Statement from BSA
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Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Beulah United Methodist Church 6930 Hopkins Road Richmond, Virginia 23234
In all cases, the only “Troop 2880 Handbook” in effect, at any given time, is the revision currently in print.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 1Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Opening remarks from the Troop Committee Chairman,
This is the fourth annual update to our Troop 2880 Handbook.
This copy is being made available to all our registered Scout and Scouter families via our unit’s website. Feel free to review or print at your request. Please take time to read and become familiar with our troop’s policies and guidelines. Most you will find consistent with National policy and some are unique to the standards our unit has set for our scouts.
Content changes will be made as needed. If at any time you and/or your Scout have questions, please feel free to contact our Scoutmaster, any of our Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee members, or myself.
I always look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions. That is the only way our unit can continue to grow and achieve greater successes. I hope you have a productive, fun, and rewarding scouting experience.
Yours in Scouting,
Gary L. Gibbs Troop 2880 Committee Chairman
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Mission and Philosophy 4-5 Advancement 6 Attendance/Participation 7 Behavior 8 Calendar 9 Court of Honor 10 Dues 11 Elections/Leadership 12 Electronic Entertainment Devices 13 Equipment 14-15 Money Matters 16 Meetings – Troop, PLC, Committee, Assistant Scoutmasters 17 Merit Badges and Merit Badge Counselors 18-19 National Jamboree 19 Position Expectations 20-23 Order of the Arrow (O/A) 24 Permission Slips 25 Physicals 26 Pocketknife 27 Registration Fees 28 Service Time and Service Projects 29 Summer Camp 30 Transfer “In” 31-32 Transportation 33 Troop Records (Including Merit Badges and Advancements) 34 Troop Structure 35 Uniforms 36-39 Appendix 1 – Car Camping/Anytime Camping Checklist 40-43 Appendix 2 – High Adventure Hiking Equipment List 44
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Mission Our mission is to provide and encourage the development of leadership skills in young men, through the use of traditional Boy Scout skills and low impact camping.
Philosophy We subscribe to the “Patrol Method” with “boy-run”, “boy-led” activities.
Top down leadership.
Extensive use or leadership by Patrol Leaders Council (PLC).
Troop 2880 is a “Boy run troop” with adult guidance and intervention only at appropriate times.
We treat the scouts as young adults and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions.
Questions Contact your Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman, Assistant Scoutmasters, or appropriate committee heads.
Any unresolved questions and issues will be addressed by the Scoutmaster and/or Committee Chairman.
Recruiting Troop 2880 has a “feeder pack” and relies heavily on scouts recruiting scouts and recruiting by “word-of-mouth”.
Troop 2880 actively encourages and welcomes visits by WEBELOS and Arrow of Lights from local Cub Scout packs.
Safety Leader and Scout safety is paramount. Safety is ALWAYS put first in all activities.
Minimum “2 Deep” leadership is practiced at all times.
The troop subscribes to and follows BSA’s “Guide to Safe Scouting”.
Youth Protection BSA approved Youth Protection training is required of all registered adult leadership.
Minimum “2 Deep” leadership is practiced at all times.
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Monthly Troop Activities The Scoutmaster will provide troop members with an activity cost for the weekend activity. The weekend activity usually runs from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. This cost usually includes (2) breakfasts, lunch, and dinner unless otherwise notified by the Scoutmaster. All costs must be paid by the last official troop meeting preceding the activity or as otherwise noted.
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Advancement Last Updated: 04/11
Advancement It is our intent to see scouts advance. It shows they have mastered the skills Requirements include required for rank. Through advancement, they also demonstrate their interest in the scouting program.
In order to advance in rank, a scout must:
Complete the specified minimum time in rank requirements (Scout Handbook).
Meet attendance and activity participation requirements (Troop 2880 Handbook).
Fulfill merit badge requirements (“BSA Scout Handbook”).
Fulfill leadership requirements (“BSA Scout Handbook”). Successful performance shall be reviewed and approved by Scoutmaster.
Complete a Scoutmaster’s Conference (“BSA Scout Handbook”).
Complete a Board of Review (Scout Handbook). Eagle Boards of Review must be arranged and scheduled with the Troop Committee Chairman and are conducted when a representative from The Heart of Virginia Council can be present. In all cases, give the Board as much notice as possible to ensure that a timely review can be scheduled. The Board always reserves the right to set it schedule for reviews.
Be current with your troop dues (Troop Policy).
Scout’s account balance in good standing (Troop 2880 Handbook).
When Advanced Rank advancements are awarded and recognized immediately, following your scouts “Board of Review”. Typically, a Board of Review is conducted monthly and noted on the Troop Calendar.
Note: File your “Advancement” cards in a safe place. They are your proof of advancement.
Troop 2880’s Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters assist scouts with Rank advancement.
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Attendance/Participation Last Updated: 04/11
The following is Troop 2880’s Attendance and Troop Participation policy.
Scout through and Attend 50% of all troop meetings including First Class Attend 50% of all overnight camping activities.
Must be consecutive months immediately preceding advancement attained at their current rank.
Star through and Attend 66% troop meetings. including Life Attend 66% overnight camping activities
Must be during the required time in grade in which the scout wants to be considered (Star – 4 months, Life – 6 months). Leadership must be successfully performed during this time.
Eagle Attend 66% troop meetings.
Attend 66% overnight camping activities.
Discussion It is a fact, a scout can be active in the troop and participate in activities outside the troop and be a successful scout. However, he should discuss and make his Scoutmaster aware of these activities, why he cannot attend, and/or will not be on time for activities. Scouts are expected to give a reason for missing any calendar events. Explanation should be given to the Scoutmaster to be recorded in the Troop Record Book.
Attendance and participation policies are a set of desired guidelines to ensure a high level of expectations from our scouts. Any deviations from these guidelines are at the discretion of the Scoutmaster and the Committee Chairman.
Since the troop publishes its calendar a year at a time, and works diligently to communicate activities, the individual scout is expected to schedule his time in order to meet advancement requirements.
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Behavior Last Updated: 04/11
The following is Troop 2880’s Behavior Policy:
Statement All scouts and adults are expected to live up to, and abide by, the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and operate within BSA and troop policies and guidelines. This is expected not only during scout engagements but demonstrated continually in his life 24 x 7.
