Brooklyn AIDS
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CBO FUNDING CALENDAR BROOKLYN AIDS September 2009 TASK FORCE Since 1992, created to help level the playing field for community-based organizations (CBOs) with few “A Bridge to a Better resources serving poverty communities. New/revised listings are in bold. The Calendar can be accessed Life” at or by email AT-NO-CHARGE, just email your name, organization, & phone number to Randi Baker at rbaker /718-388-0028 X 122/Fax 718-388-0896.
1. Getting Recovery Started – September 1st 2. Getting Organized for Recovery – October 6th 3. What is Disaster Case Management – November 3rd 4. How Case Management Fits into the Recovery Process – December 1 5. Emotional and Spiritual Care – January 4, 2010 6. Finding and Managing: Money, Muscle, Materials – February 1st 502 BERGEN STREET 7. Hosting and Using Volunteers – March 1 BROOKLYN, NY 11217 718-622-2910 F: 718-623-1158 8. Construction Management – April 6
260 BROADWAY, 4TH FLOOR BROOKLYN, NY 11211 9. Children and Youth in Disasters - May 4th 718-388-0028 F: 718-388-0896 10. Cultural Sensitivity – June 1
25 CHAPEL STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11201 Learn more and register for these FREE classes at . 718-596-3635 F: 718-596-3539
WWW.BATF.NET The New York Association on HIV Over 50 will have its General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 8th from 10-Noon at GMHC,119 West 24th Street, Room 405. The topic will be Where do we go from here, and how?? For more information, call Ed Shaw 212-367-1009.
Many thanks to our funders, the Fledgling Fund; the Independence Community Foundation, the New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute; the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS; Bristol-Meyers Squibb; the AIDS Center of Queens County; Project Hospitality; Community Health Action of Staten Island; and Bronx AIDS Services.
2 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar A FREE Conference, Youth and Criminal Records Policy: The Collateral Consequences of the Criminal Justice System on Youth and Their Families will be held on Wednesday, September 9 from 8-4 at Hostos Community College, Center for the Arts and Culture Auditorium, 450 Grand Concourse in the Bronx. National, state and local experts, including young people, will be addressing issues related to the school-to-prison pipeline. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis; RSVP to and confirmation and follow- up information will be provided prior to the day of the conference.
FREE training for HIV-positive individuals provided by the NYC HIV Planning Council:
Ryan White Part A Community Planning will take place on Wednesday, September 9; Friday, September 25; Saturday, October 3; Tuesday, October 13; & Tuesday, November 3
Using Data to Set Priorities & Allocate Resources (2-day training) will take place on Tuesday/Wednesday September 15-16; Thursday/Friday October 1-2; Tuesday/Wednesday October 20-21; Monday/Tuesday November 9-10.
Working Effectively in Groups will take place on Tuesday/Wednesday September 22-23; Wednesday/Thursday October 14-15; Monday/Tuesday October 26-27; and Thursday/ Friday November 19-20.
Self-Management: Becoming Your Own Health Care Advocate will also be offered in NYC twice during this fall and winter. Call 212-594-7741 X23 for more information. Lunch and Metrocards® are provided.
Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) will be hosting a community fair/recruitment event: FREE Construction Training for Women on Wednesday, September 9 at 6:00 pm at 189 Allen Street (between East Houston & Stanton Street). RSVP to Susan Pugh 646-257-5098 or [email protected].
The Region II STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers are offering a FREE Conference, Urban Health: A Public Health Tale of Two Cities on Thursday, September 10th from 9-5 at the Columbia University New York State Psychiatric Institute at 1051 Riverside Drive, First Floor Auditorium in upper Manhattan. Part of the New York Amsterdam celebration, the conference will focus on the care of those most vulnerable to health, mental health, and substance use issues. Photographs of the people and the places that define their vulnerability, by the Dutch photographer Annaleen Louwes, will be exhibited during the conference. Learn more and register at .
FREE Train-the-Trainers Workshops on Sexually Transmitted Diseases on Fridays, September 11th and 18th from 1-4 provided by the NYC Bureau of STD Control at the DOHMH East Harlem Health Center, 158 East 115th Street in the 2nd Floor Conference Room. Seating is limited, register by contacting Reggie Jackson at 718-643-7532 or [email protected] .
3 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar The Harlem East Life Plan/Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Health Fair will take place on Friday, September 11th from 9-1 at 2369 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. For information, contact Marjorie Thadal 212-876-2300 X210 or 110 or [email protected] .
FREE New York State Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Conferences to be held from 9-Noon on Friday, September 11th at Tappan Hill in Tarrytown, NY and Friday, October 23rd, at Montefiore Medical Center in the Cherkasky Auditorium). Targeted to Pediatric and Ob/Gyn Providers, Nursing Staff, and Lead Programs. To register or for additional information, email [email protected] or call 718-547-2789 X216.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) is seeking community input on TAKE CARE NEW YORK 2012 a comprehensive health policy initiative to educate and engage all NYC constituencies in prioritizing 10 health intervention areas (Learn more at through A Policy for a Healthier New York City on Monday, September 14 from 11-1 at Proshansky Auditorium and Lobby, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue. For more information contact Hayley Figueroa 212-788-3932/Fax-3241.
The 2009 National Conference on Latinos and AIDS: A National Forum on HIV/AIDS for Health Professionals Who Provide Care for Latinos will take place on Monday/Tuesday, September 14 &15 at the New York Academy of Medicine on 5th Avenue & 103rd Street in Manhattan. The theme is "Where is the Outrage Over HIV/AIDS?" Sponsored by Minority Health Care Communications Inc.,, registration is $155, but scholarships are available: send inquiries to [email protected] .
The Lutheran Family Health Monthly Orientation for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center will take place on Tuesdays, September 15, October 20th, November 17th, and December 15th at 208 West 13th Street (between 7th & 8th Avenues) in Manhattan. For more information, contact Jessica Sachs 212-620-7310 X206 or [email protected] .
A FREE 501© (3) – Non-Profit Status - Workshop will be held on Thursday, September 17 with presenters from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at Our Children’s Foundation, Inc., 527 West 125th Street in Manhattan. Targeted to community/faith-based organizations, participants will learn how to: Apply for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, Understand the most up to date IRS reporting requirements; and Learn how to register with and report to the NY State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau. Register online at . Refer questions to Earleene Sealy 212-542-7152.
On Saturday, September 19 from 1:30-4:30, Urban Youth Xplosion- Dialogue for Change - a call to churches, community-based organizations, elected officials and parents to empower our youth to gain victory over their lives - will take place at Union Methodist Church, 121 New York Avenue in Brooklyn. Youth groups are invited to make brief presentations on selected issues impacting urban youth, and special prizes (prepaid phones & special give a ways) will be awarded
4 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar to the most creative presentations. For more information, contact Karlene Francis-Berry 718-927- 2146 or [email protected].
The Harlem East Life Plan Audubon Avenue Street Fair will take place on Saturday, September 19 from 11 - 3 on Audubon Avenue between West 166th &167th Streets in Manhattan. For more information, contact Kathy Olivo 212-305-5857/ [email protected] or Evelyn Espana 212-305- 5857/ [email protected] .
