Prof. Churchill Tiena Ako
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Date of Birth: 20th June, 1943
Place of Birth: Aladja Udu Local Government Area
Marital Status: Married with five children.
State of Origin: Delta
Postal Address: Department of Petroleum Engineering Covenant University
Ota Ogun - State Nigeria.
Telephone No: 08037170511 and 08023107272
High School
1. Government College, Ughelli, 1957 - 1961
Cambridge School Certificate Grade 1
2. Government College , Ugehelli 1962 – 1963 Cambridge H. S. C passes in Chemistry,
Physics, Physics and Mathematics
(December, 1963); London G.C.E. A level
Passes in Physics and Mathematics, Jan. 1964
University of Ibadan, - September 1964 – December1964.
1. Transferred to Oil, Gas and Geology Institute, Bucharest; now Oil and Gas University Ploisti, Rumania, on receiving on overseas Federal Government Award.
2. Oil, Gas and Geology Institute Bucharest, Dec. 1964 – May 1965, Rumanian Language and Technical Communication in Rumania
3. Oil, Gas and Geology Institute, Bucharest, Oct. 1965 - June, 1970,
Qualification ‘Diplom-Ing” (Petroleum Refinery Engineering and Petrochemical Technology, June, 1970)
4. University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 1974- 1976.
(a) M.Sc (Chemical Engineering) June, 1975
(b) M.Sc (Petroleum Engineering) June, 1976.
5. University of Lagos 1978 – 1983 (staff candidate)
Qualification: Ph.D (Chemical Engineering) Dec. 1983 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
(a) Assistant Education Officer,
(Mid – Western Region Public Services) - Jan., 1964 –September 1964
(b) Process Engineer, Nigerian Petroleum
Refining Company (Now Port Harcourt
Refining Company, Eleme, Port Harcourt - July 1970-Dec1973
(c) Lecturer II, University of Lagos. - Feb. 1977 - Sept. 1980
(d) Lecturer I, University of Lagos. - Oct.1980 - Sept 1985
(e) Senior Lecturer, University of Lagos. - Oct. 1985 - Nov. 1986
(f) General Manager, Nigus Petroleum limited - Nov.1986 - Jan. 1990
(g) Senior Lecturer - 1990 - Oct.1991.
(h) Associated Professor - Oct. 1991 - Sept. 1998
(i) Professor - Oct. 1998 Till Date
Courses taught at the University of Lagos.
(a) Industrial Chemistry (undergraduate level) 1977 - 1986 and 1990
(b) Petroleum Production Engineering (undergraduate level) 1977
(c) Separation Processes (undergraduate level) 1984 - 1986
(d) Chemical Engineering Lab. (undergraduate level) 1977 - 1986
(e) Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemical Engineering
(Postgraduate level) 1985 -1987
(f) Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (Undergraduate and Postgraduate level 1986
(g) Advanced Chemical Engineering thermodynamics 1994
(Postgraduate level)
(h) Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering 1999 – 2000
(Postgraduate level)
(i) Phase Equilibrium Thermodynamics 2000
In Covenant University 2005 to Date
Sabbatical 2005 - 2006
(j) CHE 326 - Chemical Engineering Kinetics
(k) PEE 313 - Petroleum Reservoir Engineering I
(l) PEE 323 - Petroleum Reservoir Engineering II
Post Graduate
(m) CHE 819 - Petroleum Refining Engineering
(n) CHE 815 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Kinetics
(o) PEE 913 - Mathematics Method in Petroleum Engineering
(p) PEE 811 - Advanced Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
(a) Undergraduate
Over 70 final year undergraduate research projects supervised (b) Postgraduate
(i) Over 40 M.Sc research projects supervised.
(ii) Ph.D Supervision
1. Bah-Gimba Abdullahi (Ph.D 2003)
Modelling and Simulation of gas –condensate Reservoir (2003)
2. Oyekunle ‘Laye (Ph.D 2007) with Prof. A. Susu
Adsorption Kinetics of the Desulphurization of some Petroleum Compounds.