Disciplinary Actions Behavior contrary to a Scout’s Oath and Law will not be tolerated. This also applies to appearance. A scout’s appearance should never bring discredit upon his uniform and Scouting. A good guideline of acceptable appearance would be that which is required for school. However, if in the unlikely event discipline may be required, it may take the form of:
A conversation, and if necessary a warning, issued by adult leadership or senior scouts in the troop. Denial of participation credit for meeting and/or outing.
If the problem persists and escalates,
Unacceptable scout behavior on an outing, in a troop meeting and/or activity, including Summer Camp, may result in the scout’s parents being called and the scout being sent home.
If misbehavior continues, the troop may require a parent or guardian to attend and participate in all future activities or until the scout can demonstrate he can behave himself.
Parents may be called and be expected to provide transportation home.
Continued misbehavior or disruptive behavior may be grounds for dismissal from the troop.
Alcohol, Tobacco, Use of alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs on, or during, any scout activity, is NOT Drugs acceptable and is automatic grounds for dismissal from the troop.
Behavior as a safety Safety is paramount. Misbehavior jeopardizes the safety of all participants and will issue not be tolerated.
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Calendar Last Updated: 04/11
The Troop Calendar is constructed during the troop’s annual planning process usually conducted in late summer. Because family and school planning is important, our calendar covers a full scout year, September in the current year to August of the following year.
The troop occasionally deviates from the calendar, neither adding nor removing activities unless there are extenuating circumstances such as hurricanes, floods, etc. Each scout is responsible for updating his calendar at troop meetings and having it with him at troop meetings.
Who participates in Scouts and adult leaders together submit ideas and desires for activities. Calendar creation
Approvals Troop has to approve the calendar which is then submitted to the Troop Committee for final approval. The committee must review and approve it for budgetary purposes.
Modifications Occasionally, modifications may occur. This may be due to, for example, weather, lack of transportation, low or high water, cancellations, etc. Alternative activities will be substituted. You will be notified at the troop meeting.
Substitutes must have the consensus of the troop (scouts), troop leadership, and the committee.
When finalized When it is approved by the Troop Committee.
How Disseminated? Calendars are attainable online and can be printed via our troop’s website.
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Court of Honor Last Updated: 04/11
A time, during the year, when scouts and families come together to share an evening meal and/or dessert for the purpose of recognizing the accomplishments of the Scouts.
Dates times and locations are published in the Troop Calendar. All families will be notified if there are any changes. All family members are invited and encouraged to attend.
When Monday night in lieu of a troop meeting.
Quarterly as shown on the Troop Calendar.
Locations Normally held at Beulah United Methodist Church. May vary depending upon the time of year.
Dress Scouts must wear Class “A” unless otherwise posted. Merit badge sashes must also be worn as part of the uniform.
All others, including family, friends, guests, visitors – casual.
Charges A small charge, or fee, per person or family may be required in order to defray the cost and/or expense of the Court of Honor (usually required if food is involved).
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Dues Last Updated: 04/11
Dues are used to support the activities of the troop and benefit the troop as a whole. This may include annual troop registrations, purchase of merit badges, patrol and rank badges, troop insurance, troop registration, troop equipment such as tents and cooking equipment, Courts of Honor, etc.
A scout is expected to pay his own way.
Dues $35.00 per scout annually (subject to annual review and change if needed)
Collected annually in September, typically due no later than the end of October. (See calendar for exact dates)
For scouts joining after December 31 (January – June), dues will be at the rate of $25.00 for the remainder of the year. They are due to the treasurer within one month of joining the troop.
Must be paid in full prior to attending a: Scoutmaster Conference. Board of Review. Summer Camp Outing
Dues in Arrears Scouts in arrears will be asked to update their dues prior to participating in activities listed above.
Dues are NOT Used to support non-troop activities such as: Outings, Summer Camp, National Jamboree, and Order of the Arrow. These fees are collected prior to the activity from participating scouts and/or adults.
Who does NOT pay Registered adult leaders and Eagle Scouts do not pay dues. Dues
Financial Assistance We want ALL Scouts to participate in the activities beyond troop meetings, regardless of their financial situation. If there is a financial hardship, please let the Scoutmaster or a committee member know and scholarship assistance may be made available.
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Elections/Leadership Last Updated: 04/11
Leadership, as defined in the Boy Scout Handbook, is required of all Star, Life, and Eagle Scouts.
The troop will make every effort to make leadership opportunities available. It remains the scout’s responsibility to have his name included on the ballot. Leadership credit is also given for such positions as Den Chief, Librarian, Scribe, Quartermaster, Chaplain Aide, Historian, Instructor, Leave No Trace, Trainer, Gamemaster, Campfire Coordinator, or Webmaster.
NOTE: Direct leadership experience is required somewhere along the path to Eagle.
When General troop elections are held annually, usually in August. Dates are announced at troop meetings well in advance of the election. Some non key leadership positions are served for 6 month intervals to provide more scouts with an opportunity to serve their unit.
Requirements Scouts who are interested in serving in a leadership position within the troop must be active in the troop and have the Scoutmaster’s approval to serve in that capacity.
Expectation If a scout requires leadership for his present rank, it is his responsibility to speak with the Scoutmaster and have his name included on the ballot.
If elected, a scout is expected to fulfill his term of office.
If elected a scout is expected to attend activities, outings, and troop meetings in accordance with his rank and as defined in the “Attendance” section of this hand book. Failure to do so may result in not being approved for advancement and having to repeat the leadership requirement.
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Electronic Entertainment Devices Last Updated: 04/11
Scouts are welcome to use and enjoy electronic entertainment devices such as radios, CD players, cell phones, smart phones, IPods, IPods, and EReaders while in transit to and from an activity and/or outing provided earphones are used. The troop will not be responsible for lost/damaged devices taken on these activities. Bring them at your own risk!
2-Way Radios Depending upon the outing and/or activity the use of walki-talkies “may” be encouraged, however, their usage shall be strictly controlled by the adult leaders in charge.
NOTE: Unless otherwise notified or requested, leave them at home. If they become a nuisance and/or interfere with the outing or activity in any way, they shall be confiscated and returned at the conclusion of the outing or activity
Entertainment Devices Once the Scouts arrive at the activity or outing, these devices shall be left in the car bus, van, or out of sight.
