Minutes - Grants Panel - 19 February 2008
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The Meeting commenced at 1.00pm and concluded at 4.30pm
Members present:
Councillor Sorton (Vice Chairman) in the Chair Councillors Brown (substituting for Cllr Meachin), Mrs Hillman (substituting for Cllr Ms Atkinson, Leverett (substituting for Cllr Mrs Deas, Chairman) and Wilson.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ms Atkinson, Mrs Deas (Chairman), and Meachin. Apologies for late attendance were received from Councillor Sorton.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Hillman be elected as Chairman for this meeting until Councillor Sorton (Vice Chairman) arrived.
Councillor Mrs Hillman in the Chair.
Councillor Brown declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 5 (b) grant application from Bearwood Community Centre, as he was Secretary of the Bearwood Community Centre. Cllr Brown left the Meeting and took no part in the debate or vote on this Item.
Councillor Brown declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 6 (b) Poole Forum, as he personally knew Mrs Rampton who was involved with the organisation.
Councillor Brown declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 (b) Bearwood Church Youth Project as a Ward Member.
Councillor Brown declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7(c) grant application from Wessex Sports Charitable Trust Ltd. as an ‘Access to Leisure’ cardholder.
Councillor Brown declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 7(d) grant application from East Dorset Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service, as his partner was involved with the Service.
- 1 - Councillor Mrs Hillman declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 6(b) Poole Forum as a Trustee of Poole Forum.
Councillor Leverett declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 6 (b) Poole Forum, as personally knew Mrs Rampton who was involved with the organisation.
Councillor Wilson declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 6 (b) Poole Forum, as personally knew Mrs Rampton who was involved with the organisation.
Councillor Wilson declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7(b) grant application from Parkstone Sports & Arts Centre as the Council’s Representative on Poole Sports Council.
Councillor Sorton declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 6 (b) Poole Forum, as personally knew Mrs Rampton who was involved with the organisation.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 January 2008, having been previously circulated, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:
GP33.08 Leisure Services (c) Recreation Development Grants, (vii) Sports Aid South West, a grant of £1,000 be awarded, delete £1,000, insert £750 to read; ‘RESOLVED that a grant of £750 be awarded to Sports Aid South West’.
RESOLVED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the business specified at Items GP40.08, GP41.08 and GP42.08 because it was likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it.
(a) Children and Family Services
Dorset MIND
AGREED that a decision on Dorset MIND’s grant application for £2,000 to provide a new young person’s mental health awareness
- 2 - and education project be deferred pending the outcome of further assessment by the Health and Emotional Well Being Poole Operational Group. A Report to be provided to the next Meeting of the Grants Panel for consideration.
(Cllr Sorton was not present when the vote was taken on this item)
(b) Housing and Community Services
i. Bearwood Community Centre
An Application had been received for £3,500 to cover the cost of equipping the admin office and replacing windows, gutters, and fascias, outside lighting, external notice boards and signage at Bearwood Community Centre.
It was recommended that the grant be refused on the basis that the accounts submitted with the Grant Application showed the Centre had sufficient reserves to cover its own costs.
Following a discussion, Members agreed that Bearwood Community Centre should be redirected to Property Services to consider window repairs and ensuring the property was watertight.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by the Bearwood Community Centre be not supported and be redirected to Property Services.
FOR: Mrs Hillman, Leverett and Wilson
(Cllrs Brown and Sorton took no part in the vote on this item)
Note: Councillor Brown left the Meeting before discussion and voting had taken place on this item having declared a prejudicial interest. Councillor Sorton arrived as voting took place and took no part in the vote having not been involved with the discussion.
Councillor Sorton in the Chair. ii. Club 21
Club 21 was an organisation providing weekly social activities for people with learning disabilities; it had submitted a grant application for £1,000. Although it was a non-profit organisation it was liable for rent charges and if granted, the money would be used towards rent costs.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Club 21.
- 3 - FOR: UNANIMOUS iii. Disability Wessex
A grant application for £2,500 had been submitted by Disability Wessex as a contribution towards the cost of delivering an information and advice service to Poole residents. The initial recommendation made was to reduce the grant award to £500, however following further investigation it was recommended that an award of £1,500 be considered.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £1,500 be awarded to Disability Wessex.