The Harlem United Community AIDS Center Health Fair will take place on Saturday, September 19 from 12-4 on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard between 125th-128th Streets in Manhattan. For information, contact Aisha Muhammad [email protected] or 212-289-2378 X207.
The JBFCS Brooklyn Treatment & Graduate Apartment Programs Health Fair will take place on Tuesday, September 22 from 11-3 at 20-34 Seagirt Boulevard in Far Rockaway, Queens. Contact Icynthia Corcho for information at 718-859-9760 X231 or [email protected] .
The New York City Housing Authority 5th Annual Senior Benefit & Entitlement Fair will take place on Thursday, September 24 from 10-3 at Riverbank State Park, 679 Riverside Drive in Manhattan. Contact Anthony Friedman [email protected] or 212-306-7013/Cell 646-285-4119.
The Antlers Apartments Health Fair will take place on Thursday, September 24 from 1–4 at 2079 Frederick Douglas Boulevard in the Management Office in Manhattan. For information, contact Sabrina Jones 646-368-6657 or [email protected] .
NATAP is providing New HIV Drugs for Resistance; Hepatitis C & HIV Co-infection; Managing HIV and Aging at NYU Medical Center-Schwartz Lecture Hall F, 550 First Avenue at East 31st Street on Saturday, September 26 from 10-2. A Free Breakfast will also be provided and CASAC & Nursing contact hours are available as well as certificates of attendance. Reserve your seat at 888-266-2827/Fax 212-219-8473/[email protected] .
The North Brooklyn YMCA Health Fair will take place on Saturday, September 26 from 10-2 at 570 Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn with information available on Asthma, Nutrition, Mental Health, Cardiovascular Health, Communicable Diseases For more information contact Keith Delph 212- 912-2242 or [email protected] .
The Bronx Wide Teen Health Summit Back to School Bash will take place on Saturday, September 26th at the Benjamin Franklin School (P.S. 55), 450 Saint Paul's Place in the Bronx. Information will be provided at display tables on: Domestic Violence, Healthy Eating, Pregnancy Prevention, Violence Elimination, Financial Planning, Job Readiness, Health Screenings, Child Care.
5 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar Activities include Back-to-School Supplies, Entertainment, Music, Games, Workshops, Contest Raffles and Food & Beverages will be served. For further information call 718-681-6227.
The Adolescent Intensive Course will be presented in NYC on Tuesday/Wednesday September 29- 30 by the Region II STD/HIV Prevention Training Center. The course is targeted towards primary care providers who work mainly with adolescents/youth. There is a $50 course fee, payable by check. Space is limited. Register at 212-788-7466/ Fax-4368/ [email protected] .
The Queens Health Coalition Caregivers' Day Out will take place on Wednesday, September 30th from 10-1 at Queens Community House 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 202 in Kew Gardens, Queens. For more Information call Moona at 718-762-0346 X13.
The Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Day of Self-Care & Prevention will take place on Saturday, October 3rd from 11-4 at 1891 McGraw Avenue in the Bronx. For information, contact Vivian Garcia at 718-579- 4981.
The Concord Baptist Church of Christ will present the William M. Moss Brotherhood Health Fair on Saturday, October 3rd from 9-2 at 833 Marcy Avenue in Brooklyn. Health information will be provided. For information, contact Dr. Clarence Evans, MD 347-365-8090 or [email protected] .
The annual College Point Community Health Fair will be held on Saturday, October 3 from 11-3 at the Poppenhusen Institute, 114-04 14th Road in Queens. Health information will be provided. For information, contact Scott Wolff 718-969-1508.
The retail chain Lord and Taylor is offering a Benefit Bash Charity Day for nonprofits at their store in Eastchester on Thursday November 12. Learn more and apply to benefit from the event at
CRE (Community Resource Exchange) is once again offering their FREE Start-up Workshop Series for Nonprofits this Fall. All courses will be held from 9:00am– 12:30pm at their Conference Center in downtown Manhattan at 42 Broadway between Wall Street and Bowling Green, and includes:
Program Planning on Wednesday, October 7th
Budget Basics on Wednesday, October 21
Introduction to Fundraising on Monday, November 9 Register by calling at 212-894-3394.
6 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar The Second Statewide LGBT People of Color Health Summit will take place in Albany on October 15th–18th with the title, Unity Through Diversity. Over 150 scholars, administrators, health & human service providers, activists and students from all walks of life are expected to gather for this important event to reflect on the current status of health and wellness, substance abuse, spirituality and political advocacy within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People of Color (LGBT POC) community. Registration is $275 through October 14th, visit, or call 518-432-4188.
The New School for Management and Urban Policy is launching its first Milano Cares Day on Saturday, October 24th in which teams of Milano graduate students and alumni will offer their services to qualifying nonprofits located in the 5 boroughs. Any NYC nonprofit with a need for volunteers and the capacity to organize a one-day project is eligible to apply. Directions for Youth, for example, will use a Milano team to organize a “haunted house” for its Beacon program in the Bronx. Contact Renee Stork 212-229-5400 X1100 or [email protected] to register.
Please note the Spring 2009 Issue of Achieve: A Quarterly Journal n HIV Prevention, Treatment and Policy with thoughtful articles including “Race Troubles: Why do African Americans with HIV fare worse?” and “Fighting HIV in Communities of Color.” A joint project of GMHC, and ACRIA, the publication can be ordered for free in bulk for organizations providing services to people with HIV/AIDS by calling 212-924-3934 X129 or emailing [email protected] .
HIV Over 50 is a Free ½ day training sponsored by SAGE and ACRIA which covers: Issues of Stigma, How to Talk to Older Adults about Sex, Understanding HIV Treatment & HIV Prevention. Developed for staff and peer leaders working with older adults, including community centers, health care settings, senior centers, libraries, and other locations, CME credits are available and trainings can be available in Spanish. For information and to schedule a training, contact Doreen Bermudez 212-741-2247 [email protected] .
FREE HIV/AIDS independent, self-study opportunities from the NYS Student Support Services Center (NYSSSSC) at . Click on “Professional Development” and follow the directions for online registrations. Foundations in HIV/AIDS will be offered from October 1– 31 and explores the relationship of supportive learning environments and a coordinated school health approach with HIV prevention. It also explores the current impact of HIV worldwide, nationally, statewide, and locally.
September 9 (Requested letter of intent, proposals due October 26) – HIV Prevention Projects for CBOs (PS10-1003), US CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL Amy Stuckey 404-639-8330/
7 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar [email protected] Anticipated $43M in 2010 for 145 cooperative agreements for experienced nonprofits with average award of approximately $300K for up to 5 years for either of the following categories, but not both: Category A: HIV prevention services for members of racial/ethnic minority communities (e.g., African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos) in which there may be a high risk for HIV infection. Category B: HIV prevention services for members of groups [i.e., men who have sex with men (MSM), injection drug users (IDUs), HIV-infected persons] in which there may be a high risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection, regardless of race/ethnicity. Applications will be reviewed in a 2-stage process. First, applications will be evaluated by an independent external review panel on the basis of each item referenced in Section IV. Application and Submission Information, & Second, the highest ranked applications will then be considered for a pre-decisional site visit (PDSV). Regional Pre-Application Workshops will provide assistance; the closest to NYC being in Philadelphia from 7:30am–5:30pm on Thursday, September 24th at the Four Points by Sheraton in the Philadelphia City Center, 1201 Race Street 215-496-2700/Fax-2715. Additional “assistance” information will be posted at . Applicants will also have the opportunity to apply for additional funding to support outcome monitoring of selected behavioral interventions (CBO Monitoring and Evaluation Project with anticipated 24 - $75K awards in 1st year increasing to $150K in subsequent years due to the anticipated increase in activities).
