LEATHERWOOD MOUNTAINS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING January 18, 2014 All Board members were present. Property owners, John Tye and Myung Pulver, were also present.

President Russ Simmons called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed from the November 2013 meeting as prepared by Meda Cobb. Keith Johnston made a motion to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded by Cindy Rywak. All Board members voted in favor of approval.

Williamson Cul-de-sac Request: Cindy reported that Glenn Kistler and Dean Williamson are working this out together. The resolution will be 100% Williamson’s expense. Proposed gate will be placed at the Williamson property line and the cul-de-sac will be completely on his adjacent property. Jim Kear will draft a letter stating all conditions. David Senter suggested that the POA will not give up easement rights to the old cul-de-sac but will not maintain the cul-de-sac behind the Williamson gate. . Roads, Bridges, etc.: Jim Kear reported that during some of the culvert work a water line was broken. After further repairs and additional research and observations, it was determined that the water line was to a community well that serves the pool and four houses. This leak causes the well pump to run constantly and the leak cannot be found. The POA and the 4 owners are dividing the repair bills to date. The POA will let the other property owners know that they will probably have to get their own wells and Russ will draft the notice letter. Additionally, the cables to the fire gate have been replaced and are still there. Hugh will take camera down and store it until a few weeks before the next hunting season. The road is not passable beyond the gate and needs some work. Other road issues that were discussed included that some minor repairs from erosion need to be done, Buckaroo Road on West Ridge needs some work to be able to make the turn in properly. The culvert near the tractor shed has a hole in it and there is a cone in place. Hugh suggested stabilization of creeks in meadow. Dick Polen suggested cleaning scrub pines, etc. near edge of roads.

Communication and Activities: Lunch will be served at Noon on March 15 prior to the Leatherwood POA annual meeting. David Smith will arrange for the catering for the lunch. A 2014 Leatherwood Mountains Events Calendar was distributed.

Trails: David Senter is still working on a lease with Burt Luce for the Arrowhead trails. Burt Luce’s Arrowhead LLC was added to Leatherwood POA liability insurance for $35.

Well, Pool, Playground, Ponds: Cindy Rywak and John Tye reported on the recommended plans for Raymond’s pond. The pond needs to be dredged. Twenty-five percent of the pond area has been lost due to silting. The recommended procedure to drain the pond is to use an irrigation pump to drain it down enough to get the equipment into the pond. Another more risky alternative is to open the gate at the dam but because of its age and the fact that it has never been opened, it may not be able to be closed again. Cindy will get cost estimates for each method. It was suggested that we look at “cost +” estimates since it is impossible to predict all the factors that may come into play with this job. There is also a question as to where the silt can be moved or dumped as it is removed.

. Treasurer’s Report: Dick presented the December 2013 Income Statement to the Board. He reported that dues collections were better than usual by 15K to 16K collections of past due POA dues. We ended up the year 45K to the good. It was suggested that this positive flow go to make up the road fund and that it would be better to use budget overage before dipping into road fund. 10% of budget is to go to road fund each year if it is available.

Annual Meeting Planning: The Board set the Annual Meeting for Saturday, March 15, 2014. The Board will meet at the Welcome Center at 9 AM for final preparations. The catered lunch will begin at 12 Noon at the South Barn and will be followed by the Annual meeting. Keith Johnston has prepared all documents to be mailed to the property owners. This has been completed by Elaine Johnson of Faw CPA. The deadline for the Proxy return is March 11. The Declarant for voting purposes in certain specified elections is Mountain Resource Company.

Rental of Pool/Tennis Courts: Leatherwood Rentals had asked about renting the pool and tennis courts for events. The Board decided that this would not be in the best interest of the property owners of Leatherwood Mountains.

Executive Session was requested to discuss a financial obligation. Keith Johnston moved that the Board go into executive session.

The next meeting date was set for February 15, 2014.

There being no further business, Keith Johnston made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am. Respectfully submitted,

Meda Cobb Secretary