The Tewksbury Township Committee Met in a Work Session at on the Above Date at the Municipal

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The Tewksbury Township Committee Met in a Work Session at on the Above Date at the Municipal


The Tewksbury Township Committee met in a work session at on the above date at the Municipal Building, Mountainville, NJ. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM, roll call held and a quorum established. Mayor William J. Voyce presided.

Other officials in attendance were Township Committee members, Dianne Clarke-Kudless, Thomas G. Kenyon, George Tauber and Shaun Van Doren.

Jesse Landon, Township Administrator and Roberta Brassard, Municipal Clerk were in attendance.

There were approximately four members of the public in attendance.

1. Open Public Meetings Statement The Open Public Meetings Statement was read by Mayor Voyce.

2. Executive Session At 7:30 PM Dr. Clarke-Kudless moved adoption of the following Resolution, seconded by Mr. Van Doren. The motion was approved. Ayes: Clarke-Kudless, Kenyon, Tauber, Van Doren, Voyce. Nays: None.


BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-13 and 10:4-12 that the Tewksbury Township Committee hold a closed session to discuss Advice of Attorney, Land Acquisition and Personnel.

It is expected that the discussion undertaken in closed session can be made public at the time official action is taken.

______William J. Voyce Mayor

3. Reconvened The meeting reconvened at 8:00 PM.

4. Flag Salute Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the American flag.

5. Correspondence The Correspondence List is attached to the minutes.

6. Public Participation


Hank Klumpp questioned how Tewksbury became part of the Highlands. He stated that he did not think that there was a public forum to hear public opinion/concern regarding becoming part of the Highlands.

Mr. Kenyon stated that the decision was made by the State Department of Environmental Protection and Mr. Klumpp should contact that office.

Mr. Klumpp noted a conversation with former Mayor Robert Heffernan, at which time Mayor Heffernan noted that Tewksbury “was in”. He stressed that there should be a written record of action taken to place Tewksbury in the Highlands.

Mr. Kenyon noted a meeting held in Trenton at which approximately 18 Mayors and 5 Officials were present to discuss the Highlands Act.

Mr. Klumpp stated that the Highlands Act has had a devastating affect on large lot land owners, adding that he would like to see a scientific study as to why Tewksbury is in the core area of the Highlands.

In response to a question by David Barnes, Mr. Van Doren stated that the material related to Cross Acceptance is “sitting in Trenton collecting dust” but there are plans for working on it in 2006. Discussion followed concerning the Planning Areas and the fact that Tewksbury’s wishes are different from those of other municipalities in Hunterdon County. Mr. Barnes questioned the matter of raffle licenses listed on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Barnes noted a letter from Readington Township regarding reclassification of the Rockaway Creek in the area of the Township designated as the Rockaway Village District. Mr. Barnes noted a matter brought up at the Planning Board regarding a possible conflict of interest with a Township professional. Mr. Tauber noted that this could be best answered by the Planning Board.

7. Moment of Silence A moment of silence was held for George Yawger, Sr.

8. Appointment Mr. Tauber made a motion to appoint Donald Broughton to a one year term to the Equestrian Committee, seconded by Dr. Clarke-Kudless. The motion was adopted. Ayes: Clarke-Kudless, Kenyon, Tauber, Van Doren, Voyce. Nays: None.

9. Actions to be taken  Consent Agenda Mr. Van Doren requested that Resolution #52-2006 be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Kenyon moved adoption of the Consent Agenda as amended, seconded by Mr. Van Doren. A roll call vote was taken and the motion was adopted. Ayes: Clarke-Kudless, Kenyon, Tauber, Van Doren, Voyce. Nays: None.



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Tewksbury, County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey that the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to make the following transfers.

2005 Budget Appropriation Transfers

Current Fund

From: (Inside CAP) To: (Inside CAP) Land Use S&W 10.00 Land Use OE 10.00 Board of Health S&W 250.00 Board of Health OE 250.00 TOTAL 260.00 TOTAL 260.00

From: (Outside CAP) To: (Outside CAP) LOSAP 6,130.00 Affordable Housing OE 5,930.00 Stat. Exp - PERS/PFRS/Def. Comp 200.00 TOTAL 6,130.00 TOTAL 6,130.00

______William J. Voyce Mayor


 Claims as submitted by the CFO  Minutes of 3/14/06  Executive Session minutes of 3/14/06  Authorization to have Mayor sign Findings and Determinations for 5/20/06 on premise raffle  Authorization to have Mayor sign Findings and Determinations for 5/20/06 off premise raffle

Mr. Van Doren was recused from voting on the following Resolution as he is related to a property owner living within 200 feet of the property in question (quarry).

Mr. Tauber moved adoption of Resolution #52-2006, seconded by Dr. Clarke-Kudless. A roll call vote was taken and the motion was adopted. Ayes: Clarke-Kudless, Kenyon, Tauber, Voyce. Nays: None. Recused: Van Doren.





