Mckinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide Reading & Writing

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Mckinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide Reading & Writing

McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 1 Reading: Author’s Perspective

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 7. a Identify the literary language and devices used in ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- E1- biographies & autobiographies & how an author presents during classroom instruction and events in a person’s life. interactions. Timeline Authors use their words to manipulate the reader. 10.a Draw conclusions from the information presented by the (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as author and evaluate author’s purpose graphic organizers to enhance How can I read between the comprehension of written text. lines? 11.a Summarize main ideas/supporting details *Use Texas Treasures visual vocabulary How does the author’s 12.a Identify/explain author’s point of view cards for this selection perspective enhance the story? 12.b Recognize exaggerated, contradictory or misleading statements in text

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perspective America Connect ED point of view purpose suspended vastness enthusiasm horizon distinct

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 1 Reading – Author’s Perspective

1 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

E2- Use Texas Treasures, Unit 5, Week 2- pg. 554 - Black Cowboy Wild Horses by: Julius Lester Use the Make Inferences reproducible that goes with this story: Or use students Reading Response Journal to make the chart authentically:

Day 1  Text Clues  What You Know Author’s  Inferences Perspective E3- Tell the students that this story is a biography. A biography is an account of a person’s life told by another person. Ask students to read to find out why Bob Lemmons was good at his cowboy job. Ask students to respond to this question:

How would the author’s perspective impact the way a biography is told or written?

E4- Read through this selection with students and make a list of text clues, what you know (background knowledge), and inferences that you make as you read. Ask students to write these down.

E2- Use Texas Treasures, Unit 5, Week 2- pg. 554 - Black Cowboy Wild Horses by: Julius Lester Use the Make Inferences reproducible that goes with this story:

Day 2 E3- Read through this selection with students and make a list of text clues, what you know (background knowledge), and inferences that you make as you read. Ask students to write these down. Continue to read through this selection and to write down the following: Facts that Point to the  Inferences Author’s  Facts that lead to the author’s perspective on Black Cowboys or Bob Lemmons. Perspective  How do you know? Provide text evidence.

2 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Use Texas Treasures, Unit 5, Week 2- pg. 554 - Black Cowboy Wild Horses by: Julius Lester Use the Make Inferences reproducible that goes with this story: Day 3 E3- Invite students to write down as many facts as they can about Bob Lemmons and to provide text evidence (and page numbers) for their Perspective answers.

E4- In the reading response journal students should make a list of facts from this biography:

1. Bob Lemmons was______

2. His job was ______/

3. More…

**Teachers need to check for understanding. Walk through the class and identify which students need assistance with this activity.

E2- Use Texas Treasures, Unit 5, Week 2- pg. 554 - Black Cowboy Wild Horses by: Julius Lester Use the Make Inferences reproducible that goes with this story:

Day 4 E3- Finish up the story with students – pgs. 554- 570 Perspective E4- Ask students to share their inferences for this selection.


E2- Use Texas Treasures, Unit 5, Week 2- pg. 554 - Black Cowboy Wild Horses by: Julius Lester Use the Make Inferences reproducible that goes with this story:

Day 5 E3- Complete the comprehension check on page 572. Perspective Show students the Discovery Education video: The Black Cowboy and George McJunkin (4:26)

Ask students to make T to W connections between these two stories.

Week 1 Writing – Biographies

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 3 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 18.c Write response to literacy/expository text E5 – E1-

19 Write to persuade: influence attitude/actions Writing samples

15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

biography perspective point of view

Week 1 Writing – Biographies E2- Explain to the students that this week they will be writing a biography. This will be excellent practice for the research paper that is upcoming in this quarter:

Day 1 E3- Biography means "writing about life" The key to writing a good biography is picking a good subject who has lead an interesting life. While it may be tempting to write about your favorite celebrity, you are strongly encouraged to select someone who has lived an important life and made a Introductio lasting contribution to the world. n to Biographies People you are familiar with are also good subjects for profiles. They are easily accessible for interviews. Also, you can easily interview others 4 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th about them. Step 1: Make a list of 10 possible subjects for your biography. Think about all the people in the world who fascinate you. Examples:  Bill Clinton (former President)  William Shakespeare (famous writer)  Serena Williams (famous athlete)  Your principal  Queen Elizabeth (famous queen)  Albert Einstein (famous scientist)  One of your teachers  Vincent Van Gogh (famous painter)  A relative  A mentor E4- Ask students to pick a person that they want to write a biography about. Ask them to do some simple research on their person.

E2- Choose one of these people from your list who seem like the best candidates for a biography.

E3- Run a quick search on the Internet to see how much information you can easily find about your person.

Day 2  For people in the news and historical figures, visit the LMC and the internet  For celebrities and people of note, visit LMC and the internet Famous & Regular  For general searches, visit the LMC People Note: For people in your community—such as your principal or teacher—the Internet will not be a helpful research tool. You will have to talk to the person directly to see how much info you can quickly find out.

E2- Answer the following questions for each of your person of interest (yes or no).

Day 3

A Timeline  Is the person's life worth writing about?  Do you feel strongly about the person?  Has the person made a difference in the world?  Does the person fascinate you?  Does the person's life make a good story?

5 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

E3- Which person's life stands out as the best story? That's your subject! Begin a timeline for your person.

Ask students to begin a rough timeline on their person of interest.

E2- Now that you've selected a subject, the real fun begins! Biographical research is like detective work. Your assignment: Uncover fun facts about your subject! Day 4

The E3- Visit the library to gather information about your subject. No detail is too small, no story too great! Take good notes! Investigate! You should Biography browse:  The Internet  Newspaper articles  Magazine articles and interviews  Biographies  History books If your subject is a community member, dig up details through interviews.  Interview your subject.  Interview people who know your subject.  Interview people who have an opinion about your subject. E4- Ask students to complete a biography on their selected person.

E2- What is the most interesting thing you learned about your subject. That's where your story should begin. Work in the rest of the details as the story unfolds. Follow this basic outline for storytelling:  Lead Day 5  Quote from or about your subject that backs up your lead. The  A paragraph that gives the who, what, where, why of your subject. This paragraph tells your readers what the story is about and why they Biography should read it.  Another quote from or about your subject.  Several paragraphs that tell your story—can include more quotes.  A conclusion that takes your readers back to the information in the first paragraph.

6 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

E3- Ask students to finalize their biography. Students may write or type this biography and share in author’s chair.

Week 2 Reading: The Art of Persuasion in Reading

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

7 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 12.a Identify/explain author’s point of view ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- E1- during classroom instruction and 12.b Recognize exaggerated, contradictory or misleading interactions. statements in text (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such 19 Write to persuade: influence attitude/actions as graphic organizers to enhance comprehension of written text.