FOR: UNANIMOUS iv. Dorset Action on Abuse
Dorset Action on Abuse had submitted a grant application for £1,500 to cover the costs of the Poole based survivor ‘self-help’ Support Group. As the Group’s accounts showed a small surplus, it was recommended that a grant of £1,000 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Dorset Action on Abuse.
FOR: UNANIMOUS v. Dorset Blind Association
Dorset Blind Association had submitted a grant application for £4,000 towards the cost of an information service at the Eye Unit of the Bournemouth Hospital, which services the people of Poole.
Members felt that there was insufficient information on which to reach a decision and agreed to defer the item to the next Meeting of the Grants Panel in order to allow time for Officers to research the Group, the percentage of Poole residents given support and the contributions made by other authorities.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Dorset Blind Association be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
FOR: UNANIMOUS vi. Dorset Rape Crisis Line
A grant application of £800 had been submitted by Dorset Rape Crisis Line to provide a publicity and promotion campaign in Poole via local press, posters, etc.
- 4 - RECOMMENDED that a grant of £800 be awarded to Dorset Rape Crisis Line.
FOR: UNANIMOUS vii. Dorset Respiratory Group
Dorset Respiratory Group had submitted a grant application for £2,500 to assist with their transport (taxis), hall hire, meetings and newsletters.
The Panel felt there was a duplication of service provided by the NHS and Poole Hospital.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Dorset Respiratory Group be not supported.
FOR: UNANIMOUS viii. Friday Lunch Club
The Friday Lunch Club was an organisation for the elderly that met weekly to provide a hot, nutritional meal at reasonable cost with the opportunity to socialise with others. A Grant Application for £423.50 had been submitted by the Friday Lunch Club to meet the general running costs for the group such as heating, lighting and to cover the costs of hot drinks served after the Meal. It was recommended that a grant of £400 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £400 be awarded to Friday Lunch Club.
FOR: UNANIMOUS ix. Mediation Dorset
Mediation Dorset had submitted a grant application for £2,350 towards the costs of providing the Service.
The Panel was advised that the Service was well used in Poole. No charges were made for the services provided, which were estimated at £21,900 pa. It was recommended that a grant of £2,350 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £2,350 be awarded to Mediation Dorset.
- 5 - x. Motor Neurone Disease
Motor Neurone Disease had submitted a grant application of £500 towards expenses involved with events organised for people affected by Motor Neurone Disease. It was recommended that a grant of £250 be awarded.
Members were concerned that, as this was the only organisation in Poole that supported people affected by Motor Neurone Disease a recommendation had been made to reduce the grant award to £250.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £500 be awarded to Motor Neurone Disease.
xi. Obsessions Together
Obsessions Together was an organisation that offered support to sufferers of Obsessive-compulsive disorder, their carers, family and friends. It also raised awareness to reduce the stigma attached to disorder. A grant application of £300 was submitted to expand and improve the service and general running costs. It was recommended that a grant of £300 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £300 be awarded to ‘Obsessions Together’.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xii. Parkstone Friday Club
Parkstone Friday Club had submitted a grant application with no specified amount to improve its hospitality and facilities. It was recommended that the grant application be refused on the basis that the Group’s accounts showed sufficient funds in the Bank to cover these costs.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Parkstone Friday Club be not supported.
xiii. Poole and District Pensioners Association
A grant application of £50-£100 had been submitted by Poole and District Pensioners Association to produce, print and distribute a quarterly newsletter. It was recommended that the grant application be refused on the basis that the Group’s accounts showed sufficient funds in the Bank to cover these costs and the Application did not meet the criteria for grants.
- 6 - RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Poole and District Pensioners Association be not supported and that a Policy Statement be made confirming that grants for newsletters would not be supported.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xiv. Poole Harbour Watch
Poole Harbour Watch submitted a grant application of £500 for a one-off ‘pump-priming’ project to make Poole Harbour a safe place for residents. It was recommended that a grant of £500 be awarded.
Members felt that there was insufficient information on which to reach a decision and agreed to defer the item to the next Meeting of the Grants Panel in order to allow time for Officers to research the group and its links with Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and the Police.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Poole Harbour Watch be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xv. Poole Radio Society
Poole Radio Society had submitted a grant application of £1,000 for the purchase of digital projection equipment to promote the knowledge of radio communications and interest in amateur radio. It was recommended that a contribution grant of £500 be awarded.
