APA Guidelines: References Page
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APA Guidelines: References Page
Books one author: Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Note that author’s last name Basic Books. comes first. Date is in two to six authors: brackets. Cargill, O., Charvat, W., & Walsh, D. D. (1966). The publication of academic writing. The title is always italicized. New York: Modern Language Association. Note the colon no author given: between Experimental psychology. (1938). New York: Holt.
WebPages web site of an organization or government: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. (2001). Glacial habitat restoration areas. Note that if there Retrieved from http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/wildlife/hunt/hra.htm is no date provided, Midwest League. (n.d.). Pitching, individual records. Retrieved from (n.d.) becomes the date. http://www.midwestleague.com/indivpitching.html Note the difference a personal homepage: (retrieval date is included due to possibility of change) between Duncan, D. (1998, August 1). Homepage. Retrieved July 30, 2007 from title and institutio n/ author. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/1652/
NOTE: The URL should not be underlined. Sometimes underlining appears automatically when a URL is displayed in a browser or in Word. Remove the underlining before submitting your paper. Note that the article title comes before the name of Articles the newspaper or magazine. Also, newspaper: months are not Monson, M. (1993, September 16). Urbana firm obstacle to office project. The abbreviated. You may not have a “day” provided; Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, pp. 1, 8. simply write the month. The magazine: newspaper/magazine Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead therapy won't help most kids. Science News, 159, 292.
Adapted from: Dalhousie University. (2009). How do I…? Retrieved from http://www.library.dal.ca/Files/How_do_I/pdf/apa_style.pdf APA Guidelines: References Page
Article in a journal
Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Note: List only Bulletin, 126, 910-924. the volume number if the Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. periodical uses continuous Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. pagination throughout a particular General Information volume. If each issue begins No author: Place the title in the author position… with page 1, then list the issue number as well.
Oil discovered off Newfoundland. (1982, April 6) Evening Telegram, p. A1.
No title: Use square brackets to indicate that the "title" is a description of the content, not a true title…
Bordi, F. (1993). [Laboratory results from a study of rats]. Unpublished raw data.
No date: If no date is available, write (n.d.)…
Deutsch, F. M.(n.d.). Husbands at home: Survival techniques. Boston: Scribners.
APA bibliographies are titled “References” (not “Works Cited” or “Bibliography”). Center this title on a new page. Alphabetize your entries according to the first letter in each entry Double space all entries, even within an entry Citing your quoted or paraphrased facts IN TEXT (ie as you go along) requires a different, shortened format. Please refer to the webpage below for details.
Adapted from: Dalhousie University. (2009). How do I…? Retrieved from http://www.library.dal.ca/Files/How_do_I/pdf/apa_style.pdf