1,151 for various employee benefits.

C. Administrative/Programmatic Expenses: a. Copying & Printing: Copying and Printing are line items that are $550 and $54,624, respectively. Both are budgeted for papers used for copying various pictures, articles, letters and the printing of office paperwork and The Aggie’s daily issues. b. Supplies: Office Supplies, Equipment Supplies, and Photo Supplies are line items that are $700, $300, and $100, respectively. The line items are budgeted for supplies that are used to continue the basic operations of The Aggie’s offices and maintain its digital cameras. c. Telephones: Telephone Equipment and Telephone Long Distance are line items that are $7,484 and $1,500, respectively. Both line items are budgeted to maintain The Aggie’s telephone lines and long distance lines. d. Mail: A line item of $1,100 that is budgeted for postage and letters envelopes. e. Repair & Maintenance: A line item of $400 that is spent to maintain The Aggie’s office security system and pay for miscellaneous repairs. f. Services Rendered: A line item of $22,658 to pay for the services of cartoonists, graphic artists, staff writers, an advisor, and various commissions. g. Subscriptions: A line item of $1,880 that is budgeted for subscriptions for Tribune Media and Quickbooks. Senate Bill #72 Page 8

h. Admin Recharge: A line item of $16,383 budgeted for Admin Recharge i. Van Recharge: A line item of $10,800 that is used for transporting The Aggie’s newspapers throughout campus and the City of Davis and for damage allowances. j. Network Recharge: A line item of $8,040 that is paid to Creative Media to maintain the The Aggie’s website. k. Allowance for Uncollectables: A line item of $1,500 that is an estimate for the amount of money The Aggie projects it will not receive from companies that previously agreed to pay The Aggie. l. ASUCD Display: A line item that generates $1,500 in income but is placed in expenses because it is an expense for ASUCD and provides income for The Aggie.

2. Income a. National Display ($40,950): Income from national companies that pay for newspaper displays within the paper editions of The Aggie. b. Commissionable Display ($130,650): Income from local companies that pay for newspaper displays within the paper editions of The Aggie. c. Campus Display ($22,200): Income from local companies that pay for newspaper displays within paper editions of The Aggie. d. Online Advertising ($5,000): Income from on-campus departments and ASUCD units that pay for ads on The Aggie’s online edition. e. Classified Advertising ($8,000): Income from companies that pay for ads that are displayed in The Aggie’s Classified Section. f. Bank Card Percentage (-$1,900): A fixed line item for income related expenses based on credit card royalties.

Future Plans:

1. Continue to seek more advertising from companies such as McDonald’s, Walmart, and Coca-Cola. 2. Do not spend in excess of the budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.


The California Aggie uses 100% recycled paper, and subsequently any paper that is not put to productive use within the Aggie’s offices is recycled. The rooms occupied by The Aggie are lighted by halogen light bulbs that were installed by the University and cannot by taken out unless the University replaces them with a different set of light bulbs. Within The Aggie’s offices there are separate recycling bins: one for cardboard, one for paper material, and one for plastics.

Future Plans 1. The California Aggie will set all printers to do double sided printing. 2. Turn off all computers at the end of the workday 3. Replace all cathode-ray tube monitors with energy efficient displays. 4. Recycle all printing cartridges used in The Aggie’s printers.


Coverage of non-local events:

The Aggie covers news that concerns UC Davis or the University of California outside of the City of Davis, specifically the recent 32% fee increases that were approved by The Regents of the University of California, the March 4th Strike & Day of Action which involved thousands of students from UC Davis and the other UC campuses, and the recent health care debate that affected thousands of UC Davis students still on their parents’ health insurance plans. Sometimes, The Aggie goes to other UC newspapers, typically UC Berkeley’s The Daily Californian and UCLA’s The Daily Bruin, to obtain pertinent information and facts regarding stories outside of Davis that are closer to their location.

Advertisements and Displays: Senate Bill #72 Page 9

The Aggie’s income primarily comes from negotiating advertising and display contracts through three (3) advertising agencies. The Aggie works with the Sacramento Local Online Ad Network (SLOAN), OnCampus Advertising, and Alloy Media+Marketing. Clients of SLOAN are typically local businesses based within Sacramento County and its surrounding counties and suburbs. OnCampus Advertising has clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small non-profit organizations and specifically targets advertising to college students throughout North America. Alloy Media+Marketing’s clients include over 1,500 companies and use nontraditional media programs to reach targeted populations, including college students.

Future Plans

1. Pursue more local and national companies to place advertisements in The Aggie through, SLOAN, OnCampus Advertising, and Alloy Media+Marketing.


______Jack Zwald Date ASUCD President

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