September 11 (Letters of interest due, full proposals due September 17) - HIV/STI Prevention & Related Services for Women & Young People, NYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, AIDS INSTITUTE Component A: HIV/STI Prevention & Related Services for Women Nkechi Oguagha 212-417- 4707/Fax-4709 Approximately $4.6M available to NYC specifically broken down by borough to support the provision of HIV & sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention & related services for women, particularly women of color, with the overall goal of reducing STIs & HIV infection & promoting improved health and well-being. Component B: Sexual Health Promotion for Young People Through Youth Leadership & Community Engagement Barbara Leo 518-486-6066/Fax 518-473-2873 Approximately $3.8M available to support community-based programs designed to address the HIV, sexually transmitted infection (STI), & unintended pregnancy prevention needs of young people (13- 24) through youth leadership, community engagement & community change.
September 14 – NYC AIDS Fund, NY COMMUNITY TRUST 212-686-0010 X556 or 525 yAIDSFund/tabid/408/Default.aspx $1.4M available for: 1) STREAMLINING ORGANIZATIONS - Grants to $100K to explore/implement strategic partnerships, organizational mergers, & vital service linkages among HIV service providers & other health/social service agencies for activities that streamline operations, achieve cost-savings, & strengthen the organizations’ ability to sustain HIV-related services. 2) PRIMARY HIV PREVENTION PROGRAMS - Grants to $75K for primary HIV prevention programs that involve individual, group, or community level interventions, & target groups that have been identified as having the
8 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar highest rates of HIV infection; especially girls /women of color, transgender individuals, gay men, men of color who have sex with men, & recent immigrants from high HIV/AIDS prevalence regions involving either HIV-negative or HIV-positive individuals. 3) ADVOCACY & PUBLIC POLICY - Grants to $75K for efforts that seek to increase public awareness about critical HIV/AIDS issues & ensure that AIDS remains a priority for public/private funding sources. Proposals are encouraged from organizations with projects that include individuals affected by HIV as a part of advocacy activities.
September 15 - 2010 Arts Presenters/MetLife Arts Access Awards, METLIFE FOUNDATION Alison McNeil 888- 820-2787 Two $10K grants to honor organizations that have either been exemplary in their dedication & approach to helping individuals with disabilities experience & value the performing arts, or in engaging underserved individuals & communities that lack access to the performing arts & cultural life in the community. *
September 15 - Mini-Grant Program, EZRA JACK KEATS http://www.ezra-jack- Grants to $500 for public schools & libraries. Creative programs funded in the past have included ongoing pen-pal projects bringing disparate communities together; multi-cultural portrait projects; art projects culminating in art shows, murals, or quilts; bookmaking; creation & performance of puppet shows; and inter- generational journals. *
September 15 – Pastoral Project Study Program, LOUISVILLE INSTITUTE Sheldon Sorge 502-992-5431 Grants to $15K to give pastoral leaders the opportunity to engage in thoughtful study & inquiry on issues related to Christian life, religious institutions, & the ministry.*
September 15, January 15, & May 15 – Grants for Nonprofits, HAVE IT YOUR WAY FOUNDATION Fax 305-378- 7868 Grants for improving education, alleviating hunger, preventing disease & youth programs.
September 15, December 15, March 13, & June 15 - Affiliate Community Grants Program , M·A·C AIDS FUND 212 965-6300/Fax 646 613-6674 Grants to $50K for direct services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS, programs addressing the link between poverty & HIV/AIDS, & HIV prevention. Our goal is to support programs & services that enable individuals to live as independently & fully as possible.
September 15 & February 15 – HYDE & WATSON FOUNDATION 908-753-3700/Fax-0004 Grants of $5-$25K for capital projects in NY & NJ such as hard costs related to purchase or relocation of facilities and/or building improvements, purchase of capital equipment, limited medical research, & other one-time capital needs. Broad fields of focus include education, social services, arts, health, religion, & humanities.
September 15, December 15 & June 15 – Building Healthy Communities Grants Program, HOME DEPOT FOUNDATION!
9 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDdwNHH0sfE3M3AzMPJ8MAVxcDKADKR 2LKmxrD5fHr9vPIz03VL8iNKAcASzGzVw!!/dl2/d1/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnB3LzZfMEcwQ Uw5TDQ3RjA2SEIxUE9EMDAwMDAwMDA!/ Grants to $2,500 in gift cards for the purchase of tools & supplies for nonprofits & public schools to improve their communities by using volunteers to build/refurbish affordable housing, to improve the physical health of your neighborhood by planting trees, developing green spaces and updating school facilities community centers. *
September 17, October 19, November 17, & December 21 – FY2010 Service Area Competitions (SAC), HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Nicole Amado at 301-594- 4300 /Fax-4997 $540M for 332 grants for up to 5 years to support a variety of community-based/patient-directed, public & private nonprofit organizations & continue to serve an increasing number of the Nation’s underserved. Eligible applicants include grantees whose project period ends on or after October 31, 2007 & before October 1, 2008 & new organizations or consortia proposing to serve the entire service area(s) and/or population(s) identified in the application materials.
September 18 - Beat the Odds Scholarship, CHILDREN’S DEFENCE FUND OF NEW YORK Four high school students who have overcome tremendous odds to become personally & academically successful will receive a $5K scholarship for college & public recognition at an event in late fall 2009.
September 18 – Hooked on Hydroponics, NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION 36 schools will receive hydroponic equipment to expand indoor gardening opportunities for elementary/middle/high school students. *
September 21- Sexual Violence Prevention: Component A - Community Based Primary Prevention Education; Component B -Center(s) of Excellence in the Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence. BUREAU OF WOMEN’S HEALTH, NYS HEALTH DEPARTMENT Deborah Joralemon 518-474-3664 $1.15M available in grants to $100K.
September 22 - Fund for Creative Communities and Community Arts Fund, LOWER MANHATTAN CULTURAL COUNCIL Liza Green 212-219-9041 X129/Fax-2058 Grants to $5K for nonprofits with annual budgets under $100K & artists applying through a fiscal sponsor for arts projects with a public component that will benefit Manhattan communities. *
September 23 (Letter of intent due, proposals due September 29) - Community-Based HIV Primary Care and Prevention Services, AIDS INSTITUTE, NYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH $8.5M in grants for up to 5 years for: Component A (NY Statewide) $7.3M for HIV primary care, integrated HIV testing /support services within a community-based health setting that also provides general care to the public. Continuous medical care to a minimum of 90 HIV/AIDS patients must be provided at the site. Integrated HIV testing is for patients who present for multiple health needs, not specific to HIV-related treatment or care.
