Back to School Night s2
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Mrs. Wendling’s Class – Information
Absence Procedures – A lot goes on in a day of school. It is critical that your child attends school so that s/he does not miss important instruction. When your child misses a day of school, please send him/her to school with a written excuse note the day s/he returns. Picking Up Work/Sending Work Home – If your child misses school, it is best if s/he gets his/her homework the same night. If you live near a student in our school, I will be happy to send any missed work home with him/her. If not, if you are able to come to school to pick up your child’s missed classwork, that will keep him/her on track with the rest of the class. If neither of these are an option, I will send home work with your child when s/he returns to school. Students can only stay in for recess with a doctor’s note for a health concern. With a note they will spend the recess period in the office. Birthday Celebrations – We love to celebrate birthdays. Due to the increasing number of students with food allergies, I am asking that you not send in food to celebrate your child’s birthday. This is for the protection of each of the children in the class. If you would like to send something for the class, you could send something small, like stickers, erasers or pencils for each student. If you prefer you could donate a book to our classroom library in honor of your child’s birthday. Another thing we love is “energy for our Leap Pads.” Basically this means that you send in some AA batteries and we used them to power our Leap Pads. It sounds silly, but the batteries are always running out and the kids get so excited to use the Leap Pads. When a student brings in batteries, I make a sign that says, “Leap Pads are being powered in honor of ______’s birthday.” Important: If you are hosting a party for your child and plan to invite children from the class, please do not send in invitations to school unless you are inviting the entire class. Please mail or pass out invitations in another way if you are not inviting the entire class. Refer to the Student Directory (which will be created at Back to School Night) for addresses and phone numbers. This will keep children from having hurt feelings. Book Orders – I will send home a book order form periodically. You may order online at ordering. Our class code is H7H72. You may also send an order in to school. If you do, please send a check back with the order form within a week. Please consider ordering from the monthly book order. The children love to get books and it encourages them to read. We also get free books for the classroom this way. Buying Lunch – Our school uses PIN numbers for each child. Each child must type in his/her pin number to purchase lunch or use a card which is provided. You can send in a check/money with your child, or pay online, so that you do not have to send exact money each day. When you send in money/checks, please put the money in an envelope with your child’s first and last name. Students who do not have a lunch for some reason will be given a lunch from the cafeteria and their account will be billed. Please pay off lunch accounts as report cards can be held at the end of the year for non-payment. Lower South participates in the free and reduced lunch program. There are forms online for this. Please consider applying for free and reduced lunch programs as qualifying for Title I reading depends on this number. Free and reduced lunch information is kept confidential. Class Directory – I will compile a class directory with names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Please let me know if you would like to be included in the class directory by filling out the form at Back to School Night. Clothing Information - Students should be dressed for gym on the day that gym is scheduled. Please don’t send in a change of clothes as there is no time for the children to change. This includes a change of shoes. As each of the students in the class has different room temperature needs please dress your child in layers. Please help your child learn to tie their shoes as it is difficult to tie 24 pairs of shoes throughout the day and it is unsafe for the children to try and walk with untied laces. I posted a short cut video on my website: for you to see. Double knotting laces are a good idea. Please help your child learn to zipper and button their coat. Again, it is difficult to button and zip 24 coats throughout the day. Communicating with the Teacher – There are 4 ways to communicate with me. 1. By writing a note. 2. E-mailing me at [email protected] (This is the most efficient way to contact me. I check email at least twice a day.) 3. Calling the school at 215-809-6350. The best times to call are: 8:00 - 8:30 am between 11:35 am – 12:15 pm, or between 3:15 - 4:00 pm. 4. Asking me to call you at night. (Write a note.) Please write a time that would be good for me to contact you. I will do my best to contact you on the day requested, but often I will need more than a day as I have evening commitments. Discipline – We have a responsive classroom. The class and I have talked extensively about their reason for attending school: to learn. First grade students are still learning how to be good students. I remind the students often of what is expected of them. However, if a child is interfering with his/her own ability to 2 learn, or another’s ability to learn, there is a problem. **Ideally a Logical Consequence will be available (i.e. knock over a friend’s pencil box, clean it up.) Individual students will be asked to practice class rules during recess or break times, if necessary. When a student continually has trouble with a rule, s/he will bring a paper home for you to sign. Please discuss the rules with him/her and return the signed note, the very next day so that your child does not have to practice the rule again during recess/break. Dismissal – You filled out the white dismissal form which explains how your child should get home from school each day. If this plan will change for any reason, please send a signed note to school. Without a note, I must send your child home the way you have explained. If your child is going home with another child, for childcare reasons, the school needs a note from BOTH parents. