AIAA Greater Philadelphia Section s1

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AIAA Greater Philadelphia Section s1

AIAA Greater Philadelphia Section May Council Meeting 05/01/2011 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Teleconference: Jackelynne Silva, Brian Anderson, Matthew Johnson


Symposium Recap Yuri’s Night Recap Philadelphia Science Festival Recap Elections Process Update Honors and Awards Nominations Honors and Awards Gala Actions

Actions in blue

Philadelphia Science Festival: - General consensus was that event went well Council feedback: o Jacky – Thanks to everyone who supported the event, it was another success. We should definitely participate again next year and get the insurance at the beginning of the council term. o Brian – Event went really well, had a good turnout, Justin’s experiment, handouts and giveaways were really nice and more than enough o Matt – Event had good turnout despite the rainy weather, good interest in AIAA displays and materials

Honors and Awards Nominations and Gala: - May 14 deadline for award nominations. Council to nominate colleagues and students for awards and scholarship. - Liza has sent letters to schools to let them know about the scholarship. - Jacky has contacted Keynote Speaker for Gala, a Space Architect, author of AIAA book, working at NASA JPL. - Jacky: Need council representation at Gala. We did a lot this year and want to recognize everyone for your hard work. Mark your calendars for 5/21. Page 1 of 6 Actions: - End of the Year reports are needed. Jacky will send forms out to event leads. Leads to complete forms by 5/29. - Matt: Distribution list organization is in good shape, still finalizing last emails. - Jacky will send an email to the council asking for status of the different events.

Outside of meeting

Jacky’s email: Hi Council,

Hope you all are ok. Today's council meeting was not as good as others. We only had Brian, Matt and myself on the call. I'm assuming most people forgot due to the awesome weather. I knew from Brett, Ryan and Lyza who were not going to be able to call and sent out the status of their activities. Matt will be sending out the minutes with that info. However, for those who did not make it please submit your inputs to the team as follows:

1. Symposium recap --> Justin to send presentation slides --> Council members who attended symposium to provide feedback on what they think went well at the symposium and what can be improved

2. Yuri's Night recap --> Eric to send recap of how the event went --> Council members who attended symposium to provide feedback on what they think went well at the symposium and what can be improved

3. Elections Process --> Eric to send status to the Council (voting/elections dates, electronic method for ballots that will be used, status of nominations, do all positions have nominees?, what kind of help is needed from the council?)

4. Honors and Awards Nominations --> All council members are highly encouraged to nominate friends/colleagues for our section awards. Please refer to the call for nominations email for details on the different awards and submit your nominations to Liza by May 14. Page 2 of 6

5. Honors and Awards Gala Logistics --> Venue and food are being worked out by Liza. It is scheduled for Saturday, May 21st. Please mark this in your calendars! I would like for all of us to be present at this event. It is the closure of our term and we should end it good. Make plans to bring your spouses, significant others, friends or family members.

6. May Newsletter --> Please provide articles to Ryan so he can add it to our last newsletter. He sent/will send a reminder with the dates.

7. End of the Year Report --> It is due May 31st, same day as when our term ends. I will be sending you the forms to fill out for the events you led, this was we can divide the work and present it in an organized manner. There is another 12 page report that we need to put together; I will do most of the work but will be seeking for your inputs before submitting it. Our pictures will help us with this effort.

8. Actions --> Please review the council actions (attached) and make sure you have completed them. Feel free to call me or send me an email with the status of those actions or any other comments/concerns.

Thanks again for all your hard work on our section events. We are truly making a difference and it is shown in the smiles of the kids and members we met at our events.

See you all on May 21st!

-Jacky (862) 703-8027

Page 3 of 6 Ryan’s inputs on Newsletter: Hi all, Just wanted to remind everyone to send me any inputs you might have for the newsletter. I'd like to get it out this week if possible, but I don't have much to work with at the moment so that might not work. Please try to send me whatever you can as soon as you can! Thanks, Ryan

Justin’s inputs on Symposium: Hi there. My apologies as well. I could not make it home in time to participate. As promised, I did prepare and upload the outbrief presentation regarding the symposium. I would certainly appreciate everyone take the time to read through it and comment on it. In short - I think we may have made some real strides this year (see, for example, Brett's feedback below). We can also learn a good deal from our recent experiences / observations and create a more successful event moving forward.

Whenever the time comes to sit down and plan for the next symposium I would strongly recommend defining the criteria for success against which we'll measure performance of the event. Doing so will "bound" the planning and ensure that too much time / resources aren't wasted in areas that are not prioritized.

Charts are on Sharepoint: RootFolder=%2fRegions%2fNE%2fGreater%5fPhiladelphia%2fPrivate%20Section%20Documents%2fSymposium %202011%2f2011%5fPlanning&FolderCTID=&View=%7b76B4932E%2d3243%2d49CC%2d929A %2d24008A9C4D74%7d

I am volunteering to keep them as an active document to capture additional comments and feedback. I have written the charts with embedded questions and comments that I hope will generate thoughts and feedback from you. I will absolutely be happy to discuss further and keep these thoughts current so they might help in the planning of the 2012 event.

Best regards, Justin

Page 4 of 6 Brett’s inputs on Finance: Hi everyone. I apologize for missing today's meeting, I thought it was last weekend. Then I didn't see the reminder until too late today.

Here's our current budget situation: checking account: $7,511.44. Cash on hand: $146.50. Total: $7,657.94

Earlier tonight I sent a separate email to Jacky, Justin & Ofer about the symposium income & expenses. Here's the summary: Income (including HQ contributions): $3,598.70 Expenses: $3,287.20 Net: +$311.50 (!!)

These numbers are subject to change--there are some HQ contributions for Young Professionals I haven't accounted for yet, in expenses. But at this point it looks like a great success, financially.

I was at both the Symposium and Yuri's night. I'll give brief comments here since I'm writing anyway.

Symposium: * Overall, great first-class event. Way to go, Justin! Getting the corporate hosting was a huge benefit in several ways. Justin was shocked at the food cost, but when we've had it at the Plymouth Meeting Doubletree their cost for space and food was comparable, so I think the corporate location benefits are far greater. This was definitely the best we've held yet, in terms of attendance, content, stature, and maybe exhibitors.

Yuri's Night: I had a lot of fun, and met a variety of people. This location is great, because it's right next to the AIAA historic plaque! We should play that up and use the location for future events, I think. I do think it was heavy on Drexel attendance, which is understandable given the free food and drinks, so we might want to adjust future events to ask for donations or somehow increase the professional attendance. I could tell a decent number of attendees were there for the "free" benefits, not necessarily the aerospace topic or AIAA angle. But there were also a decent number there for the reason we hoped. I even met a couple of real Russians! (They were celebrating for the same reason but didn't know we were there too.)

Thanks a lot for all of your leadership and organization, Jackelynne. If anyone has questions or requests for me, let me know.

Regards, Brett

Eric’s inputs on Yuri’s Night and Elections status: Hello Council,

Sorry for the delayed response. As for the elections, we're still looking for people to fill several slots:

- Chair - Honors & Awards - Communications - Technical

Page 5 of 6 I haven't heard too much from the current council members in terms of nominations. Are any of you looking to continue your involvement in next year's council? As of now, I only have about 3-4 current council members who have expressed interest in continuing their participation on the council for next year. I think we have a good team now, so if you're thinking of staying on board, please let me know which position you're interested in.

We're a little behind schedule, so the sooner you can provide your input, the better.


Eric -

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