10 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar Component B ((NY Statewide ) $780K for HIV primary care within a community- based health setting whose core mission is providing care for HIV/AIDS patients = at least 80% are HIV/AIDS patients. Component C (for Manhattan & the Bronx only) $380K for HIV primary care /supportive services on a mobile health unit. The program funded will seek to serve people living with HIV/AIDS not engaged in routine medical care & residing in NYC Human Resource Administration, HIV/AIDS Services Administration’s (HASA) subsidized transitional housing & commercial Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing units. September 29 - American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Pathways Out of Poverty(SGA/DFA PY 08-19), US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Melissa Abdullah 202-693–3346 $150M for projects that provide training & placement services to expedite employment within the energy efficiency & renewable energy industries. Applicants including networks for national programs may apply for grants to $8M, & for local programs to $4M.
September 30 – Community-Based Racial Healing, W K KELLOGG FOUNDATION 88bd-02f2a2fd8c17&LanguageID=0 Teresa Odden 269-969-2025 Grants to $400K to strengthen/bolster community-based approaches for racial healing & equity efforts targeting vulnerable & marginalized children. Racial healing is defined as "group efforts to acknowledge the wrongs & group suffering of the past while trying to address the cumulative & current consequences of the past injustices." *
September 30 - Loan Repayment Program NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES CORPS, or 800-221-9393 Provides $50K (or the outstanding balance of qualifying student loans if it is less than$50K), tax free, to primary care medical, dental & mental health clinicians in exchange for 2 years of service at an approved site in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). Upon completion of the service commitment, clinicians may be eligible to apply for additional support for extended service. Eligible applicants are US citizens or nationals trained/credentialed in an eligible primary care discipline: Allopathic or Osteopathic Physician; Primary Care Nurse Practitioner; Certified Nurse-Midwife; Primary Care Physician Assistant; Dentist; Dental Hygienist; Health Service Psychologist; Licensed Clinical Social Worker; Psychiatric Nurse Specialist; Marriage and Family Therapist; or Licensed Professional Counselor.
September 30 – Teacher Grants, KIDS IN NEED FOUNDATION Penny Hawk 877-296-1231 X303 Grants to $500 for K-12 educators to provide innovative learning opportunities for their students. *
September 30 - Rusty Kanokogi Fund for the Advancement of US Judo, WOMEN’S SPORTS FOUNDATION Rusty-Kanokogi-Fund.aspx 800-227-3988 Administered by the Women's Sports Foundation Founded just this year, grants to $5K for aspiring athletes who have successful competitive records as well as the potential to achieve even higher performance levels & rankings. *
11 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar September 30 – Knowledge Dissemination Conference Grants, US SUBSTANCE ABUSE & MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Elizabeth Steiner 240-276-2552 $50K for 4 grants to disseminate knowledge about practices within the mental health services & substance abuse prevention & treatment fields & to integrate that knowledge into real-world practice as efficiently as possible.
September 30 - Great American Bake Sale, SHARE OUR STRENGTH Grants to $10K to help ensure that low-income children receive nutritious food during critical times when they are out of school and particularly vulnerable to hunger. *
September 30 & spring – CITIZENS COMMITTEE or call Saleen Shah or Arif Ullah at (212) 989-0909 New Yorkers for Better Neighborhoods Awards: Grants to $3K for volunteer-led projects by grassroots community groups in economically under- resourced neighborhoods that improve & strengthen communities, & that involve neighbors in a meaningful way. Mollie Parnis Dress up Your School Awards Grants to $3K to support student led projects that beautify schools or neighborhoods immediately surrounding schools.
Winter & Spring – National Grant Program for CBOs, BROADWAY CARES/ EQUITY FIGHTS AIDS Brian O’Donnell [email protected] 212-840-0770 X226/Fax 212-840-0551 Grants to $5K for agencies with annual budgets less than $10M providing emergency assistance programs & direct/harm reduction/quality of life services for people living with HIV/AIDS & their families. The winter program is for food & meal programs. Grantees can receive only one award per one year.
October 1 – Cornerstone Initiative, NYC DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 212-442-5982/Fax 212-676-8129 Nonprofits operating programs for youth & adults at community centers located in 25 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments across NYC are eligible to apply for grants to foster the healthy development of NYCHA youth, provide engaging & relevant programs for adults, promote intergenerational activities, & support vibrant community centers offering benefits to residents of all ages. Each Cornerstone program will provide year-round out-of-school time activities for youth aged 5-21 &, directly or indirectly, provide programs for adults 22 and older, including seniors. Pre-proposal Conference will be held on September 10, 2009 at 156 William Street, 2nd Floor auditorium in Manhattan.
October 1, February 1 & June 1- PAUL RAPOPORT FOUNDATION 212- 888-6578 Grants to $20K for 1) the most underserved segments of the LGBT community; 2) new & emerging needs &unique work; & 3) organizational development. Priority given to organizations, strategies & types of grants that may not be easily funded elsewhere & consideration given to organizations in transition, faced by changes in leadership, major funding reductions, etc.
October 1 & March 1– Skateparks, TONY HAWK FOUNDATION 760-477-2479 Grants to $25K to build skateparks in low-income areas. *
12 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar October 1 - Repair Grants for Multifamily Housing, US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT http://emergency-capital-repair-grants-for-multifamily-housing- G. DeWayne Kimbrough 202-708–3000 $9.5M in grants to $500K for emergency capital repairs to eligible multifamily projects that present an immediate threat to the health, safety, & quality of life of the elderly tenants who live in the facilities owned by private nonprofit entities.
October 3 – NYS Healthy Food/Healthy Communities Initiative, EMPIRE STATE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Gregory Fitzgerald 212-803-3925 $10M in pre-development grants & loans to increase the number of healthy food markets in underserved communities though the funding of project funding gaps/construction & permanent financing.
October 5 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Health Care Sector & Other High Growth & Emerging Industries (SGA/DFA PY 09-01), US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Ferro, 202-693–3968 $220M in grants to $5M for projects that provide training/placement services to help workers pursue careers in health care, allied health care, long-term care, health information technology, information technology, advanced manufacturing, wireless & broadband deployment, transportation & warehousing, and biotechnology.
October 7 – Picturing America School Collaboration Projects, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES Rasmi Simhan 202-606-8500 Grants to $75K for local/ regional projects fostering collaboration between K-12 educators & humanities scholars to encourage “engagement with the rich resources of American art to tell America's story." *
October 7 & March 16 – COLOMBE FOUNDATION Dini Merz 203-439-0076 Grants to support the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, foreign policy that is balanced with diplomacy & prevention rather than dominated by war and aggression, & a shift from military spending to investments in programs that create real national security including environmental protection, alternative energy, education, & human services. * UnitedHealth Group and Youth Service America are offering children the opportunity to become "Health Heroes" by learning about childhood obesity, designing programs to address it, and implementing the programs in their communities.
October 9 - Health Workforce Retraining Initiative – DIVISION OF HEALTH FACILITY PLANNING, NYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH $21.1M ($14.6M in NYC) for projects to train or retrain health industry workers to obtain positions in occupations with documented shortages of workers & provide employment for health industry workers who need new jobs and/or new skills due to changes in the health care system.