They shall not be taken on the hike, into camp, on the trail, etc.
They shall not be taken to summer camp.
If found, they shall be confiscated and returned at the end of the activity.
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Equipment Last Updated: 04/11
Troop 2880 is equipped to meet some of the basic equipment requirements of a scout and/or adult leader. We have available cooking and serving equipment.
Please, talk to us before purchasing any equipment. Members of the troop will be glad to assist you with your questions regarding this matter.
Personal Equipment Each scout is expected to own certain basic pieces of equipment. These items are not provided by the troop. They include items such as: a quality and appropriate degree sleeping bag, good hiking shoes or boots, personal first aid kit, backpack, BSA Scout Handbook. Spoon and dish, 1-liter water bottle(s), cup, and tent.
Note: We strongly recommend the first item purchased is a good quality sleeping bag. Feel free to consult with an adult leader prior to purchasing equipment.
Troop Equipment Troop equipment may include but is not limited to:
Cooking equipment, including stoves, bottled gas, lanterns Dutch ovens Camping equipment may include rain and dining flies Camping tools
The Quartermaster has a complete inventory of troop gear for review.
Loaner Equipment If you wish to participate in an activity and currently don’t have the personal equipment needs, contact the Quartermaster. There may be loaner equipment available for your use during that outing.
These are especially useful to our younger scouts who are still growing and have not yet purchased a backpack.
Loaned equipment should be returned in the condition they received it.
Contact the troop’s Quartermaster.
Continued Next Page…
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Equipment, Continued…
Expectations A scout found deliberately abusing, damaging and/or destroying troop equipment may be subject to disciplinary action and will be required to pay for damages and/or replacements.
Equipment Lists In the appendix, we’ve included equipment lists however, these lists should be considered as a place to begin. They will be modified, based upon location and duration of the outing, climate, season, terrain, and any special requirements.
Activity specific equipment lists are provided by the activity leaders for all outings and/or High Adventure.
For sample equipment lists, refer to the appendix, lists include:
Car camping …………………………………………………………….. Appendix 1
Hiking High Adventure ……………………….……………………… Appendix 2
Equipment Donations The troop encourages donations of scouting equipment.
If you have equipment that you would like to donate, that is in reasonably good condition that your scout has out-grown, no longer wants or needs, contact our troop’s Quartermaster.
Comments We suggest, as you and/or your scouts learn and grow with experience, develop your own comprehensive equipment lists to include items you will also find useful and necessary on any given outing. Although sometimes painful, no matter what we teach, experience is still the best teacher. In all cases, we believe in, teach, and practice “be prepared”. Use the equipment lists found in the Appendix as a guideline.
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Money Matters Last Updated: 04/11
Fund Raising includes Fundraising is kept to an absolute minimum; however, fundraising is necessary to meet the financial needs of the troop. Trails End Popcorn, Friends of Scouting - both directly support Boy Scouts of America, with only a small percentage of Popcorn sales being retained by the Troop. 100% of funds from Friend of Scouting go to supporting the Heart of Virginia Council.
Fund raising includes but is not limited to:
Wild Game Feast; this is an annual fundraiser. Newspaper Recycling; this is an ongoing means to raise funds. Amelia Service Weekends; this is a bi-annual fundraiser. Contributions from various organizations and those within the church
Monetary & Financial The troop receives limited financial support from Beulah United Methodist Church. Support
Donations, Donations are graciously accepted. Contributions If requested, receipts will be provided for tax purposes.
Scout Accounts Troop 2880 does have “Scout Accounts”. These are accounts that are maintained for each individual scout within the troop. Parents are encouraged to deposit money into their son’s account at any time so that there is always money available for the scout to attend outings as necessary. Parents can also make deposits to the account to cover such items as Summer Camp.
Activity Specific fund Scouts may conduct “activity specific” fund raisers for such activities as High raisers Adventure or Eagle Scout Projects. The proceeds from these activities will go to support the activity and the participants only, and not the general operating expenses of the troop.
Bereavement Gifts See Bottom of Next Page
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Meetings – Troop, PLC, Committee, Assistant Scoutmasters Last Updated: 04/11
Weekly Troop Troop Meetings: Meetings Every Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Held at Beulah United Methodist Church in Room 242 (on 2nd Floor above the Fellowship Hall) Punctuality is expected.
Patrol Leader Council Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) Meetings: Monthly (PLC) PLC is made up of all the troop boy scout leadership. Meeting dates are found in the troop calendar All troop boy leadership is expected to attend. All ASMs are expected to attend. Held in Room 249 (on 2nd Floor above the Fellowship Hall) Dress – Casual.
Board of Review (BOR) A Board of Review is ONLY by scheduled appointment with the Committee. They are typically held on the same evening as the PLC meeting. A Scout must bring with him his Scout Handbook with everything needed for that particular rank signed off, including his Scoutmaster’s conference. Dress – Full Class “A” with merit badge sash (No Exceptions).
Troop Committee Troop Committee meets: First Monday evening, every month, unless scheduled otherwise (consult your Troop Calendar for any changes) 7:00 p.m. in Room 249 (on 2nd Floor above the Fellowship Hall)
Inclement Weather Troop 2880 follows the Chesterfield County School policy.
If schools are closed because of inclement weather, there will be no meeting.
Cancellations Senior Patrol Leader will initiate the troop’s phone tree to notify scouts of cancellations. When in doubt, please call your Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader.
Bereavement Gifts In the event of a death in the immediate family of a troop member (registered scout or leader), a gift will be presented to the family on behalf of Troop 2880. Immediate family is defined as the scout’s mother, father, brothers, or sisters. A card may be sent for other exceptions to this policy.
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Merit Badges and Merit Badge Counselors Last Updated: 04/11
Merit badges are an opportunity to expose a scout to new activities. Progress on and completion of a merit badge is noted on a “Blue Card”. A scout should receive and retain his portion of his “Blue Card” for every merit badge earned. Adults are encouraged to become registered Merit Badge Counselors.
Scouts A scout can begin working on merit badges as soon as he joins the troop.
Scouts will NOT be permitted to work on individual merit badges in lieu of program participation during the troop meeting.