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E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 2 Reading – The Art of Persuasion in Reading

8 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Read Aloud: A Pig Parade is a Terrible Idea by: Michael Ian Black

E3- Tell the students that this story is about a Giant Pig Parade- Or NOT! Could anything possibly be more fun than a pig parade!? You Day 1 wouldn't think so. But you'd be wrong. A pig parade is a terrible idea. Pigs hate to march, refuse to wear the uniforms, don't care about floats, Power of and insist on playing country music ballads. Those are just some of the reasons. And trust me, this hysterical book has plenty more! Persuasion E4- Ask students to decide what the author is trying to persuade you of?

 What is the persuasion?

 How do you know?

 Can you provide text evidence for this?

E2- Read Aloud: I Wanna Iguana by: Karen Kaufmann Orloff I Wanna New Room by: Karen Kaufmann Orloff Day 2 E3- Ever since their baby sister came along, Alex has been forced to share a room with his little brother, Ethan, and it's a nightmare. Ethan Persuasion always breaks stuff, snores like a walrus, and sticks crayons up his nose. No hardworking, well-behaved, practically grown-up boy like Alex should have to put up with that! He has already written letters to mom to get an iguana. What will he do next?

E4- Ask students to decide what the author is trying to persuade you of?

 What is the persuasion?

 How do you know?

Can you provide text evidence for this? Ask students to write their answers in their RRJ.

9 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2-Read Aloud: Tornado – an informational article warning you about tornados by: Leslie J. Wyatt Day 3 Toolkit Text (CTK)

E3- Ask students to read through the article. Students may need highlighters to define most important details from the story. Allow students to review the article to find out what the author’s trying to persuade you to do:

 Be cautious of tornados  Take cover when you need to  Learn the warning signs  Etc.

E4- Ask students to defend their “facts” from the story.

E2-Read Aloud: Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten! The Story of Little Red Riding Hood as Told by the Wolf (Other Side of the Story) By: Trisha Speed Shaskan Day 4 E3- Tell the students that this version of this classic tale is a twist. It is told from the Wolf’s point of view. You may want to read the original Persuasion version first and then compare the two stories:

E4- Ask students to make a T chart to compare the Wolf’s point of view from that of Little Red’s.

Wolf’s Persuasive Argument Little Red Riding Hood’s Persuasive Argument

10 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Read Aloud: Seriously, Cinderella Is SO Annoying!; The Story of Cinderella as Told by the Wicked Stepmother (Other Side of the Story) By: Trisha Speed Shaskin Day 5 E3- Tell the students that this version of this classic tale is a twist. It is told from the Step Mother’s point of view. You may want to read the The Art of original version first and then compare the two stories: Persuasion E4- Ask students to make a T chart to compare the Wolf’s point of view from that of Little Red’s.

Step Mpther’s Persuasive Argument Cinderella’s Persuasive Argument

Week 2 Writing – Persuasive Writing

11 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 19 Write to persuade: influence ELPS: E5 – E1- attitude/actions Writing samples 15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

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Week 2 Writing – Persuasive Writing

12 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- The purpose of writing a persuasive essay is to influence or change a reader's thoughts or opinions on a particular topic. The most successful persuasive writing is always well planned. This planning should include choosing a topic, researching the topic thoroughly, and finally, mapping out the structure of the writing.

E3- Choose an Issue The first step for writing a persuasive essay is to decide what you are trying to persuade someone to believe. Is there a Day 1 compelling social issue you'd like to correct, a situation within your school that you'd like to change, an issue from history that you'd like to address, or maybe even a political condition you'd like to explore—the possibilities are endless! Persuasive Writing E4- Here's a list of possible topics. Ask students to choose a topic about school to persuade their friends about.  School Uniforms  School Choice  Extra Recess  Locker Searches  No Homework

E2- Before you start writing:  Using the plans created in the last step, decide on a good beginning or "hook" that will grab the reader's attention. State your topic and give a little background information. Day 2  Make a list of specific points you want to be sure and include in your final product. These points will serve as the main ideas for each of your three paragraphs within the body of your paper. Highlight quotes and content that Write a Persuasive Essay support the ideas you choose.  Decide on an effective ending for your report. Ask yourself what thought you want to leave the reader with or a thought that summarizes the overall viewpoint. E3- As you write:  Focus on information and allow your ideas to flow freely.  Don't worry about grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You will correct your work later on. E4- A good persuasive essay draft includes:  all your thoughts  as many details as possible  complete thoughts and ideas

13 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Next, you'll want to revise your work. Revision is especially important in persuasive writing—you want to be certain that you've presented the most compelling argument possible. This is the time to make sure that what you've written is Day 3 easy to read, factual and above all, convincing. Remember, revising your work doesn't involve making changes to Revise spelling, grammar, or punctuation (we'll get to that in the next step). Instead, the revision process concentrates on the content alone.

E3- Use the revision process to accomplish the following tasks:  Add additional information that may be needed to better explain or describe elements of the story.  Rearrange existing information in a more logical order that flows well and makes your history easy to comprehend.  Remove unneeded information that may detract from the overall message of your interview.  Replace existing text with better wording or description that gives additional insight into the life and history of the person you interviewed. E4- Ask students to peer edit/ edit the essay.

While editing probably isn't your favorite step in the writing process, it is an important one—especially when it comes to persuasive writing. You're not likely to win many supporters for your arguments if your work is filled with misspelled Day 4 words, grammatical errors, or punctuation problems.

Edit Capitalization  Each sentence starts with a capital letter.  All names of people and places begin with a capital letter.  Titles in a person's name begin with a capital letter.  Each important word in a title (that doesn't refer to people) begins with a capital letter. Organization  Handwriting is neat or the paper is printed from a computer.  Story starts at the beginning, or with the most exciting event.  Beginning and ending make sense. Punctuation  Quotation marks surround all words that are part of a direct quote.  Commas separate items in a list, appear within sentences that have direct quotes.  All sentences end with a period or other appropriate ending punctuation. Spelling and Sentences 14 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th  Words are spelled correctly. If you are using a computer, remember to use the spell check function.  All sentences are complete and include a subject and a verb.  All subjects and verbs agree.

E2- You did it!

E3- Publishing is a time to celebrate what you've done. It also lets others see your hard work. There are many ways to publish your work. You can publish it online using our publishing form, or click on the celebrate tab to learn more ways to Day 5 publish and celebrate. Publish and Share E4- Share these persuasive essays in author’s chair. Ask students to survey whether the author actually persuades the class effectively. Share reviews.

Week 3 Reading: Author Study- Roald Dahl

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

15 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 6.a Describe rise to/foreshadowing in ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions during classroom instruction E5- E1- a novel and interactions. Connecting texts by 6.b Explain functions of characters (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as graphic organizers to the same author and their relationships/conflicts enhance comprehension of written text.

