Virtual Meiosis Lab Part I

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Virtual Meiosis Lab Part I

Name: ______Period: ____

Virtual Meiosis Lab Part I

You will complete a virtual meiosis lab today. Please follow the instructions below.

1) Go the following website:

2) Click on Lab 10: Chromosome Structure and Meiosis

3) Read the Introduction on the left hand side and answer the following questions:

a. In animal cells, meiosis is restricted to cells that ______.

b. When an egg is fertilized, the egg and sperm fuse to form a ______.

c. Haploid Egg + Haploid Sperm = ______

d. Draw the diagram on the right of the screen that illustrates mitosis and meiosis.

4) Click on “Begin Assignment”

5) Click “Begin Part 2”

6) Read the instructions of Part 2. Please remember that in the early stages of meiosis, all the cells in the sac are in the same stage. You will have to click on various sacs to see ALL the stages of Meiosis 1.

7) Click “here” to begin and identify the stages of meiosis I.

8) Once you have completed identifying the stages of Meiosis I, then begin identifying the stages of Meiosis II.

a. How can you identify a cell in Prophase I?

b. Drawing of Prophase I: Name: ______Period: ____

c. How can you identify a cell in Metaphase I?

d. Drawing of Metaphase I:

e. How can you identify a cell in Anaphase I?

f. Drawing of Anaphase I:

g. How can you identify a cell in Telophase I?

h. Drawing of Telophase I:

Please spend adequate time identifying all the stages of Meiosis. You should feel very comfortable identifying the stages of Meiosis following this assignment. Practice as many times as you need until you can identify each stage with ease!!!

i. How can you identify a cell in Prophase II?

j. Drawing of Prophase II: Name: ______Period: ____

k. How can you identify a cell in Metaphase II?

l. Drawing of Metaphase II:

m. How can you identify a cell in Anaphase II?

n. Drawing of Anaphase II:

o. How can you identify a cell in Telophase II?

p. Drawing of Telophase II:

Virtual Meiosis Lab Part II

9) Once you have completed correctly identifying all the stages of both Meiosis I and Meiosis II, then click on “Begin Part 4”.

10) Read the introduction and answer the question below.

a. What is the job of a cytogeneticist? ______

11) Go through each case and diagnose each karyotype.

12) Look up basic facts about each of the following chromosomal diseases using the internet and reputable sources. You may also use the information below each disorder to help you make your decisions.

Turner Syndrome(one X chromosome): ______Name: ______Period: ____

Monosomy of the sex chromosomes producing females who exhibit few abnormalities until puberty. During puberty they do not produce normal secondary sexual characteristics. Individuals tend to be short and have a weblike neck, poorly developed breasts, and immature internal sexual organs.

Triple X Syndrome : ______Characterized by the presence of an additional X chromosome in each of a female's cells. Although females with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal change typically causes no unusual physical features. Most females with triple X syndrome have normal sexual development and are able to conceive children.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome : ______This syndrome is used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. The syndrome can affect different stages of physical, language and social development. The most common symptom is infertility. Because they often don't make as much of the male hormone testosterone as other boys, teenagers with Klinefelter's syndrome may have less facial and body hair and may be less muscular than other boys. They may have trouble using language to express themselves.

Patau’s Syndrome/Trisomy 13 : ______Autosomal trisomy that produces physical malformations, and mental and developmental retardation, so severe that most afflicted infants die within a few weeks after birth. Symptoms may include cleft lip or palate, close-set eye, or extra fingers or toes (polydactyly).

Edward’s Syndrome/Trisomy 18: ______Autosomal trisomy that produces physical malformations, and mental and developmental retardation, so severe that most afflicted infants die within a few weeks after birth. Symptoms include clenched hands, kidney problems, and heart disease.

Down’s Syndrome/Trisomy 21: Name: ______Period: ____

______Autosomal trisomy associated with physical features including broad head, rounded face, perceptible epicanthic folds of the eyes, a flattened bridge of the nose, protruding tongue, small irregular teeth, and short stature. Mental retardations is also characteristic. It is also called mongolian idiocy.

Trisomy 22: ______Autosomal trisomy in which the fetus does not survive.

Male XYY: ______Trisomy of the sex chromosomes producing males with less severe abnormalities, though they often have poorly developed genetalia, subnormal intelligence, and aggressive behavior. Build the karyotype for each individual case and identify each case. Include the disorder (if any) and if the person is male or female. 13) Case 1: ______Gender:______14) Case 2: ______Gender:______15) Case 3: ______Gender:______16) Case 4: ______Gender:______17) Case 5: ______Gender:______18) Case 6: ______Gender:______19) Case 7: ______Gender:______20) Case 8: ______Gender:______21) After you have diagnosed all 8 cases, then continue reading the text on the left side of the page and answer the following questions.

a. What causes trisomy to occur? ______

b. Explain what happens during nondisjunction. ______Name: ______Period: ____

22) Click “here” for visualization of this process.

23) Draw the three scenarios that may result from nondisjunction in the space below.

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