Pennbowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central
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PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida 1. FTPE, give the name of the common plastic based on its abbreviation and clues. A. A clear, rigid plastic, it is brittle and can crack easily. It has good chemical resistance, but none to oxygen or moisture. Its abbreviation is PS. Answer: Polystyrene B. An easily molded plastic, it has decent chemical and moisture resistance. Usually clear, it can be made in many colors. Its abbreviation is PP. Answer: Polypropylene C. This plastic is used for strength, impact resistance, clarity, and resistance to oxygen, moisture, and many chemicals. It is most often seen in carbonated beverage bottles. Its abbreviation is PETE. Answer: Polyethylene Terephthalate
2. Answer the following questions about the British settlement of Australia, FTPE. A. This British captain led the First Fleet of 11 vessels to settle Australia in 1788. Answer: Arthur Phillip B. On January 19-20, 1788, the First Fleet landed here, but found poor soil and water here, making it unsuitable for permanent habitation. Answer: Botany Bay (accept also Stingray Harbour) C. Six days later, the fleet moved five miles north and established this settlement, which is now the city of Sydney. ANSWER: Port Jackson
3. Identify these athletes, all of whom went to Miami University, of Ohio, 5-10-15 A. [5] This 6' 7" small forward from Cold Spring Harbor, NY was drafted sixth overall by the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 1999 NBA Draft. Answer: Wally Szczerbiak (Sir-bee-ack) (or rough equivalents) B. [10] This 6' 6" guard and 1986 Miami grad's career has gone from the Cavs, to the Clips, to the Bulls, and now the Lakers. Answer: Ron Harper C. [15] This running back set the NCAA career Division I record for touchdowns with his 73rd TD against Buffalo on November 20, 1999. Answer: Travis Prentice
4. 30-20-10 name the author A. [30] Her final work, Les Blancs, a play about African Liberation, was published in 1972, seven years after her death. B. [20] Her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, closed the night she died at age 34 from cancer. C. [10] Her first play, A Raisin in the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of desegregating a white neighborhood. Answer: Lorraine Hansberry
5. Identify the fallacies in philosophical argument, FTPE A. Sometimes called the Black or White Fallacy, this structural error simply means that you are saying that there are only two possibilities. Answer: False Dilemma PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida B. This is a statement that something is true simply because someone cannot prove otherwise. Answer: Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam C. This is the use of a non-sequitur in an argument such as "I can't know the answer to that math question, because I have a white dog." Answer: Straw Man
6. FTPE, identify the following instruments that can be used to measure certain quantities in electrical circuits. A. Used in the construction of ammeters and voltmeters, it uses the torque acting on a coil of wire in a magnetic field to help measure currents or potential differences. Answer: galvanometer B. To make a galvanometer act as an ammeter, it can be placed in parallel with this type of resistor, which must have a very small resistance relative to the galvanometer. Answer: shunt resistor C. This type of circuit can be used to measure an unknown resistance, where the unknown resistor is placed in a particular arrangement with three known resistors and a galvanometer, and one of the known resistors is varied until the galvanometer reads zero. Answer: Wheatstone bridge
7. FTPE, name these German states that were once part of the German Democratic Republic from clues. A. Named after a former region of Prussia, this “Bundesland” (boon-dess-lahnt) surrounds the city-state of Berlin. It has its capital at Potsdam. Answer: Brandenburg B. Centrally located, this state was home to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and contains Weimar, the 1999 Cultural City of Europe. Erfurt is the capital city. Answer: Thuringia (Ger.: Thueringen) C. A former independent kingdom, this state is the most economically developed of the former East German states with many companies doing business here, including Volkswagen. Its capital is the former royal city of Dresden. Answer: Saxony (Ger.: Sachsen), [Do Not Accept: Saxony-Anhalt]
8. 30-20-10, name the warrior A. [30] In Greek Mythology, he was the leader of the Salaminians during the Trojan War. B. [20] Nicknamed "the wall" by Homer, this son of Telemon was the first to stand his ground against Hector in the war. C. [10] Angered because he was not awarded the armor of Achilles, he plotted to kill Agamemnon and Menelaus, but was driven insane by the goddess Athena and committed suicide instead. Answer: (Telemonian) Ajax (accept Aias)