6.c Explain diff. forms of 3rd person points of view in stories

9.a Maintain comprehension & provide evidence of reading (book talks)

11.e Synthesize and make text connections across texts

12.a Identify/explain author’s point of view

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The Human Experience

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 3 Reading – Author Study – Roald Dahl

16 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Tell students that we will begin an author study of Roald Dahl. This will last for the next 3 weeks. You will need to make sure that you have at least 4-5 copies of the following books by Dahl:

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

Danny the Champion of the World Day 1 The BFG The Magical World of Roald Dahl The Witches


Also you will need to make sure that you have others by Roald Dahl available for students that finish their book early.

E3- You will begin this author study by explaining to the students that they will be doing an author study, which is an in depth look at several works by a certain author. Explain to them that you are going to read a mystery to them. This mystery is “The Wish” (on shared drive) As you read ask the students to speculate about the author. Write all response down. Remind them that they must support their speculations with text evidence.

E4- After reading, ask the students guess who the author is going to be that they will study. After revealing the author explain to the students that they we will look at movies about his books later. For now we will focus on the books only.

E2- Today you will introduce all the books that your class will be reading in the author study. Go through each book and give a summary of what takes place in each novel.

Day 2 E3- After going through all the books, explain to the students that they will need to take an index card and write their name at the top. They are to list in descending order of preference three of the books you introduced they would like to Roald Dahl read for this author study. Make sure that they choose a book that they have not read yet. If they have read all of them, have them choose the one that has been read the longest time ago. Try to give each student their first choice.

E4- After the students have their books, have them write you a letter as to why they chose the book they chose.

17 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- You will be setting up your notebooks for the students to use to respond in from their reading. Give each student a folder with brads. You will want to put paper inside those braids as well. On the front page you will need to have the Day 3 students copy the following: Roald Dahl E3-The student will read and comprehend at least four books by a single writer and produces evidence of reading that:

*Makes and supports warranted responsible assertions about the text, *Supports assertions with elaborated and convincing evidence.*Draws the texts together to compare and contrast themes, characters, and ideas. *Makes perceptive and well-developed connections. *Evaluates writing strategies and elements of the author’s craft.

E4- This will allow the students to know exactly what is expected out of them as they are reading and writing.

After setting up the notebook reread The Wish to the students. After reading have the students respond in their notebooks about one of the following:

*Write about the character of the boy, talking to or about him. *Write about what the story reminded them of from their own lives. *Write about Roald Dahl and how the story was like or different from other Roald Dahl stories they already know. Take them up after they respond and read over them and evaluate them.

E2- Today you will set up the expectation for groups.

E3- Explain to the student that along with treating one another politely and respectfully you will need to come up with Day 4 other expectations. The following are just suggestions. *Members agree to stay on task. *Members will take turns reading aloud. Reading aloud can take two forms 1)students can take turns reading aloud a few paragraphs at a time; Roald Dahl 2)in parts of the text where there is a lot of dialogue, students can take different character parts. *Members agree on a signal they will use to stop the reading and have a brief guesswording conversation. Not only will you need to have groups you will need whole group expectations. At the end of every class you will come together and discuss what they have done in their groups each day.


Today you will teach the children how guesswording works. Day 5 Explain Roald Dahl You will give the students a list of 5-6 word from word list(on shared drive). Working together, they should first find the page and then the word in their book. One student shold then volunteer to be the group’s scribe and copy the word and sentence on the form. Then the group may scan a few of the sentences which precede the word and discusses what they think the word must mean. Their job is to construct a sentence that states a brief definition of the word, a definition that makes the most sense in the context of what is happening in the story. Explain to the students that this is the process that they will use when they come upon a new word in their novels that they are reading.

18 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 3 Writing – Creative Writing

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 16.a (i) Write stories with focus, plot & point of view ELPS: E5 – E1-

16.a (ii) Write stories w/believable setting using sensory Creative Writing language Sample

15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

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Week 3 Writing – Creative Writing

19 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Creative Writing:

E2- Show any movie clip from a Roald Dahl book. These short clips will allow students to peer into the magical world of Roald Dahl.

E3- After a brief discussion about the elements of Roald Dahl books ask students to create an anchor chart with you about the features of his books: Day 1  Most books have a child character who is the central character Creative Writing  The antagonist is usually a mean adult

 The world is usually a fantasy world

 Colors are bright

 There are many plot twists

E4- Ask students to plan a creative story about a magical place.

Creative Writing:

E2- Show any movie clip from a Roald Dahl book. These short clips will allow students to peer into the magical world of Roald Dahl.

Day 2 E3- After students have come up with a basic plan for their magical story remind them that their setting can be one of the following:

Creative 1. Outer space Writing 2. Enchanted forest

3. Magical ship

4. Haunted house

5. Wild museum

6. Etc.

E4- Ask students to use a plot structure graphic to create the characters, plot, and setting of their story. This will become their PLAN.

20 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Read Roald Dahl chapters as mentor text

Day 3 E3- Ask students to begin a draft of their magical story.

Creative E4- Ask students to write their creative story. Be sure to confer with students. Writing

E2- Read Roald Dahl chapters as mentor text

Day 4 E3- Ask students to begin a draft of their magical story.

E4- Ask students to write their creative story. Be sure to confer with students

E2- Read Roald Dahl chapters as mentor text Day 5 E3- Ask students to begin a draft of their magical story.

E4- Ask students to write their creative story. Be sure to confer with students

21 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 4 Reading: Author Study- Roald Dahl

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 6.a Describe rise to/foreshadowing in a novel ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- Research Plan E1- during classroom instruction and 6.b Explain functions of characters and their interactions. relationships/conflicts (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as 6.c Explain diff. forms of 3rd person points of view in stories graphic organizers to enhance comprehension of written text. 9.a Maintain comprehension & provide evidence of reading (book talks)

11.e Synthesize and make text connections across texts

12.a Identify/explain author’s point of view

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22 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 4 Reading – Author Study- Roald Dahl E2- Books by: Roald Dahl

Today you will be set up the daily routine. The first 7-15 minutes will be when you give the whole group lesson. This will be a mini lesson. It cannot last more than 15 minutes. The next step in the day will be the students reading their group books. This will take 30 minutes of the day. Day 1 You will need to find a place that each group will meet each day. The next part of the day will be for 15 minutes. These is when you come together Roald Dahl and discuss what the children have to say or what you want to discuss from the mini lesson that you gave the first of the class. Make sure to write down on chart paper any reflections that the students have for the day.

E3- You may begin today with the mini lesson being explaining what the daily routine and then allowing the students to read.

E4- You will then come back together and allow the students to share what they thought and read today.

E2- Books by: Roald Dahl The Candy Man (song lyrics) Day 2 Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew Roald Dahl Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two The candy man, the candy man can & Poetry The candy man can 'cause he mixes it with love And makes the world taste good Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh Soak it in the sun and make a strawberry–lemon pie The candy man? The candy man, the candy man can The candy man can 'cause he mixes it with love And makes the world taste good Read through any of these song lyrics with students. Remind students that lyrics are also poetry. E4- Ask students to determine the rhyme scheme, meaning, and theme for these songs.

