I.T. Support Provider S Group
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Minutes of the 31st meeting of the I.T. Support Provider’s Group held on Tuesday 13 th October 2009 at 2.00pm in Central Meeting Room 15.
Present: Richard Adams (AACS), Mark Allen (AACS), Hugh Balhatchet (FELS), Richard Baker (RC06), Steve Batie (AACS), Geoff Bradshaw (Science), Rita Browne (RC12), Kevin Clay (LTS), Brandon Cooke (Science), Wes Davis (HR), Dave Dawson (RC05), Paul Dring (RC05), Martyn Fearn (AACS), Amanda Gale (MSDG), Lisa Galloway (RC13), Adrian Gray (Estates), Sarah Grindrod (RC04), Alison Hall (RC09), David Hooton (WTDS), Iftkhar Hussain (OUW), Mark Islam (RC07), Chris Knight (LTS), Pacome Ledormeur (RC01), Lewis McCann (KMi), Felicity McGill (RC03), Menno Meijer (MSDG), Jane Mooney (RC13), Sonja Odell (MCT), Richard Rawstron (RC07), Martin Scott (RC02), Paul Soady (AACS), Moyra Smith (RC11), Jon Steggles (OUVS), Graham Storey (LSTU), Christina Sutcliffe (Comms), Ges Taylor (RC04), Steve Tebbutt (RC05), Andrew Tinson (Arts) Peter Thompson (RC02), Graham Wakley (COBE), Sandra Watson (Strategy), Stephanie Webster (OUBS), Marcus Whelband (LTS), Venetia Williams (HSC).
Apologies: John Meaden (RC01), Wayne Liddle (RC08), Rose Mepham (Arts), Angela Redgewell (Arts), Chris Stringer (AACS).
In Attendance: Martin Burton (Internet Videocommunications), Richard Lampert (AACS), Dianne Sutton (AACS), Phil Thomas (AACS), Neil Walker (AACS).
1.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the 30th ITSPG meeting (ITSPG/30/M) were accepted.
2.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes Richard Adams to contact the AACS Computer Centre about visitor accounts; Richard advised that generic network accounts are longer created, but generic access to specific websites is still possible. Contact Jeanette Miller (mailto:j.j.miller) for more information.
3.0 Presentations A workshop covering Office Communicator (Hannah Quaintrell, AACS-NSI), The Active Directory (Dianne Sutton, AACS-PCST), and Swapping PCs (Paul Soady, AACS-TSS) was held in the morning; it was attended by 23 ITSPs. Active Directory Update – see 8.0 Technical Services.
4.0 Chair’s Report
- 1 - Hugh Balhatchet requested feedback on the meeting format and the upgraded videoconferencing facilities (mailto:h.n.balhatchet).
5.0 Report from ITSPG Sub-Group No items offered.
6.0 OU Systems No items offered.
7.0 User Services Richard Adams reported that AACS-TDS has been renamed AACS-TSS (Training and Support Services), and now includes some staff from AACS-SSIT in a new team called Specialist Support and Development (SSD). See http://intranet.open.ac.uk/aacs/usg/tss/ for more details. A pilot of Windows 7 will start shortly with its likely deployment on the OU Desktop in 2010, provided it is compatible with University systems. The deployment of either Office 2007 or 2010 has not been decided. He requested ITSPs’ views on both deployments (mailto:r.m.adams). In response to Chris Knight, Richard reported that hardware requirements will be factored into the deployment. (Post meeting note – an email ‘Windows 7 Testing/Evaluation’ was sent to all ITSPs on 23rd October.)
Martyn Fearn reported that a web interface is being developed by AACS-TSS-SSD to allow ITSPs to list VPN users in their unit. Smita Patel has returned from maternity leave.
Steve Batie advised that units will be notified shortly of their computer allocations. Distribution of the Microsoft Campus and Select software is being modified to allow quicker deployment. Printer and multi- function device (MFD) usage is being studied; the results will be presented at the next meeting. Hugh Balhatchet noted that MFD toner replacement can take upto three weeks; Steve replied that the matter has been raised with Danwood. A spare cartridge should be held and, since each one gives upto 30,000 copies, any delay should not cause problems. AACS has limited storage space and Danwood technicians carry only limited supplies. Andrew Tinson expressed disappointment with Danwood support, while Felicity McGill praised it; Steve requested feedback (mailto:s.j.batie) Stephanie Webster reported problems editing submitted ESIs; Steve agreed to advise.
