Ladies Today S Message Is Title the Power of Shoes
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June 17, 2015 The Power of Shoes
Luke 2:1—7 Jesus born in Bethlehem.
Ladies today’s message is title the Power of Shoes.
Before you are seated ladies, I want you to take a moment to look at your shoes. Yes your own two shoes on your feet. Think for a moment:
-when did I get these shoes
-what did I pay for these shoes
-how long have I had them
-what will I do with them when I am done wearing them
Ladies now I want you to look at your neighbors shoes…laugh…No back again at your own two feet…
_do you see your shoes as a barrier from disease? -do you see your shoes as a way for a desolate woman to earn money - do you see your shoes , even as they are worn and ragged, falling apart at the soles, as a gift and a blessing? Let us pray. God I thank you tonight for shoes. I thank you God that you have provided for us here in this country a blessing as simple as shoes on our feet. God bless us tonight as we learn about contentment. In your name we pray amen. Ladies you may be seated…. A pair of shoes you may say seems like a simple concept: Tell that to the girl in China who at 5 years old is working 12 hour shifts to make shoes that are sent all over the world and yet she has none to put on her feet. Tell that to the young boy in south America who only has one pair and must play sports in his bare feet for fear of ruining his one pair. Tell that to the young mother in Costa Rica who was once making a living prostituting in the streets but now is selling refurbished shoes in her own business. In September 2013, I decided to take a trip with the organization Soles 4 Souls for my birthday. I had no idea that this trip would change me the way that it did. God began to show me more of His heart and increased my desire to serve during this trip. Soles4 Souls is an organization that gives out shoes to children and families. As I pondered the importance of this before I left I could not have even come close to understanding the impact of such a small gift – a pair of shoes. I headed to Costa Rica and was teamed up with a group of 14 others. Some where from a church in California and others like me were going solo. When we reached our host home I was quite surprised to find the accommodations to be similar to that of American standards. We were staying in a progam that had a hospital and provided community human services program. They even had a psychology office. The food was amazing- cooked fresh daily by a team of cooks and we had amazing views of the Costa Rican mountains from our place. Day 1 we arrived. Day 2 we were off to the school which would be the point of our first shoe drop. The bus pulled into the street and we entered a huge courtyard full of children running around. I remember thinking wow- where are the school teachers for recess. At least 100 children were running around playing. One girl walked up to our group and was smiling aiming for us to take her picture. We of course obliged. The language was Spanish and even though I studied Spanish from 7th grade to college I was nervous speaking. Our group went to the classroom to set up, we carried shoes, buckets and toys for the children. This was a primary school. The buckets were filled with cold water and the purpose was to wash the children feet. I remember the school staff in Spanish were so concerned about offending the children and questioned why we needed to wash their feet. Our translator and group coordinator explained “the washing of the feet is not about dirt but about humility and service to the children. “ we were to show them love by washing their feet. This is a soles4souls requirement for each shoe drop. I was first put on sizing duty. I was amazed at the effort it takes to size a childs foot with only a paper and a marker. One by one we sized each foot and then they were sent in to wash their feet. Each child received a pair of sketcher shoes and a toy. To see children dancing, and prancing in their shoes. To hear the squeals of children who had maybe for some their only pair of play shoes. Some were even asking if they could take shoes home to their brother and sisters. When we reached back to our host program that night we sat around, prayed, sang songs, and shared what we had learned through the shoe drive that day. I knew in my heart that I would never be the same again. I laid in my bed thinking, I must have at least 30 pairs of shoes at home and yet these children were excited about having 1 pair. God why am I not content? Why am I not as happy as these children putting on my shoes each day? The Good Life- 1 Timothy 6:17 – command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. These children could enjoy their new shoes- because they had learned the joy of contentment. They were not fancy, they were black, plastic, skectcher shoes that were for some a little too big. And yet they smiled as if they had cost $100. How many of us can relate to Ruth when she says in the book, she can stand in front of her closet and still complain about not having anything to wear. Ladies I have to be honest- contentment is hard when we have everything and have access to more.
Definition of content- pleased and satisfied : not needing more – even the definition speaks to my heart and is powerful A dear friend of mine once said to me “well how many pairs of jeans do you need?”- she had served several tours with peace corp and now serves our country as a social worker in the air force
and my dad once echoed the same sentiment most of my life- by insisting on only owning one pair of jeans- as you can only wear one pair at a time anyway he would joke. When is enough, enough? My favorite story of contentment in the Bible is the birth of Jesus. You see contrary to popular belief there was nothing great about the actual circumstances and even environment that Jesus was born in . Mary did not have any of the modern connivences that were standard procedure for labor during her day. But Mary obeyed the God and filled prophesy by being obedient. We think oh he was born in a manager that’s what they did back then- no they did not. Even during Jesus day there was a list of all the things needed for a woman's labour: oil for injection and lubrication
warm water in order that the parts may be cleansed
warm fomentations for alleviation of the pains
sea sponges for gently washing the body
pieces of wool in order that the woman's parts be covered
bandages the so new born may be swaddled
a pillow in front of the woman, on which the baby is placed till the afterbirth has been taken care of
good things to smell, such as penny royal, a clod of earth, barley groats, as well as an apple and a quince ... to revive the labouring woman.' (Soranus, Gynaecology, What Must One Prepare for Labour?) All we know Mary had the bandages for wrapping Jesus- but did the manager have all the other necessities? Contentment being satisfied.
Another missing element for Mary was other women. Midwives were significant figures in ancient society. Long practice made them skilled practitioners of their profession. Their duties were not as clear-cut as those of a modern midwife. They were expected to
provide comfort, pain relief and encouragement to the woman giving birth
perform rituals and prayers that would protect the woman and her baby, and keep harmful forces away
use her expertise to birth the baby and deliver the afterbirth
deal with problems or complications during the birth
supervise aftercare for mother and baby.
The Bible says Mary and Joseph were present- where was her midwife? Where was the customary group of women to surround her during her labor? Where was her help if something went wrong?
If I was Mary I would be thinking how am I giving birth to the Lord of Lords and we don’t even have a room fit for animals? What level of contentment did Mary have to obey God anyway- to say Lord I do not understand but I give up the world’s idea of even childbirth and say yes Lord- a manager it is.
Contentment- for where our treasure is there is our heart also. Mary could see beyond current circumstances and trusted God. Ladies we need to teach contentment in our homes and to our children. This generation now is such a “got have it now generation” “got to have the next iphone or the next tablet”. The dust has not even settled on the old phone and we are bringing home the newest one.
This is why debt is so high for many people. We have no sense of peace chasing after everything we see. No sense of being satisfied with what we have.
I timothy 6:18 command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous willing to share. V19 in this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Finally why does God command contentment? Contentment is necessary so when we are called to give we can with an open heart and the way God intended it. I have no problem giving my tithe, or giving to someone in need, because I have learned to be content and my heart does not long for the thing God is asking me give in that moment.
Ladies take action today. Contentment is heart change- a posture if you will of the inner man.
Romans 12:2 reminds us : Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The Good Life. Jesus himself started life in humble circumstances and his mother showed us the importance of contentment as she gave us the greatest gift- the birth of her son.
Let us pray: God we love you. I thank you for every woman here. Lord you have promised us the Good Life if we will follow you with all our heart. Lord I pray for a spirit of contentment in our lives. God we ask for your grace to be sufficient to meet all of our needs. In your name amen.
At this time, Mare Wood is going to come before we break into small groups and share a testimony about service….
Ladies I love you I am honored to serve you and I am praying for you. Have a blessed week.