23 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Books by: Roald Dahl

Day 3 Theme in Roald Dahl’s books-

Roald Dahl E3- Facilitate a discussion about possible themes from Roald Dahl’s books:

& Theme  Themes/Generalizations Shared by Roald Dahl's novels:

All who are mean and treat children badly are evil, and therefore, must be punished.

Orphans or only children appear often in his books. They start off weak, but by being brave, kind, and honest, with help from a good, friendly, and helpful other, they become heroes.

Childhood can be lonely and frightening, and there are some mean and rotten adults in the world.

While good prevails in all his novels, they are not sentimental tales of childhood. Some drastic and extreme consequences happen to the villains.

It is okay to be different, and you can be happy even if you're different. The important thing is to be loved by someone.

He does not say positive things about school. He implies that children can learn more from books and helpful adults.

If an adult is a parent or a grandparent, they should be a "sparky" one.

The highest and best qualities of a person's character are courage, practicality, and "sparkiness."

Children long to be treated fairly.


Read Aloud: Books by: Roald Dahl Day 4 E2- Today your mini lesson will be about setting up a Roald Dahl Attribute chart. You will need to make a class chart along with the children having a chart of their own. The chart is on the shared drive that you will teach the children during your mini lesson. Roald Dahl E3- Make sure you give the children a blank one and the one that you use with the children as a class. After going over the chart with the children tell them that they will fill this out as they read today in their groups.

E4- After they read in their groups today have the students come back together and discuss comprehension questions from the lit. circle comprehension cards.

24 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Read Aloud: Books by Roald Dahl Day 5 E2- Today you will introduce a language chart to your children during your mini lesson. A copy is on the shared drive. Make a large one for the Roald Dahl class to share their info on and make sure that each child has one to put in their notebook. Go over each section of the chart with the children, so they completely understand each component.

E3- Explain to them that they will add to this chart while they are reading today in their groups. While they are reading in groups you are to walk around and monitor the groups and help them when they need help.

E4- After their group time, have the students come back and share what they found while reading today. This should only take about 10 minutes.

Week 4 Writing – Response to Literature

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

25 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 16.a (i) Write stories with focus, plot & point of view ELPS: E5 – E1-

16.a (ii) Write stories w/believable setting using sensory Writing samples language

15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

Week 4 Writing – Response to Literature E2-The students are reading Roald Dahl books in class. Today they will see and compare and contrast the beginning of each author’s book

Day 1 E3- Ask the students to get with a different partner and discuss the beginning of their chosen author’s beginning and how Roald Dahl began his book they are reading. Make sure they see how they are similar and how they are different. Cover Art E4- Take what the discussed with their partner and write it in their folder. Invite students to create a MODERN cover for their book.

26 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th This is a creative opportunity. This can be done with pencil and paper OR in digital format.

E2- Today they are going to look at the settings of each of the author’s books.

E3- Allow the students to draw a few of the settings that they have read about in each book from each of the different author’s

Day 2 E4- The student’s are to get into groups of three and share their drawing and see the similarities and differences between the two author’s settings.

Setting  Setting from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chocolate Factory/ ______

 Setting from James and the Giant Peach: A Giant Peach/ ______

 Setting from Matilda: A school/ Her house/ ______

 Etc.

E2- The students will make a list of each of the characters in each of the two books and list some character traits about each character.

Day 3  Character: Traits Characters  Character: Traits from the Story E3- Students put drawings and list character traits of each of the characters in each of the different books from the different authors.

E4- Ask students to make a poster with drawings of the characters. Ask students to write descriptions about each character from the story.

Present the poster to class.

Mentor Text: Roald Dahl Read: The BFG – This book turns 30 years old this year! Read the intro chapter Day 4

The BFG E3- Ask students to write a creative story about what it would be like to have a Big Friendly Giant.

E4- Confer with students as they write their story.

27 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Mentor Text: Roald Dahl Read: The BFG – This book turns 30 years old this year! Read the intro chapter Day 5 E3- Ask students to write a creative story about what it would be like to have a Big Friendly Giant. The BFG E4- Ask students to share their short story about having a giant in author’s chair.

Week 5 Reading: Exploring Mythology

Enduring Understandings- Essential Questions 28 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Read to describe mythology: ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- E1- during classroom instruction and 3.a Compare & contrast themes or moral lessons of fiction interactions. istation

3.b Describe the phenomena explained in origins of myths (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as graphic organizers to enhance 6.a Describe rise to/foreshadowing in a novel comprehension of written text. 6.b Explain functions of characters and their relationships/conflicts

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 5 Reading – Exploring Greek Mythology

29 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Introduce Greek Mythology to the students:

E2- Begin this unit by introducing the Greek Gods to the students: It all began with Chaos or “Nothingness”. Use this interactive website to demonstrate how each of the Greek Gods are linked to Chaos: Day 1 Introduce the Gods Use this list of Greek Gods to introduce each of the Gods and Goddesses to the students:

E3- Read through the summary of each of the Titan Greek Gods/ Goddesses. Ask students to take notes in their reading response journal as you read about each one.

E4- Invite students to choose one of the Greek Gods or Goddesses to research more information about. Ask students to complete a poster that includes a drawing of their god and all of their attributes/ characteristics/ powers.

E2- Explain how the Greeks and other cultures used ancient myths to explain the phenomena that they observed but could not explain without reason, such as:

Day 2  Love

The  Birth and Death Phenomeno n of Myth  Electrical Storms

 Flooding

 Drought

 Plague

 Disease

 Seasons

E3- Use Storynory to help describe some of these myths. Students will also need to choose one myth to study with a partner.

30 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E4- Ask students to pick one Myth to research and to learn more about. Students may work in partners for this process.

After the introduction of Greek Mythology – the teacher may want to begin a read aloud of any of Rick Riodan’s books:

Day 3 E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan Mythology E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles.

E4- Use Scholastic’s Teacher Guide for – The Lightening Thief:

E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Day 4 E4- Imagine you have just discovered you are a half-blood. The Lightening What cabin do you think you will end up in at Camp Half-Blood? Thief What are the possibilities?

E4- Invite students to pretend that they are Percy. Ask students to write a fictional essay describing their arrival at the camp and the discovery of their true parentage.

E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Day 5 E4- This book is the first in a series. Luke is still at large, Cronos is growing stronger, and Percy is about to step out into the world as the The acknowledged son of Poseidon. What will happen next? Like the Oracle, make four predictions about what will happen next in the story. How will Lightening this story end. Thief

31 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th **If students have already seen the movie, they can predict what could happen in the next books in the series.