3. Jaiyeola, A. Ph.D – (2007). With Prof. A.A. Susu
Kinetics Modelling of Complex Reforming Reaction Networks on Platinum- Alumina and Silica- Alumina Catalysts.
4. Evwhierhoma Thomas (2007) with Prof. A. A. Susu Reactive Seperation of some Petroleum Compounds.
Currently supervising 5 Ph.D. candidates one in Industrial Chemistry, and 4 in Petroleum Engineering and 2 MSc in Petroleum Engineering.
1. Destructive and reforming processes in petroleum refinery engineering
2. Modelling of chemical reaction systems
3. Petroleum reservoir studies. 4. Environmental engineering studies.
1. Departmental admission officer 1985 / 1986 session.
2. Departmental industrial training 1986.
3. Chairman, Departmental Postgraduate Committee and Member University of Lagos postgraduate school and member of its admissions committee 1991 – 1999.
4. Member, tenders committee 1992 – 1995.
5. Board member, Centre for Educational Technology 1991 – 1997 University of Lagos
6. General Manager, Nigus Petroleum Ltd; 1986 – 1990.
7. Member Students Disciplinary Board – 1999 – 2007 University of Lagos.
8. Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, 2002 – 2005 University of Lagos.
9. Coordinator, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department later Head of Petroleum Engineering Department Covenant University, Ota, 2005 – 2006.
10. Head of Department of Petroleum Engineering Covenant University. 2008-2010.
11. Deputy Dean School of Engineering 2009 – 2012
12. Acting Dean College of Science and Technology. June – September 2010.
13. Chairman Curriculum Development Committee 2008 - Date, Covenant University, Ota.
14. Chairman Waste Management Committee 2008 – Date, Covenant University, Ota.
1. Member, Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers, 1971 – Date.
2. Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1974 – 1987.
3. Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1992 – Date.
4. Member, New York Academy of Science, 1997 -- Date EXPERT ACTIVITIES
1. Member of the Chemical Engineering Consultancy Unit of Unilag Consult 2001-Date
2. Small scale processing on bentonite for bleaching lubrication oil and waxes and manufacture of drilling muds for raw materials research council, 1993.
3. Assessment of Nigerian Refineries for Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1994.
4. Consultant to various Nigerian Indigenous Companies involved in Environmental, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering practice.
5. Consultant to the Federal Ministry of Environmental.
6. NUC visitation panel member to ATBU, Bauchi, UA, Markurdi and FUT Yola.
7. External Examiner.
a. Obafemi Awolowo University, lle-ife. (M.Sc)
b. University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. (Ph.D’s)
8. External Assessor for Professorial appointments.
a. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
b. Federal University of Technology, Minna.
c. University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.
d. Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki.
1. Analiza Compuscilor cu sulf al titeiului si produselor sale. “Diplom-Ing” June 1970, Institute De Petrol Gaze si Geologie Bucharest.
2. Application of the Successive over relation method to a 2-Dimensional Petroleum
Reservoir M.Sc (Petroleum Engineering) 1976 June University of Southern
California, Los Angeles California U.S.A. 3. The Kinetic Analysis of the Dehydrocyclizationof Normal Octane an Monofunctional
and Bifunctional platinum-alumina Catalysts, Ph.D Thesis – 1983. University of
Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
1. Ako, C. T. et al., (1982)
The identification and distribution of Sulphur compounds in some Nigerian crudes
and their fractions. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (12)
2. Ako, C. T. (1982).
The effect of head on Fe – Ni/alumina catalysed reduction of Nitric Oxide by
ammonia. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (12) 1982.
3. Ako, C.T. (1982)
The dehydrocyclisation of n-octane on bifunctional and monofunctinoal platinum-
alumina catalyst I-product distribution. J. NSChE vol. 1 no. 2.
4. Susu, A.A. and Ako C. T. (1984)
Comparative Kinetic study of Ethyl Benzene isomerization on acidic and non-acidic
on platinum-alumina catalysts. J. Chem Tech, Biotech, 34A, 324 – 334.
