Record of Proceedings s5
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Held: May 2, 2017 7:00 to 9:00 PM Page 1 of 3
The Canaan Township Trustees of Madison County met at the Canaan Township Building, 8055 US Highway 42 South, Plain City, Ohio 43064.
In Attendance: Trustees: Mark Ishmael, Don Schrock, Don Whitmer Fiscal Officer: Kimberlie Schrock Visitors: Eli Gingerich, Clarence Maxwell
Co-Chairman Schrock called meeting to order. Roll Call: Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes
Whitmer made a motion, seconded by Schrock, to approve the April 3, 2017, Regularly Scheduled Session Meeting Minutes. Roll Call: Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes. Original file copy was signed by all.
Administrative The Trustees reviewed the Fiscal Officer’s April 2017 Activity Report. (See attached). The Trustees approved with their signatures: April 30, 2017, Bank Reconciliation/Fund Balances Report - Fiscal Officer Schrock reported that we have one outstanding warrant. Schrock asked if there was money in the checking account to cover the presented checks, to which Fiscal Officer Schrock responded “yes.” Whitmer made a motion, seconded by Schrock, to approve the April 30, 2017, Bank Reconciliation. Roll Call: Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes Resolutions: Resolution 2017-4-1 (See Resolution Book) – to approve the transfer of funds within the General Fund to purchase the Generac Generator Resolution 2017-4-2 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to spend no more than $50,000 on road repairs on Smith Calhoun Road and Kaufman Road and chip and seal on cul-de-sacs. Resolution 2017-4-3 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to pay Eli Gingerich and Bud Schrock a rental fee of $7.00 an hour for the use of their 4-wheelers for ditch cleanup Resolution 2017-4-4 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to pay Eli Gingerich $200 to rent his trailer for township business for one year Resolution 2017-4-5 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to spend no more than $800 for fertilizer for the township lot and Big Darby Cemetery Resolution 2017-4-6 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to spend no more than $500 for weed killer for roads and ditches Resolution 2017-4-7 (See Resolution Book) – to approve to spend no more than $150 to repair the wall hangings in the township meeting room Whitmer made a motion, seconded by Schrock, to approve Checks to cover payroll and non-payroll obligations. Roll Call: Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes
Fiscal Officer Schrock reported that she received the NOTIFICATION OF FILING OF AUDIT REPORT for Agreed Upon Procedures for the years ended December 31, 2016-2015 on April 17, 2017, from Dave Yost, Ohio Auditor of State.
Fiscal Officer Schrock submitted the 2017 OTARMA MORE Grant application online for the purchase of the Generac Generator. Fiscal Officer Schrock plans to attend the Fiscal Compliance meeting on May 18, at 9 AM in the EMA Building conference room. Fiscal Officer Schrock and Whitmer plan to attend the Second Quarter Madison County Elected Officials and Department Heads meeting on May 22, at 11 AM at the London Country Club. Lunch will be provided.
Fiscal Officer Schrock was made aware at the Local Government Officials' Conference in April that there was a salary increase effective January 2017, per ORC Sections 505.24 and 507.09, township trustee and fiscal officer salaries per HB 64 (131st GA). Per the November Grassroots Clippings, only those township officials that are elected or appointed after September 29, 2015 are entitled to the increase in 2017, as current officials may not have an interim raise pursuant to the Ohio Constitution.
Fiscal Officer Schrock asked Mr. Stephen Pronai, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney, for his interpretation of HB 64. Mr. Pronai responded that he interprets the salary increase to be effective beginning January 1, 2017, for the trustee and fiscal officer as stated per ORC Sections 505.24 and 507.09 and HB 64. Mr. Pronai advised to pay the increase. After some discussion, Whitmer made a motion, seconded by Ishmael, to approve the 2017 compensation salary increase per Pronai’s interpretation of HB 64 and advice to pay the increase, effective January 2017. Roll Call: Ishmael-yes, Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes. Fiscal Officer Schrock will prepare separate checks for the trustee and fiscal officer to catch them up for the salary increase they are owed for January, February, March and April. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS CANAAN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES OF MADISON COUNTY OHIO 2017 REGULARLY SCHEDULED SESSION Held: May 2, 2017 7:00 to 9:00 PM Page 2 of 3
Action Items Fiscal Officer Schrock reviewed the April Action Items Register. Register
Health & Safety Schrock reported that May is Healthy Families month. Good health isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise – it also includes having a positive mental health, a healthy self-image, and a healthy lifestyle. Madison County Public Health offers health education classes to the community as well as the county employees to promote and encourage healthy lifestyles.
Tips to live a healthier life include: drink more water, get enough sleep, meditate/manage stress, exercise, eat more fruits, eat more vegetables, avoid trigger foods, breathe, journal out unhappy thoughts, and enjoy more family time.
Fire Ishmael missed the beginning of this meeting to attend a promotion ceremony at the Pleasant Valley Fire District Board meeting. They promoted 3 firefighters to Lieutenants and promoted 3 Lieutenants to Captains in anticipation of the retirement of the Battalion Chief in September.
