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Friendly Endeavor, August 1926

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Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, August 1926" (1926). Friendly Endeavor. 62.

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V o l u m e 5 , N u m b e r 8 . PORTLAND, OREGON. August, 1926. LAST CALL FORj, TWIN ROCKS

REMEMBER!! SOME SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE WHO EXPECT TO ATTEND THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR You are planning to go to Conference, TWIN ROCKS conference August 2 to 9. You need the Conference TOPICS FOR AUGUST and the Conference needs you. It is the Inasmuch as we have been asked to place for spiritual fellowship, joint effort serve again in the capacity of Father and in work and play, and wholesome fun. Mother to the young people, it seems By BELL G. BADLEY. Soul and body will feel better at the end appropriate that wa should offer a few of the Conference if you come and enter suggestions to those who expect to attend into it whole-heartedly. the conference, because both the spiritaal To send $5.00 to Worth Coulsen, if you and recreational benefits to be derived August 8, 1926. haven't already. This is to insure your from the conference will depend largely Topic: "What Books Have I Found entertainment when you arrive. His upon the manner in whicla we conduct Worth While? Why?" address is Scotts Mills, Oregon. Be sure ourselves while there. If we wish the -^osh. 1:1-9. to send it in the next mail if you wish to conference to be a real success, let us, "If you have ever tried to select the board with the Conference Club. before going to Twin Rocks, give careful ten volumes that you would take with There is plenty of room for camping if consideration to. our plans, remembering you if youi were going to be ivrecked on you cannot board with the club. that this is to be a Jconference of Chris a desert island," says Asa Don Dickinson Wouldn't it be better to come and camp tian young people. There are no other in his Guide to Daily Reading, you know here, and get a spiritual feast as well as young people in this world who have so alreadv the difficulties that are met. The a p h y s i c a l r e s t , t h a n t o g o e l s e w h e r e , good a right to get genuine profit and books that yVu would take this ye^ are where the fellowship of God's people is real pleasure out of such a conference not the ones you would lacking. a s t h o s e w h o a r c C h r i s t i a n s a n d o n year, nor the ones you the same To h a v e y o u r s t u n t r e a d y f o r s t u n t their way to heaven; but we must care year. And they would "ot be the same night. fully conduct ourselves in a way which if you were to be there ten J ' , To have a Conference song, written is consistent with our profession. To they would if you were to be theie only and learned. fail in this vill spoil the occasion, botli ten months. Tt would take me so long To bring top bedding, knife, fork, f o r o t h e r s a n d f o r o u r s e l v e s . spoon and plate, and any other con Wa most earnestly that in all to choose' said one pert reader, that I veniences you may desire. matters of dress and conduct, that we should miss the boat and not get To pray that God's hand of blessing hold to a high standard of Christian wrecked'." may be upon the Conference in a very modesty. The fact that this partakes of "For whatever things wntten manifest way, and upon every individual the nature of an outing, does not indicate aforetime were written for ohr^leaming. present. license to be lacking in Christian mod To leave all your troubles at home. esty, nor coarse in general conduct. You won't need them at Conference. Those who wish to go into the surf or "The first time I read an excdlent They will wait until you get home. lake, are requested to wear bathing suits book, it is to me just as if I had gmned To bring all the smiles you have, for which are as little exposing as may be a new friend; when I read o^er a book 1 they will help you to get acquainted and possible to be had; and to throw coats have perused before, it^ resembles the make you happier all the time. o r b l a n k e t s a r o u n d t h e m s e l v e s w h i l e g o meeting with an old^meVer Goldsmith. Everybody Come and Have a REAL ing to and from tha water. All persons Vacation. are requested to change bathing suits "Books are the food of o®! and hiking suits, and to put on