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping your children safe. Early Dismissal Information - Please check the Neshaminy website or news for early dismissal information during inclement weather. Inclement weather could mean hurricanes, snow, or heat. The last 3 days of school are usually planned half days. Students will be given lunch before being dismissed. So please don’t forget to send lunch money or a packed lunch. You filled out a green form which explains how your child will be going home on early dismissal days. Foss Science Program: A Hands-On Approach to Science Students will work in cooperative learning groups and handle materials to conduct experiments. This curriculum fosters critical thinking as they have to make the connections to the concepts being taught with the experiments. Air and Weather Solids and Liquids Guided Reading – Your child will be tested to determine his/her “reading level.” The children will be broken up into small groups based on this level so they may be instructed at their level. This is in addition to the whole group instruction, which happens every day. Grading – I follow the district requirements for grading. The district uses Standards Based Grading which means that I will give you information about how your child is progressing toward a goal. I will not be giving A, B, C, D, F grades. Children are given tests at the ends of units. Please sign the test, have students fix all errors on tests, and return it the next day. Homework – Since many children have after school commitments, I send home a Weekly Homework packet to give you and your child some leeway in completely assignments on any given night. I will list your child’s homework for each night on the packet. The entire packet should be worked on at home and returned to school on Friday. Also, if your child does not finish his/her classwork, s/he may have an additional page.
3 Homework assignments should take a total of approximately 15-30 minutes. The children should be able to complete their homework with minimal assistance. They will need assistance with the “spelling test” portion of the homework. Please check homework and help your child correct any mistakes s/he has made. We don’t have a lot of time to practice handwriting in school so please pay particular attention to how your child forms his letters and numbers. Proper formation is very important. Go to to see a letter formation chart. Please let me know if the homework is exceptionally difficult for your child, by writing a note on the homework. I will work with him/her during a free time period so that s/he understands the concept. Your child’s responsibility – 1. To remember to do his/her homework. 2. To do it on his/her own, then have it checked by an adult. 3. To put the homework inside his/her book bag and bring it to the teacher on Friday (or last day of school in the week). Ways to help your child – 1. Please go over your child’s homework each night. Help him/her to correct any mistakes, and verify that it has been completed. When you sign your child’s homework, you are telling me that you did this. It is very important that your child complete his/her homework every night. 2. Please review test papers that are your child brings home. Help your child correct his/her mistakes. Please return tests to school, signed. 3. Encourage your child’s independence by requiring your child to pack his/her own book bag for school. By all means check that it is done correctly. Completing missed work after an absence - after your child returns to school after missing a day of school, s/he will be given any missed work. Please have your child complete the missed work as soon as possible and then return it to school. Please do not take more than 2 days (per missed school day) to have your child complete missed work as we are learning new information every day! Grading homework - Homework is for practice at home. I will check that homework is completed, but I do not grade it, in the traditional sense. In the beginning of the year I check over each paper, mainly to keep an eye on your child’s letter and number formation. Later, I will simply check to see that homework is complete. If your child doesn’t return or complete homework packets, I may have your child work on his/her homework during recess. Recess is an important break for your child. Please be sure to help him/her avoid missing recess, by helping him/her with his/her homework. Internet – I am attempting to “go green” this year and pass most of my information on by email or via my website. Please let me know if your email address changes. If you do not have an email address, I will print 4 out a notice to you. It will help, however, if you could buddy up with another student’s parent, who is in the class and ask them to call to inform you of anything that is timely, like: “Wear red tomorrow.” Internet Games/Assignments – Please go to to access all the sites we will use this year. You can access all of these sites from home and I encourage you to do so. I understand that not everyone has internet access at home. If you do not have internet access at home, please try to take your child to the library or a friend’s house to borrow the computer for a ½ hour occasionally. Please see my website for instructions on how to access these sites. Math Fact Fluency – Fact fluency is being able to give the answer to a basic fact problem without spending much time thinking about it. When I was in school, it was referred to as “memorizing your facts.” First grade students will be expected to develop fact fluency; however number sense will be developed first. When students are tested, they will be given a timed 2 minute test. Below is an explanation from the district along with Neshaminy’s expectation for first graders. Q - Can you explain math fact fluency? A - It is very important for students to learn their basic math facts so they become automatic. Two seconds would be enough time to give an answer. According to brain research, when a child knows facts fluently, he/she will be able to concentrate on learning new and more difficult math concepts because the math facts are in his/her long term memory.