Members queried if this was a hobby and felt that there was insufficient information on which to reach a decision and agreed to defer the item to the next Meeting of the Grants Panel in order to allow time for Officers to research the group.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Poole Radio Society be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
The Panel was advised that a grant application of £2,150 had been submitted to cover rent costs. The organisation encouraged and enabled older people in Poole to help each other share their knowledge, skills, interests and experience. It was recommended that a grant of £2,150 be awarded.
- 7 - RECOMMENDED that a grant of £2,150 be awarded to Poole U3A.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xvii. Richmond Fellowship
Richmond Fellowship was an organisation that provided mental health care for people with severe and enduring mental health problems and their carers. A grant application of £1,000 had been submitted to develop a project encouraging a ‘green’ exercise to improve mental health and well being. It was recommended that a grant of £500 be awarded.
Members felt that there was insufficient information on which to reach a decision and agreed to defer the item to the next Meeting of the Grants Panel in order to allow time for Officers to research the ‘green’ exercise project.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Richmond Fellowship be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xviii. South West Alliance of Nomads
AGREED that the grant application submitted by South West Alliance of Nomads be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xix. St Paul’s Lunch Club
The Panel was advised that a grant application of £3,000 had been submitted to pay outstanding bills accumulated in 2007. Although grant awards were not used to pay outstanding bills it was hoped funds could be raised to pay off the arrears and it was recommended that a grant of £250 be awarded.
Members enquired if St Paul’s Church were able to help towards paying arrears and agreed that support should be given from Social Care and Well Being teams.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £250 be awarded to St Paul’s Lunch Club and that Social Care and Well Being Teams provide support for St Paul’s Lunch Club.
- 8 - xx. Streetwise
A grant application of £2,815 had been submitted by Streetwise to ‘pump prime’ a new teenage tour, to deliver 10 youth tailored sessions for a total of 180 people. It was recommended that a grant of £2,815 be awarded.
Members agreed that Streetwise offered a good service, however there was no information to advise the Panel of the changes required and costs involved in delivering a new teenage tour. There was also concern that due to a financial error in the Service Level Agreement, the Grant would be used to make up the financial shortfall.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Streetwise be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel with a recommendation that a grant be awarded.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xxi. Victim Support Dorset
Victim Support Dorset submitted a grant application of £3,000 to recruit more care volunteers and publicise the new Poole office opening.
The Panel was advised that 4,500 people in Poole had been helped by this organisation and recommended that a grant of £1,000 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a sum of £1,000 be allocated for Victim Support Dorset.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xxii. Vitalise
A grant application of £1,397.50 had been submitted by Vitalise towards the cost of providing care breaks for disabled people and their carers. It was recommended that the Grant Application be refused on the basis that the criteria of financial need was not proven.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Vitalise be not supported.
FOR: UNANIMOUS xxiii. Mini Grants
The Panel was recommended to grant an award of £2,000 to ‘pump prime’ newly formed groups and organisations, enabling initial publicity, one-off events and equipment purchases.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £2,000 be awarded to Mini Grants.
(a) Head of Culture and Community Learning Services
i. Dorset Family History Society
Dorset Family History Society submitted a grant application of £2,200 to fund three laptops for a range of archiving and education projects to be undertaken by the society in the future, and in particular for use in transcribing Poole Cemetery Monument Inscriptions on site.
The Panel was recommended to refuse the Grant on the basis that the accounts submitted with the Grant Application showed the Society had sufficient reserves so the criteria of financial need was not proven.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Dorset Family History Society be not supported.
ii. DEED – Development Education in Dorset
A grant application of £5,000 had been submitted by DEED to run a programme of Poole based community events to commemorate and celebrate Dorset’s black history from 1750 to the present day.
The Panel was advised that the Borough of Poole had a strategic relationship with the Race Equality Council and the Poole Safer Together Partnership. Through these partnerships a range of work was undertaken to support the objectives of this proposal and recommended that the Grant be refused.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by DEED be not supported and that support be provided through the Race Equality Council and the Poole Safer Together Partnership.
iii. Wessex Harmony Chorus
Wessex Harmony Chorus was an all female singing group whose aim was to promote and improve the unique and enjoyable art form of four- part close harmony singing in the ‘barbershop’ style. It had submitted a grant application of £5,000 to help refine its art form through sourcing new music scores and training and development opportunities for chorus members.