regulation light of old age; the ojnament of pros T H E F I R S T M E A L clothing, as soon as they return to the perity; the refuge and comfort of ad conference grounds. Please be con versity; a deliglit at At Conference will be served on Monday siderate. hindrance abroad; companions at nigM^ evening. Tuesday evening will be the Young people are requested not to go companions in traveling and^m^me get-to-gether meeting, and Wednesday hiking at any time nor to the beach after country." evening the first Evangelistic service. night, except by permission. This re is not made bscause of lack of con "We are as liable to be cormped by fidence, but in the interest of safety and b o o k s a s b y NOTICE! good order. companion^s^^_^ Fillding. It is preferable that no dogs, par We forgot to mention this in the folder. ticularly large ones, should be brought Be sure to bring a knife, fork, spoon, cup to the conference; but, in case any be "It does not matter how o^any'Jiut and plate in addition to the things how good, books you have." —Seneca. brought, their owners are requested to mentioned in the folder. If you can, tie them up at night, outside their tents; bring utensils of this kind that you can and to othei-wise prevent them from an "Life being very short, and the quiet donate to the Conference. This will help noying other persons. hours of it few, we ought to waste none cut down expenses and will not work a We are expecting an exceptionally of them in reading valueless books,;^ and hardship on any of us. profitable and enjoyable conference; and, valuable books ^ould, in a ,, that it may be so, we tnist that every one comt.,, be «,hi„ the reach of evejone. ATTENTION! BOISE VALLEY C. E.'S. will come, in the spirit ot prayer, and with hearts open to the truth. The annual conference for Boise Yours, with much interest in the young "There is no business; no avocation Valley Quarter of Christian Endeavorers people of Oregon Yearly Meeting. whatever, which will not permit a man, will be held at Boise, , 21 and FATHER AND MOTHER COPE. who has the inclination, to give a httle 22. Let's all turn out for these meetings time every day and enjoy a feast off good things. A Do right if the heavens fall; but splendid program of speaking, music and t h e r e i s n o d a n g e r o f t h e i r f a l l i n g . conference discussions is being planned "No book that will not improve by re f o r t h i s o c c a s i o n . A l l A b o a r d f o r t h e Candor will lose you some friends, but peated readings ^l-iwes Capital City for Idaho's Conference. not as many as deceit. "When reading for something besides "Ekonomy is of itself a great revenue." "A man who cannot mind liis own "By their patience and perseverance Twin Rocks Conference is a subject SUNNYSIDK pastime, get into the habit of referring —Cicero. business is not to be trusted "with the God's children are truly known from that is occupying the thought and at when necessary to dictionary, encyclo K i n g s . " — S a v i l l e . hypocrites and dissemblers." tention of some of our members and a pedia and atlas." Augustine. few are thinking of attending if they —^Asa Don Dickinson. , 1926. Jesus said, "Therefore all things what 2. Love—"Love suffereth long and is can so arrange. Heacock Sash & Door Co. k i n d . " — 1 C o r . 1 3 - 4 . A beautiful set of silver knives and Topic: "Bible Teachings About Prayer." soever ye would that men should do to "A little library, growing larger every "And this I pray, that your love may forks was presented to the newlyweds Phil. 4:6,7; Heb. 4:14-16. you, do' ye even so to them." year, is an honorable part of a man's abound yet more and more in knowledge by the local meeting. The "recipients of " P r a y e r c h a n g e s t h i n g s . " and in all judgement." —Phil. 1:9. the gift have expressed themselves as h i s t o r y . I t i s a m a n ' s d u t y t o h a v e In what way has the Pure Food Law books. A libi'ary is not a luxury, but "There is nothing beyond the reach of 3. Prevailing . Prayer—Since so much being very much delighted lyith the gift prayer, but that which lies outside the helped to make business more Christian? and are grateful to the members of this one of the necessaries of life." Is it Unchristian to artificially color depends upon the prayer life of the — H e n r y W a r d B e e c h e r. will of God." Christian for his growth in grace, much monthly meeting who have thus so "Men ought always to pray and not to oleomargarine ? time should be given to it. kindly remembered them. faint."