Merit badges are awarded at the time they are earned.
Summer camp offers excellent opportunities to earn merit badges.
Once begun, a merit badges has no expiration date, however, a scout can neither start nor complete a merit badge after his 18th birthday.
Notes: If a scout receives his section of the “Blue Card”, he is strongly encouraged to put his Blue Cards and/or Advancement Cards in a safe place. These show proof of successful completion of the badge if ever challenged.
Counselors Leaders and interested parents can serve as counselors. Troop 2880 wishes to encourage all parents and leaders with a special skill, interest, or hobby to support our scouts by becoming Merit Badge Counselors.
All Merit Badge Counselors must be registered with BSA and renewed regularly. There is no fee or charge in order to become a registered counselor. You do not have to be an Assistant Scoutmaster to be a merit badge counselor. Troop lists of registered merit badge counselors are available upon request. There is an 8 (eight) merit badge limit per counselor. This is a Heart of Virginia Council policy.
Continued, Next page…
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Merit Badges and Merit Badge Counselors, Continued…
Partials Often a merit badge cannot be completed at, for example, summer camp or National Jamboree, the troop will work with a Scout to find a counselor who will assist his competing the merit badge.
Merit Badges Merit badges completed within the troop should be pre-approved by the Completed in the Scoutmaster. The scout’s work can be reviewed with the Scoutmaster to determine Troop proficiency in the merit badge topic. If he is unable to demonstrate a reasonable level of proficiency, he could be asked to review the material and schedule another review.
Merit Badge Classes: Troop 2880 does conduct merit badge classes by its leaders that are registered as merit badge counselors.
Working with counselors outside the troop is also strongly encouraged.
Responsibilities Scouts are responsible for completing “current” merit badge requirements for advancement as defined by BSA.
National Jamboree 04/11
National Jamboree occurs every four (4) years and is hosted by the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.
Participation Participation is encouraged but is not funded or subsidized by the troop.
A scout’s minimum age and rank is determined by BSA National Jamboree headquarters. Typically, a scout must be 13 and First Class by the date of Jamboree.
Applications are available from the Heart of Virginia Council Headquarters.
Leadership performed and positions held in a Jamboree troop do not fulfill Troop 2880 leadership requirements.
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Position Expectations Last Updated: 04/11
Each elected and/or appointed Scout leadership position in Troop 2880 has specific responsibilities.
The following is a list of scout positions within Troop 2880. At a minimum, all leaders are to demonstrate scout spirit.
Senior Patrol Leader Expectations Include: Preside at all troop meetings, events, activities, and annual program planning conference. Chair the patrol leader’s council. Appoint boy leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster. Assign duties and responsibilities to other youth leaders. Work with the Scoutmaster in training youth leaders. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Assistant Senior Patrol Expectations Include: Leader Be responsible for training and giving direct leadership to the following appointed youth leaders: historian, OA troop representative, scribe, librarian, instructor, quartermaster, and chaplain aide. Help lead meetings and activities as called upon by the senior patrol leader. Perform tasks assigned by the senior patrol leader. Function as a member of the patrol leader’s council. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Patrol Leader Expectations Include: Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities. Keep patrol members informed. Assign each patrol member a task and help them succeed. Represent the patrol at all patrol leaders’ council meetings and the annual program planning conference. Prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities. Show and help develop patrol spirit. Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well. Know what patrol members and other leaders can do. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
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Assistant Patrol Leader Expectations Include: Help the patrol leader plan and lead patrol meetings and activities. Help the patrol leader keep patrol members informed. Help the patrol leader prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities. Lead the patrol in the patrol leader’s absence. Show and help develop patrol spirit. Represent the patrol at all patrol leader’s council meetings in the patrol leader’s absence. Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Chaplain Aide Expectations Include: Keep troop leaders apprised of religious holidays when planning activities. Encourage saying grace at meals while camping or on activities. Lead worship services on campouts. Tell troop members about the religious emblems program for their faith. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Historian Expectations Include: Gather pictures and facts about past activities of the troop and keep them in scrapbooks, wall displays, or information files. Take care of troop trophies and keepsakes. Keep information about troop alumni. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Librarian Expectations Include: Establish and maintain a troop library. Keep records on literature owned by the troop. Add new or replacement items as needed. Have literature available for borrowing at troop meetings. Maintain a system to check literature in and out. Follow up on late returns. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit.
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Quartermaster Expectations Include: Keep records of patrol and troop equipment. Keep equipment in good repair. Keep equipment storage area neat and clean. Issue equipment and see that it is returned in good order. Suggest new or replacement items. Work with the troop committee member responsible for equipment. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Scribe Expectations Include: Attend and keep a log of patrol leaders’ council meetings. Record attendance and dues payments of all troop members. Record advancement in troop records. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Work with the appropriate troop committee members responsible for finance, records, and advancement. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Handle correspondence appropriately’ Webmaster Expectations Include: Develop and maintain the online communication tool utilized by the unit. Instruct the scouts on how to use the internet responsibly. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Show and help develop Scout Spirit. Troop Guide Expectations Include: Introduce new Scouts to troop operations. Guide new Scouts through early Scouting activities. Shield new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts. Help and encourage new Scouts earn their rank requirements through their first year Coach the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol on his duties. Work with the patrol leader at patrol leader’s council meetings. Attend patrol leader’s council meetings with the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol. Assist the assistant Scoutmaster with training. Coach individual Scouts on Scouting challenges. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. Show and help develop Scout spirit. Teach basic Scout skills. Instructor Expectations Include: Instruct scouting skills as needed within the troop or patrols.
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Prepare well in advance for each teaching assignment. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Show and help develop Scout Spirit.