5. Susu, A.A. and Ako C. T. (1985) (U. K).
Ethylbenzene isomerization on Bifunctional platinum-alumina catalysts – product
yield and pseudo-mass action Kinetics. Applied catalysis vol.16 176-182. Netherlands.
6. Ako, C. T. and Susu, A. A. (1986).
Normal octave dehydrocyclisation monofunctinoal and bifunctional platinum-
alumina catalysts. J. Chem Tech., Biotech (36) 519 -526. (U.K) 7. Ako, C. T.; Susu, A. A. and Gobina, E. N. (1988).
A simple model for the reaction of normal octane on bifunctional platinum-alumina
catalyst under steady – state conditions. J. Chem. Tech. Biotech. (14) 15---26. (U.K)
8. Ako, C. T. (1990) (U. K).
The reduction of Nitric Oxide by ammonia on nickel-iron catalyst. J. NSChE vol. 9
nos. 1 & 2, 28 – 31.
9. Susu, A. A. and Ako, C. T. (1991).
Pyrolysis of Heavy Nigerian Naphtheenic Naphtha. J. NSChE vol. 10 nos. 1 & 2.
10. Ako, C. T. and Susu A. A. (1993).
Comparative studies of the Dehydrocyclisation of n-octane and iso-octane on
bifunctional platinum-alumina catalysts. Chemical and Engineering Technology
16 (1993) 10-16. (Germany)
11. Ako, C. T. and Susu A. A. (1995).
The isomerization of the C8 aromtic hydrocarbonson acidic and non-acidic platinum-
alumina catalysts. 1-Paraxylene, J. NSChE vol.14 nos. 1 & 2.
12. Ako, C. T. and Susu A. A. (1995).
The isomerization of the C8 aromtic hydrocarbonson acidic and non-acidic platinum-
alumina catalysts. II – Orthoxylene. J. NSChE vol. 15 nos. 1 & 2.
13. Ako, C. T.; Ogboja, O. and Gimba, A. S. B. (1998).
Parametric study of reservoir depletion performance. The Afia Field Eastern
offshore Nigeria. J. N. Soc. Of Chem. Engrs. 14. Ako, C. T. and Ogboja, O. and Gimba, A. S. B. (2001).
Modelling of a Tubular Reactor for the reaction of n-octane on platinum-alumina catalyst under steady-state condition – effect of axial dispersion.
Chemical and Engineering Tech. (U.K).
15. Ako, C.T., Ogboja, O. and Gimba, A.S.B. (2001)
Optimization of reservoir development planning, Jour. NCChE. (Nigeria)
16. Ako, C.T., Ogboja, O. and Gimba, A.S.B. (2001).
Temperature variation effects in gas well pressure tests, Jours. N.S.Ch.E.
17. Ako, C. T.; Gimba, A. S. B. and Wakama (2002).
Application of the system analysis model to the design of well completion methods I
Gas wells, Jour. Pet. Sc. And tech (USA).
18. Ako, C. T.; Gimba, A. S. B. and Wakama (2002).
Application of the system analysis model to the design of well completion methods II
Gas wells, Jour. Pet. Sc. And tech (USA).
19. Jaiyeola, A.; Susu, A. A. and Ako, C. T. (2002).
The Mechanism and Kinetics of 1- Butene Isomerization on SiO2B/A12O3
I- the Kinetics Parameter Estimation. J. Sc. Tech and Environ 2(1) 50 – 63 (Africa).
20. Ako, C. T.; Nwalor, J. U., Olafadehan O and Dosunmu, O.O. (2005).
A theoretical model for Cyrogens spills on water surfaces J. Env. Sc. (U.S.A.)
21. Ako, C.T., EVWIERHOMA t. and Jaiyeola A. (2003).
Selectivity studies of the isomerization of n-octane and iso-octane on mono and bifunctional Pt-aluma catalysts. Chemical Engr. Technology. 22. M.N. Ugbe, Ako, C. T. and Nwalor, J. U. (2006).