Week 5 Writing – Writing a Myth

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 16.a (i) Write stories with focus, plot & point of view E5 – E1-

15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

32 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 5 Writing – Writing a Myth E2- A myth is a made-up story that explains the existence of a natural phenomenon — such as where thunder comes from or why snow falls from the sky. Myths — which often include gods and goddesses and other supernatural characters who have the power to make extraordinary things happen — are popular even when people know the actual reasons for natural phenomena. Before you start writing your own myths, try Day 1 reading many examples of myths! You can use these as models for your own work.

Write Your E3- Brainstorm- 1. Pick out the natural phenomenon you want to write about. Own Myth Make it something that really interests you. If you live in the desert, you might want to think about the way a single rainstorm can cause a flood. If you live in the North, think about the way a snowstorm can cover the ground like an icy blanket. If you live near the ocean, consider the way the tide comes in and out each day. In other words, find something that is familiar that you can observe.

E2- A myth is a made-up story that explains the existence of a natural phenomenon — such as where thunder comes from or why snow falls from the sky. Myths — which often include gods and goddesses and other supernatural characters who have the power to make extraordinary things happen — are popular even when people know the actual reasons for natural phenomena. Before you start writing your own myths, try reading many examples of myths! You can use these as models for your own work. Day 2

Write Your E3- 2. Observe carefully. Own Myth It helps to know a thing well before trying to make up a story about it. The old myths were created by poets and storytellers who were well- acquainted with nature. Find out as much as you can about the natural phenomenon that you've chosen. Go to the library and find out what it is scientifically — and read what other storytellers have said about it.

33 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Use Greek Myths as mentor text:

Day 3 E3- 3. Write down what is actual about the phenomenon. Keep a record of what you have observed or read. What are the smells, sights, and sounds connected to this natural phenomenon? If you are Write Your artistic, you might want to try drawing sketches or painting pictures. Think of yourself as a reporter, not a storyteller. Own Myth E4- Invite students to begin a draft of their modern myth.

E2- Use Greek Myths as mentor text:

Day 4 E3- 4. Write down key words from your research. If you're researching the desert, the words you find could be: sand, rain,gully, wash. Then look in a thesaurus or dictionary to find as many Write Your synonyms, phrases, and meanings for your words as you can. For example, under "sand" you might Own Myth find grain, granule, gravel, shingle,powder, pulverizer. As you are writing those words down, think about the images behind them. It's those images that will help you build your myth. For example, I thought of a pepper grinder when I reached the word pulverizer. Once you've got a picture in your mind, it's time for the big WHAT IF. . . ?

E4- Ask students to continue to work on their myth. Be sure to confer with students as they work on their myth.

E2- Use Greek Myths as Mentor Text:

E3- 5. Ask yourself, WHAT IF? Hop onto your image and head off into myth land. This is the point from which you need to start brainstorming! Take a picture in your mind of what Day 5 an aspect of the world would be like if certain events happened. Then use this "what if" to create a story that explains why the natural phenomenon exists. The story can be as fantastic as you want. Write Your Own Myth For example, take the pepper grinder from Step 4. What if there was a chef to the gods who lived in a beautiful green countryside but became upset one day because no one ever complimented his cooking? While wandering around, he sat under one of those beautiful green trees and wished (always be careful what you wish for in a myth) that he could somehow make the gods take notice. And suddenly in front of him was a special pepper grinder that said, "Use me, and you will be noticed." And so the chef took the pepper grinder and used it that evening as he was seasoning the gods' stew. But instead of churning out pepper, it ground out sand — more sand than the chef had ever seen! The sand kept pouring out, completely covering the beautiful green countryside. And thus the desert came into existence. E4- Ask students to continue to work on their draft of their myth.

34 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 6 Reading: Mythology

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions Read to describe mythology: ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- E1- during classroom instruction and 3.a Compare & contrast themes or moral lessons of fiction interactions. istation

3.b Describe the phenomena explained in origins of myths (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as graphic organizers to enhance 6.a Describe rise to/foreshadowing in a novel comprehension of written text. 6.b Explain functions of characters and their relationships/conflicts

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 6 Reading – Mythology

35 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles.

E4- Ask students to respond to these questions in their reading response journal: (chapter 2) Day 1  Why does Percy tell Grover he’s a really bad liar? Mythology  What responsibility does Grover claim to have, and why does this strike Percy as strange?  How do Percy and Grover end up on the side of the highway?

E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Day 2 E4- Ask students to respond to these questions in their reading response journal: (chapter 3) Mythology  What knew information does Percy learn about his dad as he and his mother are roasting marshmallows?  Describe Percy’s dream. What do you think it means?  How does the title of the chapter, “Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants,”come true?

E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan Day 3 E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Mythology E4- Ask students to respond to these questions in their reading response journal: (chapter 4)

 After the monster disintegrates, what gets Percy moving when all he wants to do is collapse?  What's the last thing Percy remembers?  Take a guess: Who is the "familiar face" that Percy thinks he sees?

36 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Day 4 E4- Ask students to respond to these questions in their reading response journal: (chapter 4) Mythology  What clues help Percy guess Mr. D's identity?  What evidence does Chiron use to prove that the Greek gods are in America?  According to Chiron, what is the big question that everyone wants answered?  Take a guess: what's the answer?

E2- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1) this is a series By: Rick Riordan

E3- Invite students to get into “inquiry circles” or “literature circles to discuss this book either as a read aloud or true lit. circles. Day 5 E4- Ask students to respond to these questions in their reading response journal: (chapter 4) Mythology  Why doesn't Percy want Annabeth's help when he gets into the fight with Clarisse?  What happens to Clarisse and her friends in the bathroom?  How does this incident change Annabeth's attitude toward Percy?

This book has 22 chapters. You may want to continue this book as a read aloud or allow students to continue in literature circles.

Check for understanding at the end of this novel.

Week 6 Writing – Mythology

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

37 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 16.a (i) Write stories with focus, plot & point of view E5 – E1-

15.a Generate ideas – first draft by selecting a writing

15.b Develop drafts by categorizing ideas/organize Ps

15.c Revise drafts for coherence, organization, audience, and sentence structure

15.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric

15.e Revise final draft and publish in response to peer feedback from peers & teacher

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

Week 6 Writing – Mythology

Are you ready to write your myth? Then let's begin! Pretend you have an audience of the king's court before you. Or that you are in a cave with other cave painters trying to summon the sun or the rain. Or think of yourself as a griot in an African village who is about to explain to your people how the world began. Using your brainstorming Day 1 observations and ideas, write a story that explains a phenomenon in the natural world that you've experienced or witnessed on TV. You can pick almost anything — a snowstorm, an earthquake, or even a rainy day. Be as creative as you can — let your imagination run wild! Myth

38 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Write your myth: Be sure to:

Include the phenomenon that you are trying to explain. Day 2 Include any God or Goddess – These can be from Greek culture or from the student’s imagination Myth Check for organization and word choice

Revise the story to make it better

Edit for mechanics

Publish the myth. Write your myth: Be sure to:

Day 3 Include the phenomenon that you are trying to explain. Myth Include any God or Goddess – These can be from Greek culture or from the student’s imagination

Check for organization and word choice

Revise the story to make it better

Edit for mechanics

Publish the myth.

