Talaton Parish Council

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Talaton Parish Council



AT THE PARISH HALL Present: Chairman P.Lenehan, Cllrs G.Hawkins, D.Higgs, S.Mealing, T.Samson, A Spry and P.Stevenson

Public Fifteen minute open Forum- No members of the public present

1. To accept Apologies for Absence: EDDC Cllr P Bowden (Cabinet meeting)

2. To confirm minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd July: Having been circulated and read the minutes were approved and signed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Proposed- Cllr Hawkins, seconded- Cllr Higgs

3. Declaration of interests and pecuniary interests of items on agenda: None


i. Balances of accounts including Petty Cash - Barclays Current Acc - £379.96 less unpresented cheques of £125 ; Barclays Business Reserve Savings Acc – £10842.50 ii. Monies received: EDDC Precept 2nd payment £4176.50;EDDC CTDG £113.50; Allotment rent £20 iii. Cheques to be Authorised: DALC (031) £30 (course fees); X2 Connect (032) £63.20 (glass for BT box) ; D.Main (033) £718.14 (2nd qtr. salary); Atlas Fencing (034) £60 (repair);Vision ICT(035) £288 (website hosting) iv. Transfer of funds from Business Reserve to Current Account- A letter was signed asking for the transfer of £1175.00 to be transferred from Business Savings Account to the Current Account All the above financial items proposed for approval by Cllr Hawkins and seconded by Cllr Lenehan.

5. Report from Parish Hall Rep: Cllr Mealing had attended the Hall Managers meeting. Cllr Mealing had asked if an information leaflet, on the activities in the Hall, could be put together by the various Hall Reps to go in a Village Welcome pack. Tony Freemantle is retiring as Hall secretary and an advert for a new secretary will be put in the Calendar. 6. Correspondence: a. Correspondence received: 1. EDDC Planning- Notification- APPEAL REF: APP/U1105/A/14/2223944 & 2223948 Location: Land at Weeks Farm – Appeal Dismissed 2. EDDC Planning- Notification-15/1899/VAR-Talewater Farm, Talewater-Removal of condition no 2 of planning approval 06/0613/FUL to allow residential use – Planning Meeting arranged for 16th September at the North Aisle Church at 7pm 3. Letter from Mr Ralph- Thank you letter for the Voucher received for completing the Internal Audit 4. Ottery St Mary Locality Health & Care Team- Notice of meeting on 28th September, Cllr Hawkins will attend the meeting. 5. North Devon Healthcare Consultation – notice of hospital closures in North Devon 6. Working Together event – Session to be held in Ottery including discussion on PTF and a speaker from The Lottery Grant fund- Cllrs Hawkins or Mealing will attend. 7. Devon Minerals Plan Consultation- Pre-submission document for consultation- no further comments to be submitted 8. East Devon Villages Plan Update- Clerk to email link to Neighbourhood Plan website to enable the Cllrs to consider the need for applying for Neighbourhood Area/Plan 6 b. Items of late correspondence: 1. Police Report: PCSO S Trail had reported that there had 24 recorded crimes for the period of August up until 5th September- all crimes related to Escot Beautiful Days. 2. Letter from Nigel Frost- Neighbourhood Highways Officer- In response to the matters reported in July he replied that “there are no cat. 1 safety defects at present BTW Larkbeare – Holly Ball Cross. Blue anchor Cross: the Pothole has had a reinstatement completed. There is a planned drainage work to be carried out at this location in this financial year. Lees meadow there are no cat. 1 safety defects at present. All our carriageways and footways are Inspected and if any safety defects are present they will be logged and reported back to the Neighbourhood Officer”. 6 c. Items for circulation: All items circulated by email

7. To Discuss progress with Welcome Pack for new residents: an update on the welcome pack was discussed, Cllr Samson had produced leaflets on Villages in Action and Talaton Open Gardens. Cllrs to make contact with reps for the other Village Groups to ask for their input.

8. To Discuss arrangements for Emergency Box: This item to be discussed at a later date as use of the Box would be dependent on Item 10- Purchase of Defibrillator.

9. Parish Maintenance: Items requiring attention (to include BT box, bus shelter, allotments & assets risk assessment). The Chairman and Clerk had carried out an inspection of the assets on the 8th September. Items requiring attention- Seat at Church Lane – 2 areas require sanding; Seat& Shelter at Bittery Cross – Strimming required: Seat at Beacon Cross- Nail requires fixing plus grass to be strimmed: Seats on the Moor- seat at Newtown end there is a dip in the ground which requires filing in; Noticeboard on Moor – rubber matting required to replace the cork board. The allotments had also been checked. Concern over the issue of weeds between Plot 6 and the fence was discussed, it was suggested that this may need to be rotavated several times a year. Quote to be obtained from Mr M Kingdon for including the strimming of Bittery Cross & Beacon Cross and for rotavating the edge of Plot no 6 in the contract for cutting the Moor. The following issues were raised by Cllrs for submission to DCC Highways  Pothole outside the first cottage at Larkbeare Cottages coming from the Holly Ball Cross side  Pothole outside Lashbrook Barn conversion  Black/white bollard flattened at the entrance to Hillside Carpark  All the Black/white bollards flattened/ pushed over on the road before the Railway Bridge on the Hillside side.  Rut in the middle of the road outside Millars Farm  Drain outside Beech House does not drain away  Sign for the recent roadworks has been left at the top of Deep Lane and requires to be collected. Cllr Spry reported that a satellite dish had been bolted on to the Parish Council noticeboard outside the shop, this had happened after the asset check.

10. To Discuss purchase of Defibrillator: after receiving more information on the cost and use of defibrillators from Cllr Samson it was agreed to arrange a date for one of the Community Officers to visit to discuss the type, siting, training etc. of a defibrillator. Once the full details and costings are obtained then the purchase of a machine will be considered by the Council.

11. To Discuss Parishes Together Fund: No further details or proposals received. To be discussed on next agenda.

12. To Discuss Quality Council Scheme Accreditation: The Clerk had circulated the details of the scheme to the Cllrs prior to the meeting. The Council have Foundation standard till January 2016 and after discussion it was agreed that the PC will apply for Foundation standard for 2016.

13. Items for information only or discussion on the next agenda: In response to the matter of the building on the Plot north of Beacon Cross, the Clerk had contacted the Enforcement Officer and he had no concerns over the use of materials. Cllrs looked at the plans and there was only a slight change to the facias being used which they felt was not an issue. Cllr Hawkins had been contacted over the placing of 12 bike ramps on the strip of land going towards Riverswood, concerns had been raised over the dangers of pedestrians tripping up. The path in question is not a public footpath and it is on private property therefore the PC has no jurisdiction to intervene.

14. Matters of Urgency-items not on the Agenda to be discussed at Chairman’s discretion: the matter of the Satellite dish to be looked into.

15. Date of next meeting- Next meeting will be Wednesday 7h October at 7.30pm Date of next Drop-In – Saturday 17th October 10am - midday

16. Close of meeting - the Chairman thanked everyone for attending. The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Signed…………………………………………………………. Dated……………......

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