2011 Global Health & Humanitarian Summit

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2011 Global Health & Humanitarian Summit

2011 Global Health & Humanitarian Summit Drawing Near . . . and Drawing Prominent Speakers & Visionaries


March 30, 2011…Atlanta, Georgia

The Global Health and Humanitarian Summit being held at Emory University Campus, April 1-3, 2011. The Summit is attracting over 100 exhibitors and over 230 prominent speakers, non-profits and organizations from the U.S. and all over the World with kid’s events, FREE soccer balls to promote exercise, with outstanding humanitarian performances by artists, dancers and musicians. One of the highlights will be Dr. Neil Shulman (the “Real” Doc Hollywood) warmly introducing his best friend Dr. Patch Adams (the “Real” Patch Adams)! Thousands are expected to attend and listen to sessions that provide information on humanitarian efforts occurring around the world. The Summit is a unique opportunity to inspire others, create synergy among groups with similar objectives, and to give a resounding voice to humanitarians on a global basis all the while instilling a spreading desire to join in and make a difference – no matter how much or how little someone can offer. ITS ALL FREE – HOW GREAT IS THAT?

The goal of the second annual free Summit is designed to inspire individuals, small businesses, corporations and organizations to become active in humanitarian endeavors. The organizers hope to catapult the event into an international movement, which promotes similar events nationally and throughout the world. The networking opportunities create synergy, connections, and cooperation between humanitarian volunteer efforts globally as well as mentoring on how to start your own non-profit organization. PLEASE STEAL OUR IDEA! Bet you don’t see that very often but that is the invitation to other universities to follow and create their own Summits and inspire more to humanitarian acts and lives that serve others. This is a movement of monumental sorts to spur everyone to go out and CREATE YOUR OWN UNIQUE MOVEMENT!

The other prevailing theme is “HELLO HUMANITY!” Let’s MAKE ALL HUMANS HUMANITARIANS!

The 2011 event is open to anyone with an interest in humanitarian efforts. People from all political parties, religious backgrounds, nationalities, ages, states of health, and professions will be in attendance to help build a greater network of global humanitarians. View event details, programs as well as register as an attendee, speaker or exhibitor online at the website www.globalhumanitariansummit.org.

Speaker sessions include a variety of themes including Community/Public Health Efforts; Environmental & Education Programs; Poverty & Homeless Programs; Free Clinics; Clean Water Programs in Third World Countries;

Igniting the Humanitarian Spirit Around the World; Medical Volunteer Programs; Art & Healthcare; Humanitarian Advocacy Efforts; Integrative Health; Health Education; International Medical Missions and many more.


Global Health & Humanitarian Summit / Website: www.globalhumanitariansummit.org

“This year’s Global Health and Humanitarian Summit has attracted even more people in the spirit of giving back,” said Dr. Neil Shulman, associate professor at Emory University’s School of Medicine and Chairman of the event’s

Organizing Committee who is the “Real” Doc Hollywood from the movie Doc Hollywood, starring Michael J. Fox.

“The momentum and interest from last year's Summit has grown now into a movement of sorts as more people are inspired to volunteer and help their fellow humans.”

The renowned activist and humanitarian Dr Patch Adams – the “Real” Patch Adams who was played by Robin Williams in the movie Patch Adams will be there to speak, perform, and officiate the close of the event from 5:30 – 8:00 pm on Sunday, 4/3/11. He will be speaking about worldwide humanitarian endeavors, his own Gesundheit! Institute including his leading clown troupes of "nasal ambassadors" to places in need... whether it is Cuban pediatric wards, Kosovo war camps, or Russian orphanages. A not-to-be-missed portion of the event! Every day there are 19 suicides committed by U.S. veterans/troops not including the additional 39 attempts that were unsuccessful! EVERYDAY! A national crisis is occurring that demands our attention, a call to action, and an empathetic response! Learn what YOU can do during the 2-day Warrior to Citizen’s unveiling of their one-of-a-kind program, which is launching soon at Callaway Gardens, located in Pine Mountain, GA. This campus and retreat center addresses the emotional challenges faced by veterans, and active service members and their families. The programs help heal families, strengthen relationships, and assist them in building the necessary skills to manage military life and transitions back into their families and communities.

Meet Joanna Reid, a lovely twenty-five year old young woman who melts hearts with rare medical conditions that had never been reported together previously anywhere in the world to date. She’s had over 40 operations in the last decade, with medical costs exceeding over 10 million dollars, thankfully with insurance covering most of the expenses. Like so many others in our country, she could not survive without health insurance. From her experience the organization named Joanna Care was born to create awareness and offer financial support to those who need and are suffering from catastrophic illnesses. She’s grateful to be alive and helps others in a life-saving way.