- 10 - The Panel was advised that it was a membership organisation and as such had a way to raise money from its members. It received £100 from the Arts Development Unit as leverage in support for its Arts Council South West. The Borough had made a strategic decision to support music education and development by working with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s Music Education Programme and through the Music Education Officer in Dorset Music Services whose remit was to develop music with young people in Poole. It was recommended that the Grant be declined on the basis that there were numerous music bands in Poole; the Application did not demonstrate that mainly the residents of the Borough of Poole would benefit from the project and the criteria of financial need was not proven.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Wessex Harmony Chorus be not supported.
(b) Head of Adult Social Services
i. Poole Forum
Poole Forum had submitted a grant application for a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief (Poole Forum was a registered charity and therefore already received 80% Mandatory Rate Relief). The additional rate relief would enable Poole Forum to maximise their resources for the benefit of those people in Poole with a learning disability.
The Panel was advised that Poole Forum’s objectives were to promote the welfare of people in Poole with a learning disability. This supported Social Services aim of enabling people with learning disabilities to be supported in the community. The shop premises were used as a ‘Drop-in Centre’, information resource centre, and meetings venue. There was a need for an independent forum in which people with learning disabilities were assisted to express their needs and aspirations and be consulted about initiatives and policies. Poole Forum would be of assistance to Poole Social Services in the ‘Campus Re-provisioning Agenda’ (people with learning difficulties moving on from hospital project). It was recommended that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief grant be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief be allocated for Poole Forum.
(Cllr Mrs Hillman took no part in the vote on this item)
Note: Councillor Mrs Hillman left the Meeting before discussion and voting had taken place on this item having declared a prejudicial interest.
- 11 - ii. Pramacare
Pramacare had submitted a grant application for a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief (Pramacare was a registered charity and therefore already received 80% Mandatory Rate Relief). The additional rate relief would enable Pramacare to maximise its resources for the benefit of people requiring Social Services support.
The Panel was advised that Pramacare had relocated to a unit in Poole having previously been based in Kinson, Bournemouth. Its objective was to provide services to ‘disabled, frail, sick or elderly persons and their regular carers residing in Dorset’. This assisted Social Services aim of enabling people to be supported in the community, reducing admissions to hospital and residential care. Pramacare held a contract from Poole Social Services for the provision of home care services. The contract from Adult Social Services was on an ‘approved contractor’ contract. Pramacare was required to re-bid for continuation funding periodically. It was recommended that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief grant be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief be awarded to Pramacare.
(Cllr Mrs Hillman was not present when the vote was taken on this item) iii. Brendoncare
Brendoncare had submitted a grant application for a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief (Brendoncare was a registered charity and therefore already received 80% Mandatory Rate Relief). The additional rate relief would enable Brendoncare to maximise their resources for the benefit of the older people.
The Panel was advised that ‘Brendoncare’ was participating in a programme to run a well-being centre in Poole as part of the Poole Partnership for Older People Project. The aim was to reduce admissions to hospital and residential care, with less dependency on care services. ‘Brendoncare’ held the contract for setting up clubs to encourage older people to live happier and healthier lives by encouraging people to stay physically active and enjoy social interaction. The clubs provided an informal network of support to help prevent social isolation Adult Social Services funded the project on a fixed rate two-year contract. Brendoncare was required to re-bid for continuation funding at the end of this period. It was recommended that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief grant be awarded.
- 12 - RECOMMENDED that a 20% Discretionary Rate Relief be awarded to Brendoncare.
(Cllr Mrs Hillman was not present when the vote was taken on this item)
GP42.08 ALLOCATION OF GRANTS OVER £5,000 FOR 2008-2009
(a) Head of Tourism
Poole and Cherbourg Twinning Association
The Poole and Cherbourg Twinning Association had submitted a grant application of £5,500 in order to meet increased costs.
The Panel was advised that Poole-Cherbourg Twinning Association encouraged visits to and from the linked towns in order to broaden the mutual understanding of the social, cultural, educational, recreational, civic and commercial activities of the linked towns. Since 1997 the Association has received a grant of £5,000 from the Council towards its work, funded from the Communications and Tourism Service Unit budget. In turn the Association had submitted its activity and schedule of performance data annually to the unit. The data indicated the various activities undertaken as a result of the grant awards. It was recommended that a grant of £5,100 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £5,100 be awarded to Poole and Cherbourg Twinning Association.
