Refer: Ministry of Education. (2007). the New Zealand Curriculum for English-Medium Teaching

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Refer: Ministry of Education. (2007). the New Zealand Curriculum for English-Medium Teaching

NZTA: Safer Journeys and the BIG Event The Arts and Health and Physical Education k r o

w BIG [adjective] 1. Large. 2. Above average in size, quantity, magnitude or extent. 3. Significant. e Event [noun] 1. An important incident. 2. Something that happens at a given place or time. 3. A gathering. 4. An organised occasion. e.g. ceremony, meeting, festival, concert, sporting competition. m a r F

g Learning Area: Level: Values: Key Competencies: Integration: Suggestions n i n n a l

P The Arts. Level 1 Excellence Thinking English l e Level 2 Innovation Managing self The Arts d o Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka Level 3 Diversity Participating and contributing Health and Physical Education

M wehiwehi, ka aweawe te ao Level 4 Equity Relating to others Learning Languages m katoa. Level 5 Community and Participation Making meaning from language, Mathematics and Statistics u l

u Ecological Sustainability symbols and text Science c In the Arts, students explore, i r Teachers to highlight Integrity Social Sciences r refine, and u relevant level Respect Technology

C communicate ideas as they

g connect thinking, n i There is a strong technology link here. If you want to integrate this learning area, k imagination, senses, and n i feelings to create works and refer to the Technology unit to cut/paste and modify the context. Add to this h

T respond to the works of teaching plan.

n others. o d e k Health and Physical o o Education. H He oranga ngākau, he pikinga waiora.

In health and physical education, students learn about their own wellbeing, and that of others and society, in health-related and movement contexts.

Key Concept Driving Question: Subsidiary Questions: These are the questions that students will be able to respond to. Understanding: When you travel smart, 1. Describe safe travel (when going to and from an event). you travel safe. Are you ready to travel to the BIG Event? 2. Explain how smart choices can result in safe travel (when going to and from an event). 3. Create a resource to help people travel smart and safe (when going to and from an event).