—Luke 18:1. Has a man in business any right to Matthew Henry says, "Let prayer be promise the delivery of goods which he , 1926. There are three forms cf prayer: the key of the morning and the bolt STAR. 215 SECOND STREET 1. Communion—^which includes praise, knows cannot possibly be furnished, in Topic: "How Can We Prevent Wa.ste?" of the evening." C o m e r S a l m o n thanksgiving, fellowship with God. order to gain trade? Luke 15:11-32; John 6:1-13. 4. Contentment—^When -will we ever A Children's Day program was given PORTLAND, OREGON 2. Petition—definite requests. D o e s t h e t e i - m " b u s i n e s s i s b u s i n e s s " leam that real happiness and content Let us avoid extremes. When we 3. Intercession—the prayer for souls. sound fair and square to you or does it during the Sunday School hour on July ment are not bought with money? We 4. On July 11, a few minutes was We give the best prices and service on waste, we spend unnecessarily; we In which do we spend the most time. have a flaw in its ring like a piece of make them ourselves. "Contentment," given to the promotion exercises, at the Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' squander. Economy is management cracked glassware? Why?" without waste. Frugality cuts off lavish says Balquy, "is a pearl of great price, close of Sunday School. After repeat Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc. .We be "If pain afflict or -wrongs oppress. and whoever procures it at the ex ing portions of their Bible memory, or even superfluous spending and de If cares distract, or feais dismay. Every true Christian business man lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. mands systematic saving. Parsimony is pense of a thousand desires makes a work, each child received a promotion If guilt deject, or sin distress. owes it to his community to lend his wise man and a happy purchase." certificate. frugality carried to extremes. It is In every case still watch and pray." efforts to the right kind of business 5. Obedience to God—"Trust and mean and small. Can we not keep in Since the mai-riage of Geneva Jessup We quote Edward Bounds; legislation, and to support the enforce obey, for there's no other way to ,be to Kenneth Eichenberger, of Melba, they Office Phone Tabor 9584 Office Hours the middle of road? ment of good laws along that line. In "The possibilities of prayer are the happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. have moved to that place. We miss Res. Phone Tabor 9543 10-12 and 2-5. possibilities of faith. one community, the efforts of a 6. The Other Fi-uits of the Spint— G e n e v a f r o m o u r c i r c l e . A woman well known to some members T h e y g o t o g e t h e r . Christian Endeavor Society through the of Oregon Yearly Meeting did her sewing Joy, peace, long-suffering, gent eness, On their way home -from California, Faith is always praying. help they received from sympathetic goodness, faith, meekness and temper the Hestons and Mrs. Brady \dsited at and "pinning" all through the Civil War Prayer is always believing. citizens, compelled the stores to close with two needles and five pins! on Sunday in community. There was ance. the Raymond Jones home, near Tivin Faith must have a tongue to speak. Falls. The Jones are former residents DR. CLAUDE A. LEWIS a store closing law, but it had been P r a y e r i s t h a t t o n g u e . of Star. A m o s R . W e l l s t e l l s o f a c l e r k i n t h e Faith must receive. u t t e r l y d i s r e g a r d e d . customs office .at Louisville, Kentucky, SOCIETY NOTES P l a n s a r e u n d e r w a y f o r t h e B o i s e with the following record. He carried Prayer is the hand stretched to receive. Valley Quarterly Meeting C. E. Con Prayer must rise and soar. Somes iniles for young men in Physician and Surgeon a n d c o n s t a n t l y u s e d : Faith gives gives prayer wings. ference at Boise, August 20, 22. A business as stated by the great ENTIAT. poster contest is creating intrest among 1 Knife for 18 years, Prayer must get in to God. the societies. financiers: 1050'/z Hawthorne Ave. 1 Key-ring for 19 years, Faith opens the door. Beulah Beeson, our C. E. president, 1 P e n f o r 1 4 y e a r s , P r a y e r a s k s . 