(Cllr Mrs Hillman was not present when the vote was taken on this item)
(b) Head of Children and Young People’s Integrated Services
i. Limelights
A grant application of £15,000 had been submitted by Limelights to enable it to continue to provide a high quality youth provision for young people in Poole and support the increasing costs of running the building. It was recommended that a grant of £9,500 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £9,500 be awarded to Limelights.
- 13 - ii. Merley Youth Club
Merley Youth Club had submitted a grant application of £5,000 to enable the club to continue with its work with the young people of the area and to help maintain the 35year old building. It was recommended that a grant of £4,500 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £4,500 be awarded to Merley Youth Club.
(Cllr Mrs Hillman was not present when the vote was taken on this item) iii. Beacon Centre
A grant application of £4,870 had been submitted by Beacon Centre to assist with procurement of equipment and help children and young people who had experienced financial hardship to access the Residential Programme. It was recommended that a grant of £4,00 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £4,000 be awarded to Beacon Centre.
FOR: UNANIMOUS iv. Parkstone Sports and Arts Centre
Parkstone Sports and Arts Centre submitted a grant application of £30,000 to provide services for 13 to 18 as required by the Service Level Agreement. It was recommended that a grant of £24,500 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £24,500 be awarded to Parkstone Sports and Arts Centre.
FOR: UNANIMOUS v. Bearwood Church Youth Project
A grant application of £3,500 had been submitted by Bearwood Church Youth Project to maintain and run a youth office, and towards rent, bills and equipment. It was recommended that a grant of £2,000 be awarded.
Members were concerned that as this was the only youth project in Bearwood the recommended grant was £2,000.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £2,500 be awarded to Bearwood Church Youth Project.
- 14 - vi. Poole East Division Girl Guiding
Poole East Division Girl Guiding had submitted a grant application of £1,000 to help girls and young women develop so that they can make a positive contribution to the community, keep all adult members informed of opportunities and make grants to girls and leaders on low income for the cost of camps and holidays. It was recommended that the grant be declined on the basis that there was no equal opportunities policy, and limited financial information provided.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Poole East Division Girl Guiding be not supported.
(Cllr Leverett was not present when the vote was taken on this item) vii. Resound Bus Project
The Panel was advised a grant application of £4,000 had been submitted by Resound Bus Project to contribute to the running costs of the project. It was recommended that the Grant be declined on the basis that the new Project was not specifically for Poole’s young people and the bus was working in surrounding areas but no details were given as to where in the bid.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Resound Bus Project be not supported.
(Cllr Leverett was not present when the vote was taken on this item) viii. Space Project
Space Project has submitted a grant application of £5,000 to provide support for young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Poole. The Organisation was based in Bournemouth and wished to provide a specific service to the young people in Poole. It was recommended that the grant be declined on the basis that Services from Space had already been provided with grant funding from Poole Children’s Services.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Space Project be not supported.
FOR: Cllrs Brown and Sorton
ABSTAINED: Cllrs Mrs Hillman and Wilson
(Cllr Leverett was not present when the vote was taken on this item)
- 15 - Note: The Chair used casting vote. ix. Dorset County Scout Council
A grant application of £500 had been submitted by Dorset County Scout Council to assist with the finance and general administration of its 2008 training programme. It was recommended that the grant be declined on the basis that the administrative support was for Dorset Scouts and not specifically for Poole’s young people.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Dorset County Scout Council be not supported.
(Cllr Leverett took no part in the vote on this item)
(c) Head of Leisure Services
Wessex Sports Charitable Trust
Wessex Sports Charitable Trust had submitted a grant application of £16,390 for provision of services through Broadstone Leisure Centre. They calculated this figure by taking their previous £15,000 grant and adding inflation.
The Panel was advised that Wessex Sports Charitable Trust operated through Broadstone Leisure Centre within the Borough of Poole. Broadstone Leisure Centre was not accredited through the nationally recognised Quest Scheme. It was important that all leisure venues in Poole were encouraged and supported to achieve Quest status because all local authorities were measured against the percentage of residents who were able to conveniently access accredited sites (20min travel time). The number of Quest accredited sites in Poole affected the Borough of Poole’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) score. Currently three leisure venues run by SLM Ltd were accredited, encouraging Wessex Sports Charitable Trust to become accredited would be beneficial to both the Borough of Poole and it’s residents. The process would set out a clear path for continuous improvement of the service provided. It was recommended that a grant of £17,450 be awarded to enable the Broadstone Leisure Centre to register and undertake the Quest self- assessment and external assessment before the end of March 2009.