Ishmael also stated that Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District firefighter R.C. Fellows was chosen as the 2017 Box 15 – Larry Parlett Distinguished County Firefighter of the Year award. Fellows will be honored by Box 15, an organization that provides rehabilitation services to fire departments in Central Ohio. The organization sponsors an annual award for the Columbus Firefighter of the Year, from the city’s fire department and County Firefighter of the Year, from Central Ohio.
Zoning Ishmael attended the Madison County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on Monday, May 1, regarding John Coffey & Company Ltd. dba Old 42 Antiques & Vintage Marketplace applicants requesting permission for a conditional use permit to operate a retail business, selling antiques, vintage and repurposed items in the existing Dutch Hospitality Group structure. The structure is located at 8690 US Rt. 42 in Canaan Township. Business hours of operation will be 7 days a week from 9 AM to 6 PM.
Ishmael stated that he requested that if there is any outside storage required of equipment and machinery that the outside storage be located behind the building.
Canaan Township resident Clarence Maxwell attended the meeting to inquire about selling 10 acres back in his woods along the creek bank to Joe Chapman to build a home. According to zoning regulations, Mr. Maxwell’s request is not an option. Trustees advised Mr. Maxwell to talk to Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Pronai and to Madison County Zoning David Hughes for possibilities of selling the land to build a home. Ishmael offered to talk with Mr. Pronai and David Hughes on the possibilities as well.
Roads Schrock was pleased to report that the 1st round of mowing ditches was completed in 4 days. Kudos to our ditch mowers who work aggressively to maintain and manicure our Canaan Township ditches!
Schrock reported that our Madison County Engineer, Bryan Dhume, has completed installing the culverts and drainage on Smith Calhoun Road. Dhume is working on pricing for surface treatments for Glenview Drive, Surrey Lane, Colvin Drive and Timmons Drive. Dhume believes these residential cul-de-sacs lend themselves better to micro-surfacing treatment versus chip seal. Advantages over chip seal in this application include longer service life (up to 10 years versus 5) and the elimination of the challenges with handling loose stone in close proximity to houses and manicured yards. All four of these cul-de-sacs are in similar condition and it would make sense to apply micro-surfacing to all of them to take advantage of a single mobilization cost.
Schrock addressed the amount of litter that we have to pick up prior to mowing the ditches in our township. Fiscal Officer Schrock suggested that we purchase DO NOT LITTER signs to put up on our Canaan Township roads and provided samples. Schrock will investigate the possibility of putting up DO NOT LITTER signs and also introducing littering fines with the county authorities. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS CANAAN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES OF MADISON COUNTY OHIO 2017 REGULARLY SCHEDULED SESSION Held: May 2, 2017 7:00 to 9:00 PM Page 3 of 3
Roads (Contd.) Prior to the meeting, Ishmael asked Fiscal Officer Schrock to investigate the costs of increasing our Waste Management services because of all of the trash we pick up in the ditches. Fiscal Officer Schrock provided the costs as follows: 1. Currently, we have one container (96 gallon) picked up once a week - $78.98 base rate plus fuel/environmental charge, regulatory cost recovery charge, and administrative charge. 2. To have one container picked up twice a week - $145.00 base rate plus fuel/environmental charge, regulatory cost recovery charge, and administrative charge. 3. To have two containers picked up once a week - $157.96 base rate plus fuel/environmental charge, regulatory cost recovery charge, and administrative charge.
The Board of Trustees decided to table the idea of increasing our Waste Management services. Schrock asked Lead Township Employee, Eli Gingerich, to track his time taking the trash to the County Engineer’s Office for one month.
Cemetery Whitmer has been in contact with an engineer and Creamer Drainage and hopes to have plans to install drainage at Big Darby Cemetery at the June meeting.
Discussion followed regarding improving the aesthetics of both sides of the blacktop at Big Darby Cemetery that leads to the flag pole flower bed. Whitmer will address making improvements to this blacktop driveway along with plans to install the drainage.
Building Fiscal Officer Schrock took The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights wall hangings in the township meeting room to Hobby Lobby to have them repaired. Hobby Lobby initially framed these wall hangings and repaired all three wall hangings at no charge.
Fiscal Officer Schrock reported that we need to repair the damage to the chair railing and wall along the south wall of the meeting room. Eli Gingerich will repair the damage and repaint that portion of the wall.
We are very pleased with One Source Lawn Care for the grooming of the flower beds at both the township lot and at Big Darby Cemetery. Fiscal Officer Schrock and Township employees Eli Gingerich and Pete Hammond purchased annuals for the flower beds. Gingerich and Hammond planted and watered the annuals. One Source Lawn Care needs to complete the installation of the irrigation system and mulching.
Miscellaneous Ishmael received a message from a utilities pipeline representative wanting to use one of our meetings to answer community questions about supplying natural gas to the area. Consensus from the elected officials is that they need to have a separate meeting to address community questions.
Ishmael moved that the meeting be adjourned and Schrock seconded. Roll Call: Ishmael-yes, Schrock-yes, Whitmer-yes. Meeting adjourned. The next Regularly Scheduled Session is scheduled for Monday, June 5, at 7:00 PM.
Fiscal Officer Trustee