39 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Write your myth: Be sure to:

Day 4 Include the phenomenon that you are trying to explain.

Myth Include any God or Goddess – These can be from Greek culture or from the student’s imagination

Check for organization and word choice

Revise the story to make it better

Edit for mechanics

Publish the myth.

E2- Mentor text: Greek Mythology

E3- Invite students to share their new myth in author’s chair. Day 5 E4- Share Myth

Week 7 Reading: Determining Importance in Text - Research

40 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions 23.a Generate a research topic & narrow ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- Research Plan E1- during classroom instruction and All writing centers around 23.b Generate a research plan interactions. audience and the desired effect 24.a Follow the research plan (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as on that audience. graphic organizers to enhance 24.b Diff. between primary/secondary sources How do researchers collect comprehension of written text. and effectively organize their 24.c Record data using technology information?

24.d Identify sources with bibliography How do researchers discover the central idea in a 24.e Diff. between paraphrasing & plagiarism source?

What is common knowledge?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

20th Century America/ Science research plan gather resources plagiarism paraphrase

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 7 Reading – Determining Importance in Text - Research

41 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2 - You will need to work closely with your Library Media Specialist while completing the next few weeks of lessons. Locate several completed research projects using a variety of media presentations show them to the students. **You may have some from previous years. Also 5th grade is the only grade level that writes a research paper. It is recommended that these are NO longer than 3 pages double spaced and include a works cited page.

Day 1 E3 - Tell students that over the next 2 weeks they will be completing a research unit. Direct the students to the McKinney ISD Learning and Research Model. You will find the link on Campus Web site curriculum connections. This research will come from 20th C. America in Social Generate a Studies or Science Learning from both semesters. Topic E4 - Step 1 Plan of the research model is to choose a topic. Choose a topic from your science or social studies curriculum.

** See suggested list of research topics: (Point People will come up with topics)

It is a good idea to give each student a manila file folder to keep up with all of their research, research documents, facts, internet sources, and other artifacts of learning.

E2 – These introductory lessons into the MISD research model should be taught in collaboration with the campus LMS.

Day 2 Integrate with 20th C. America / Science Learning Project for writing. Show students a variety of encyclopedia, magazine articles, internet web sites and model what a readers does to evaluate the site. Gathering Sources E3 - : Have students view the Brain Pop Online sources.

E4 - : Take students to the computer lab and have them begin to evaluate the number of sources available for the possible topics. Work with the LMS to make sure students are aware of all of the additional sources available to them through the campus library. Some sources could include:

 Online resources – databases

 Books from the library

 Online readers

 Magazines

 Websites

42 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2 - Go over the following questions from the McKinney Research Model: Use the questions to model how to narrow your topic. Invite your LMS to co-teach these lessons with you for a successful research unit.

E3 - Use Step 1 page 1 of the Learning and Research Model and have students complete:

What is my research topic or problem? Day 3 What key words exist? Narrow the Topic Are there any synonyms or related terms?

What are the larger subjects?

Can I narrow the topic?

E4 - Give students specific information on what you expect. Ex.-Kind of product, length of product, who is the audience, due date. Allow students to begin doing some research on their topic. The teacher should be available to guide students through book and online sources.

Texas Treasures Resources: Research and Inquiry; p245K, 305,347, 411, 435, 511, 6i17,641.

It is recommended that these are NO longer than 3 pages double spaced and include a works cited page. A digital project will accompany this research paper. Students need plenty of time dedicated to quality in both areas!

E2 - Have students view the Brain Pop video on Plagiarism. Discuss with the students the definition and the consequences of plagiarizing.

E3 - Give each student a brief passage. Have the students “paraphrase” the ideas in their own words. Tell them that when they record information Day 4 for their research it is important that they paraphrase to make sure they don’t plagiarize.

What is Plagiarism? E4 - Tell the students that they will have a works cited page at the end of the project. Discuss the process of recording each source and information needed for documenting sources. Your LMS will be able to assist you in this process

Texas Treasures Resources: Research and Inquiry; P. 315 C

43 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2 - Display an article or entry from an encyclopedia or other informational source on the smart board. Model skimming and scanning the article for the students. Explain that skimming and scanning allows you to locate important information quickly and determine what information, if any will be important for your research Day 5 E3 - Give each student a brief article and have them practice skimming and scanning to locate important information. (Any article from TFK will Skim & work here.) Scan E4 - Have students use this technique to help them locate important information for their research project. Students will use this skill multiple times over the next few weeks in their research process.


Week 7 Writing – Writing a Research Report

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

44 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 23.a Generate a research topic & narrow ELPS: E5 – Research Paper E1-

23.b Generate a research plan 3B: Expand vocabulary by learning & using All writing centers around high frequency words. audience and the desired effect 24.a Follow the research plan on that audience. 3D: Speak using content area vocabulary in 25.a Refine research plan context/ new English words. How do researchers collect and effectively organize their 25.b Evaluate the relevance, reliability and source information?

26.a Compile important information from many sources How do researchers discover the central idea in a 26.b Develop a topic sentence, summarize findings, use source? evidence to support conclusions What is common 26.c Present findings in a consistent format knowledge?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

20th C. America/ Science topic HMH the Write Source Online – Report plan Writing – interactive whiteboard lessons sources primary sources Brainpop secondary sources work cited

Week 7 Writing – Writing a Research Report

E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show slides 1-4 on selecting a topic. For our purposes these topics will NOT be completely open ended – like the ones presented here.

E3 - Students will begin to narrow a topic and complete some initial research about that topic. This activity may cause some students to change

45 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Day 1 their topic or narrow their topic down for this paper. This is a GOOD thing! Students will take some simple notes as they research and keep these notes in some kind of binder/ organizer. Generate a Topic E4 - Explain to the students that they are going to begin papers this week so that they can be published next week While the students are working with others, you need to be having one on one conferences with each student over their paper.

E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show students slides 5-9 on Gathering Sources for a report.

E3 – While working in collaboration with the campus LMS, students will learn how to choose appropriate source. The will determine primary Day 2 sources and secondary sources and use both in their research paper. Gathering Sources E4 – Allow students a varied amount of time to work on gathering sources and taking some notes. This part of the research model may take several days. Allow time so that students do not feel rushed. Make sure that students keep all of their research organized for later use!