Achievement Objectives: Learning Intentions: Learning Experiences: These have been written in three areas. 1. Bringing in ideas 2. Connecting and linking ideas 3. Putting ideas into another context Select the achievement Schools will have their own criteria for developing learning objectives that best match the intentions. Examples are included below. Highlight the Learning Your challenge: abilities of your students. Intention/s that best match the abilities of your students. Write your Design a road sign or a series of E-road signs that can be on display throughout New Zealand on digital signage. This is very WALTs from these. important as approximately 85,000 visitors can realistically be expected to visit New Zealand during a big event. Many of these Visual Arts visitors will be unaware of our safe travel rules as the rules will be different in each country, e.g. some countries drive on the Visual Arts other side of the road. As well as this, many visitors might not speak English or may be unaware of international signage. To Level One and Level Two Level One and Two overcome this, the NZTA thought that a visual representation may have more impact to make sure that all travellers travel smart Developing Practical Define a ‘sign’. and travel safe when attending a big event in New Zealand. Knowledge Identify the purpose of signs. Explore a variety of materials Identify the purpose of different signs. Your design brief includes the following criteria: select a big event and represent this; include a New Zealand flavour and the and tools and discover Identify the signs that keep them safe. “travel smart and travel safe” message. Present this in a digital framework. These messages would be displayed at all points of elements and selected Describe the features of a sign for a warning (text, font, colour, entry into New Zealand, as well as along roadsides throughout the country. They would also be played on the backs of chairs in principles. images etc). the stadiums that are hosting events. You will need to decide on the five most important messages about “travel smart and travel Developing Ideas Explain how features of a sign are used for impact. safe” to represent in your signage. Investigate visual ideas in Compare and contrast different signs in the local area. response to a variety of Explain the consequences of not having signs. As a class you can co-construct a rubric or judging sheet, including all criteria, that can be used to self-assess/peer assess/teacher motivations, observation, and Explain the message that images on signs convey. assess or can be used by an independent judge. imagination. Classify signs. Communicating and Create a digital sign that has a “travel smart and travel safe” Interpreting message. The following links are of images of signage worldwide that can be used as a classroom resource. Teachers will need to view each Share the ideas, feelings, and Reflect on the effectiveness of the message they are trying to link before putting on the data projector in case of inappropriate material which may appear. Have fun exploring the different and stories communicated by their convey in their sign. the quirky. own and others’ objects and Explore signage locally and discover elements and selected images. principles. Google Images: < Explore the qualities and effects of different signs. imgurl= Level Three Use a variety of art techniques, tools, materials, processes, and m/keyword/traffic%2520signs%2520and%2520symbols/&usg=__X6GZfjwN4OCOqW61- Developing Practical procedures to make “travel smart and travel safe” signs. sTO4AvfSvA=&h=522&w=420&sz=219&hl=en&start=7&sig2=fHs2VR79RXn2z1vMtJDfyw&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=kvmbhWmxYyUC6 Knowledge Describe visual ideas in response to travelling in different parts of Explore some art-making New Zealand environments. M:&tbnh=131&tbnw=105&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsigns%2Band%2Bsymbols%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz conventions, applying Express visual ideas in response to a variety of modes of transport %3D1T4SKPB_enNZ356NZ356%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=Bi9NTMzrGYL6sAOyj8BIsigns> A visual resource of arrange of road signage. knowledge of elements and that can be used to travel around New Zealand. selected principles through Use imagination and observation when making different signs on Google Images: < the use of materials and different surfaces. %3A1&sa=1&q=signs+and+symbols&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of signs and symbols. processes. Use a new way to create a sign. Developing Ideas Use signage to communicate your “travel smart and travel safe” Google Images: < Develop and revisit visual ideas to others. %3A1&sa=1&q=funny+signs+on+the+road&aq=2&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=funny+signs&gs_rfai> A visual resource of funny road ideas, in response to a variety Talk about your own and others' signs. signage from around the world. of motivations, observation, Describe how and why meaning is conveyed in your own and others’ and imagination, supported signs. Google Images: < by the study of artists’ works. %3A1&sa=1&q=warning+signs+on+the+road&aq=2m&aqi=g1g-m2&aql=&oq=+signs+on+the+road&gs_rfai> A visual resource of Communicating and Level Three warning signs worldwide. Interpreting Explore conventions of using signage locally and in other places. Describe the ideas their own Apply knowledge of elements and principles when designing/making Traffic signs: Google Images: < and others’ objects and signs. %3A1&sa=1&q=traffic+signs+on+the+road&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of traffic signs. images communicate. Explore conventions, procedures, and processes to make “travel smart and travel safe” signs. Google Images: < Level Four Use a variety of art techniques, tools, and materials. %3A1&sa=1&q=snow+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of snow signs. Developing Practical Develop visual ideas in response to walking in different Knowledge environments, and viewing the different signage used in other Google Images: < Explore and use art-making places. um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enNZ356NZ356&tbs=isch:1&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&gs_rfai=&q=water%20signs> A visual conventions, applying Generate and develop ideas in response to a variety of motivations resource of water signage. knowledge of elements and about signage and the message of travel smart and travel safe”. selected principles through Uses imagination to create new ideas. Google Images: < the use of materials and Uses invention with signage ideas. %3A1&sa=1&q=airport+signs&aq=f&aqi=g2&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=rt> A visual resource of airport signs. processes. Create signage to communicate your “travel smart and travel safe” Developing Ideas ideas to others. Google Images: < Develop and revisit visual Explain the ideas communicated through safety signage over a range %3A1&sa=1&q=travelling+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of signs found when travelling. ideas in response to a variety of contexts. of motivations, observation, Investigate the purposes of selected signage. Google Images: < and imagination, supported Identifies the contexts for the creation, viewing and valuing of digital %3A1&sa=1&q=international+signs+and+symbols&aq=1&aqi=g2&aql=&oq=international+signs&gs_rfai> A visual resource of by the study of artists’ works. signage. international signs and symbols. Communicating and Interpreting Level Four Google Images: < Explore and describe ways in Explore conventions of different signage. %3A1&sa=1&q=rail+safety+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of railway signs. which meanings can be Explore conventions of safety/warning signs. communicated and Apply knowledge of different elements and selected