October 13 - UnitedHealth Heroes, YOUTH SERVE AMERICA 75/UnitedHealthHEROESServiceLearningGrantsDeadlineOctober22.aspx Grants to $1K to
13 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar encourage young people (5-25), working through educators & youth leaders, to create & implement local hands-on programs to address the issue of childhood obesity. *
October 14 – Soros Justice Fellowships, OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE (OSI) For outstanding individuals working to implement innovative projects that advance OSI's efforts to reform the US criminal justice system. Fellows receive funding through two programs: Soros Justice Advocacy Fellowships for lawyers, advocates, grassroots organizers, activist academics, who initiate innovative policy advocacy projects that will have a measurable impact & may be implemented in conjunction with a host organization & provides a stipend of $75K or $105K depending on experience. Soros Justice Media Fellowships supports writers, print & broadcast journalists & filmmakers with distinctive voices proposing to complete media projects for a stipend & project budget of $45K.*
October 14 – Rethinking Mental Health: Improving Community Wellbeing, ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION 877- 843-7953 Three $15K grants to explore innovations that allow individuals, families, communities & society to move past narrow perceptions of mental health & expand our understanding & collective involvement in finding solutions.
October 14 - Contributions, CHARLES SCHWAB CORPORATION FOUNDATION 415-636-5860 Grants to $25K for nonprofits committed to improving the quality of life & addressing community needs in the areas where Schwab employees live & work.
October 15 – 2009-2010 Community Health Leaders, ROBERT WOODS JOHNSON FOUNDATION Helen Dundas 609- 627-5809 Ten outstanding & otherwise unrecognized individuals who overcame daunting odds to improve health & health care - especially to underserved populations in communities across the US – will be acknowledged with $20K personally, & $105K for their programs to elevate the work of these unsung heroes through enhanced recognition, technical assistance & new leadership opportunities.
October 15 – Faces of Hunger, PALMS FOR LIFE FUND Awards to $5K for short documentary films portraying hunger by young filmmakers (under 25) with the goal of empowering youth - the future generation of leaders & activists - and to facilitate positive change.
October 15 (Letter of Inquiry) – Society for the Arts in Healthcare Programs, JOHNSON & JOHNSON Grants of $60K over 3 years to enhance the healthcare experience for patients, their families & caregivers.
October 16 - Grants to Provide Outpatient Early Intervention Services (EIS) with Respect to HIV Disease, US HEALTH RESOURCES & SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Kathleen Treat 301-443-7602 Over $27M for 67 grants averaging $358K for up to 5 years to provide ongoing outpatient high quality early intervention services/primary care to individuals with HIV infection.
14 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar Services must include HIV counseling/testing; counseling/education on living with HIV; appropriate medical evaluation/clinical care; & other essential services such as oral health care, outpatient mental health services, outpatient substance abuse services & nutritional services, & appropriate referrals for specialty services.
October 16 (or until 1500 applications have been received) - Toolbox for Education, LOWE’S $5M in grants to $5K for 1,000 public schools & public school parent teacher groups to have a permanent impact such as facility enhancement (both indoor and outdoor) as well as landscaping/clean up type projects. *
October 16 & February 16 - Building System Capacity for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention (R34), NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE Lori J Ducharme 301-443-2279 105.html Grants to $225K for 1st year & no more than $450K over 3 years to facilitate research on the adoption, implementation, & sustainability of evidence-based clinical treatment practices, prevention approaches, & business practices in community-based service delivery settings. It is intended to foster collaboration between service providers & entities that directly influence their capacity to deliver such practices, including Single State Agencies, other funders, licensing & regulatory bodies, referral sources, educational entities, & other social services agencies that interact with the treatment and prevention systems. Applications are encouraged that will advance the field of implementation science while simultaneously building the capacity of systems & service providers to conduct process improvement research. The overarching goal of this initiative is to enhance the quality of drug abuse prevention and treatment services through the implementation of evidence-based practices in ways that are likely to have replicable, sustainable, systemic impacts.
October 20 – Small Grant Program for Conference Support, US AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE SUPPORT & QUALITY Ruth Ann Hadley 301-427-1391/Fax-1562 Grants to $50K to complement/promote AHRQ's core research by providing a mechanism for Agency stakeholders & others to 1) develop health services research agendas & identify strategies/mechanisms for studying them, 2) discuss/develop consensus around health services research methodological & technical issues, 3) disseminate health services research information for formulating or evaluating health policy, managing health care programs, & using or purchasing health services, & 4) develop partnerships with stakeholder organizations & building their capacity to participate in research activities & using the results of health services research.
October 30 - Youth Football Fund Grassroots Program, NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE & LOCAL INITIATIVE SUPPORT CORPORATION Grants for capital expenditures to $50K for general field support (irrigation, bleachers, lights, etc.), matching grants to $200K to help finance synthetic material resurfacing of a community, middle/high school football field, & matching grants to $100K to help finance the resurfacing of a football field utilizing natural grass or sod surfaces.*
October 31 & April 30 - Local Empowerment for Advocacy Development (LEAD) Grants, CSL BEHRING
15 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar 610-878-4311/Fax 610-4584 Grants to $10K to improve the quality of life for people with rare diseases who utilize plasma-derived or recombinant therapies through partnering with patient organizations to address important state and local public policy issues.
October 31- TIBOTEC THERAPUTICS Grants To $25K for efforts targeting at-risk, adolescent, black MSM in: Outreach & prevention education, Early HIV diagnosis & linkage to care, & HIV treatment education.
October 31, January 31 – Champ-A Champion Fur Kids, Bear Hugs Foundation, BUILD A BEAR WORKSHOP Grants to $10K averaging $1,500 to provide direct support for children in the areas of health & wellness such as childhood disease research foundations, child safety organizations, & organizations that serve children with special needs. *
October 31 - Community Grants, FOSTER’S GROUP Grants for high-quality, sustainable community projects in North America &Australia focusing on wellness (both physical & mental), culture, & environment.
October 31 & April 30 - GreenWorks! PROJECT LEARNING Jackie Stallard 202-463-2475 Grants to $5K for projects that allow students & local community members to learn-by-doing environmental projects.
October 31 – Community Investments, VERIZON FOUNDATION, Verizon Foundation 800-360-7955/Fax 908-630-2660 “In 2009, will distribute approximately $68 million nationwide to support technology, literacy, & domestic violence solutions programs.” Grants average $5K - $10K.
October 31 - Caremark Community Grants, CVS impact/community-grants Grants to $5K for nonprofit organizations targeting children with disabilities, projects focusing on health & rehabilitation services, public schools promoting greater levels of inclusion in student activities and extracurricular activities, projects that increase access to physical activity & administering healthcare services to uninsured communities.
October 31 & April 30 (Deadlines for proposals upon request once letter of intent approved) – AMBROSE MONELL FOUNDATION 212-586-0700/Fax 212-245-1863 Gave over $10.5M in 2006, grants beginning at $5K supporting religious, charitable, scientific, literary, & educational efforts.