E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show students slides 10- Who, What, When, Where, Why. Continue through slides 11-15. Day 3 E3 – Some students may decide to narrow their research topic. Allow for this. Tell the students to continue to find out information about their topic. Narrow the The students may even want to keep note cards / or virtual note cards on the information that they have gathered so far. Topic E4 – Student research…

E2 - Have students view the Brain Pop video on Plagiarism. Discuss with the students the definition and the consequences.

E3 - Give each student a brief passage. Have the students “paraphrase” the ideas in their own words. Tell them that when they record information Day 4 for their research it is important that they paraphrase to make sure they don’t plagiarize.

What is E4 - Tell the students that they will have a works cited page at the end of the project. Discuss the process of recording each source and information Plagiarism needed for documenting sources. Your LMS will be able to assist you in this process ? ** Students will need to paraphrase the original work. They need to practice this with a source they have already gathered. Teachers will check for understanding.

46 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Show the video from Brain Pop on Using Online Sources:

E3- Want to research something on the Web? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby join the digital revolution by introducing you to online Day 5 sources. Learn how the Internet can be a one-stop destination for all of your research needs.

Gather This video will assist those students who are still struggling with getting the correct facts down for their paper. Facts for E4- Allow students time to add to their “FACT FILE” while gathering infoE2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research Your File papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source. (each student should have a manila folder – a fact file – to keep all of their research together.)

Week 8 Reading & Writing – Determining Importance in Text- Research & Reporting

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

47 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 24.a Follow the research plan ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- Research Project E1- during classroom instruction and & Paper All writing centers around 24.c Record data using technology interactions. audience and the desired effect 24.d Identify sources with bibliography (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as on that audience. graphic organizers to enhance 27 a. Listen attentively How do researchers collect comprehension of written text. and effectively organize their 27.b Give oral instructions information?

27.c Determine speakers main & supporting ideas How do researchers discover the central idea in a 28 Speak clearly with conventions of language source?

29Teamwork What is common knowledge?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

America copyright copyright law final paper

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 8 Reading & Writing- Research & Reporting

48 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2 - Use the following MISD tech stars wiki to explore the possible media presentations available to the students. This site contains specific information about a variety of media tools. The students will need to choose one that they are comfortable with to complete the “project” portion of this unit. Students will present this research topic to their peers at the culmination of the project.

Day 1 It is important to introduce the digital part of the project this week, so that when the student is researching they remember to SAVE artifacts that can go into their digital presentation. Students will work on writing the paper and creating the presentation simultaneously. Introduce the Project Part of E3 – Teachers and students will need to become familiar with several of possible media presentation modes available. Allow time for students to This play with these different media tools. The students will need to choose one early in the week.

E4 - Give students a list/ menu of available media presentations that they will be able to use. Use this week to let the students explore the different possibilities including: blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box. PDF files are available at

Each PDF gives specific information on how to use and implement the media presentation mode.

**Students will continue to revise and edit their research paper

E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with digital media presentations modes. Allow the students opportunity to use and evaluate: Blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box, StoryCreator Day 2 E3 - Integrate media presentations into the 20th Century research project. (Writing IPGs) Media Tools E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research paper. Students will need to choose which media tool they will use to complete their research presentation with. Teachers will need to make a list with student’s names and their media tool so they can hold students accountable for mastery of the technology as well.

Day 3 & 4 E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with digital media presentations modes. Students will need to create a presentation that compliments their research. These presentations will take place on Work the Day 5 of this week. Plan

E3 - Integrate media presentations into the 20th Century/ Science research project. (Writing IPGs)

E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research paper. 49 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

**Teachers should check for organization/ revising & editing of final paper/ alignment of media tool with presentation!

E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source. Allow time for students to work on the digital project as well.

Day 5 E3 & E4 – Allow students to write their first draft of their research report. Tell them that this will be typed when they have completed their final copy. Some guidelines for this paper: Write & Create 1. Write 2-3 pages 2. Double space your lines

3. Complete a work cited page

Week 9 Reading: Read for Research

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

50 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 23.a Generate a research topic & ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions during classroom E5- Research Project E1- narrow instruction and interactions. & Paper All writing centers around 23.b Generate a research plan (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as graphic organizers to audience and the desired effect enhance comprehension of written text. on that audience. 24.a Follow the research plan How do researchers collect 24.b Diff. between primary/secondary and effectively organize sources their information?

24.c Record data using technology How do I use the writing process with research to 24.d Identify sources with bibliography communicate factual information to my audience?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary


E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 9 Reading – Read for Research

51 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Remind the students that researchers cite their sources for this project students will need the following for their works cited page:

Your Resources:

- 2 non-fiction books Day 1 - 2 internet sources (not search engines) Remember to Cite Your Sources - 1 reference source (online or hardcopy)

- 1 source of your choice

All of your sources will be recorded on the works cited page in MLA or APA format. (teacher choice here)

E3- On the Smart board- demonstrate the correct way for students to cite their sources.

E4- Ask students to complete a written works cited page with all sources. Remind them that they will type this to go at the end of their research paper.

E2- Show students the Brain Pop video on Reading Comprehension:

E3- Reading Skills

Day 2 Ever hear how reading is fundamental? Well, in this Brain POP movie, Tim and Moby will tell you all about the fundamentals of reading! Discover why good reading begins before you even open your book or magazine; find out what Comprehension Matters to do before sitting down with a book, how to preview a text, and how to skim to get a sense of what the text is talking about. You’ll also learn how to take effective notes, what it means to put text into your own words, and when you should reread. E4- Being a strategic reader is a necessity for a researcher. Remind student to skim and scan as they read and to jot down good notes. Ask students to continue their research and reporting.

52 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Allow students some time to work on finalizing their research report – FACTS and to complete their digital projects.

Day 3 & 4 E3- It is important for the teacher to confer with each student as they begin to finalize their projects.

Work on the Work E4- Be sure to check for:

 Cohesiveness between paper & project

 Fact file

 No plagiarism

 Work Cited

 Overall effectiveness

E2- Allow students some time to work on finalizing their research report – FACTS and to complete their digital projects.

E3- It is important for the teacher to confer with each student as they begin to finalize their projects. Day 5 E4- Be sure to check for: Work  Cohesiveness between paper & project

 Fact file

 No plagiarism

 Work Cited

Overall effectiveness

Week 9 Writing – Research & Reporting

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

53 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 25.a Refine research plan ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions E5- Research Project E1- during classroom instruction and & Paper All writing centers around 25.b Evaluate the relevance, reliability and source interactions. audience and the desired effect 26.a Compile important information from many sources (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such on that audience. as graphic organizers to enhance 26.b Develop a topic sentence, summarize findings, use How do researchers collect comprehension of written text. evidence to support conclusions and effectively organize their information? 26.c Present findings in a consistent format How do researchers 26.d Work cited page discover the central idea in a source?

What is common knowledge?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

Week 9 Writing – Research & Reporting E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source.

