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Cincinnati Christian University s3

Cincinnati Christian University Chris Barrick • Email: [email protected] (preferred method of contact) Telephone: (202)215-4688 • Office Hours: by appointment ______MUED 211 01: Percussion Methods Fall 2013 • Section 004: WF: 8:00-8:50am

Required Materials rd Teaching Percussion, 3 edition by Gary Cook with DVD Practice Pad & 1 pair of snare drum sticks (issued by instructor for approximately $24 per person)

Course Introduction The purpose of this class is to provide an introduction to percussion teaching/playing within the contexts of private lessons as well as playing with a larger ensemble such as an orchestra or concert band. The goal of this course is to familiarize you with basic playing techniques and teaching methods for many of the instruments of the percussion family. More attention will be given to instruments that are commonly found in North American public school music programs. Emphasis will be placed on learning to correctly teach and evaluate your future students’ progress. Information will be given on preventing injury (hearing damage, tendonitis/carpal tunnel, etc.) for beginning percussionists (more information regarding health and safety can be found in the Health and Safety Standards section of the CCU SCORE handbook.)

You will be assessed on the following assessment guidelines throughout the quarter, and will have a conference with the instructor during exam week to discuss your evaluation.

Domain A: Organizing Content Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions for Student Learning & Assessment A2 Articulating clear learning goals for lessons that are appropriate for students A3 Demonstrating understanding of connections between previously learned content, current content, and content to be learned in the future A4 Employing a variety of teaching methods and instructional resources that are appropriate for students

Domain B: Teaching for Student Learning C2 Making content comprehensible to students C4 Monitoring student's understanding of content using a variety of means, providing feedback, and adjusting learning activities as the situation demands C5 Using instructional time effectively

Domain C: Teaching Professionalism D2 Demonstrating a sense of efficacy


Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Class Notebook 15% Reading Quizzes 10% Concert Review 5% Method Book Review 5% Peer Teaching Demonstrations 20% rd Midterm (October 23 , ½ written, ½ playing) 20% th Final (Dec. 16 10 , ½ written, ½ playing) 25%

Class Notebook A class notebook will be due on the last day of class. This should be a typed and organized portfolio of class notes, handouts, and any other materials given out during class.

Concert Review You are required to attend at least one percussion concert during the quarter and provide a 3- page, double-spaced review of the concert. Topics discussed in the paper could include, but are not limited to: techniques observed and/or heard, names of instruments used, descriptions of grips observed, etc. Dates for percussion concerts will be announced as soon as possible.

Quizzes There will be several unannounced quizzes given throughout the semester to test competition and comprehension of the assigned readings. The quizzes will only take a few minutes to complete and will be given at the beginning of classes.

Method Book Review Students will write a paper evaluating the effectiveness of a percussion method book of their choosing from a selection determined by the instructor. More information will be given October 18th.

Peer Teaching Each student will be asked to demonstrate teaching the techniques that have been covered in class. This will be in a private lesson format with another student or the instructor. More details will be given in class.

Exams Exams will be half written and half playing. The written portion will be administered during class time. The playing portion will be administered on a one-on-one basis with each student outside of class at a time arranged with the instructor.

Equipment Students are required to spend approximately $24 (final price to be determined) to purchase snare drum sticks and a practice pad directly from the instructor. CCU will provide all other mallets and equipment.

Attendance Policy Please make a strong effort to attend every class, as there is a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time. Every class period will contain important information that may not be covered again. However, if you have to miss a class, every absence beyond 4 will lower your final grade by 1/3 a letter (ex. B becomes B-). 3 tardy entrances will equal one absence. You will be responsible for material you may have missed, but if you know you will not be in class (i.e. death in family, professional conference, illness, etc.), please let me know as soon as possible. This will

Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. allow me to plan class activities accordingly. Please note there are no excused absences.

Class Schedule

*Schedule is subject to change.