1. Don't talk too much during busi Emerson Ball, Viola Ball and their n e s s h o u r s . son, Charles Ball, have returned from a recently underwent a minor, operation at 1 Pencil for 5 years. Faith lays its hand on the thing 2. Listen attentively; answer cau a Boise hospital. "His example is worthy to be made asked for.'' trip to California. We are glad to know Residence tiously; decide quickly. , that Lee Ball, who is in California, is known everywhere to careless, wasteful 3. Decide what is right and stand by improidng in health. HIGHLAND. 120 East 38th Street. Portland, Ore. people What is the secret of this lon There is only one prayer that the it. ' William Murphy and his family have gevity of things that usually remain sinner can pray and expect an answer— 4. Pay your debts promptly. Our society joined Piedmont society w i t h m e n f o r o n l y a f e w d a y s o r been in Idaho for the past two weeks. that is the prayer for forgiveness. 5. Never tell business lies. Our monthly business meeting was for a picnic at Canby, July 5. A fine m o n t h s ? S i m p l y C a r e . 6. Keep your integrity as a sacred held at the Morrill home on the second time was reported by all, and the girls Now 'a penny saved is a penny earned,' "The bles.sing of persevering prayer is thing. of July. We discussed the matter of especially enjoyed the stunts put on by B u i l d e r ' s S u p p l i e s E l e c t r i c S u p i d i e a and to waste pennies in this world where unspeakable. There is nothing so heart- 7. Live within your means. sending a delegate or two to the Twin the boys. there is so much for pennies to do, is no searching as the prayer of faith. It 8. Be prompt, be polite and employ Our Holiness Camp Meeting at teaches you to discover and confess, and Rocks Conference, and decided to send Paints, Glass, Roofing less than a sin. The proper care of our youi; time well. them if at all possible. Quinaby park closed July 11. The Lord clothes, brushing them, cleaning them, give up everything that hinders the was with us and we enjoyed the spirit coming of the blessing.' u •'^"'l^.they might well have added, Our Society's "Fi-iendly Endeavor" putting them away properly, guarding —^Andrew Murray seek first the Kingdom of God." quota has been paid in full, and we filled messages delivered by Rev. L. them from moths, would add many now have a gratifying surplus in our Clarkson Hinshaw and by the pastors dollars a year to the Lord's treasury in The Prayer Habits of Jesus. treasury. and other of the association. HAWTHORNE HARDWARE Christian lands. The same is true of September 5, 1926. Mary Armstrong and Genevieve Beck furniture, books, adornments, tools of S. D. Gordon. ett had the priidlege of camping on the 1. His time of prayer. Early morn Topic: "Christian Ideals and How to MELBA. all kinds. , , ^ grounds. K. L. MENDENHALL We are a wasteful people. A French ing, before important events, and some Reach Them." Helen Hardy and her little daughter t i m e s a l l n i g h t . Melba Friends Endeavorers enter housewife will prepare a good meal wth Phil. 3-12-14; 4:8,9. Wilma, left for San Francisco June 18, what many American housewives throw 2. His places of prayer. The deserts, tained the young people of the Metho the moantains, the quiet and solitary (Consecration Meeting) dist and Baptist churches _ at a weiner to be with Mr. Hardy. They will make away. An English laborer will wear his their home there. We will miss them T a b o r 0 4 3 5 clothes twice as long as an American places. A i m H i g h . roast and outing on the river (Snake) 3. He prayed in the great crises of If you will look up the records of the f r o m o u r s o c i e t y a n d c h u r c h . laborer, and look just as well. To save Friday evening, July 16. A gjeey We are glad to -welcome the Newly- money is to lengthen life. Economy is His life. In the -wilderness. Before Conference in 1920 you will find that number of young people gathered tnere choosing the twelve. At the time of choice slogans was this: for the occasion and enjoyed an evening weds, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, of 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ore. part of Chri tianity. Taking care of our the Galilean uprising. Before the final of fun and fellowship. Springbrook, in our midst. Paul is at things belongs to taking care of our than you can do. Then do it. tending Willamette University for the souhs. In no spirit of miserliness, let us trip to Jeiusalem. In Gethsemane. We were glad to welcome Mr. and s u m m e r s e s s i o n . 