9. FTPE, name the following symphonic works from their movements. A. March to the Scaffold, Dream of a Witches' Sabbath Answer: Symphonie Fantastique (or Fantastic Symphony) B. The Catacombs, The Hut on Chicken's Legs PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida Answer: Pictures at an Exhibition C. Dance of the Earth, Sacrificial Dance Answer: The Rite of Spring (or Le Sacre du Printemps)
10. The University of Pennsylvania is one of the "Big Five" of Philadelphia college basketball. For five for one, 10 for two, 20 for three, and 30 for all four, name the other members of the Big Five. Answer: St. Joseph's (St. Joe's), Temple, La Salle, and Villanova
11. FTPE, name these characters from "Slaughterhouse Five." A. This man has come unstuck in time. Answer: Billy Pilgrim B. This car thief from Cicero, Illinois plans to have all of his enemies from the war killed. Billy Pilgrim, having foreseen his own death, believes he will indeed be killed by him in Chicago. Answer: Paul Lazzaro C. This 44-year-old high school teacher from Indiana has a son in the Marine Corps fighting in the Pacific and is executed for stealing a teapot from the ruins of Dresden. Answer: Edgar Derby
12. Microsoft has created a program that includes a series of tests to certify a person's knowledge in computing. Answer the following about it, 15-10-5. A. [15] For 15 points, name a person certified in Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft's Backoffice family of products. Answer: MCSE (Microsoft certified systems engineer) B. [10] FTP name the one area of study for a MCSE that involves a suite of protocols originally implemented by the military. Answer: TCP/IP C. [5] For 5 points, name the term for a server that connects a local network to the internet Answer: Proxy
13. FTPE, answer these questions about 19th century French artist Honoré Daumier. A. Daumier started his professional career with pieces created with this process, in which a design on a metal plate is treated and inked so that image areas of the design retain the ink and non-image areas repel the ink. The design is then pressed to paper. Answer: Lithography B. A scathing lithograph of this French king done for the magazine “La Caricature” landed Daumier in prison for six months. Answer: Louis-Philippe C. Daumier switched to oil painting in his forties, and produced over one hundred works by this method. His leftist slant is evident in this work, a study of riders in a railroad passenger car. Answer: The Third-Class Carriage PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida 14. FTPE, Answer the following about American fighter planes of World War II. A. This product of the Lockheed Skunk Works was used to intercept and shoot down Admiral Yamamoto and was known as the "Fork-Tailed Devil." Answer: P-38 or Lightning B. The heaviest single-engine, single place piston fighter ever developed was this Republic-designed aircraft, known as the "Jug" to its pilots. Answer: P-47 or Thunderbolt C. The full potential of this North American Aircraft design was not realized until after its original Allison engine was replaced by the Rolls Royce Merlin. Answer: P-51 or Mustang
15. In November 1999, an 82-year old entrepreneur endowed a midwestern university, with $250,000 for a professorship in English. 5-10-15, answer the following. A. [5] In 1958, Mr. Hillegass founded what company that produces study guides? Answer: Cliff's Notes B. [10] Hillegass was working at a bookstore of what midwestern university at the time he developed Cliff's Notes? Answer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln c. [15] IDG Books Worldwide Inc., the maker of what popular series of books, bought Cliffs Notes for $14.2 million in 1998? Answer: "for Dummies"
16. Answer the following about Barry Levinson's on-going Baltimore film saga, 5-10-15. A. [5] This 1982 movie starring Steve Guttenberg, Kevin Bacon, and Daniel Stern shows five men in 1959 who spend all of their time hanging out in the title object. Answer: Diner B. [10] This 1999 movie starring Joe Mantegna and Bebe Neuwirth examines the nature of prejudices in post-World War II urban America. Answer: Liberty Heights C. [15] This 1990 movie traces a Jewish family's life in America from the beginning of the century through the late 1950s as they build a better life in America. Answer: Avalon
17. Answer these related questions for ten points each. A. Name this Athenian general, who after he arrived too late to save the Athenian colony of Amphipolis from the Spartans was exiled from Athens. Answer: Thucydides B. Now name Thucydides' work that chronicles the struggle between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 404 BCE. Answer: "History of the Peloponnesian War" C. Finally, name the Spartan commander who besieged the colony of Amphipolis that Thucydides was unable to prevent. Answer: Brasidas PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida 18. 30-20-10, name the man, first and last name required. A. [30] Before the age of 30, he developed the fundamental mathematical concept of an automorphic function in his study of differential equations. B. [20] He won an international prize in 1889 for his work on the three-body problem in celestial mechanics, and he developed some of the results of special relativity independently from Einstein in 1906. C. [10] A long-standing conjecture in algebraic topology about 3-spheres is named for him, and his cousin Raymond was president of France during World War I. Answer: Henri (or Jules-Henri) Poincare
