Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting s1
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Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting Held February 10, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tropic Town Heritage Center
PRESENT: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff BOARD MEMBERS: Gaia Greenhalgh, Max Stewart, Jim England and Doug Ahlstrom. Marie Niemann - Tropic Town Clerk & Sydney Syrett – Tropic Town Treasurer.
OTHERS: Irene Von Brockdorff, Travis LeFevre, Lesa Chynoweth, John Holland, Moyle and Hayden Johnson, Teresa Deccio, and Brett Chynoweth.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff
PLEDGE: Travis LeFevre
APPROVAL OF MINTUES: A motion was made by Jim England to approve the minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting held January 13, 2011. Second by Doug Ahlstrom - Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Jim England to approve the agenda with the addition of Travis LeFevre. Second by Doug Ahlstrom. Motion carried. ______
Scenic Byway 12
John Holland, Coordinator of the Scenic Byway 12 Committee gave an update on their activities and plans for 2011. First, the National Scenic Byways grant funding and local matching funds totaling $58,000 are being used to redesign and produce the Scenic Byway 12 Route Guide, brochure and website.
It was reported that an inspection of the sign panels installed in 2009 was preformed and significant fading and peeling has occurred on many of the panels. Contact with the manufacture has been made and all 60 of the original sign panels will be replaced by spring.
The funds received from the Bryce Canyon Half-Marathon have been used to supply bicycle helmet to elementary school students for the past three years, this year the funds will be used to finish the pavilion at the Cannonville town park; as it has been the ending site for the event.
Lowell J. Mecham continues to be the Town’s representative on the Scenic Byway 12 Committee and is doing a great job.
National Young Leaders Conference: Alexis Tebbs has been nominated to attend the Congressional Youth Leadership Conference in Washington DC. A donation request was received to assist her in raising the fund for her to participate. Discussion arouse to the town’s funds and the caution to watch spending. Mayor Brinkerhoff expressed the treatment of all requests are to be given the same, which is giving $100. A motion was to assist Alexis in this endeavor by donating $100 made by Gaia Greenhalgh. Motion carried. Voting was as follows:
Gaia Greenhalgh Yes Max Stewart No Doug Ahlstrom Yes Jim England No Mayor Brinkerhoff Yes
S&L Lawn Service: A proposal was received from Shawn and Lesa Chynoweth to provide lawn care service to the Heritage Center and Town Park. As the Town is preparing its 2011-2012 budget, the Council will review and get back with them.
Eagle Scout Project: Hayden Johnson reviewed with Mayor Brinkerhoff and the Town Council ideas for his project; make entrance sign(s) for the Town or repair flag poles at the veteran’s memorial. Council expressed support for the veteran’s memorial repairs, drawing attention to the need for the flags to be maintained. Discussed the possibility of designing and funding a new memorial.
School Banner/Basketball Tournament Ads: In supporting BV Schools, it was proposed that the Town purchase a banner to hang in the high school’s gym; other communities and businesses are represented. Also, support for the girls and boys basketball tournaments by placing an ad was received. A motion was made by Doug to purchase a banner and to have place an ad in the basketball tournament program and on line. Second by Gaia – Motion carried with Max and Jim both voting against; Mayor Brinkerhoff voted in the affirmative.
Liquor License: A liquor license application was reviewed during 2010 tourist season for Bryce Pioneer Village. Due to complication, the license was never followed up. Council reviewed the application; a motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to approve a 2011 liquor license for Bryce Pioneer Village – Second by Jim England. Motion carried.
Gerald Shafer * Joe Thompson * 550 North: It was reported that Gerald Shafer is interested in purchasing property in the Parry Commercial development and inquired about a building permit. Mr. Shafer was told that he could apply for a permit, but until the development was completed and approved, no building permit would be approved. Mayor Brinkerhoff clarified that property can be sold, but a building permit will not be issued.
Much discussion regarding the development of 550 North, specifically the installation of water and sewer. Joe would like the Council to sign the Mylar for 550 North’s development; Council declined to sign unless Joe was present discuss and clarify the development and the installation of water and sewer.
Regarding the sewer line, the funds to bore under the highway were given by the County. Installation of the w/s lines obviously should be done simultaneously. Brett reviewed with Mayor Brinkerhoff and Council the laws regarding the installation of water/sewer lines; the sewer line falls under the same criteria as the water line, which is that it will need to be surveyed. Mayor Brinkerhoff does not recall having been told this in previous meetings; Brett disagreed and recalls explaining the requirement. Brett stated that any improvement or extension over 500 feet requires it to be engineered; or if the number of connections is increased by 10% or any changes to the volume or pressure, it is required that it be engineered and surveyed. Measuring the grade from the edge of the highway to Berkley Thompson’s home is 1,100 feet. Max also had a different understanding and not questioning Brett’s knowledge, was under the impression that because there was an existing line and Fire Chief Ron Harris had pressure tested the line it was taken care of. In light of this information, Max asked if is there a possibility for the town to bypass the survey? Responding, Brett stated there should not be a problem with the water line, the pressure will not change and the town is not adding 10% more onto the system. With the sewer line, from the highway to the sewer line on the Syrett’s property is about 2,150 feet; manholes are 250 ft apart. The number of manholes proposed was eight; but the total needed is at least ten. Brett discussed the problems with extensions over 250 ft. and the importance of adequate manholes and the assembly of the line for it to be maintained.