principles of Google Images: < interpreted in their own and signage, and in particular safety signage. %3A1&sa=1&q=bicycle+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of bicycle signs and symbols. others’ works. Demonstrate an understanding of conventions, procedures, and processes when making signs. Google Images: < Level Five Develop visual ideas in response to developing smart travel and safe %3A1&sa=1&q=kayaking+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of kayaking signs and symbols. Developing Practical travel in New Zealand. Knowledge Revisit visual ideas developed in response to different safety and Google Images: < Apply knowledge of selected warning signs. %3A1&sa=1&q=pedestrian+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of pedestrian signs and conventions from established Revisit visual ideas developed in response to the ideas that could be symbols. practice, using incorporated in your own e-sign. appropriate processes and Generate ideas using observation and imagination to convey your Google Images: < procedures. message. %3A1&sa=1&q=safety+posters&aq=2&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=safety&gs_rfai> A visual resource of general road safety signs. Developing Ideas Develop ideas in response to a selected signs (e.g. international Generate, develop, and refine signs, skiing signs, funny signs etc). Google Images: < ideas in response to a variety Develop ideas in response to selected signs. %3A1&sa=1&q=safetysigns&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of general road safety signs. of motivations, Explore how the use of different media influences the including the study of communication of ideas in signage/safety signage. Google Images: < established practice. Describe how the use of different media influences the Communicating and communication of ideas in selected art works. %3A1&sa=1&q=mountain+safety+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of mountain safety signs. Interpreting Investigate the purposes of selected roadside signage. Google Images: < Compare and contrast the Create a sign to promote “travel smart and travel safe”. ways in which ideas and art- Create an E-Sign art exhibition space for your work and the work of um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enNZ356NZ356&tbs=isch:1&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&gs_rfai=&q=walking%20signs> A visual making processes are used to others to share with your community. resource of walking signs. communicate meaning in Reflect on how well you communicated a message. Respond to the selected objects and images. art of others. Google Images: < %3A1&sa=1&q=boat+safety+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of boat safety signage. Health Level Five Healthy Communities and Explore conventions of different signage. Google Images: < Environments D Explore conventions of safety/warning signs. %3A1&sa=1&q=bike+trail+safety+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of bicycle trail safety. Apply knowledge of different elements and selected principles of Level One signage, and in particular safety signage. Google Images: < D2 Community resources Demonstrate an understanding of conventions, procedures, and %3A1&sa=1&q=mountain+bike+safety+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of mountain bike Identify and discuss obvious processes when making signs. safety signs. hazards in their home, school, Develop visual ideas in response to developing smart travel and safe and local environment and travel in New Zealand. Google Images < adopt simple safety practices. Revisit visual ideas developed in response to different safety and um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enNZ356NZ356&tbs=isch:1&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&gs_rfai=&q=3D%20safety%20sign> A Level Two warning signs. visual resource of 3D signage. D2 Community resources Compare and contrast the different conventions of signage. Identify and use local Compare and contrast the placement of signs. Google Images: < community resources and Explain the message that they are trying to convey. %3A1&sa=1&q=3D+road+signs&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai> A visual resource of 3D road safety signs. explain how these contribute Revisit visual ideas developed in response to the ideas that could be to a healthy community. incorporated in your own E-sign. Generate new ideas to incorporate Google Images: < Level Three in outcome. %3A1&sa=1&q=signage+design&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=signage&gs_rfai> A visual resource of signage design. D2 Community resources Classify signs and the motivation behind the intended message. Participate in communal Analyse the elements of what makes a sign successful. Google Images: < events and describe how such Generate ideas using observation and imagination to convey your %3A1&sa=1&q=signage+ideas&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=signage+&gs_rfai> A visual resource of signage ideas. events enhance the well- message. being of the community. Develop ideas in response to a selected signs (e.g. international Google Images: < Level Four signs, skiing signs, funny signs etc). um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enNZ356NZ356&tbs=isch:1&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&gs_rfai=&q=safety%20signage%20ideas D2 Community resources Explore how the use of different media influences the %20for%20kids> A visual resource of signage ideas for kids. Investigate and/or access a communication of ideas in signage/safety signage. range of community resources Describe how the use of different media influences the Refer to the Health Learning Intentions and use as learning experiences to explore the risks/hazards/safety practices/people and that support well-being and communication of ideas in selected art works. organisations that help us in our community. These learning experiences can set the context for the visual arts learning evaluate the contribution Investigate the purposes of selected roadside signage. experiences below. made by each to the well- Select appropriate materials to create a sign. being of community Develop criteria to suit the placement of the sign. members. Create a sign to promote “smart travel safe travel”. Use Google Maps to locate your local area. Geo tag the location where everyone lives. Google: Level Five Create an E-Sign art exhibition space for your work and the work of Use a class list and Google Earth to calculate the distance each student travels to school. D2 Community resources others to share with your community. Use Google street view to drive around the local area. Investigate community Reflect on how well you communicated a message. Respond to the Get students to plan a route that the class will walk around so that students can identify different signage. services that support and outcomes of others. How many signs do the students pass on their way to school? promote people’s well-being How many of them are safety signs? and take action to promote Healthy Communities and Environments D Define a ‘sign’. personal and group D2 Community resources Define the ‘purpose of a sign’. involvement. D4 People and the environment Use Google Images to explore different signs; get children to select the signs they are familiar with. Find as many different types of signs as possible and get the students to classify the different types of signs. Healthy Communities and Highlight the learning intentions that are relevant to your level. Describe the times when signs are useful. Environments D Describe how different signs evoke different emotions. Define ‘hazard’. Google (Images) and view different signs from around the world (refer links above). Level One Describe hazards at home/at school/on the way to school/on roads. In groups, get students to sequence the signs in the order of the walk. Get