However, what we have learned in our new program is that before a child can learn their facts automatically, they need to understand what the facts mean. We will be using concrete objects such as ten frames and snap cubes so that students can learn strategies and visualize combinations. Students will be able to use different strategies such as making tens, doubles plus or minus one or two to figure out answers. The more they do this, the more automatic it becomes, tapping into their visual memory to help them along.
Understanding the connection between addition and subtraction allows a child to be successful in subtraction. They should think of 10 minus 3 as 3 plus what gives you 10?
These are the expectations by the end of the grade level: 1st grade - Addition and Subtraction within 10 - thirty problems in two minutes
Here are the expectations at the end of each marking period: 1st grade benchmark at the end of 1st marking period addition to 5 30 in 2 minutes
1st grade benchmark at the end of 2nd marking period addition to 5 30 in 2 minutes subtraction within 5 30 in 2 minutes
1st grade benchmark at the end of 3rd marking period addition to 10 30 in 2 minutes subtraction within 5 30 in 2 minutes
1st grade benchmark at the end of 4th marking period addition to 10 30 in 2 minutes 5 subtraction within 10 30 in 2 minutes
Math in Focus- This is our math curriculum. It is based on the “Singapore Math Method.” You can access information and a student book online at the “Think Central” site listed found on the site. The way math is taught in their program is probably much different from how you learned math. In this program, new concepts are presented in this order: concrete, pictorial and then abstract. First the information is presented concretely, meaning the children will use manipulatives (cubes, counters, etc.) to touch and move. Next, the information will be represented, pictorially (in a picture). For example, the children will see a picture of 5 dogs. Last, the children will be shown the abstract version of the concept. For example, they will be given the math problem 5 + 1 = 6 to explain the picture of 5 dogs with one more joining. The program focuses on children truly understanding what is behind the “rules” in math and expects them to explain their thinking both orally and in writing. The way the program goes about developing this understanding may seem strange to you, but please do not disregard it and attempt to explain “an easier way to do the problem.” Once you get to the end of the year, you will have a better understanding of why the program presents material the way it does. The program recommends mastery of a topic, before pencil and paper homework is sent home. Therefore, the first grade team will send home a calendar of activities for your child to complete with you each month. Please be diligent in completing these activities. Your child’s success in math depends on it. Topics we will study: Identifying Numbers Number Bonds Writing Numbers Calendar Addition and Subtraction Patterns and Shapes Ordinal Numbers Money and Time Measurement Mental Math Strategies. Memory Book – The ½ inch binder that you sent in will be used to make a memory book of your child’s first grade year.