In reviewing the proposal, Syrett’s agreed to furnish the pipe from Bryce Meadows to Hwy 12; they also have extra manholes that could possibly be used. Discussed possibilities to assess the cost for sewer connections for those currently living on 550 North. Deccio’s are ready to for their water connection, but also what direction do they take for sewer services, do they install a septic tank, or connection to the sewer system? Also, Joe needs to have written permit from UDOT for the bore, not verbal permission. Max would like to go forward with the project; but not having the exact cost, not decision can be made. A meeting is to be arranged with all involved to work out details.
In reviewing the details for installing water and possibly sewer, the requirements for subdivisions were also examined; Brett and Marie pointed out that there are two separate issues being discussed as one. First, Joe has purchased property on the north and south sides of 550 North, each is a different subdivision, which has been identified on the Mylar. The requirements for a subdivision, besides the water connections, each lot is required to have power, telephone, and other needed utilities stubbed in before the Council can accept and/or approve the subdivision. The installation of water is also the developer’s responsibility, just as it has been with all other developments. The Planning Commission reviewed these requirements with developers during the preliminary plat step and is outlined in the subdivision ordinance. Each developer – Dixie Burbidge, Joe Hughes, Lance Syrett, Doug Ahlstrom, etc., received a copy of this ordinance and has adhered to it. The town’s role in assisting the installation of a sewer line is separate issue; and should not lessen the developer’s subdivision responsibilities. These requirements are not holding up the progress of Deccio’s home, it is assuring that Joe, as the developer, is following protocol. Deccio’s progress is based on hooking to the sewer system or not.
Max Stewart made the motion to tabled this issue until a meeting is arrange with Joe, the Syrett’s and Council; having a completed project proposal including cost before moving forward. Second by Doug Ahlstrom – Motion carried.
Delinquent water bills: Unless Brett is notified to turn a water meter off for non-payment of water, charges continue. Sydney stated that the billing report did not list correct information.
Water Billing Procedure Resolution: Additions to the resolution was reviewed; it was asked that the $25 charge for requested meters to be disconnected and reconnected (seasonal time periods) be addressed. Electrical Work at Sewer Lagoon: Brett expressed his interest in allowing a gentleman from Ash Creek Sewer District install the electrical for the air raters at the sewer lagoon. Randy has the experience and knowledge. Council directed Brett to contact Randy and get a bid for the project. ROADS/STREETS
Sidewalk costs: Not including the hours Brett and Raymond work, the cost was $30,601.51 for two blocks; that didn’t include fuel or use of equipment. This is more than the $5,500 from the original cost. Doug apologized for his misunderstanding with Joe this was just for 1 block of sidewalk, not including curb and gutter. In order for Sydney a cost of the project so she can allocate funds from the water and sewer. Jim, Sydney and Brett will review the Water Dept. budget to decide how much the Dept. can allocate for this.
Road to the head-house on “T” Hill is completed; most of the right-of-ways are in place. McLain Mecham requested a letter from the Town guaranteeing Tropic will not fence or place any barriers that would keep them from the full use of their property. Marie was directed to prepare a letter for each property owner involved.
Town received $150 from the Juvenile Courts in reference to the carving on the town’s stone benches on Main Street.
No Report
Grants: Five Counties have recommended the projects; a CIB meeting to review the Town’s projects will be held in March; Mayor Brinkerhoff is not able to attend, Gaia will be attending. Contact will be made with Mr. Rosenberg to also attend.
Library/Resource Room/Museum: A meeting is scheduled for February 17th to re-group and proceed with these projects.
In preparation for the 2011-2012 budget, Sydney reported the General Fund and Park Fund needed to be amended. Mayor asked Sydney to explore the energy and telecommunication tax; contact County Planner Justin Fischer. Sydney reported the town receives a cable TV franchise from SCC. An ordinance will need to be prepared if the Town proceeds implementing such tax.
Review of the warrants; a motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the warrants. Second by Doug Ahlstrom – Motion carried.
Retain Hinton Burdick CPA’s: Doug Ahlstrom made a motion to sign the letter to retain Ken Hinton as the Town’s CPA. Second by Gaia Greenhalgh – Motion carried.
Follow up on assignments given; Marie has prepared the property easements for Kerry Alvey and Ferrell Brinkerhoff. Property owners will review them for signing.
UDOT’s Long Range Transportation Plan 2011-2012 for Tropic is available in the office. MAYOR’S REPORT
Due to the unavailability of Mayor Brinkerhoff, the next TB meeting will be held Monday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m.
Discussed water connections that need to be installed and/or billed. The status on a number of connections were discussed: Garfield News, Summer Mathews, Kalena Kilfoyle, Kori Flores, David and Janet Reffert, John Luke, etc. A letter will be prepared giving notification that they need to begin paying the monthly or they will lose the connection. Once lost, a new water and sewer connection will need to be purchased, along with the impact fee of $1,000.
Baseball Complex Recognition
Following up on the recognition LaMar Feltner, Mayor Brinkerhoff asked that a plaque acknowledging his service, along with a certificate of appreciation be prepared and presented ASAP. Brett will order the street sign; it will read “LaMar Feltner Lane”.
Chlorinator Building
Mayor Brinkerhoff asked Brett to take safety measures in securing the chlorinator building, talk with LaMar Feltner. Even though there is nothing in the building, re-attach the metal door or remove it.
A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to adjourn – Second by Doug Ahlstrom. Motion carried.
Approved April 13, 2011 Marie H. Niemann – Tropic Town Clerk