November 1 - Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, SOROS FOUNDATION 212-547-6926 $20K plus half tuition costs (per year) to pursue a graduate program for individuals over 30 who are resident aliens (i.e., holds a green card); have been naturalized as a US citizen; or is the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens who has a bachelor's degree.*
November 1 & May 15 – Anna Lalor Burdick Program, LALOR FOUNDATION 617-426- 7080/Fax-7087 Grants to $50K to educate
16 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar young women about human reproduction in order to broaden & enhance their options in life. *
November 1, March 1, & July 1– NEW YORK FOUNDATION 212-594-8009 In 2006 gave nearly $4.5M in grants to $50K for 3-5 years to CBOs doing advocacy/ community organizing including start-up grants to new, untested programs with few sources of support; Grants to established institutions for new projects with a high probability of ongoing support in the future; & General support to organizations that meet their guidelines. Excellent TA provided.
November 2 – GENERATIONS: Strengthening Women & Families Affected by HIV/AIDS, NATIONAL AIDS FUND & JOHNSON & JOHNSON Stephanie Lombard Cruse 202-408- 4848 X227 families-affected-by-hivaids/ This third grant round (GEN III) will award 6-8 grants to CBOs to create or adapt evidence-based HIV/AIDS prevention interventions that reduce the spread of HIV among at-risk women/girls. In addition to cash grants, agencies receive intensive technical assistance, program evaluation, & community building for proposals that seek to: Adapt previously tested, evidence-based HIV prevention interventions; and/or Implement innovative or emerging HIV prevention interventions that are grounded in established theories of behavior change or based on scientific evidence & can be evaluated & replicated in other communities.
November 2 - Health Care Improvement Grants, UNITED HOSPITAL FUND, Hollis Holmes 212-494- 0761/Fax-0800 Nearly $3M in grants to $100K for nonprofits to develop/evaluate innovative health care projects & conduct research/analysis of significant health systems issues shaping the future of NYC health care. Issue areas: expanding health insurance coverage, strengthening hospital finances, improving quality of care, or redesigning health care services.
November 3 - Field Trip Grants Program, TARGET CORPORATION 5,000 grants to $800 each for the coming K-12 school year to educational institutions to plan/execute a field trip that will provide a demonstrable learning experience for students. *
November 5 - Research & Education Projects, FINRA INVESTER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Susan Sarver 202-728-6948 or Robert Ganem 202-728-8362 Grants that give investors the tools & information they need to better understand the markets & the basic principles of saving & investing. *
November 7 - Love Your Veggies, HIDDEN VALLEY SALAD DRESSINGS Ten $10K grants to elementary schools to spend on fresh produce (vegetables and fruits), a vegetable station (such as a dedicated salad bar), kitchen equipment (primary usage must relate to proposed program), program staffing (cafeteria personnel, lunchroom staff, etc.) nutrition education supplies, & food safety training. *
17 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar November 17 – Celebrating Solutions, MARY BYRON PROJECT 866-264-6684 Grants to $10K to address the root causes of domestic violence & help build safer, healthier communities. *
November 30 & February 28 – Literacy & Education, Bear Hugs Foundation, BUILD A BEAR WORKSHOP Grants to $10K averaging $2,500 to provide support for children in literacy/education programs such as summer reading, early childhood education, & literacy for children with special needs. *
December 4 - Children's Tylenol National Child Care Teacher Awards, TERRI LYNNE LOKOFF CHILD CARE FOUNDATION $1,000 in total — $500 for the teacher's personal use & $500 to implement an enhancement project for the children in their classroom. Award recipients will also be honored at a special ceremony in early spring & receive an all-expense-paid trip to the Philadelphia area with the top 10 qualifiers become finalists for the Helene Marks Award to become the National Child Care Teacher of the Year receiving an additional $1,000 award.
December 12, April 12 & August 12 - Grant Program for Large or Recurring Conferences (R13) US AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH & QUALITY Linda Franklin 301- 427-1904/Fax-1562 Grants to $100K over 3 years to support conferences that help to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, & effectiveness of health care for all Americans including: 1) Research development - conferences where issues or challenges in the practice & delivery of health care are defined and a research agenda or strategy for studying them is developed; 2) Research design & methodology - conferences where methodological & technical issues of major importance to the field of health services research are addressed or new designs and methodologies are developed; 3) Dissemination & implementation - conferences where research findings and evidence-based information and tools are summarized, communicated and used by organizations and individuals that have the capability to use the information to improve the outcomes, quality, access to, and cost & utilization of health care services; and/or, 4) Research training, infrastructure & career development - conferences where faculty, trainees & students are brought together with stakeholders to develop, share or disseminate research products, experiences, curricula, syllabi, or training competencies.
December 12 – Children's Running Programs, SAUCONY RUN FOR GOOD Grants to $10K to help end childhood obesity through running & fitness programs.*
December 30 – Housing Asset Renewal Program (Harp), NYC HOUSING PRESERVATION & DEVELOPMENT Subsidies for the funding of affordable housing units in completed or partially constructed unoccupied residential buildings where, due to market or construction conditions, the owner is unable to complete construction or to sell or rent a sufficient number of units to meet private lending requirements & therefore construction or completion has been stalled. Funding is intended to convert market-rate units to affordable units & enable the owner to complete construction and/or rent or sell units. Applicants can apply for funding to convert the developments into either affordable rental housing or affordable homeownership housing.
18 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar January 1 – Grant Program, MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT 202-462-5747 X126/Fax 202-232-0442 Grants to $60K to foster measurable changes that lead to marijuana's being regulated similarly to alcohol & its availability for medical use. *
January 5 - Local Funding Partnerships Program to Reducing Exposure to Violence, ROBERT WOODS JOHNSON FOUNDATION Leticia Peguero 609-275-4128 $1M available in 2009 for up to 8 matching grants to $200K to partner with diversity-focused funders & other local grantmakers to fund projects that reduce violence in specific communities such as those defined by race, ethnicity, tribe, gender, sexual identity, or rural/frontier location. Projects must be new, community-based, and culturally appropriate, reflecting how language skills, significant cultural differences, education, income, and discrimination affect health outcomes. Community members should be engaged in planning & leadership.
January 7– Community Participation in Research (RO1), US CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION Dana Sampson 301-451-9514/Fax 301-402-1150 Grants for up to 5 years for intervention research on health promotion, disease prevention, & health disparities that communities & researchers jointly conduct. Intervention research is to be quasi-experimental seeking to influence preventive behaviors, treatment adherences, complementary behaviors, & related attitudes & beliefs.
January 7 & May 7 – Meetings, Conferences, & Networks for Research Partnerships to Improve Functional Outcomes, NATIONAL INSTIUTES OF HEALTH Michael Weinrich 301- 402-4201/Fax- 0832 Conference grant (R13/U13) for meeting & networks that facilitate interdisciplinary research partnerships among investigators – creating opportunities for forming strong & effective multi-disciplinary scientific teams to address basic, translational, or clinical research problems in rehabilitation or management of chronic disease, including mental disorders.