New viscosity prediction model for hydrocarbon systems.
J. Petroleum Science and Tech (U.S.A.)
23. A. Jaiyeola and C. Ako (2008) West India)
Aromatics production by parattin
Dahydrocyclization: mechanism and the Kinetics of n – octane
Dehydrocyclization Reaction on acidic Pt/AI203 Catalysts.
Journe of West Indian Soc. Of Engineers volume 30 anR 2 (24-35)
24. Fadairo Adesina, Ako C.T. Omole O. and Falode O. (2009) Effect of oil field scale
on productivity Index Advances in sustable petroleum Engineering and science Vol. 1
Issue 3 295-304 (Netherland).
25. Fadairo Adesina, Ako Churchill and Falode O. (2009) Production
Modelling productivity Index for Long Horizontal wells (in print) Journal of Energy Resources Technology (JERT – 09 -1071)
26. Fadairo Adesina and Ako Churchill (2009)
Prediction of Elemental Sulphur Saturation around the well bore (in print) Journal of petroleum science and Engineering (Netherlands)
27. Fadairo Adesina and Ako Churchill (2009)
Elemental Sulphur induced formation damage control in gas reservoir (in print)
Journal of Petroleum Science and Exhibition Rio de Janeiro Brazil ID 653073.
28. Fadairo Adesina, Ako Churchil and Isiramen Oseme (2009)
Modelling Elemental Sulphur saturation around the well bore
AAPG international Conference and Exhibition Rio de Janeiro Brazil ID 653073.
29. Makinde F. A., Joledo A. and Ako C.T. (2010) Liquid Loading and Gas well Deliverability: Petroleum Production approach (Under review) Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. (Netherlands).
30. Abhulimen K. and Ako C.T. (2009)
Genertalized Correlation model for liquid Hold up in multiple flow.
Chemical Engineering Communication.(U.K.) (Under Review)
31. Abhulimen K. and Ako C.T. (2010)
Modelling of Ozone Layer Depletion
Fundermentals in Chem. Engineering (Russian) (Under Review)
32. Abhulimen K. and Ako C. T. (2010)
Effect of Non – Newtonian Multiple parameters on multiphase flow in petroleum science and Technology (U.S.A.). (Under Review)
33. Fadairo Adesina, Ako C.T., Omole O. and Falode O., (USA, 2012) “Effect of Oilfield Scale on Productivity Index” New Development in Sustainable Petroleum Engineering, (Chapter 7), Nova Publisher, ISBN 9781613241592 1613241593. 34. Fadairo Adesina, Falode O. Ako C., Adeyemi A., Ameloko A., (Croatia 2012) “Novel Formulation of Environmentally Friendly Oil ” New Technologies in Oil and Gas Industry (Chapter 3) InTech Publisher 35. Fadairo Adesina, Ako Churchill, and Falode O., (USA, 2011) “Modelling Productivity Index for Long Horizontal Well” Journal of Energy Resources Technology (JERT-09- 1071), Volume 133, Issue 3. 36. Fadairo Adesina, Ameloko Anthony, Ako Churchill, Duyilemi Olawale, (SLO 2010) Modelling of Wax Deposition during Oil Production Using a Two-Phase Flash Calculation” Journal of Petroleum and Coal 2010, Volume 52, Issue 3, p 193-202. 37. Fadairo Adesina, and Ako Churchill, (USA, 2010) “Prediction of Elemental Sulphur Saturation around the Wellbore” Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, GJRE Vol. 10 Issue 2, pp 31-37 38. Orodu, O. D., Ako, C. T., Makinde, F. A., Owarume, M. (Accepted) “Well Deliverability Predictions of Gas Flow in Gas Condensate Resevroirs, Modelling Near- Critical Wellbore Problem of Two Phase Flow in 1-Dimension”, Brazilian Journal of Petroleum & Gas.