4. He prayed for others by name. off more than you can chew. Mrs. Walter Bolitho back to our midst, wisely save, that we may have wisely 5. He prayed with others. to .spend." Then chew it. Sunday, July 11. They have been at Office Hours:_ T a b o r 9 5 8 4 6. The greatest blessings of His life Hitch your wagon to a star. tending N. P. E. I. in Portland and have PIEDJIONT. Some Quotations. came during prayer—as the coming of Take your seat and there you are." returned to Idaho for the sunmier. Mr. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. The heart of Piedmont is all fluttered "Wilful -waste makes woeful want." the Holy Spirit upon Him, His trans Bolitho is planning to run a threshing to Conference. —Old Proverb. figuration, three times a Heavenly voice If our ideals are to truth, honesty machine during the harvesting season of approval came, and angels came and which is already well under way. It seems sometimes that we cannot ministered to Him. justice, purity, lovliness, and things ot wait. But it %vill not be long until we "Beware of little expenses: a small Tood report, let us strive in our daily The annual Sunday School picnic was leak will sink a great ship." Wlien perplexed He prayed, when hard held in the Lakeview Park at Nampa, will be singing, "Supper tastes fine DR. A. E. GEORGE pressed He prayed, when tempted He ives to meet the requirements that tonight, Supper tastes fine. —Benjamin Franklin. lead to these graces. July 2. A splendid time -with lots of The Camp Meeting held June 24 to prayed, when criticised He prayed. good eats was the portion of those who DENTIST "The man who will live above his attended. . , , ,, July 4, was a great blessing to us all. "The heights by great men reached and Several of our young people found present circumstances is in great danger , 1926. Many of our members attended the t h e i r w a y b a c k t o t h e L o r d . of living, in a little time, much beneath kept. wedding at Star, Sunday, June 27, wdien Clarice Morford will be leaving for t h e m . " — A d d i s o n . Topic: "How Can We Make Business Were not attained by sudden flight. Kenneth L. Eichenberger, of Melba, and Thoroughly Christian?" But they, while their companions slept. Miss Geneva Jessup, of Star, were Asbury College in September. We surely 1050 Vz Hawthorne Ave. "Frugality may be termed the daugh 1 T i m . 6 : 1 7 - 1 9 . Were toiling upward in the night." united in marriage. Rev. Carey Jessup, will miss her pushing and pep but are ter of prudence, the sister of temperance < L e t u s s t r i v e f o r : father of the bride, officiating. Mr. and glad that she has the prmledge of and the parent of liberty." "Honesty is the best policy." 1. Patience—Let patience have her Mrs. Eichenberger are living in Melba going. —Dr. S. Johnson. —Benjamin Franklin. perfect work." —Jos. 1-4- f o r a w h i l e n o w . (Continued on Fourth Page.) PORTLAND, ♦ OREGON (Continued from Third Page) SALEM. Cbe friendly Endeavor The Highland C.. E. graciously in- vited us to a picnic, July 5, on the X R a y L a b o r a t o r y Te l e p h o r r e s Editor-in-Chief Helen Cammack R. 4, Box 38. Salem, Ore. Mollala river. Everyone present seemed Office 341 to enjoy themselves, especially in the Associate Editor J. Emil Swanson Residence 1697 J 327 East 52nd Street, Portland, Ore, "ol' swimrnin' hole." S o c i e t y N e w s E d i t o r M i l d r e d H a d l e y Piedmont is well known for forget 930 E. Salmon St., Portland, Ore. ting things and sending in C E, notes DR. CARL E. MILLER Poet's Corner and Exchange Editor.. late, but what surprised us all was to find, on. our arrival, that we took Vira Lull Dentist 1940 N. Bth St., Salem, Ore, nothing to scoop fifteen gallons of ice Lesson Editor Bell G. Badley cream with. We borrowed a tablespoon 984 East Salmon St., Portland, Ore. and you may be sure that Merlin Brown Hours by Appointment and Myron Morford had a wonderful B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r W a l t e r L e e 2235 North Bth Street, Salem, Ore. time scooping ice cream for the hungry flock. , ^ „ 511-512 U. S. Bank Building Published at Portland, Oregon. We hope to see you at Conference, Subscription Price, per year 75c and by the way—don't forget your song, S A L E M - O R E G O N SUNNYSIDE, MAXIMS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE. PORTLAND. Be not always speaking of yourself. We have suffered another loss in the Be not forward. Listen when spoken death of Grandpa Henshaw. Both his to. Avoid old sayings and vulgarisms. life, and Mr, Sherman's, were a benedic Compliments of Be choice in your compliments. Com tion to us as young people. Our great m a n d y o u r t e m p e r a n d y o u r c o u n t e n est desire to help carry on the work they were called to lay doivn. ance. Never acknowledge an enemy E U G E N E S C H I E W E or see an affront if you can help it. 