19. Given the name of a servant in a Shakespeare play, identify the character that they serve or attend to FTP each: A. Angelica, the nurse in Romeo and Juliet Answer: Juliet B. Emilia in Othello Answer: Desdemona C. The Earl of Kent, disguised as Caius, attends to this title character Answer: King Lear
20. Name the following syndromes, which may or may not be related, FTPE: A. First identified in 1973, it is a syndrome in which captives become emotionally attached to their captors as a means to endure captivity. Answer: Stockholm Syndrome B. First identified in 1983, visitors to the city it is named for begin to identify, and then believe they are figures from the Bible. Answer: Jerusalem Syndrome C. First released in 1979, this Academy Award nominated movie dealt with a near- meltdown at a nuclear plant and a TV reporter, played by Jane Fonda, who attempts to expose the cover-up. Answer: The China Syndrome
21. FTPE, answer these questions about recently proposed mergers and acquisitions. A. This large company’s bid to buy French soft drink maker Orangina was blocked again by the French government, citing competition concerns, though the company will surely try again. Answer: Coca-Cola (accept Coke) B. Pfizer has sued Warner-Lambert trying to overturn Warner-Lambert’s merger with this third pharmaceutical company. Answer: American Home Products C. German tele-com firm Mannesmann rejected a bid for merger with this company, the world’s largest mobile phone service provider, so it's now planning a hostile takeover. Answer: Vodafone AirTouch
22. Identify the following sculptors from works FTPE. A. “Lion of Belfort,” “Liberty Enlightening the World” Answer: Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida
B. “Sleeping Muse,” “Princess X,” “Mademoiselle Pogany” Answer: Constantin Brancusi C. “Age of Bronze,” “Gates of Hell” Answer: Auguste Rodin
23. Wayne Gretzky's name appears 61 times in the NHL Record Book. FTPE, given a career record, "The Great One" holds, tell who is second to him on the list. A. Career Goals and Points Answer: Gordie Howe B. Career Assists Answer: Paul Coffey C. Career Playoff Goals, Assists, and Points Answer: Mark Messier
24. Bottoms up! Given the description, identify the potent potable, 5-10-15. A. [5] This sweet, fermented honey wine was consumed as far back as 2000 B.C. by the Babylonians but was also popular among the ancient Britons. Answer: Mead B. [10] Victorian fathers customarily set aside a pipe, or about 140 U.S. gallons, of this red wine originating from Oporto, Portugal to be presented to their sons on their 21st birthday. Answer: Port C. [15] This mixture of wine, water, and sugar was invented during the Enlightenment by its namesake, an English colonel whose surname also denotes Ethiopian sovereigns. Answer: Negus
25. FTPE, identify the following people who played important roles in the 1949 peace negotiations following Israel's War of Independence: A. The UN mediator in the Israel-Egypt talks was this African American, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950. Answer: Ralph Bunche B. This man was Israel's Foreign Minister after the war, and he eventually became Israel's second Prime Minister when he succeeded David Ben Gurion in 1954. Answer: Moshe Sharett C. This Jordanian king took part in a few productive peace negotiations before being assassinated in February of 1951. Answer: Abdullah I
26. Answer the following related questions, 5-10-15. a. [5] This ship of the White Star Line sank on April 14-15, 1912 in the North Atlantic. Answer: RMS Titanic b. [10] This U.S. aircraft carrier, CV-5, sank on June 7, 1942 after the Battle of Midway. Answer: U.S.S. Yorktown PennBowl Revolution Nein! Round 11 Boni- Questions by Michigan B and University of Central Florida c. [15] He was the oceanographer that headed the teams that discovered the hulks of the Titanic and Yorktown. Answer: Robert Ballard
27. Answer these questions about digital logic FTSNOP. (Hint: this is not a binary bonus) A. Logic circuits are generally classified into two types, one whose outputs depend only on the current inputs, and one whose outputs depend on both current inputs and the state of the circuit. FTPE, name these two types. Answer: Combinational and Sequential B. The state changes of most sequential circuits occur at times specified by the change an independent input signal. FTP, name this signal, which has a period and a frequency, and is produced by a quartz-crystal oscillator in many digital systems. Answer: Clock
28. Answer the following questions about the America's Cup 2000, FTPE. A. The challenger races as well as the America's Cup races are being held in this city's Hauraki (hoor-rocky) Gulf. Answer: Auckland, New Zealand B. The 10 challengers are racing for the right to face New Zealand in the America's Cup Final as well as to earn this trophy, named for a fashion designer. Answer: Louis Vuitton Cup C. After two rounds of the round robin competition, this country's Prada entry led the challenger field. Answer: Italy