WHEREAS, the Township of Tewksbury (“Township”) adopted an ordinance regulating quarrying and requiring a license to conduct that activity on June 27, 2000 (“Ordinance”); and

WHEREAS, Stavola Quarries, LLC, 810 Thompson Avenue, Bound Brook, New Jersey (“Stavola”) is the owner of a quarry known as the Oldwick Materials Quarry, Oldwick, New Jersey (“Quarry”); and

WHEREAS, Stavola applied for and received a Quarry License for the year 2005; and

WHEREAS, Stavola pursuant to the Ordinance has submitted to the Township a Quarry License Application for the year 2006 which is being reviewed by the Township Engineer and Planner; and

WHEREAS, Stavola wishes to continue with a temporary license until such time as a plenary Quarry License is granted to it; and

WHEREAS, Stavola has been provided with a copy of this Resolution in advance of it being passed by the Mayor and Committee and has consented to the terms and conditions thereto.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Tewksbury, Hunterdon County, New Jersey that Stavola Quarries, LLC be and is hereby granted a temporary license to operate the Oldwick Materials Quarry for the period from January 1, 2006 to July 14, 2006, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The license to operate hereby granted is not a plenary license and the operation of the Oldwick Materials Quarry shall be limited to the activities set forth herein. The license shall expire the earlier of July 14, 2006, the issuance of a plenary license or the failure of the Oldwick Materials Quarry to strictly comply with the conditions of this Resolution.

2. All operations of the Oldwick Materials Quarry will be conducted, and permitted only in accordance with Ordinance and the terms and conditions of the 2005 Quarry License

3. Except for local deliveries within one mile of this exit, Stavola shall prohibit all dump trucks and vehicles having a gross weight, in excess of four tons from making a right-hand turn onto Rockaway Road when exiting the Quarry. Stavola will post adequate signage at the exit of the Quarry to notify truck drivers of this restriction

4. The granting of this temporary license is without prejudice and does not grant to Stavola any “grandfather rights” to operate or carry on any quarry operations of any type, nor does it assure Stavola that it will be granted a Quarry License for the year 2006 or thereafter. Stavola acknowledges, by accepting the temporary license granted herein, that it must comply

4 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MARCH 28, 2006 MINUTES with all requirements of the Ordinance in order to receive a plenary license for the year 2006.

______William J. Voyce Mayor

8. Public Participation David Barnes noted that PSE&G crews are cutting trees along the power lines, adding that he feels they are doing a “horrendous job.”

Donald Storms questioned if some stone could be placed on the right of way on 512 adjacent to his property. It was noted that this property is owned by URWA and they should be contacted directly in order to see if this could be done.

Hank Klumpp noted his ongoing concern with the discussion of constructing a new library in the Township because he did not have a clear idea as to how many people currently utilize the service. He opined that the amount of money being considered is too high. Mr. Tauber noted that the County Library Board and Freeholders have undertaken an overall facilities plan for the entire County with regard to library related matters. It was noted that the results of this plan will be presented at a meeting to be held on 4/12/06 and subsequent public hearings will be held regarding the matter. Additional comments were made regarding the possibility of Tewksbury withdrawing from the North Hunterdon Voorhees (NHV) High School district. Mayor Voyce provided information regarding the matter of Clinton Township’s proposed withdrawal. It was noted that a meeting is scheduled for 3/30/06 to further discuss the matter from the NHV side. It was further noted that if Clinton Township were to withdraw, a majority vote from the twelve sending districts would be needed.

Mr. Storms questioned if funding for additional classrooms for the Tewksbury Elementary School was being requested by the Board of Education (BOE). It was stated that there is a budget meeting planned by the BOE on 3/29/06 at 7:00 PM. Mr. Tauber noted that he was not at all impressed with the demographic study as presented by the Tewksbury Board of Education. Additional discussion followed regarding the position of superintendent in the school districts.

9. Township Committee Comments Dr. Clarke-Kudless noted the following points.  The award to the Sister Cities International – Global Citizenship Program is being submitted on 3/31/06.  Applications were submitted for the Youth Award and the League of Municipalities Leadership Award and are being reviewed by members of the Communications Committee.

Mr. Van Doren noted the following points.  A Resolution opposing A-2486 was adopted and the bill has since been amended to be a voluntary act.  The bid has been awarded for $490,000 for work to be done on bridge T-87.


 A TID meeting has been scheduled for 4/4/06.  A discussion was held with the Deputy Commissioner of the DOT to discuss comments and discussion made regarding signage at Exit 24 of I-78 on Route 523. Representatives will come to Tewksbury to review the matter.

Mayor Voyce noted the following points.  There is a meeting of the NHV school board scheduled for 3/30/06.  The Mayor’s Summit is scheduled for 4/6/06. Mr. Van Doren will run the new member training class to be held in the near future.  A plaque was recently received from the Lebanon Borough Fire Company commending Tewksbury for its Continued Interest and Dedication.

10. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Roberta A. Brassard Municipal Clerk


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