students to classify; students can select the categories - D4 People and the Define ‘safety practices’. e.g. shape, colour, warning, information etc. environment Describe how safety practices can help you. In groups, get students to select their own categories and then put the photos in the correct categories (then repeat this, getting Take individual and collective Define ‘safety hazard’. the students to select different categories). action to contribute to Describe road safety hazards within a familiar context. Put examples of the signs photographed in your area up on a data projector. In pairs, get the students to explain to each other environments that can be Describe safety hazards encountered when in school. what each sign means. List the criteria that a warning sign should have; develop success criteria with students. enjoyed by all. Describe safety hazards encountered in local Photograph signs in your area and print them for a classroom display. Level Two community/environments. Create some scenarios from your walk, considering the causes and effects of what would happen if you did not have certain signs D4 People and the List safety practices. in certain places. environment Practise relevant road safety practices. Imagine what would happen if we removed all signage from home/school/local community. Contribute to and use simple Describe these practices. Explore signage in and around your school and discover elements and selected principles. guidelines and practices that Identify steps you could take to ensure safe practice. Explore the features of signage. promote physically and Explain how these steps help us and our community. List a variety of art techniques, tools, materials, processes, and procedures to create a range of signs. socially healthy classrooms, Identify the people/organisations within your community that can Compare and contrast the signs and list the similarities and the differences. schools, and local help you with road safety. Observe the features of signage on a billboard. environments. Identify travel hazards if New Zealand were to host a big event in Observe the features of a poster advertising a movie. Level Three your community. Compare and contrast the similarities and the differences. D4 People and the Compare and contrast hazards. Describe visual ideas in response to signage when walking in different environments. environment Compare and contrast different organisations that help with safety Express visual ideas about the features of signage. Plan and implement a issues. Use imagination and observation when thinking about materials for a new way of displaying messages. programme to enhance an Classify the different hazards. Try different materials on different surfaces (paper/card/plastic etc). identified social or physical Classify the different organisations. Create a plan with annotations/possible materials etc. aspect of their classroom or Analyse the contributions the organisations make to the well-being Create ‘kite signs’ that you can fly. school environment. of the community. Create signs that make people feel elated. Create signs that make people laugh. Level Four Explain what the different people/organisations do to help the well- Create pavement signs to communicate your “travel smart and travel safe” ideas to others. D4 People and the being of our community. Create signs on PEP bottles and discuss the best way of display. environment Explain the causes and effects of the identified hazard. Talk about own sign and explain the meaning and why it is an effective sign. Specify individual Explain how you could be involved in supporting people’s well-being Talk about the signs that your classmates have made. responsibilities and take in regards to safety issues. Describe how and why meaning is conveyed in own and others’ signage. collective action for the care Create a digital sign that can assist you in your travel to a big event. Explore conventions of signage by looking at other types of signage (billboard, message boards, sky printing, smoke signals etc). and safety of other people in Create a resource that could help others in your community. Take photographs and make a montage of signs - cut and paste them and blend them together. their school and in the wider Create simple guidelines to reduce an identified hazard. Apply knowledge of elements and principles when planning own design. community. Create an opportunity that allows you to contribute to a safety Sketch out a prototype and annotate the elements and construction as well as explaining the significance of the message. Level Five resource. Explore conventions, procedures, and processes to make signs. Visit a local sign writer/graphic artist/digital artist. D4 People and the Evaluate the contribution that you have made to your school/local Invite in someone from an advertising agency to talk about effectiveness of messages and techniques used in the advertising environment environment/community. industry to sell ideas. Investigate and evaluate Evaluate the contribution that these road safety organisations make Explore the conventions of digital signage - look at the conventions used. aspects of the school to the community when a big event is on. List a range of ICT tools that you could use to create a digital sign. environment that affect Reflect on the effectiveness of your resource. List the elements that are needed to create a digital sign to convey a message. people’s well-being and take Develop visual ideas in response to “travel smart and travel safe”. action to enhance these List the visual features that will help you create a strong message. aspects. Generate and develop ideas in response to a variety of motivations gained from safety signage. Revisit visual ideas developed in response to “smart travel safe travel”, and by studying the work of graphic artists. Identify how signage communicates different kinds of ideas. Create signage for your school in another language, without using text. Cover all of the signage up in your school and let students design pictures that will replace all written signage. Explain the ideas communicated through billboards (share some on the data projector). Investigate the purposes of particular signage. Identify the contexts for the creation, viewing and valuing of road safety. Create a “getting to an event safely” exhibition space through sidewalk art. Should signage be able to be erected wherever and whenever? Should party/mayoral candidates be able to place their hoardings wherever they want to? Apply knowledge of elements and selected principles when planning your message. Demonstrate an understanding of conventions, procedures, and processes when designing your e-sign. Use a variety of ICT techniques/tools, and materials with some understanding. Develop visual ideas in response to signage in new places and the response it would get. Revisit visual ideas developed in response to studying the work of graphic artists/window dressers/advertisers. Revisit visual ideas developed in response to signage for travelling safely in different environments. Generate ideas using observation and imagination. Modify elements from existing signage that could be added to your own sign. Develop ideas in response to a topic or motivation. Develop ideas in response to selected artists' works. Explore how the use of different media influences the communication of ideas in signage. Create a working road sign. Refer to the challenge. Evaluate the effectiveness of your sign. Consider all of the natural elements that may have an effect on the impact of your signage (e.g. weather/day and night/sun strike/fog/blizzard etc.). Consider the placement of your sign and the target audience. Get students to share their e- road safety signage. Get students to critique the signs of others in their class. Provide feedback or feed forward to NZTA on any new ideas that you could suggest for future signage.