Members thanked the Head of Leisure Services for an excellent report and the services provided. It was agreed that the Quest accreditation of Broadstone Leisure Centre was important to the Borough of Poole and its residents.
- 16 - RECOMMENDED that a grant of £17,450 be awarded to Wessex Sports Charitable Trust.
(d) Head of Adult Social Services Commissioning
i. Help and Care
The Panel was advised that Help and Care had submitted a grant application for £7,700. Help and Care was a voluntary organisation that offered a wide range of projects targeted on improving services for older people. Adult Social Services Commissioning had a number of existing Service Level Agreements for these specific services, including ‘CarersLink’, which was a Sitting Service for carers and funding of a consultation mechanism with older people locally. In addition, there were a number of agreements between the Housing and Community Services Unit and Help and Care, some of which are funded from Supporting People monies. Traditionally, however, Help and Care’s core costs had been supported by a grant from the Adult Social Services Commissioning base budget and with inflation it was recommended that a grant of £7,000 be awarded.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £7,000 be awarded to Help and Care.
FOR: UNANIMOUS ii. Poole Mental Health Forum
The Panel was advised that Poole Mental Health Forum had submitted a grant application of £4,800. The Organisation had existed for some years as a forum for service users and carers to become involved in the development of mental health services and to act as a self-advocacy organisation. It was recommended that a grant of £4,800 be awarded.
Members were concerned that Poole Mental Health Forum had funding elsewhere and queried the amount of funds already held by the forum. It was agreed that there was insufficient information on which to reach a decision.
AGREED that the Grant Application submitted by Poole Mental Health Forum be deferred for consideration at the next Meeting of the Grants Panel.
- 17 - iii. East Dorset Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service (EDDAAS)
The Panel was advised that EDDAAS had a number of Service Level Agreements with the Drug and Alcohol Action Team, Service Units within the Borough of Poole, and with other bodies in Bournemouth and Dorset. Adult Social Services Commissioning had traditionally contributed towards the central core administrative costs of EDDAAS from its base budget. It was recommended that a grant of £8,700 be awarded to meet the costs of this service.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £8,700 be awarded to East Dorset Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service.
(Cllr Brown took no part in the vote on this item)
Note: Councillor Brown left the Meeting before discussion and voting had taken place on this item having declared a prejudicial interest. iv. PRO Disability
PRO Disability had submitted a grant application of £26,784 for the purposes of recruiting a Development Worker to fundraise and pursue grants and sponsorship to develop a Centre for Independent Living in Poole.
The Panel was recommended to decline the Application on the grounds that applications for posts that were in themselves focussed primarily on fundraising did not met the Criteria of the Grants Panel. Officers had offered guidance to PRO Disability about its application, but PRO Disability had not taken up the offer of advice. It was recommended that a Centre for Independent Living be commissioned on the basis of competitive tender, allowing a number of organisations to put forward a case for undertaking this work.
Members felt PRO Disability were a good organisation and were concerned that it had not taken the advice offered by Officers. It was agreed that Officers would continue to provide support to this Organisation.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by PRO Disability be not supported.
- 18 - v. Body Positive
The Panel was advised that Body Positive were funded by the AIDS Support Grant, which was a ring-fenced Grant from the Department of Health and one, which was continuing as a ring-fenced Grant into the three-year Comprehensive Spending Review period. Although the services provided by the Organisation had traditionally been provided by a Borough of Poole Grant, it had written agreements detailing the outcomes that it was expected to provide. The direct contract was with Bournemouth Borough Council on behalf of themselves and the Borough of Poole: regular monitoring information was received and activities monitored by Contracts Officers. Separate requirements were generated by a Supporting People Contract and these too were monitored to ensure that outcomes were achieved and that duplication did not take place. It was more appropriate that those outcomes were monitored in the same way as many other voluntary-sector contracts within Adult Social Care. As such this Organisation was to be treated as a contract and not as a grant.