Come and hear the compelling story of how vibrant 71 years young Ann Bassarab met and married her 34 year old Maasai warrior husband and together how they are bringing sustainability to their village of 2,000 people through an evolving model that marries a proud, ancient way of life to modern commerce with no homelessness, lawlessness or people left to go hungry. Sitting on the tip of the Serengeti, they banded together to preserve the endangered wildlife and their endangered way of life. It’s a love story and an inspirational humanitarian odyssey.

Don Smith was a successful Atlanta businessman who retired to the Caribbean living on his sailboat for over two years until a burning desire arose that his life purpose was still ahead of him and he had much more to do in helping others. So began Village Empowerment, a grassroots program he took to villages in Africa and the Philippines that teaches them to become self-sustainable within 12 months. After more than 50 success stories, the model engages that “parent” village to in turn sponsor and aid another village to becoming self-supporting. The true epitome of “Paying It Forward” not just one person at a time but one village at a time. Eva Herr is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to alternative medicine and the science of consciousness. She is considered by many to be one of the world’s luminaries regarding the topics of the science of consciousness and holistic healthcare/supplements/anti-aging and other preventive healthcare issues. Renowned as one of the most knowledgeable people relating to the mind, body, spirit health field, she reaches millions of loyal listeners via her weekly radio talk program, Infinite Consciousness on www.bbsradio.com, where she interviews the worlds Who’s Who of visionaries many of whom will be speaking at the Summit’s Special Session HOLISM: Physics to Holistic/Alternative Medicine such as Dr. Norman Shealy, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Burton Goldberg, Eric Lapp, Susan E Kolb, MD, FACS, ABHM, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, Dr. Magda Havas, Mike Greenberg DC among


Global Health & Humanitarian Summit / Website: www.globalhumanitariansummit.org others. If it’s out there . . . she knows about it. If you are thirsty for knowledge, she’s the person to ask . . . and you’ll get the REAL and TRUE answer as Eva is also a renowned and respected medical intuitive.

Lauren Kent-Delany (Director of Educational Programs) from The Carter Center will be presenting information on current projects at the Carter Center. This is a rare opportunity to learn more about President Jimmy Carter’s Non-Profit Organization that seeks to wage peace, fight disease and bring hope to everyday people living in life - threatening conditions caused by war, famine and disease. Issues here at home and globally will be discussed. Carter Center Opportunities for Internships will also be presented.

Another not-to-be-missed session is by John Papp, ACMS (American College of Sports Medicine) Trainer/Co- Founder of the Lifestyle Tune-Up. Also armed with a degree in Education, John has developed an innovative program from years of research and experience called, Lifestyle Tune-up, that revolves around four of the healthiest habits in the world, in regards to healthy eating and regular physical activity. What is most unique about his 7-Minutes for Better Fitness . . . yes . . . that’s 7 MINUTES!!! is that it combines stretch postures and regulated breathing, to reduce stress. He couples that with weight-bearing floor exercises that engage all the major muscle groups in the body, covering the lower body, core, and upper body and . . . you have FUN doing it!

Someone giving back in “leaps & bounds” is former professional basketball player and NBA stand-out Dennis Murray, Founder/Executive Director of Youth Development & Capacity Building, Inc. which is a youth mentoring program of the highest degree. Abandoned as a newborn, Dennis was placed in foster care where he endured a lot of pain throughout his up-bringing. His passion was fueled by this past anger and rage which helped him become a unique activist for children while avoiding the political pitfalls that govern youth issues nationwide. This amazing man is fiercely determined to not let that happen to other children through his unique youth mentoring and educational programs.

Beloved Atlantan humanitarian, John Shippee has the biggest heart and dedication to making a difference despite, as he describes, becoming “merely slowed down somewhat” by contracting an usually fatal brain tumor known as a glioblastoma which became reactivated again in recent months after four years. His body had to slow down a bit but not his passion for connecting people in all sectors to the resources they need, especially in non-profit, faith- based missions and humanitarian arenas. If you need it, John knows where you need to go or who to talk to.

These remarkable people and their causes are just a tip of the iceberg of what the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit has to offer to those already committed to serving others in some way and also for those that are just beginning to feel that stirring inside them.

The resounding theme is: Inspiring all to join in and give back by “giving of themselves.” When you “give OF yourself,” you actually “give TO yourself.” As you share, listen, and learn . . . a shift begins to occur within you first. Then it ripples out to others which in turn creates a shift in them and suddenly “Change” occurs which is the invitation to each and every one of us in the message of the Summit, “Help Change the World.” This begins with one person – one step and ultimately impacts us all. Even the small act of licking envelopes for a worthy cause can affect change. **********************

For more information, contact:

Media Contact: Tess Cunningham Summit Coordinator: Eric Kocher Phone/Fax: (706) 316-1600/Cell: (706) 461-4666 Cell: (404) 428-7085 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Event Press Room (1): Emory School of Medicine-Room 178P, 1648 Pierce Dr, 30322 Event Press Room (2): White Hall-Room 205, 301 Dowman Dr, Atlanta, GA 30322


Global Health & Humanitarian Summit / Website: www.globalhumanitariansummit.org

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