Day 1 E3 & E4 – Allow students to write their first draft of their research report. Tell them that this will be typed when they have completed their final copy. Some guidelines for this paper: Write a Research 1. Write 2-3 pages Report 54 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 2. Double space your lines

3. Complete a work cited page

E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source.

Day 2 E3 & E4 – Allow students to work on the body of their paper.

Write a **Be sure to confer with students as they work through their paper and their digital project. Research Report

E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source.

Day 3 E3 & E4 – Allow students to revise and edit their research paper using a dictionary for spelling and a thesaurus for better word choices.

Dictionary & Show the Brain POP video on: Dictionary & Thesaurus: Thesaurus Dictionary and Thesaurus What’s that word on the tip of your tongue? In this Brain POP movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to two books that will ensure you’re never at at a loss for words: the dictionary and the thesaurus. You’ll learn the difference between the two as you find out about some of the important information you can find in a dictionary, as well as some other stuff you probably weren’t even looking for. To score a “4” on this paper – mechanics are key!

**Be sure to confer with each student as they finalize this paper. This is the ONLY research paper students will write before MS.

Check all papers for cohesiveness.

55 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source.

Day 4 E3 & E4 – Allow students to write or type their final draft of their research report.

Write a 1. Type 2-3 pages Research 2. Double space your lines Report 3. Complete a work cited page

E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in HMH the Write Source.

Day 5 E3 & E4 – Confer with each student as they type their final paper.

Finalize the Check all papers and projects as they are turned in. Today is the last day to work on this project. Research Celebrate! Report

Week 10 Reading & Writing: Research Presentations

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions

56 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th 27 a. Listen attentively ELPS: (c) 2.c: learn new expressions during classroom E5- Research Project E1- instruction and interactions. 27.b Give oral instructions & Paper All writing centers around (c) 4.d: Use pre- reading supports such as graphic organizers to audience and the desired effect 27.c Determine speakers main & enhance comprehension of written text. on that audience. supporting ideas How do researchers collect 28 Speak clearly with conventions of and effectively organize their language information?

29Teamwork How do I use the writing process with research to communicate factual information to my audience?

Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

20th C. America/ Science Topics

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 10 Reading & Writing – Research Presentations

57 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th E2- Tell the students that this week they will present their findings from their research study.

E3- Allow students to prepare for their digital / oral presentation of their research. This will include:

Day 1  A written research paper – 3 pages, double spaced, with a work cited page. Research Presentations  A digital presentation – multimedia presentation

 An oral presentation of the student’s findings

E4- Allow 4 students to present each day. Be sure to have a rubric ready for the presentation – This is the most important part!

**Allow students to give input and to reflect on the presentations of the day and to ask questions of the speaker.

E2- Tell the students that this week they will present their findings from their research study.

E3- Allow students to prepare for their digital / oral presentation of their research. This will include:

Day 2  A written research paper – 3 pages, double spaced, with a work cited page. Research Presentations  A digital presentation – multimedia presentation

 An oral presentation of the student’s findings

E4- Allow 4 students to present each day. Be sure to have a rubric ready for the presentation – This is the most important part!

**Allow students to give input and to reflect on the presentations of the day and to ask questions of the speaker.

E2- Tell the students that this week they will present their findings from their research study.

E3- Allow students to prepare for their digital / oral presentation of their research. This will include:

Day 3  A written research paper – 3 pages, double spaced, with a work cited page. Research Presentations  A digital presentation – multimedia presentation

 An oral presentation of the student’s findings

E4- Allow 4 students to present each day. Be sure to have a rubric ready for the presentation – This is the most

58 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th important part!

**Allow students to give input and to reflect on the presentations of the day and to ask questions of the speaker.

E2- Tell the students that this week they will present their findings from their research study.

E3- Allow students to prepare for their digital / oral presentation of their research. This will include:

Day 4  A written research paper – 3 pages, double spaced, with a work cited page. Research Presentations  A digital presentation – multimedia presentation

 An oral presentation of the student’s findings

E4- Allow 4 students to present each day. Be sure to have a rubric ready for the presentation – This is the most important part!

**Allow students to give input and to reflect on the presentations of the day and to ask questions of the speaker.

E2- Tell the students that this week they will present their findings from their research study.

E3- Allow students to prepare for their digital / oral presentation of their research. This will include:

Day 5  A written research paper – 3 pages, double spaced, with a work cited page. Research Presentations  A digital presentation – multimedia presentation

 An oral presentation of the student’s findings

E4- Allow 4 students to present each day. Be sure to have a rubric ready for the presentation – This is the most important part!

**Allow students to give input and to reflect on the presentations of the day and to ask questions of the speaker.

59 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Week 11 Reading & Writing – Portfolio Palooza

Enduring Understandings- ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations ELL Resources Assessment/ Product Essential Questions Review all ELAR TEKS Review all ELPS Istation E1-

DRA What have you learned this year in ELAR? MISD Benchmarks


Science & Social Studies Integration Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps Vocabulary

60 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th

Review all vocabulary terms

E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 11 Reading & Writing – Portfolio Palooza Review/ Assess/Confer /Re-teach



Day 1 *MISD Benchmarks

Identify Our *Features of Fiction, Expository, Poetry, and Drama text Best Work! *Comprehension-recalling details, inferring, compare and contrast, fact or opinion, theme, making connections-TT, TW, and TS.

Ask students to pick their best work from their reading response journal and their writing binder to place in a portfolio to give to parents.

Review/ Assess/Confer /Re-teach


Day 2 *DRA

Put *MISD Benchmarks Together a *Features of Fiction, Expository, Poetry, and Drama text Portfolio *Comprehension-recalling details, inferring, compare and contrast, fact or opinion, theme, making connections-TT, TW, and TS.

Ask students to pick their best work from their reading response journal and their writing binder to place in a portfolio to give to

61 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th parents.

Review/ Assess/Confer /Re-teach

Day 3 *istation

Show Off *DRA Your *MISD Benchmarks Portfolio *Features of Fiction, Expository, Poetry, and Drama text

*Comprehension-recalling details, inferring, compare and contrast, fact or opinion, theme, making connections-TT, TW, and TS.

Ask students to pick their best work from their reading response journal and their writing binder to place in a portfolio to give to parents.

Review/ Assess/Confer /Re-teach


Day 4 *DRA

Sow Off *MISD Benchmarks Your Portfolio *Features of Fiction, Expository, Poetry, and Drama text *Comprehension-recalling details, inferring, compare and contrast, fact or opinion, theme, making connections-TT, TW, and TS.

Ask students to pick their best work from their reading response journal and their writing binder to place in a portfolio to give to parents.

62 McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing 4th quarter 2012-13 Grade Level- 5th Celebrate! Day 5 Ask students to pick their best work from their reading response journal and their writing binder to place in a portfolio to give to parents. Take it Home


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