What if Questions: Print Resources: Thinking strategies to support ICTs to support learning experiences learning experiences Teachers to record print resources used and those that are These are suggested thinking These are suggested ICTs only that will support the bringing in of ideas, the connecting What if road signage around available in the school that will support this teaching and learning frameworks only. Teachers to of ideas and the putting of ideas into another context. resource. record here the ones they will be The New Zealand Curriculum: TKI: The Arts Community News New Zealand was specific to using. Refer to resource. Teachers Resources for teachers. each region? to record the strategies they will be The New Zealand Curriculum: TKI: Arts Online <> using. Resources for teachers. The New Zealand Curriculum: TKI: The Arts: Visual Arts: Exemplars What if the government Student exemplars for banned all private vehicles on Construct an alphabet list finding a curriculum learning area The Arts: Visual Arts. the road during a big event? different mode of transport for each The New Zealand Curriculum: TKI: The Arts: Visual Arts: Progress Indicators letter. What if the only way you had Progress indicators for the New Zealand Curriculum Visual Arts. to travel was a vehicle that PMI (Plus/Minus/ Interesting) for all The Arts Online: Visual Arts An online learning you had to make? vehicles being painted yellow for high community for teachers of the arts in New Zealand. visibility. The National Library of New Zealand: Teaching Resource What if the only mode of A resource about poster design. transport that was allowed on Create a safety guide to go with your Live Traffic Webcams: the roads were long boards? IMT (independent mode of NZTA Live Traffic Webcams What if all technological Traffic webcams Live traffic webcams of road users all Combine the features of three advances to modes of around the world. transport ceased today? different types of transport and Google Earth Search your local environment/community sketch different options of a new through mapping. modified vehicle including safety features.

Sketch out a range of design briefs of different modes of transport including safety information on each vehicle.

Assessment for Learning: Teacher/Peer/Self

Teachers to highlight learning experiences that will be used for assessment for learning throughout the unit. These can be recorded in portfolios/school management systems.

Example rubric: Teachers to code in the first column the symbols that they use in the school for assessment. These could be against levels, MOE guidelines or internal criteria. The rubric can be written against the AOs or rewritten as success criteria for children depending on the preference of the school.

Can list several features of visual signage and explain the significance, can create own visual safety sign, can explain the purposes and can justify where it should be displayed and why. Can evaluate the effectiveness of the outcome.

Can list several features of visual signage and explain the significance. Can explain the purpose of their sign in detail. Can identify a need in a community and can develop a critical response to address this need.

Can list several visual features of safety signage. Can list several hazards within a community/environment.

Can list one visual feature of safety signage. Can list one hazard within a community/environment Needs help to identify visual features of a sign. Needs help to identify a hazard within a community/environment

Refer: Ministry of Education. (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum for English-medium teaching and learning in years 1–13 Wellington: Learning Media.

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