AP CALCULUS BC 2016-2017 COURSE REQUIREMENTS Tina Lawson [email protected] ************************************************************************************* GRADING POLICY Your grade is dependent upon the following items:

ANNOUNCED TESTS You will be given a major test at least once every three weeks. These tests will constitute a major portion of your grade. If you are absent and miss a test, you must make arrangements before you leave or the day you return for a make-up exam before or after school. School policy dictates the number of days you have available to complete the exam. Failure to make up an exam will result in a grade of zero.

SURPRISE QUIZZES These are based on your homework and may occur at any time.

HOMEWORK You will be assigned homework every day! Math is not a spectator sport! Homework is essential if you wish to succeed in AP Calculus. Depending on the nature of the “beast”, you may have on average one hour of homework each night. You need to form study groups and work in groups. Welcome to the college way!

ORGANIZATION Even though it’s not part of your grade…you should have learned by now that being organized makes learning that much easier.

CLASS PROJECTS You will be asked to participate in group projects or investigations. These may be long term assignments and will require that you cooperatively organize and sustain your thinking over an extended period of time and they may involve calculators and other resources.

AP EXAM This exam is part of the course and you are expected to take it. The exam occurs early in May. Learning will continue after the AP Exam! There will be some tests, quizzes, group work, and a final exam.

ATTENDANCE It is extremely difficult to learn math if you are not in class. Regular attendance and class participation are major steps toward the mastery of math.

ILLNESS If you miss class due to an illness, you have time equal to your days absent to complete all make-up work. However, it is your responsibility to keep up with the class if you are absent. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be excused in advance before you take part in ANY school activity that requires you to miss class (including participation in after school sports and field trips).

TEXTBOOKS We will be using an AP Calculus textbook by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. You will be responsible for taking good care of your textbook during the year. A cover is to be kept on your textbook at all times. You will be charged for excessive wear. We will have a class set of books so you may keep your textbook at home unless you plan on using it during school time other than class time.

CALCULATORS It is a must that you have a graphing calculator for this class. The TI-84 Plus or the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition are now the calculators of choice. Calculators are tools and as such I do not want you to become overly dependent on them. You will be informed when the calculator cannot be used. In addition, there are times when a scientific calculator must be used. In those situations, there are departmental calculators that will be assigned to you for the class activity or test. I highly recommend that you engrave your graphing calculator. Please see me for an engraving tool.

HONOR CODE When you’re working in groups, the homework, class work, etc. must be your own work. Cheating on any assignment or assessment will result with you getting a zero, and possibly, being removed from the course. Any violation of the honor code, no matter how small, will result in being denied a letter of recommendation from your AP Calculus teacher.

NOTE TO STUDENTS AND PARENTS Enrollment in this course dictates that you intend to take the AP Calculus AB Exam in the spring. Check with your prospective colleges that you might be attending on their guidelines of credit, etc. that they offer for certain scores on the AP Calculus Exam. Calculus BC is equivalent to taking Calculus II (the second semester or second quarter at the college level). Note to student: Please sign, have your parent/guardian sign, and return for 2 points. Keep a copy for your records. Note to parents: If you wish to discuss your child’s progress with me, you may email me at [email protected]

Student (Print)______Period ______

Student (Signature)______Parent (Signature)______Date______