Strategic Plan Implementation Plan
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Lancaster CSD Strategic Plan Implementation Plan 2013-14 Implementation Plan: Court Street Elementary 2014-2015 Why? Alignment with Program Commitments Rationale 1. The Engage NY domains/modules align with ELA Common Core Learning To provide children with a high-quality education based on guarantee and viable Standards curriculum (Marzano) and research-based instructional strategies in order to 2. The professional development opportunities focus on ELA Shift 3: Academic increase student achievement. Vocabulary What? How? Who? When? Support Who Does It? Funding Target Objectives Major Tasks / Activities Professional Development Dates Sources To Responsibility Population Be Used Curriculum and Schedule and utilize faculty Provide Literacy Committee Classroom September School Court Street Instruction meetings, grade level workshops (twice during the 2014- teachers 2014-June budget: Literacy Continue reviewing and meetings, and/or extended 2015 school year ) to focus on 2015 textbook Committee implementing Engage hours to support learning academic vocabulary found in the Literacy members and NY domains and about the domains/modules Engage NY domains/ modules Committee Professional principal modules: based on ELA Shift 3: Academic members development Schedule and utilize Court Vocabulary money Kagan trainers K: Nursery Rhymes & Street Literacy Committee allocated to Five Senses meetings to support strategies Organize classroom visitations and each building Professional 1st: Human Body & A for teaching the debriefing meetings for grade level development New Nation domains/modules to include teachers to observe academic presenter 2nd: Fairy Tales/Tall Kagan structures vocabulary strategies within the Tales & Insects classroom setting. 3rd: Becoming a Close Reader & Cultures Provide professional development Around the World opportunities at faculty meetings, and/or grade-level meetings for Kagan trainers to model how Kagan structures can be utilized when teaching the ELA domains/modules
Potential Roadblocks, Challenges, and Unintended Consequences Solutions 1. The professional development presenter may not be available. 1. The Court Street Literacy Committee would explore other professional 2. Funding for resources needed to teach the Engage NY domains/modules development opportunities and/or research strategies to present to Court will be limited. Street teachers. 2. We may have to utilize the Extra Class account and/or possibly PTO funds to purchase resources. Lancaster CSD Strategic Plan Implementation Plan 2013-14 Implementation Plan: Court Street Elementary 2014-2015 Why? Alignment with Program Commitments Rationale 1. Data-driven discussions and examining and reflecting on student achievement To provide children with a high-quality education based on student assessment are critical when focusing on effective instructional strategies. results and research-based instructional strategies in order to increase student achievement.
What? How? Who? When? Support Who Does It? Funding Target Objectives Major Tasks / Activities Professional Development Dates Sources To Responsibility Population Be Used Instruction and Schedule and create a Court Provide teachers and data coaches Classroom September School Data Coaches Assessment Street data coach calendar opportunities to discuss best teachers 2014-June budget: Utilize data coaches to including: practices in math at Court Street 2015 textbook Technology facilitate data-driven *when the Expressions unit Math Committee meetings and Math mentor dialogue and best assessments will be during data meetings Committee practices in the area of administered (pacing) members Court Street math based on student *when the assessment results Math results on the will be in Edoctrina Committee Expressions Math unit *when the data meeting will members and assessments. be held principal
Schedule time for data coaches and all teachers to become proficient in the use of Edoctrina for printing individual student reports and item analysis reports
Schedule and utilize Court Street Math Committee meetings to support research- based learning strategies for teaching math Potential Roadblocks, Challenges, and Unintended Consequences Solutions 1. The data coaches and teachers will need training when using Edoctrina in 1. The data coaches will need to be trained in Edoctrina prior to the data order for them to feel comfortable with the program. meetings and the technology mentor will be available to assist. Lancaster CSD Strategic Plan Implementation Plan 2013-14 Implementation Plan: Court Street Elementary 2014-2015 Why? Alignment with Program Commitments Rationale 1. Technology that supports curriculum and enhances instructional practice To provide children with a high-quality education and technology opportunities motivates children in an ever-changing technological world. that enhance instructional practice.
What? How? Who? When? Support Who Does It? Funding Target Objectives Major Tasks / Activities Professional Development Dates Sources To Responsibility Population Be Used Instruction and Create a Court Street Provide professional development Classroom September School Court Street Technology Technology Committee opportunities in the area of teachers 2014-June budget Technology Promote and provide (including the technology technology at faculty meetings, 2015 Committee technology mentor) and schedule bi- and/or grade-level meetings based Technology members opportunities to monthly meetings to research on the work of the Court Street Committee enhance instructional and create technology Technology Committee. Technology practice activities aligned with the mentor Common Core Learning Organize classroom visitations for Standards and skills being teachers to observe technology Principal taught at each grade level. being utilized in the classrooms. The committee will focus on: *Google Apps *Chrome book usage *Grade level computer lab activities * Teacher websites *New technology
Potential Roadblocks, Challenges, and Unintended Consequences Solutions 1. There is a range of comfort levels in the area of technology and we are 1. The Court Street Technology Committee will assist teachers by providing concerned about some classrooms utilizing technology more than others. hands-on instructional activities so that all children have technological opportunities at Court Street Elementary.