Assignments Topic Week 1 Wed. 8/28 - Unit 1: Course Policies / Intro to Basic Techniques / Snare Drum Snare Drum Fri. 8/30 pgs. 1-3, 5-6; 24-25; 33-43 Snare drum grip and legato DVD Chapter 1: 1-2; Chapter stroke/teaching first 2: 1-6 lesson/exercises Week 2 Wed. 9/4 Legato Stroke, cont. Fri. 9/6 pgs. 61-62; 71-72 Staccato / Accent Stroke, DVD Chapter 2: 7, 11, 9 cont. Week 3 Wed. 9/11 pgs. 45-57 Staccato Stroke, cont. / Roll DVD Chapter 2: 12-13 Development Fri. 9/13 Rolls, cont. Week 4 Wed. 9/18 pgs. 25-33, pgs. 57-65, 377- Equipment / Changing 393 Heads / Rudiments / DVD Chapter 2: 8, 14, 15 Hearing Protection and Injury Prevention Fri. 9/20 Rudiments, cont. Week 5 Wed. 9/25 pgs. 66- 71 Sticking Policies / Phrasing DVD Chapter 2: 16 Fri. 9/27- Unit 2: Have examples 2-Y I. and the Peer Teaching: Snare Keyboard Percussion first line of 2-Y II prepared to Drum / Intro to Keyboard play. (pgs. 72-73), pgs. 93- Percussion 107 DVD Chapter 4: 1 Week 6 Wed. 10/2 pgs. 93-107 Keyboard instruments DVD Chapter 4: 1 introduction/ranges/mallet selection Fri. 10/4 No School – Fall Recess Week 7 Wed. 10/9 pgs. 107-116 Mallet technique/legato DVD Chapter 4: 2 stroke Fri. 10/11 pgs. 116-120, 125-127 Rolls/staccato stroke DVD Chapter 4: 3-4 Week 8 Wed. 10/16 pgs. 127-135, 139-140 Introduction to 4-mallet DVD Chapter 4: 5-6 keyboard playing

Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Fri. 10/18 pgs. 143-144 4-mallets continued / Method Book Assignment Vibraphone technique explained in class Week 9 Wed. 10/23 Prepare pg. 120, ex. 4-S, 4- Peer Teaching: Keyboard mallet grips Percussion / Midterm Fri. 10/25 – Unit 3: pgs. 157-186 Introduction to Timpani - Timpani DVD Chapter 5, 1-7 Tuning/Grips Week 10 Wed. 10/30 pgs. 186-196 Legato/Staccato DVD Chapter 5: 8-9 Strokes/Articulation Fri. 11/1 pgs. 196-201 Rolls/Other Technical DVD Chapter 5: 10-12 Concerns Week 11 Wed. 11/6 pgs. 201-206 Muffling/Muting/Cross DVD Chapter 5: 13-15 Sticking/Shifting Fri. 11/8 Prepare Timpani excerpt Peer Teaching: Timpani (Handout) Week 12 Wed. 11/13 – Unit 4: pgs. 215-225 Bass Drum / Cymbals Accessories DVD Chapter 6: 1, pgs. 225- 231 DVD Chapter 6: 2-3 Fri. 11/15 pgs. 231-234 Cymbals, cont. / Triangle DVD Chapter 6: 5 Week 13 Wed. 11/20 pgs. 234-237 Tambourine / Other DVD Chapter 6: 6, pgs. 237- Accesories 251 DVD Chapter 6: 8 Fri. 11/22 Prepare Accessories excerpts Peer Teaching: (Handout) Accessories Week 14 Wed. 11/27 No School – Thanksgiving Recess Fri. 11/29 No School – Thanksgiving Recess Week 15 Wed. 12/4 – Unit 5: pgs. 294-301; 305-310 Introduction to Drum Drum Set DVD Chapter 8: 2-3 Set/Feet Development Fri. 12/6 pgs. 310-313 Jazz Ride Cymbal/Rock DVD Chapter 8: 4 Beats Week 16 Wed. 12/11 pgs. 313-315 Interdependence/Fills DVD Chapter 6: 5-6 Fri. 12/13 Method Book Review Due Peer Teaching: Drum Set Today Prepare Drumset Excerpts TBD Concert Review Due Today Final Exam

Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

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