Paul Soady spoke on ‘ARCHAE, PC Replacement, Repairs and Disposal’; the database currently contains almost 18000 computers, 3000 printers and 222 MFDs. ITSPs must ensure that it is kept up to date for both audit and insurance purposes. Displaced equipment must be returned to AACS with all components so it may be deployed elsewhere. Redundant equipment without an Archae number must have a serial number. Faulty Samsung TFT monitors are now swapped out with replacements. Dianne Sutton noted that many ARCHAE and AR System entries show hardware as being delivered and in store.
Phil Thomas (AACS) and Martin Burton (Internet Videocommunications) demonstrated the new videoconferencing (VC) facilities in CMR15. CMRs 3, 6, 7, and 11, East Perry CETL meeting room, and
2 most units have been updated, with 100 VC systems now available. Functionality includes conferencing by telephone, a software VC client for desktop computers, a desktop HD VC system for offices, and meeting room systems, the latter demonstrated at the meeting. Features available include widescreen HD VC, multi-site audio and videoconferencing, and conference recording. The desktop client is now licenced in terms of numbers in use, not total installations. Information on the facilities at each location is available at http://intranet.open.ac.uk/aacs/usg/tds/ouvchelp/. Booking uses a web based system, which will include the option for conference recording. He requested feedback on training needs (mailto:p.a.thomas). A new HD bridge has been implemented with the old bridge retained for audio conferencing. In future, participants will use a shared phone number and a pincode. Dianne Sutton agreed to investigate making the desktop VC client available as an OU Desktop install.
In response to regional ITSPs, Phil replied that bandwidth constraints should not be a problem once the WAN upgrade is completed in November. Several ITSPs mentioned the features available in Office Communicator; Phil replied that it is a separate product, currently administered by AACS-NSI. Martyn Fearn noted that Office Communicator is suitable for home use. Andrew Tinson was concerned about the administration of VC bookings in regional offices; regional ITSPs replied that they are generally notified but procedures vary. In response to Rita Browne, Phil reported that the new booking system could allow ITSPs to amend other users’ bookings, or this may be delegated to AACS-TSS; they will administer the booking system and provide first level support. Alison Hall, Graham Storey and Lewis McCann stressed the importance of the email reminders to check room bookings and resolve problems. Phil concluded by suggesting that a unified booking system for both meeting rooms and VC would be desirable.
Action - Dianne Sutton to investigate making the desktop VC client available as an OU Desktop install.
8.0 Technical Services Dianne Sutton delivered a presentation, Active Directory Update, which is available at http://intranet.open.ac.uk/aacs/usg/tss/itsp/papers-2009.shtml and in \\Davisson\ITSPArea\ITSPG\Documents. She drew ITSP’s attention to the documents available at http://intranet.open.ac.uk/pcst/. Good housekeeping to remove redundant computers and unused groups was stressed. The Active Directory will be scanned for computers which have been inactive for 180 days, and then monthly for 90 days of inactivity. AR System tickets will be assigned to units to deal with these; if nothing is done within a month the computer will be moved to a ‘deletions’ container before deletion from the Active Directory several months later. Paul Soady noted that the computer’s DNS entry must also be removed. Sonja Odell noted the problem of computers used to run equipment; Dianne advised that these should be placed in the Unit-SCE group with a full description. Guidelines are being formulated which will be distributed to ITSPs. Also, the Description field for all computers should include the location.
3 Sonja added that academics may use computers off campus for long periods; Dianne replied that when remote Sophos updates on managed computers it shows on the Enterprise Console. Sonja noted that users can change a computer’s name; Dianne agreed to check with colleagues in AACS-PCST if this can be prevented In response to Hugh Balhatchet, Dianne demonstrated how to search the Active Directory for empty groups. In response to Chris Knight, Dianne advised that naming of virtual machines must reflect the base operating system; see the document at http://intranet.open.ac.uk/pcst/ for guidance.
Dianne concluded by reporting that Sophos for MacOS versions earlier than 10.4 will be withdrawn at the end of this year. Sophos for Linux is available from AACS-TSS. There has been a noticeable increase in infections detected in portable devices like USB drives, particularly Conficker.
Action - Dianne Sutton to check with colleagues in AACS-PCST if computer name changes by users can be prevented.
9.0 Any Other Business No items offered.
10.0 Date of Next Meeting The 32nd meeting of the ITSP group will take place on Tuesday 2nd February 2010 in Central Meeting Room 15.