Order of the Arrow Expectations Include: Troop Representative Serve as a communication link between the lodge or chapter and the troop/team. Encourage year-round and resident camping in the troop/team. Encourage older-Scout participation in high-adventure programs. Encourage Scouts to actively participate in community service projects. Assist with leadership skills training in the troop/team. Encourage Arrowmen to assume leadership positions in the troop/team. Prepare well in advance for each teaching assignment. Encourage Arrowmen in the troop/team to be active participants in lodge and/or chapter activities and to seal their membership in the Order by becoming Brotherhood members. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Oath, Scout Law, and OA Obligation. Show and help develop Scout Spirit. Junior Assistant Expectations Include: Scoutmaster Function as an assistant Scoutmaster (except for leadership responsibilities reserved for adults 18-21 years of age or older). Accomplish any duties assigned by the Scoutmaster. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Oath, Scout Law. Show and help develop Scout Spirit. Den Chief Expectations Include: Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings. Meet regularly with the den leader to review the den and pack meeting plans. If serving as a Webelos den chief; help prepare boys to join Boy Scouting. Project a positive image of Boy Scouting. Set a good example. Wear the Scout uniform correctly. Live by the Oath, Scout Law, and OA Obligation. Show and help develop Scout Spirit.
**See Scoutmaster for additional position descriptions and expectations in addition to information provided in this Handbook.
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Order of the Arrow (O/A) Last Updated: 04/11
O/A is the National Honor Society of Scouting which represents cheerful campers and its membership includes both scouts and adults. Members are strongly encouraged to stay actively involved and to keep current with their dues.
This is the only activity in which a scout is elected by his peers including both troop members and non- members of the O/A.
Adults can also be nominated. Adults are nominated by the Troop Committee. Criteria for scout and adult nomination are the same.
Requirements Elections are usually held during the month of February. Elections are by troop member’s ballot, and overseen by an Order of the Arrow Representative, not a member of Troop 2880.
Must have completed 5 consecutive nights camping during the year elected.
Have a total of 10 nights camping during the year.
Registered and in good standing.
Rank of First Class or above.
Scoutmaster approval.
Note: “Campaigning” for election into the O/A is prohibited and grounds to have the guilty candidate removed from the ballot.
O/A Sash Only worn to O/A functions.
Discussion After the elections, successful candidates will receive notification by letter.
Scouts and/or adults, once elected, have one (1) year from the date of their election to complete their “Ordeal”. If not completed within this year, they must be returned to the ballot and re-elected per established requirements.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 24Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Permission Slips Last Updated: 04/11
Troop 2880 has a permission slip policy renewable every 2 years. The permission slip is kept on file by the Scoutmaster and covers all trips during the course of the year. There are a few exceptions where the location may require a specific permission form filled out by the parents. A medical release form needs to be on file for each boy (this will cover specific medications on hand that could be administered by the Scoutmaster or by the boy himself)
Discussion Must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to the leader in charge. Scouts without a Permission Slip will not be permitted to attend.
Are required for all outdoor activities.
Carried on the outing and/or activity by the unit leader in charge. Will only be made available to medical personnel should an emergency occur as they may directly influence the course of treatment. In addition, will be held on file by the camp medical staff and returned to the troop on their departure.
Treated with strict confidentiality.
Shall be used by the parent or guardian to provide the leaders of the activity notification of any special needs such as inhalers, allergies, epi-pens, etc., or any mental, physical or medical condition that may influence the scouts performance on an outing.
Your signing this form indicates you have read, understood, and agreed to the conditions set forth in the permission form.
Note In most instances, neither we nor the summer camp or High Adventure activities medical staff are permitted to dispense any medications including Tylenol, Aspirin, etc. upon demand unless it has been so noted by the parent or guardian on the permission slip and BSA physical form.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 25Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Physicals Last Updated: 04/11
Physicals are required of all scouts and adults participating in summer camp and high adventure. All Scouts and participating adults are expected to have a current physical on file. Requirements may differ depending upon age and the activity.
Types of Types of physicals required, when, how often and who, is defined in the Scout Hand book as well as on the back of the physical form.
Confidentiality Physicals are treated as confidential.
Who All participating and active Scouts and Adults are required to have current physicals on file with the Troop.
When we travel The annual physical forms will be the responsibility of the adult leader. They will be turned into and retained for the duration of the long term activity by the camp or high adventure medical staff. All physical forms are retained by the troop unit leader and carried on camping trips in case they are needed.
If a turnover is not a requirement, these documents will be kept in the possession of a registered adult leader.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 26Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Pocketknife Last Updated: 04/11
A pocketknife is considered a tool. It is recommended that every scout own and carry one once they earn their Totin’ Chip.
Carrying a pocketknife is a privilege and it must be earned. In order to earn this privilege, a scout must complete and receive his Totin’ Chip card. This says he understands the rights and responsibilities attached to carrying a pocketknife. Troop 2880 follows the BSA’s Totin’ Chip policy.
Description Pocketknife:
Must be a folding blade. Blade length of no more than three (3) inches. Note: A sheath knife of any kind or length is prohibited.
Responsibility and A scout is expected to carry and take care of his pocketknife as described on the Expectations back of his “Totin’ Chip card and “BSA Scout Handbook”.
Unsafe act or Play The knife will be confiscated if being used in an unsafe manner.
It will be returned to the scout at the conclusion of the activity. If this unsafe play continues then the parent or guardian may be invited to participate in a conference with the Scoutmaster and the knife will be returned to the parent or guardian at that time.
Discussion No Scout is permitted to carry a pocketknife until he has successfully earned his “Tote-n-Chip” card.
Any knife being used in the manner of a “weapon” will be confiscated.
A corner of the Totin’ Chip will be removed each time a scout uses his knife incorrectly. When the fourth corner of the Totin’ Chip card has been removed, the scout will not be permitted to carry a pocketknife until he has again earned his Totin’ Chip card.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 27Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Registration Fees Last Updated: 04/11
Registration fees are paid annually during Recharter to BSA for the privilege of being part of BSA and using the BSA program.
The troop encourages all registered scouts and scouters to subscribe to “Boys Life” for the scouts and “Scouting Magazine” for adult leaders.
New or First time Adult New or first time scouts in Troop 2880: Leaders and Scouts The new scout and/or adult leader shall pay the “initial registration fee” usually through their initial troop dues collected upon joining.
The following items will be provided as part of this fee when dues are paid:
1 each registration cost 1 each BSA slide 1 pair Green epaulets 1 each Troop 2880 Handbook (Sent to you electronically) 1 each Boys Life subscription per household
If desired, a BSA Scout Handbook and Troop 2880 Unit Number patch can be purchased through the troop.
Returning Adult Scouts: Leaders and Scouts Registration fees are paid by the Troop via annual dues collected from the scout.