'The monthly business meeting, song Doubt him who swears to the truth of practice and watermelon social were Wal. 6969 a thing. Dare he singular in a right rolled into one evening, July 13th, at Helen George'.s. cause; be not ashamed to refuse. Nev AND er appear to be in a hurry. Neglect not Our C. E. prayermeetings have been an old acquaintance. Make no one in of real interest and help lately. Prac tical every-day problems took up the company feel his inferiority. Avoid E. A. WRIGHT punning and mimicry. Talk not long entire discussion of one meeting; the at a time. Tell no long or doubtful grandeur of God's handiwork and indi Ea. 8031 stories. Hold no one by the button vidual inspiration or lessons gained when speaking. Forestall not a slow from nature opened new fields of truth speaker. Say not all you think. Give t o u s a n o t h e r t i m e . Cement Contractors not your advice unasked. Remember Sunnyside will be at Twin Rocks few jokes will bear repeating. Leam strong—she has not forgotten the song Portland, Oregoiu the character of the company before contest either. you say much.—The Youth's Compan ion. LIFE, E y e s E x a m i n e d G l a s s e s F i t t e d YOU CANNOT CONTROL. Our life is like the dial of a Clock. The hands are God's hands. The length of your life, but you can Passing over and over again, control its width and depth. The short hand the hand of Discipline; The contour of your countenance, but The long hand the hand of Mercy. ARTHUR W. RUHNDORF you can control its expression. Slowly but surely the hand of Disci The other man's opportunities, but pline you can grasp your o^vn. Must pass, and God speaks at every Optometrist The weather, but you can control the stroke, but moral atmosphere which surrounds you. Over and over passes the hand of The big income of your competitor, Mercy, Optician but you can manage Avisely your own Showering down sixty-fold of blessings modest earnings. f o r e a c h The distance that your head shall be Stroke of Discipline or trial; and both Glasses a Specialty above the ground, but you can control hands the height of the contents of your head. Are fastened to one secure pivot, the W h y w o r r y a b o u t t h i n g s y o u c a n ' t Great, unchanging heart of a God of control? Get busy controlling the Love, MAin 1023 201 Ungar Building things that you can.—Heart and Life —Selected. Alder St., bet. 6th & Broadway Bulletin, A N D R E W B O N A R ' S Z E A L . A D O G M I S S I O N A R Y , G I V E G L A D L Y . One night Andrew Bonar had a A remarkable incident occurred in dream. In this dream he saw the connection with an encampment of angels taking it and weighing it. They "For the heart grows rich in giving; Shantung soldiers located at Shanghai, told him it was excellent for it weighed All its wealth is golden grain; One day a dog wandered into this camp a plump 100 pounds,, which was all that Seeds which mildew in the garuer with some leaves of a book in his could be asked. Bonar was greatly mouth. The soldiers caught the dog gratified. Tlieii the angels wished to Scattered, fill with gold the plain." and read the fragment of the book. It analyze it. Tliey put it in a crucible was a portion of the Word of Goch and tested it in various ways. This They became interested and followed w a s t h e r e s u l t . Character may be what a man is rir the dog to a Christian hospital near by 14 Parts selfishness. the dark, but sooner or later he will be and asked for more of this kind ot lit 1!5 Paris sectarianism. the same thing in the light. In other erature. This was, of course, gladly 2 2 P a r t s a m b i t i o n . words what a man is will eventually be given them. As a result Dr. Gotortn 23 Parts love to man. found out. and a evangelist visited tms 26 Parts love to God. camp and 200 men were enrolled as He awoke humbled. enquirei-s. If God can so use the This is a certain rule, that true turn mouth of a dog to deliver His Word, ing unto God and remaining in the prac can He not use you and me?—Heart It i.s not belief about Christ, but per tice of any one sin cannot stand togeth and Life. sonal trOst in Christ that saves the soul. er.—Bolton.