January 7 – Reducing Risk Behaviors by Promoting Positive Youth Development, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Lynne Haverkos 301-435- 6881/Fax 301-480-0230 (R01); (R03) Grants to encourage research projects (R01) & small (to $100K over 2 years) research project grant (R03) applications from institutions/organizations that propose to enhance our understanding of effective positive youth development programs & the mechanisms responsible for positive health and developmental outcomes through the development, implementation, & evaluation of new or improved programs, the evaluation of existing “successful” programs, or the evaluation of effective, evidence-based, gender-inclusive programs that are adapted, translated, or disseminated for new populations of youth & adolescents.
January 15 - Community Action, AAUW (formerly known as the American Association of University Women) 319- 337-1716 X60 Grants to $10K for individuals, AAUW branches/state organizations, as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education & equity for women & girls.
19 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar January 15 - Youth Service Mini-Grants, PAY IT FORWARD FOUNDATION Grants to $500 for one-time-only service oriented projects identified by youth as activities they would like to perform to benefit their school neighborhood, or greater community.
January 15 & March 25 - Assets for Independence Demonstration Program, US ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES James Gatz 202-401-5284 $19M in grants to $1M w/average of $350 (50/50 match required) to provide an array of supports/services to enable individuals/families with low incomes to become economically self-sufficient for the long-term. Participants are given access to special matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDA), in which participants save earned income for the purchase of a home, for business capitalization, or to attend higher education or training.
January 15 & August 15 – (Letter of Inquiry) Health Program, NATHAN CUMMINGS FOUNDATION 212-787-7300/Fax-7377 Grants to $250K to ensure that all people in the US have access to high quality & affordable health care & live in a healthy environment. Primary objectives include: 1) Health Access; Environmental Health; & 3) Capacity Building.
January 18 –Tapestry Program Annual Science Grant Competition, TOYOTA $550K for 50 grants of $10K & 20 minigrants to K-12 teachers for innovative science projects that enhance science education in their school and/or district over a one-year period.*
February 1 & August 1 - BARKER WELFARE FOUNDATION 516-759- 5592/Fax-5497 Grant more than $2M annually primarily to non-profits providing services to youth, families & local cultural institutions in the 5 boroughs. Letter of intent or call before preparing full proposal.
February 1 (Letter of inquiry) - Grants for Children, THE MOCKINGBIRD FOUNDATION (PHISH) One-time grants to $5K for schools & nonprofits for music education particularly for disenfranchised groups.
February 15 & August 15 – OPEN MEADOWS FOUNDATION 718- 885-0969 Grants to $2K for projects that are designed & implemented by women/girls who have limited financial access & reflect the cultural/ethnic diversity of our society. Applicant agencies must have annual budgets less than $150K.
February 24 - Ethnic Community Self-Help Grant – US OFFICE OF REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT (ORR) 0117.html Between 3-8 grants to $125K to connect newcomer refugees & their communities with resources.
March 1 - 2010 Family Planning Services Announcement (Region 2 - New York State, Puerto Rico) – US OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SCIENCE Renee Scales 240-453-8822
20 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar $10.5M for NYS available to establish/operate voluntary family planning services projects, which shall provide family planning services to all persons desiring such services, with priority for services to persons from low-income families. Family planning services include clinical family planning and related preventive health services; information, education, and counseling related to family planning; and, referral services as indicated.*
March 1 - Awards for Community & Youth Gardens, MANTIS GARDEN TOOLS 25 nonprofit organizations receive a tiller/ cultivator with border/edger & kickstand, and their choice of gas-powered 2-cycle engine or electric motor with a value of $349.
March 5 – Purpose Prize, CIVIC VENTURES Alexandra Cespedes Kent 415-222-7486 Five $100K grants for social innovators age 60 or older working to address society’s biggest challenges.
March 15 - Energy Conservation Study American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Program, NYS ENERGY RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ben Fox 518-862- 1090 X3444 Grants for the lesser of $30K or 100% of the cost of the study, or 25% of the annual energy cost of studied buildings (electricity, heating fuel), or vehicle fleets (vehicle fuel) for nonprofits to complete Energy Conservation Studies, which can be used to support applications to upcoming project implementation funding opportunities.
June 15 – Emergency Nonprofit Matching Fund for Core Support, STATEN ISLAND FOUNDATION 718-697-2831/Fax 718-697-3180 $750K in grants to $25K – with 50% match - for struggling Staten Island nonprofits funded within the past 4 years by the Foundation.
Safe Communities, Economic Empowerment & Tolerance Grants – ALLSTATE FOUNDATION Grants for national & local programs for: 1) Safe & vital communities; 2) Economic empowerment; & 3) Tolerance, inclusion & diversity.
Pets & Women's Shelters Program (PAWS), AMERICA HUMANE 703-836-PETS Technical assistance & grants to encourage domestic & family violence emergency housing shelters allow residents to bring their pets with them. *
Caring Attitudes, ARTHUR VINING DAVIS FOUNDATIONS Dr. Jonathan Howe 904-359-0670 Grants to $200K for efforts to encourage caring attitudes in the delivery of patient care. Projects should have the potential for widespread practical application & be of interest to other groups.
21 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar Community Grants Program, BRISTOL MEYERS SQUIBB es/default.aspx Grants for programs/ organizations that improve public health, help children succeed in school, and assist people in communities where employees live & work - in particular, to address unmet medical needs, reduce health disparities, improve education in schools & provide essential services to people in need through community programs.
Healthy Living Grant (Letter of Inquiry) CHARLES LAFITTE FOUNDATION Small foundation supporting innovative & effective ways for people to help themselves & others around them lead healthy & satisfying lives with in the areas of education, youth advocacy, & medical research.
CIGNA Community Grant, THE CIGNA FOUNDATION Grants to projects that focus their efforts on priority areas including: 1) the health of women, children & families, 2) obesity awareness & prevention, 3) patient/doctor communications & health literacy, 4) elimination of gender & ethnic disparities with health care, & 5) maintenance of healthy minds/bodies.
Charitable Grants, CITIZENS BANK GRANT FOUNDATION Grants to 1) promote affordable housing; 2) encourage the development of innovative responses to basic human needs; 3) encourage community-based services targeted to low & moderate-income families & individuals; and 4) promote new ways to address issues of economic self-sufficiency.
Weekly – Disaster Grants, DO SOMETHING & DUNKIN BRANDS FOUNDATION Grants of $500 for community service projects for disaster preparedness & emergency response. *
Weekly to the end of 2009 – Community Action Projects, DO SOMETHING Grants of $500 each to help young people implement or expand a project, program, or organization.
Children Welfare Grant Program, HECKSCHER FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN 212-744-0190/Fax-2761 Grants for program support, capacity-building, capital projects & general operating support.
Monthly on the 15th - Helping Hands Fund, ALL STARS HELPING KIDS Grants to $3.5K to promote a safe, healthy & rigorous learning environment for disadvantaged children in low-income communities.
JEROME ROBBINS FOUNDATION Christopher Pennington 212- 367-8956 AIDS-related programs that address the basic adult necessities of life including medication, direct care, shelter, food, & employment training.