Adult Leaders: Registration fees are paid by the Troop.
Scouts in College, Scouts in college or other, to include both adults and scouts wishing to remain Others that want to registered and with the troop after 18 years of age: remain affiliated with the Troop Will be expected to pay their registration fees.
Are not required to pay annual dues.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 28Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Service Time and Service Projects Last Updated: 04/11
Specific service time requirements for each rank are detailed in the “Boy Scout Handbook”. These are required and must be completed for advancement. The troop will make service time opportunities available throughout the year to all scouts.
Discussion Senior ranks, Star and Life, require a minimum of six (6) hours of service time as detailed in the “Boy Scout Handbook”.
Service projects include but are not limited to: Assistance with church projects CARITAS Relay for Life Assistance with an Eagle Project Special projects as identified and approved by the Scoutmaster Scouts are encouraged to do as many service hours as they possibly can to fulfill their Scout Oath!
A scout will not be advanced without fulfilling service time requirements as specified in the “Boy Scout Handbook”.
The troop makes every opportunity to provide service projects. We will not however, schedule a service project that will conflict with another scouting activity.
Inside the Troop Service hours worked as a troop will be recorded by the unit leadership attending that service project. The scout should verify with the unit leadership the number of hours worked to ensure accuracy of those hours credited.
Service hours worked on Eagle Projects will be reported by the scout owning that project. Usually, these hours are reported at the conclusion of the project. A scout should follow up with the Scoutmaster to ensure these hours are reported accurately.
Outside the Troop Service time, outside the troop, is available but must be approved in advance by the Scoutmaster. Service hours performed should be reported afterwards to the Scoutmaster for credit in the Troop Record Book. The scout should record his name, date of service hours, how many worked, and purpose of that service written on paper and given to the Scoutmaster to be recorded.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 29Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Summer Camp Last Updated: 04/11
All scouts are encouraged to participate in summer camp. The “patrol method” will be used with older scouts serving as patrol leaders.
Discussion Summer camp is strongly encouraged for all age groups including the adult leadership.
Bonding experience for new scouts. Most summer camps offer a program directed to the first year scout where scout fundamentals are emphasized.
Different locations are selected each year in order to give the Scout a variety of Summer Camp experiences during his scouting career.
Permission Slips and Physicals are required.
Medications Any medications, including over the counter, must be provided in sufficient quantity and in their original containers and must be listed on the permission form.
Typically, medications may be turned over to the camp staff upon check-in to be administered as needed. Under some circumstances, such as a high adventure, the troop may be permitted to retain the medications and taken on the trail.
All leftover medications will be returned to the family at the conclusion of the activity.
Physicals Physical forms will be turned over to the Camp medical staff for the duration of camp.
Camp fees Transportation and camp fees are paid by the scout and/or families participating.
Equipment Equipment requirement lists will be provided.
Provisional Camping If a scout is unable to attend summer camp with Troop 2880 for any reason, they are more than welcome to attend a provisional summer camp. Ask your Scoutmaster for more information.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 30Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Transfer “In” Last Updated: 04/11
Troop 2880 does NOT discourage scouts from transferring into our troop for whatever reason. However, before the transfer is complete we strongly recommend a Scoutmaster’s Conference where they will be made aware they will be required to meet the same expectations and/or requirements as all scouts in the Troop.
Requirements for advancement include leadership, and participation in Troop 2880 activities and outings.
Advancements As defined in the “Advancement” section of this handbook
Leadership As defined in the “Elections/Leadership” section of this handbook.
Leadership positions held by a scout must be relinquished upon transferring into his new unit. Troop 2880 reserves the right to credit his leadership tenure from his previous unit only if applicable. It is always preferable to have leadership documented and observed in the unit he is currently serving.
Attendance and As defined in the “Attendance/Participation” section of this handbook Participation Completion of attendance and participation requirements will not transfer to Troop 2880. It must be completed in Troop 2880. We cannot and will not approve attendance and participation we have neither observed nor documented.
Merit Badges Completed: All completed merit badges will be recognized. Any questions can be resolved by your presenting your scouts section of his merit badge Blue Card.
Partials: We will assist the scout by locating a qualified counselor. Any questions about partials can be resolved by presenting your scouts partially completed merit badge Blue Card.
Note: Merit badges begun do not have an expiration date. They can be completed at any time up and until the Scout turns 18. Once the scout turns 18 he can neither begin nor complete any merit badges
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Transfer “In”, Continued…
Exceptions Typically, there are NO exceptions.
Troop requirements are nonnegotiable.
Discussion Troop 2880 does not discourage scouts transferring into our troop. This is viewed as another source of growth whether the Transfer In is from a local Troop out of the community, state, or country.
However, before the transfer is initiated, Troop 2880 wants to ensure all parties understand our Troop expectations.
We will work with all transfers to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
NOTE: If for any reason, the Scoutmaster believes a Transfer In will not be successful because of your not being able to fulfill specified leadership and/or participation requirements the scout will be advised and the transfer discouraged.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 32Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Transportation Last Updated: 04/11
The troop relies on troop leadership and parents to provide transportation to and from activities.
If insufficient transportation is not available then either the activity will be cancelled and/or a troop member will begin calling participating families until sufficient transportation can be found.
If sufficient transportation cannot be arranged, the activity will be cancelled.
No one under 18 (eighteen) will be allowed to drive to any Troop function unless unusual circumstances arise and it is approved by the Scoutmaster or Committee. The scouts riding with the Youth must have permission from their parent(s) to ride in that particular vehicle. No exceptions.
Discussion Forming a caravan is strongly discouraged. Drivers with trucks and trailers are always appreciated. The troop is large and requires heavy equipment, trucks and/or trailers, in order to transport our participants and equipment.
If an activity warrants, such as summer camp and/or High Adventure, a coach may be rented and costs shared by all participants.
The troop does not subsidize transportation. Only those participating share in the costs.
Refer to BSA insurance and safety requirements.
Gas Reimbursement The policy pertains to registered scout leaders registered with Troop 2880. Policy Exceptions may include non registered parents when not enough registered leaders are available.
Reimbursement is only available for scout trips in excess of 100 mile roundtrip, usually originating from BUMC.
