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8 of 6 the National Strategies Primary

1 of 6 The National Strategies  Primary

Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner Key - Italic text signifies objectives which do not appear in the single-age version of this unit but have been added to create a coherent mixed-age unit - Smaller font indicates objectives which do appear in the single-age version of this unit, but which are addressed elsewhere within the mixed-age units - Bold font indicates ‘End-of-year’ objectives. I can… statements: red are MA1 Using and Applying, green are MA2, MA3 or MA4

Block C: Handling data and measures Unit 1 – 10 days

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Follow a line of enquiry; answer questions Follow a line of enquiry by deciding Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy by choosing and using suitable equipment what information is important; make needed to follow it; collect, organise and interpret and selecting, organising and presenting and use lists, tables and graphs to selected information to find answers information in lists, tables and simple organise and interpret the information I can think about an experiment, predict what diagrams I can decide what information to collect might happen and decide how I could go about I can decide what information I need to to answer a question (C1) finding out whether it is true answer a question I can make a table to record my results I can put information in lists and tables (moved from E1) Report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving explanations and reasoning orally and in writing, using diagrams and symbols I can tell people what I have found out and show some graphs to back up my conclusions

Read the numbered divisions on a scale Know the relationships between Choose and use standard metric units and their and interpret the divisions between them kilometres and metres, metres and abbreviations when estimating, measuring and (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with centimetres, kilograms and grams, recording length, weight and capacity; know the intervals of 1 shown but only the litres and millilitres; choose and use meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli' and, where divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 numbered); appropriate units to estimate, measure appropriate, use decimal notation to record

00318-2008DWO-EN-01 © Crown copyright 2008 2 of 6 The National Strategies  Primary

Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner use a ruler to draw and measure lines to and record measurements measurements (e.g. 1.3m or 0.6kg) the nearest centimetre I can suggest sensible units to I can measure lengths, weights, and times to help I can read numbers on a scale measure lengths me find out more about a question I am exploring

Estimate, compare and measure lengths, Read, to the nearest division and Interpret intervals and divisions on partially weights and capacities, choosing and using half-division, scales that are numbered scales and record readings accurately, standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable numbered or partially numbered; where appropriate to the nearest tenth of a unit measuring instruments use the information to measure and I can measure lengths to the nearest centimetre, I can find out if something is longer or draw to a suitable degree of weights in grams and kilograms, and times in shorter than a metre accuracy seconds I can find out if something will hold a litre of I can use a ruler or tape measure to water measure a length to the nearest ½ cm I can use a balance to compare two things to see which is lighter I can use a balance to find out if something is lighter or heavier than a kilogram or half kilogram

Answer a question by collecting and Answer a question by collecting, Answer a question by identifying what data to recording data in lists and tables; represent organising and interpreting data; use collect; organise, present, analyse and interpret the data as block graphs or pictograms to tally charts, frequency tables, the data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, show results; use ICT to organise and pictograms and bar charts to represent pictograms and bar charts, using ICT where present data results and illustrate observations; use appropriate I know how to collect information ICT to create a simple bar chart I can collect data and put it in a table to help me I can use lists and tables to show what I I can explain what a frequency chart explore an idea and find out more about it have found out tells me

00318-2008DWO-EN-01 © Crown copyright 2008 Block3 of 6 C:The Handling National Strategies data and  Primary measures Unit 2 – 10 days Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner YearUse lists, 2 tables and diagrams to sort UseYear Venn 3 diagrams or Carroll Year 4 objects; explain choices using appropriate diagrams to sort data and objects language, including 'not' using more than one criterion IFollow can sort a line objects of enquiry; and talk answer about questionshow I IFollow can place a line objects of enquiry on a byVenn deciding diagram what Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy sortedby choosing them and using suitable equipment information is important; make and use lists, needed to follow it; collect, organise and and selecting, organising and presenting tables and graphs to organise and interpret interpret selected information to find information in lists, tables and simple the information answers diagrams I can decide what information to collect to I can think of a question to ask about some I can organise information and make lists answer a question information and organise the information to and tables help me find out more about it

Report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving explanations and reasoning orally and in writing, using diagrams and symbols I can tell people what I have found out and show some graphs to back up my conclusions Estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and capacities, choosing and using Know the relationships between kilometres Choose and use standard metric units and standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable and metres, metres and centimetres, their abbreviations when estimating, measuring instruments kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres; measuring and recording length, weight and I can estimate whether a container holds choose and use appropriate units to capacity; know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' more or less than a litre estimate, measure and record and 'milli' and, where appropriate, use I can estimate whether an object is heavier measurements decimal notation to record measurements or lighter than a half kilogram in one hand I know that temperature can be measured in (e.g. 1.3m or 0.6kg) and the object in the other degrees Celsius I can measure carefully lengths to the I know how long a metre is and I know how nearest half centimetre so that my long a centimetre is measurement is accurate

Read the numbered divisions on a scale and interpret the divisions between them Read, to the nearest division and half- Interpret intervals and divisions on partially (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with intervals of division, scales that are numbered or numbered scales and record readings 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 partially numbered; use the information to accurately, where appropriate to the nearest and 20 numbered); use a ruler to draw and measure and draw to a suitable degree of tenth of a unit 00318-2008DWO-EN-01measure lines to the nearest centimetre accuracy I can use different© Crown kindscopyright of rulers2008 and I can read the temperature on a measuring tapes to measure lengths thermometer to the nearest degree accurately 4 of 6 The National Strategies  Primary

Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner I can use a ruler or metre stick to measure how long something is I can read numbers on a scale and work out the numbers between them

Answer a question by collecting and Answer a question by collecting, organising Answer a question by identifying what data recording data in lists and tables; represent and interpreting data; use tally charts, to collect; organise, present, analyse and the data as block graphs or pictograms to frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tally show results; use ICT to organise and to represent results and illustrate charts, pictograms and bar charts, using present data observations; use ICT to create a simple bar ICT where appropriate I can make block graphs and get chart I can choose from tables, diagrams, tally information from other people’s graphs I can show information In a pictogram where charts, pictograms and bar charts to show each picture represents 2 people data so that it is easy to understand

Use lists, tables and diagrams to sort Use Venn diagrams or Carroll diagrams to Compare the impact of representations objects; explain choices using appropriate sort data and objects using more than one where scales have intervals of differing step language, including 'not' criterion size I can sort objects and use diagrams to show I can place objects on a Carroll diagram I can compare graphs with different scales how I sorted them and decide which is the most useful

Use units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, Read the time on a 12-hour digital clock and days) and know the relationships between to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue them; read the time to the quarter hour; clock; calculate time intervals and find start identify time intervals, including those that or end times for a given time interval cross the hour I can find how long a journey took if I know I know that one hour is the same as 60 the start and end times minutes I can tell the time when it is quarter past, half past or quarter to the hour I know that a quarter past three is the same time as three fifteen (from D2)

00318-2008DWO-EN-01 © Crown copyright 2008 5 of 6 The National Strategies  Primary

Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner

Block C: Handling data and measures Unit 3 – 10 days

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Follow a line of enquiry; answer questions Follow a line of enquiry by deciding what Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy by choosing and using suitable equipment information is important; make and use lists, needed to follow it; collect, organise and and selecting, organising and presenting tables and graphs to organise and interpret interpret selected information to find information in lists, tables and simple the information answers diagrams I can decide what information to collect to Can think about an investigation, predict I can test out an idea by collecting and answer a question (C3) what might happen and decide how I could organising information I can choose how to show others what I go about finding information, perhaps by have found out (C3) doing a survey or taking measurements I can test examples to follow an enquiry about number (from E3) Report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving explanations and reasoning orally Describe and explain methods, choices and and in writing, using diagrams and symbols

00318-2008DWO-EN-01 © Crown copyright 2008 6 of 6 The National Strategies  Primary

Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner solutions to puzzles and problems, orally I can explain how I solved a puzzle using a and in writing, using pictures and diagrams diagram to help me I can explain how the class used information to solve a problem Estimate, compare and measure lengths, Know the relationships between kilometres Choose and use standard metric units and weights and capacities, choosing and using and metres, metres and centimetres, their abbreviations when estimating, standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres; measuring and recording length, weight and measuring instruments choose and use appropriate units to capacity; know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' I can measure length, using a metre tape or estimate, measure and record and 'milli' and, where appropriate, use a ruler measurements decimal notation to record measurements I can measure in centimetres/ metres I can choose suitable units to estimate and (e.g. 1.3m or 0.6kg) I can use a measuring jug to measure a litre measure length I can estimate the length of a line in of water and find out how much water other centimetres and millimetres and then containers hold measure the line to see how close my I can measure weight in kilograms and half- estimate was kilograms Read, to the nearest division and half- Interpret intervals and divisions on partially division, scales that are numbered or numbered scales and record readings Read the numbered divisions on a scale partially numbered; use the information to accurately, where appropriate to the nearest and interpret the divisions between them measure and draw to a suitable degree of tenth of a unit (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with intervals of accuracy I can use different kinds of rulers and 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 I can read a scale to the nearest division or measuring tapes to measure lengths and 20 numbered); use a ruler to draw and half-division accurately measure lines to the nearest centimetre I can read scales marked in 5s and 10s I can measure and draw lines to the nearest centimetre Answer a question by collecting and Answer a question by collecting, organising Answer a question by identifying what data recording data in lists and tables; represent and interpreting data; use tally charts, to collect; organise, present, analyse and the data as block graphs or pictograms to frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tally show results; use ICT to organise and to represent results and illustrate charts, pictograms and bar charts, using present data observations; use ICT to create a simple bar ICT where appropriate

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Years 2 to 4 mixed-age objective planner I can use ICT to show results chart I can collect data in different ways and I can show information in a tally chart or bar decide whether to put in a table, diagram, chart tally chart, pictogram or bar chart so that it Use lists, tables and diagrams to sort is easy to understand objects; explain choices using Use Venn diagrams or Carroll diagrams appropriate language, including 'not' to sort data and objects using more than Compare the impact of representations I can sort objects in different ways and one criterion where scales have intervals of differing step explain how I sorted them I can place objects on a Carroll diagram size I can compare graphs with different scales and decide which is the most useful

00318-2008DWO-EN-01 © Crown copyright 2008

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