Giving, JP MORGAN CHASE pagename=Chase/Href&urlname=jpmc/community/grants Contacts for: Manhattan (South of 96th Street) - Jenny Low [email protected]; The Bronx/Manhattan (96th Street & North) -
22 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar Gale Jennings O’Bryne [email protected]; Brooklyn/Staten Island - Seth Edwards [email protected] , & for Queens/Long Island - Vinford Mentar [email protected] Applications require internet access & can be made in the following areas: Community development - addressing issues related to poverty & social exclusion by building economic infrastructure, promoting self-sufficiency, and supporting efforts to narrow social inequities; Education - ensuring that all children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have access to high quality educational opportunities with a particular focus on K- 12 public schools that help them acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be productive, engaged citizens; and Arts & Culture – increasing community access to rich cultural resources that foster creativity, promote self-expression, celebrate diversity, & strengthen our environment.
KRESGE FOUNDATION 248-643-9630/Fax-0588 Gave grants of nearly $175M in 2006 primarily in matching funds for capital projects in health, the environment, arts & culture, human services & community development. New Green Building Initiative provides planning grants to advance environmental sustainability, & new and evolving Health & Environmental Programs go way beyond the traditional Kresge challenge grants. Relief Loan Fund for Human Service Agencies Responding to the Effects of the Economic Crisis,
KRESGE FOUNDATION Interest free, 24-36 month bridge loans to $500K for program-related investments to high-performance human service organizations providing food, shelter, & other emergency services including homeless & domestic-violence shelters, safety-net providers, affordable housing & supportive services, legal aid services, emergency assistance providers, & multi-service health and human service organizations are encouraged to apply.
MICHAEL & SUSAN DELL FOUNDATION Fax 512-347-1744 Grants to support/initiate programs that directly serve the needs of children living in urban poverty in 5 essential focus areas: education, health, safety, youth development, & early childhood care. Dell Scholarship Program applications can be submitted November 1-January 15.
Special Projects Fund, NY STATE HEALTH FOUNDATION 212-664-7656 While the Foundation’s grantmaking is focused on 3 priority areas: expanding health insurance coverage, improving the management & prevention of diabetes, & encouraging the integration of substance use & mental health services, in 2009 $6M in grants is available for one-time-only projects that fit its mission, but are outside the priority areas.
Sentencing & Incarceration Alternatives, OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE Grants to organizations that advance campaigns, research initiatives, & policies that seek to eliminate race & class disparities in sentencing & incarceration; reduce the length of criminal sentences promote judicial discretion in sentencing & alternatives to incarceration that emphasize rehabilitation/treatment; & limit prison growth & prison privatization. *
Unsolicited Grants, ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION (RWJF) 888-631-9989 One quarter of RWJF’s grants go to
23 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar unsolicited proposals which address one or more of their 11 key interest areas, but do not fit within the specific strategy outlined in a Request for Proposals (RFP).
ROBIN HOOD FOUNDATION 212-227-6601 Grants to $200K for general/operating support, program development & seed money as well as technical assistance to organizations serving very low income NYC residents in Early Childhood & Youth, Education, Jobs & Economic Security, & Survival.
SELF DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE 888-728-7228 X5782/Fax (502) 569- 8963 Small committee of Presbyterian Church (though grantees need have no religious affiliation) providing grants internationally to grassroots groups run by the people who benefit from their organizations' work, addressing the impact & structure of historic patterns of oppression, marginalization, racism, & poverty.
Mix It Up Grants – SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER $500 grants for youth ages (13 & older) who serve as decision-makers in a project focusing on identifying, crossing & challenging social boundaries in schools & communities.
UNION SQUARE AWARDS - Grants to $30K for grassroots organizations in NYC. In spring awards for Arts Organizations working with youth & families in low-income communities in ongoing, innovative, & creative ways, & in the fall for organizations working in the areas of homelessness & hunger; HIV/AIDS prevention, education and treatment; youth leadership & organizing; family & community development; economic self-sufficiency and conflict resolution.
UNITED HEALTHCARE CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION Grants to $5K to help pay for children’s health care services such as speech & physical therapy, occupational therapy sessions, prescriptions, & medical equipment such as wheelchairs, orthotics, & eyeglasses. Families of children 16 & younger must meet economic guidelines, reside in the US, & be covered by a commercial health benefit plan.
Helping Outreach Programs to Expand Hope (HOPE) Grants, US OFFICE FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME 202-307-5983/F 202-514- 6383 Grants of $5K for grassroots community/faith-based victim service organizations/ coalitions to improve outreach/ services through support of program development, networking, coalition building, development of program literature, training advocates; newsletters, victim outreach efforts, & recruiting volunteers.
Community Needs, WACHOVIA FOUNDATION Deborah Smith 212-214-4390 vgnextoid=93b85ef43a0aa110VgnVCM1000004b0d1872RCRD&vgnextfmt=default Grants to support organizations working to improve communities with low- to moderate-income with the priorities of improving education, community development, and environmental health, ensuring access to health & human services, and to bolster civic engagement. Corporate Charitable Giving Grants, WALGREENS Grants available to
24 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar organizations that focus on improving community access to health & wellness, civic & community outreach, & mentoring initiatives. Health is the major area of focus and will receive the largest share of the budget.
* Source found through Foundation Center Website // “HIV/AIDS Grant Opportunities” from the NYS Department of Health AIDS Institute provides FREE research/statewide listings as well as email updates. Contact Dr. Kathryn Henningson 518-473-230/ Fax 518-486-6888/ [email protected].
Prevention Page
Please contact Randi Baker at 718-388-0028 X122 or [email protected], if you have something of interest you would like to share or think should be mentioned here.
A Second rabid raccoon has been identified in Manhattan, reported the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) on August 28, 2009.1 “Stay away from raccoons, skunks, bats, stray dogs and cats and other wild animals that can carry rabies; 12 rabid animals have been identified in NYC this year. Eight were found in the Bronx, two in Manhattan (most recently in Central Park), one in Queens (Long Island City) and one in Staten Island (Tottenville). Raccoons are rare in Queens and Manhattan though bats with rabies have been found in all five boroughs. People and unvaccinated animals can get rabies, most often through a bite from an infected animal. Infection leads to a severe brain disease that causes death unless the person is treated promptly after being bitten. For more information on protecting yourself, your family and your pets visit
“Swine flu could infect up to half of the US population hospitalizing up to 1.8 million people and causing as many as 90,000 deaths -- more than double the number that occur in an average flu season,” according to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and reported by The Washington Post.2 “Although most of the cases probably would be mild, up to 300,000 people could require intensive care, which could tie up all those beds in some parts of the country at the peak of the outbreak, the council said." Learn more by reading, “Reports Warns Swine Flu Could Affect Half Of U.S. Population” in the August 25, 2009, Kaiser Health News, Daily Health Policy Report under “Public Health & Education” at .
1 NYC DOHMH Press Release # 056-09 Friday, August 28, 2009 CONTACT: (212) 788-5290 Jessica Scaperotti/Zoe Tobin: [email protected] Health Department Reminds New Yorkers to Avoid Wild Animals and to Vaccinate their Pets against Rabies
2 Kaiser Health News August 25, 2009 %20Health%20&%20Education-0 To access the daily report: %20Health%20&%20Education-0
25 September 2009 CBO Funding Calendar