To qualify for reimbursement, the leader must transport one or more scouts other than their own scout or gear for the sole purpose of supporting the event.
Reimbursement will be paid at a rate of $0.25 per mile, $0.30 per mile if the vehicle towed a trailer. If the gas cost to refuel is less than the stated reimbursement cost, then the lesser of the two costs will be reimbursed to the driver.
The unit leader for each trip is responsible for providing the Treasurer with a list of leaders interested in reimbursement (reimbursement is optional) along with the official roundtrip mileage.
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Troop Committee.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 33Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Troop Records, including Merit Badges and Advancements Last Updated: 04/11
Accurate record keeping in necessary to document merit badges and advancement. To support this activity, the troop has purchased and maintains troop software. However, the primary system of record for the troop is the Troop Record Book maintained by the Troop Scribe (attendance) and the Scoutmaster.
The troop subscribes to “Troop Master” a BSA sponsored and sanctioned troop record keeping software product.
Notification of a scout’s participation in any given outing and/or activity will be provided to the unit leader responsible for the activity or outing.
Scouts Basic information, name address, phone, birth date, E-mail address Merit badges Advancement Positions held Order of the Arrow Service time Camping, activities, summer camp Training
It is the scout’s responsibility to notify the Scoutmaster of any merit badge or advancement completed.
Note: Troop 2880 communicates electronically. It is you and your scout’s responsibility to provide and keep your E-mail addresses current.
Adults Basic information, name address, phone, birth date, E-mail address Positions Order of the Arrow Camping, activities, summer camp Training
Last Printed: 05/08/18 34Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Troop Structure Last Updated: 04/11
Our troop’s mission is to provide a meaningful scouting experience for boys of all ages.
New Scouts Ages 11 to 12, rank of Scout. These scouts are provided hands on training and an intensive training program including basic scout skills and camping.
Summer camp is strongly encouraged.
Are sometimes merged into existing patrols when the number of new scouts cannot warrant a patrol size.
NOTE: A new scout will remain in this program for the entire first year.
Intermediate and Scouts who have completed their year in the New Scout program and have not yet Experienced Scouts met Venture Scout requirements.
Generally these activities feature more in-depth study and exposure to advanced concepts of cooking, camping, hiking, biking, swimming, first aid, merit badges, etc.
Summer camp is encouraged.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 35Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Uniforms Last Updated: 04/11
Every scout is expected to present himself, at every meeting and/or activity, in a “complete” uniform, as prescribed by the Scoutmaster or adult leader in charge.
Scouts not wearing and/or missing any one or more uniform items or not in the prescribed uniform is not considered to be in a “complete” uniform and may NOT, at the Scoutmaster’s discretion, be given credit for participation in the troop meeting or activity.
Any deviation or changes in uniform will be announced at troop meeting or noted on the calendar.
Class “A” Consists of a scout shirt, scout shorts or long trousers, scout-related belt, scout socks, Bolo, and includes proper badges, patches, and insignia.
Those uniform items listed above make up what is defined as a “complete” uniform.
Will be worn to every meeting, unless specified otherwise by the Scoutmaster.
A merit badge sash is required at Boards of Review, Scoutmaster conferences, Scout Sunday, Eagle Scout Ceremonies, or a formal occasion, or as required by the Scoutmaster.
EXCEPTION: An Eagle Scout neckerchief may be worn to Eagle Scout Ceremonies, if the wearer is so entitled.
Class “B” Consists of a scout related “T” shirt, scout shorts or trousers, scout-related belt, and scout socks. A Troop 2880 “T” shirt is sometimes made available and can be purchased from the troop.
Or as specified by the Senior Patrol Leader and/or Scoutmaster.
Class “C” No scout uniform items are required. (Unofficial Scout Classification) Typically determined by the type and location of the activity, such as a High Adventure.
As specified by the Scoutmaster or leader responsible for the activity or outing.
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Uniforms, Continued…
Uniform Change The time and date of a uniform change, due to season and/or activity, is determined by the Scoutmaster or senior adult in charge.
The Scoutmaster reserves the right to authorize the wearing of class “B” uniforms.
Hats An official BSA hat or ball cap is not required.
Merit Badge Sash Wearing a merit badge sash is required to such activities as Scoutmaster’s conferences, Boards of Review, formal occasions, it:
Shall be worn as prescribed by BSA.
Shall not be worn hanging over the belt.
Travel & Traveling Traveling “in uniform” and “Uniform Class” will be determined by the adult in charge and responsible for the activity.
The required uniform will be specified in the “Permission Slip” sent home prior to the activity.
Prior to departure, a uniform inspection may be conducted. Those missing uniform parts will be given an opportunity to go home and retrieve them.
Uniform requirements for any given activity will be specified prior to the activity date.
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Uniforms, Continued…
Inspections Uniform inspections will be held at the discretion of the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Senior Patrol Leaders or Patrol Leaders.
Uniform inspections may be held prior to departing for an activity. Those found lacking:
may be sent home to retrieve the missing items and/or,
may be excused from the activity or outing.
At the discretion of the Scoutmaster, not given credit for the troop meeting and/or activity.
Scoutmaster A Complete Class “A” uniform including a bolo and merit badge sash is required. Conferences and Boards of Review Notes An Order of the Arrow Sash shall not to be worn.
Merit badge sash is not to be worn over the belt.
Recycled Uniforms Troop 2880 also encourages recycling or donations of slightly used uniforms which are then made available to scouts within the troop. Check with the Scoutmaster for more information.
Insignia placement In all cases, the troop adheres to the, “BSA Insignia guide”. and locations
Comments Uniforms are available from the Scout Service Center, located at 4015 Fitzhugh Avenue, Richmond, VA. 23230
Uniform articles may be ordered through the BSA Scout equipment catalog.
Uniform items may be available through our troop uniform recycle and donation program. Please check with the Scoutmaster or a committee member for more details. Please utilize this as we have many uniform pieces available. All that we ask is that you donate your used pieces when your scout outgrows them.
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What is NOT included in this Handbook Last Updated: 11/07
Discussion That which is already covered in the BSA “Scout Handbook”.