6 Parent Visitors – You are welcome to visit our classroom. Due to security and safety concerns, please let me know ahead of time (at least a day) when you plan to visit. I will then let the office know when to expect you. When you arrive, please sign in at the office. Thank you for your cooperation. Parent Volunteers- I would appreciate any help you would like to provide. Please fill out the appropriate section on the information sheet. I will need help in the following areas: In school: 1. Parents who are able to come into the classroom to help students improve letter writing. You choose the time/day. 2. Parents who are able to come in the morning, to listen to children read their stories and write “adult writing (correct spellings)” of words. 3. Parents who would like listen to children read. At your home: 1. Projects to be announced. 2. “Room Parent” involves requesting donations and putting together our themed basket to raffle off at the Spring Fair. The “Room Parent” may also help plan special activities. Other: Have another idea? Let me know. School Store – The children may make purchases from the school store on a particular day each week, during lunch. Items start at 25 cents. Look on the homework cover sheet for the scheduled day. It usually is scheduled twice a month. School Supplies – Please see website. Services Available – Reading Specialist – Mrs. Haggerty Title I Reading - Not available. (This is a federal program tied to free and reduced lunch applicants.) Guidance Counselor – Mrs. Gill School Nurse – Mrs. Alexis Health Aide – Mrs. Stumpo Academic Enrichment – Mrs. Roode – The children’s scores are used from the Standardized test to identify children for AE. Sharing – The children will all be given a chance to share items or ideas with the class. They will be able to bring their items in when they are “Student of the Week.” Otherwise toys should be kept at home. Social Studies Topics: Too Good for Drugs How Do We Get Along in School? Why Is It Important to Learn from Each Other? 7 Why do Schools Have Rules? Who Helps Us at School? How Are We Good Helpers at School? What is a Map? What was School Like Long Ago? What Groups Do We Belong To? How Are Families Special? What Do Families Need and Want? How Do Family Members Care for Each Other? How Do Families Change? What Are Family Traditions? What Do Good Neighbors Do? Too Good for Violence Superkids- This is our reading program. Visit their website at You will find an excellent description of the program on this site. Please visit this site often. Specials – Our school uses a rotation system for specials. This way if we have off from school the children do not miss a special class. Please refer to the school calendar for the Day #. I will write the specials at the top of the Weekly Homework Sheet. Our specials from 1:45-2:25. Our specials are: Day 1 – Music Day 2 – Gym Day 3 - Computer Day 4 - Art Day 5 – Library Standardized Testing – First graders will take two standardized tests this year: DIBELS, which tests beginning reading skills and MAP (Measurable Annual Progress), which will be completed on the computer and will give us instant scoring results. MAP is given in two days: 1 for reading and 1 for math. Student of the Week – Everyone has special qualities and talents. So that our class gets to know each other well, roughly each week a different member of the class will be highlighted as a student of the week. The student of the week will fill out “scrap book pages” which will become our “Student of the Week” poster. The student of the week may also bring in favorite items to share. Please do not send items that could be broken. We’ll also write letters to the student of the week which will be placed in his/her memory book. Tapping Words– You will see your child using their fingers to “tap out” unknown words. Tapping is encouraged in this program to help students use their decoding skills to sound out a word. They will also use tapping to spell words. There are specific sounds that go with each letter and pictures to remember the sounds. Example: a --- apple --- /a/; sh --- ship --- /sh/ Please encourage your child to TAP!
8 Tests- When a test comes home, please sign the test and have your child CORRECT the mistakes in the test and then return it to school. Toys – Toys should not be brought to school. If a child has a toy at his/her desk, I will place it in the “June Box.” Toys in the “June Box” may not be taken home until the end of the school year, UNLESS a PARENT comes to pick up the toy. Websites - Math in Focus- This is the website that goes with our math curriculum. On occasion, I will assign optional practice tests to complete for homework. Access it from this link: Your username is your child's first initial and last name with no space in between. The password for everyone is room4. Spelling City - This is a website where I have entered all of our spelling lists. Your child can play games to practice their first grade words, at home. Your child will take his/her spelling list on this website and will print out the results to take home to you. This site allows all children to have the time they need to take their test. They can have the word or sentence repeated as many times as they need and can even take re-tests. You can access this site by going to Superkids (our reading program) Site - This website will give you information about our reading program, including our current spelling lists and stories your child can read! Goto the Online Fun section and click Interactive Library to have your child read (or listen to) the stories. When I set up the site, you should have received an email stating that the Parent Portal was now available to you. Access the site at: You set up your own password using your email as your username. The above sites as well as many other educational sites can be found at If homework is easy for your child, please visit this site to find more challenging work. Writing/Language- Handwriting – We are using Manuscript Handwriting for our letter formation. *****Please make sure your child is using correct letter formation***** Mini-lessons by the teacher will work target skills, the class needs to improve their writing. Students are expected to short pieces on a single topic using complete sentences, basic capitalization, and punctuation In addition to writing short pieces, the children will be encouraged to write books during our writing workshop. We will also be working on writing skills doing daily edits. Students will need to correct sentences with specific mistakes. Please consider volunteering to be a writing volunteer. We would love your help. Water bottles – The children are encouraged to drink water only from their sport bottles (pop-up, no spill lid) kept at their desk. It saves time for getting drinks and it’s healthy too! Students will not be 9 permitted to keep juice at their tables, or water bottles without a no-spill lid. Juice encourages ants and lids without the protection of no-spill lids present a hazard due to being spilled.
Thank you!!! If you have any questions which were not answered here, please email me! Susan Wendling