REVIEW: Name:______Basic Geography/Population

1. What basic question do geographers ask?______

2. Who coined the word “geography?______

3. Who was the first to calculate the Earth’s circumference and tilt of the Earth’s axis? He also was the first to create a grid with latitude and longitude:______

4. ______are used to explain and predict spatial patterns of humans interacting with physical landscapes.

5. The location of a place on Earth:______

6. ______location is given by latitude and longitude.

7. 90 Degrees south latitude:______

8. 0 degrees longitude:______

9. Lines of latitude are also called :______

10. Meridians are also called:______

11. 180 degrees longitude:______

12. It is 6:00 am in London If you move 45 degrees west, what time is it?______.

13. The Prime Meridian runs through:______

14. The Earth is divided into ______time zones.

15. The study of human-environment interaction is called:______

16. ______are areas that share similar characteristics.

17. Areas that have common or uniform cultural/physical features:______

18. An area in which a feature diffuses from the center, or hub:______

19. An area in which the boundaries are determined by people’s beliefs, not a scientific measure:


20. A two dimensional model of the Earth or part of it’s surface:______

21. List the four types of errors all projections have : ______

22. What are the cardinal directions?______

23. What are the intermediate directions?______

24. Most schools use the ______projections. It has slight errors in all four properties. 25. The ______projection is useful for Navigation.

26. UNICEF is a fan of the ______projection.

27. The ______projection is used by pilots because direction is accurate.

28. The ______projection is difficult to use because of it’s interruptions.

29. Who wrote the 8 volume Guide to Geography? It was used for over 1,000 years. ______

30. The relationship of the distance on a map to that of the real world: ______

31. List the three ways in which scale can be designated on a map: - - -

32. Which is a good example of a small scale map? Russia or La Puente? ______

33. A ______map shows roads, highways, cities, mountains, borders, etc.

34. A ______map zeroes in one ONE feature such as weather, population, number of alligators.

35. An ______map displays lines that connect points of equal value.

36. A ______map shows a pattern on a map with color.

37. A ______is a type of map that uses space to show the frequency of a variable such as obesity, malnutrition, number of people under 15.

38. A computer program that stores data and produces maps:______

39. Collection of data from a distance:______

40. GPS stands for:______

41. Focused on English culture:______

42. Map drawn from memory:______

43. For the first 4 million years of human existence, the Earth’s population was ______

44. Today, the Earth’s population is :______

45. What area of the world is the most populated?______

What nations are in this area?______

46. The study of population is:______

47. What type of nations have the fastest growing populations?______

48. 75% of the world’s people live on ______% of the land. 39. The area of the Earth that people live on is the ______.

40. What TWO nations have over one BILLION people?______

41. Land fit for farming:______

42. What nations are in South Asia?______

43. What nation is projected to pass China in population by 2030?______

44. How are the large populations of S Asia, E Asia, SE Asia different from Europe?

45. The most heavily populated areas in Europe are near:______

46. Total number of people divided by land area:______

47. Total number of farmers divided by arable land:______

48. Total number of people divided by arable land:______

49. The number of people an area can support is the ______.

50. ______occurs when a region’s population outrgrows the carrying capacity.

51. Name TWO nations with PRO NATALIST policies:______

52. Name TWO nations with ANTI NATALIST policies:______

53. The dependency ratio is the number of people under____ or over_____ to everyone else.


55. Thomas Malthus believed that food would increase______but that population would grow:______

56. The First Agricultural Revolution took place: ______

57. What event caused the SECOND AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION?______

58. Who wrote, “ An Essay on the Principle of Population”?:______

59. Who argued that there was enough food on the planet, but unjust institutions were not sharing the resources?______

60. Who argued that mankind has the ingenuity to solve all i’s resource issues?______

61. Who argue that population control is even more serious today than in the 1700’s?______

62. A disease affecting a large population in a local group:______

63. A disease affecting a large percentage of the population over a large, sometimes global scale: ______

64. The greatest disaster of Stage 2 of the ETM was the ______. 65. The greatest modern pandemic today is :______

66. The hearth of AIDS is in :______

67. Number of births per 1,000 people:______Number of deaths per 1,000 people:______

68. Average number of years a person can expect to live:______

69. A TFR of 2.1=______

70. CBR-CDR=______

71. The 2004 UN Nations Population Conference said that the key to reducing NIR was the:

To Answer, Use Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the DTM:

72. Fluctuation in CBR and CDR due to war, famine and disease:______

73. LDC’s join this stage due to the Medical Revolution:______

74. CBR and CDR are equally low:______

75. THE CDR dramatically drops:______

76. The CBR dramatically drops:______

77. Mostly Latin America or Asian nations:______

78. Mostly African nations:______

79. Russia, Japan, Western Europe:______

80. No nation today:______

81. Industrialization begins, but people still have high CBR due to agricultural tradition;______

82. People begin to have less kids because of social reasons:______

83. ZPG is reached:______

84. Negative population growth is reached:______

85. CBR is less than CDR:______

THE ETM: Stage 1, 2, 3 4, or 5?

87. Black Plague?______91. DDT resistant mosquitos? ______

88. Cancer?______92. Parasitic diseases?______

89. Heart Disease?______93. Chronic, non- contagious diseases:______

90. Animal Attacks?______94. Organ transplants and chemotherapy:______