RESOLVED that the Report relating to the Contract arrangement be noted. vi. Steven James Practice
The Panel was advised that the Steven James Practice provided education and information to people misusing drugs and had a particular work stream involving education about the risks of HIV and drug misuse. Poole’s Drug and Alcohol Action Team monitored this work stream, alongside a contract funded from other sources to provide broader education into drugs misuse. The Steven James Practice was also funded by the AIDS Support Grant, which was a ring-fenced Grant from the Department of Health and one, which was continuing as a ring-fenced Grant into the three-year Comprehensive Spending Review period. Although the services provided by the organisation had traditionally been provided by a Borough of Poole Grant, it had written agreements detailing the outcomes that it was expected to provide. It was more appropriate that those outcomes were monitored in the same way as many other voluntary-sector contracts within Adult Social Care. As such this organisation was to be treated as a contract and not as a grant.
RESOLVED that the Report relating to the Contract arrangement be noted.
(e) Head of Housing and Community Services
i. Poole Shopmobility
Poole Shopmobility had submitted a grant application of £20,000 to run a 3 day a week mobility service in Poole’s Town centre. Poole
- 19 - Shopmobility had also requested funding from two other charitable foundations, which if successful would increase the service to a 6 day a week service.
The Panel was advised that the Service was to provide mobility scooters to those suffering mobility issues to enable them to use the Town Centre’s facilities and had for the last 10 years been funded by the Borough of Poole. Last year the Grants Panel agreed to fund an additional grant of £1923 from 19 November 2007 for 5 weeks, which increased the service provided from 3 days a week to 6 days, in the run up to Christmas. It was recommended that a grant of £20,000 be awarded and that Officers maintained contact with Poole Shopmobility to assess whether the other funds were forthcoming, if not Members were also recommended to agree further funding of £2,000 in the run up to Christmas 2008.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £20,000 be awarded to Shopmobilitity and that a progress report be presented to the Grants Panel at a future meeting to consider additional funding in the run up to Christmas 2008.
FOR: UNANIMOUS ii. Hamworthy Money Advice Project
The Hamworthy Money Advice Project had submitted a grant application of £33,318 over three years, of which £10,894 was requested for this year to fund an additional worker and office costs.
The Panel was advised that if this service did not exist there would be a significant negative impact on Poole’s Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB). The CAB was at full capacity regarding debt issues and would need additional resources to cope. These resources would equate to more than the Grant Application. It was recommended that a grant be awarded to cover the cost of the worker for the first year but not the office costs, which equated to £8,970, and for a three year period. The three year agreement had to take into account an inflationary increase of 2.5% which equated to £9194.25 for 2009/10 and £9424.11 for 2010/11, which would gave an overall figure of £27,588.36.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £8,970 be awarded to Hamworthy Money Advise Project for 2008/9 to cover the cost of the worker and a three year agreement totalling £27,588.36.
FOR: UNANIMOUS iii. Safe Partnership Ltd
A grant application had been submitted by Safe Partnership Ltd of £5,000 to support its running costs of providing security installation for vulnerable residents. It was recommended that the grant be declined.
- 20 - The Panel was advised the Application was unclear as to how the vulnerable residents were identified or how referrals were made. The Borough of Poole used another organisation for its victims of domestic violence and this would mean duplication of costs to the Council. Prejudice related incidents had been monitored and there had been no previous use or need for this service for any of the reported incidents to date.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Safe Partnership Ltd be not supported.
FOR: UNANIMOUS iv. Bournemouth Interpreters Group
The Bournemouth Interpreters Group provided an easily accessible register of accredited and experienced community interpreters and translators to local service providers, such as local authorities. It had submitted a grant application of £5,000 to offer services to Poole in line with its long-term development targets and Business Plan.
The Panel was advised that the organisation was unable to provide information of specific support provided in Poole, such as numbers, organisations helped and outcomes. It was therefore recommended that a grant of £500 be considered as a gesture of support.
RECOMMENDED that a grant of £500 be awarded to Bournemouth Interpreters Group.
FOR: UNANIMOUS v. Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance
The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance had submitted a grant application of £5,000 towards the running costs of the helicopter.
The Panel was advised that the Application form had not been fully completed and lacked the required criteria information. However the information had shown there was no financial need as income far exceeded the expenditure shown for the year ending 31 March 2007. It was recommended that the grant be declined and that Officers contact the organisation regarding the completion of grant application form and future support needs.
RECOMMENDED that the Grant Application submitted by Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance not be supported.
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