Last Printed: 05/08/18 39Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
APPENDIX 1 Last Updated: 04/11
CAR CAMPING / Anytime Camping Checklist
Use this as a checklist. It’s been developed over the years and it is intended to be used as a “thoughtful reminder”. Many of these items you may not need or own. Many may be required, many are optional, some are seasonal and/or activity specific.
Check Description
Tent, tent stakes, and ground cloth, small tarp Rope, nylon or line in various lengths (bear bags, clothes lines, etc.) Sleeping Bag and pad Stuff sack, compression sack and/or garbage bag – keeps sleeping bag dry Sleeping clothes (Shorts and T-shirt or long underwear, mittens, stocking cap, socks)
Back pack (Hiking) with hip belt, Duffle bag (Car camping), Dry bags (Canoeing) Back pack cover – protect your pack from the weather Day pack (for hiking side hikes) Hip or fanny pack Ditty or Bear bags (50-100 feet of line)
Boots – hiking Boots, Jungle – canoeing Tennis shoes or sneakers – canoeing, rafting, or wearing around camp in the evenings Sandals, Shower shoes – summer camp (Open toed shoes are discouraged)
Socks, wool or synthetic outer (Hiking) Socks, liners (Hiking)
Under shorts – Capeline (we discourage cotton as it’s slow to dry) Under or T-shirts – Capeline (we discourage cotton as it’s slow to dry.)
Pants, long or Zip-offs (we discourage cotton as it’s slow to dry) Pants, shorts Shirt, long sleeve - weather dependant
Hat with full brim, cap, and/or stocking cap
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Last Printed: 05/08/18 40Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
CAR CAMPING / Anytime Camping Checklist, Continued…
Check Description
Bandannas and/or Handkerchiefs
Swim suit (Summer Camp)
Towel or Camp Towel (Cotton towels are slow to dry) Soap, biodegradable Clorox
Sweater or polar fleece – Weather dependant, plan to dress in layers. Jacket, coat and/or polar fleece Long underwear. Rain pants and rain jacket – we do not recommend a poncho Gloves or mittens
Bottle, water, 1-litre Nalgene (3 required if hiking, 2 required if canoeing) Iodine tablets, water filter or pump – for water purification purposes.
Eating Utensils – cup, bowl, spoon, fork – plastic or steel (Remember the weight) Thermal-Cup (Coffee and/or Tea bags)
Stove, appropriate fuel bottle, fuel – only if not being provided by the troop Cook pot and lid to boil water – only if not provided by the troop. Salt, pepper, miscellaneous spices
Chap stick or lip balm Sun block Sun glasses and sunglasses strap or lanyard Glasses, Extra pair, eyewash
Scout-stave, Staff, walking stick, cane, trek poles.
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Last Printed: 05/08/18 41Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
CAR CAMPING, Anytime Camping Checklist, Continued…
Check Description
Insect repellant
Tooth brush, tooth paste, Dental Floss Allergy medications, aspirin, Tylenol, Neosporin, Vaseline, eye-wash, other Personal first-aid kit
Toilet tissue, in a zip-lock bag Baby wipes Razor, shave cream Deodorant or anti-precipitant Comb Soap, biodegradable Foot Powder
Watch Flashlight and extra batteries, glow sticks Signal mirror Compass Matches and/or lighter in waterproof container and fire starter
Pocket knife, multi-tool (Absolutely no fixed blade or sheath knives) Whistle Space blanket or small tarp Needle and thread, tweezers, scissors, dental floss Mole skin, and band-aids (blister repair kit)
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CAR CAMPING, Anytime Camping Checklist, Continued…
Check Description
Trash bags – water proofing your sleeping bag, collecting trash, emergency poncho Zip-lock bags – protecting personal items also food and garbage (Pack it in- pack it out) Duct tape – tent and canoe repair kit
Personal Floatation Device (PFD) if canoeing
Spiral notebook (Journal) ball point pen or mechanical pencil Camera, Film, battery for camera Camp chair, Crazy-Creek Walkie-talkie (bring it ONLY if requested by the adult leadership.) Weather radio (Batteries) Bible Deck of playing cards Pocket money Frisbee (you can use it as a plate, bowl dish and/or toy)
Shovel- small, scoop, spade, trench tool, trowel (camp fires, latrines) Camp saw
Last Printed: 05/08/18 43Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
APPENDIX 2 Last Updated: 04/11
Last Printed: 05/08/18 44Troop 2880 Handbook Troop 2880 Handbook Beulah United Methodist Church
Recommended equipment for ………… HIGH ADVENTURE HIKING The following items are recommended. There may be other items you find useful and would like to bring. Remember, everything you bring you have to carry. Think small, minimal, and light. Use this list as a check list. Note: I have not included “Crew” items in this list.
Quantity Description 1 each Backpack with hip belt, and back pack cover. 1 each Sleeping bag in stuff sack or compression sack and foam pad or Therma-Rest 1 set Sleep clothes to be worn in the sleeping bag only (T-shirt and shorts) 1 pair Hiking boots, well broken in, 1 pair Light weight shoes to be worn in camp, sneakers please NO sandals 2 pair Heavy socks 3 pair Lighter inner liner polypro socks 3 each Changes of underwear, recommend capilene – not cotton 2 pair Hiking shorts or zip-offs 2 each T-shirts capeline, not nylon, not cotton 1 each Hat with a wide brim or cap and stocking knit cap 1 each Long sleeve shirt wool or flannel 1 each Long pants or zip offs 1 each Long underwear 1 each Sweater or jacket, wool or polar fleece 1 each Gloves or mittens 1 each Rain jacket and pants 2 each Bandannas or handkerchiefs
1 each Cup, bowl, spoon 3 each 1 liter water bottles 1 each Pocket knife (No fixed blade or sheath knives permitted) 1 each Tooth brush, toothpaste, 1 each Matches and lighter in water proof container 1 each Small Flashlight and extra batteries 1 each Appropriate Philmont Maps and Compass 1 each Lip balm or Chap stick, Sun block, foot powder 1 each Small Towel or camp towel, Soap, biodegradable 1 each Sun glasses and sunglasses strap 1 each Whistle 1 each Toilet Tissue 1 each Ditty bag for use as a food and/or personal items bear bag, 50 feet ¼” nylon line 1 each Day pack for side and day hikes 1 each Camera, film and camera battery 1 each Journal or log book, mechanical pencils
- End -
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