Minutes of the Vestry Meeting
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Minutes of the Vestry Meeting Sunday, June 25, 2017 1:30 p.m.
Present: Clergy: The Rev. Michele Morgan, Rector Wardens: Nora Howell, Senior Warden; Kenn Allen, Junior Warden Vestry Members: Jim Brooks, Tracy Councill, Stephanie Deutsch, Thia Hamilton, Jenifer Holland, Beth Mahood , Karen Wiedemann Officers: Mary Anderson Cooper, Register: Martha Huizenga, Treasurer; Michael Knipe, Counsel and Manciple Absent: Vestry Members Doug Jackson and Alix Periera; John Edwards, Assistant Treasurer Guests: Raiford Gaffney, Beryl Lillaston, Ryan Baugh, Kathryn Powers
The Rector presided at the meeting and offered the opening prayer.
Junior Warden Kenn Allen thanked all who had helped to provide coffee hour, lunch and refreshments following the 5 p.m. service.
The minutes of the May Vestry meeting were distributed electronically in advance of the June meeting. Stephanie Deutsch moved, seconded by Jenifer Holland, the Vestry concurring unanimously, that the minutes be APPROVED.
Senior Warden Nora Howell reported the following with regard to the retreat held the previous weekend:
- The labyrinth walk was wonderful. - 120 people attended.
1 - The panel discussion in which new members reflected on their experience at St. Mark’s was - helpful to many people. - There was much discussion about abundance in the church – sharing what we are given. - There was a good balance between fun and work. - Claggett has been booked for June 9-10 next year.
Mary Cooper offered to transcribe the newsprint from the Retreat. TREASURER’S REPORT
Martha Huizenga reported that attendance figures were high in April because of the Rector’s installation, weddings, funerals, and having an early Easter.
Personnel costs were higher than anticipated because of hiring temporary help needed for production of bulletins, a cost that will continue because outside bulletin management needs to be continued since building management is taking so much of the Parish Administrator’s time. Another component of the higher personnel costs was fulfilling the terms of Justi Schunior’s contract upon her departure.
An effort is underway to find the best way to handle designated funds.
The Treasurer’s report was unanimously APPROVED.
Martha Huizenga presented the Gift Acceptance Policy proposed by the Finance Committee, which was earlier distributed to the Vestry. The purpose of the policy proposal is to bring St. Mark’s into compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are the standards used to obtain a clean audit.
Kenn Allen moved, Stephanie Deutsch seconded, and the Vestry concurred unanimously that the policy be APPROVED.
Maintenance Issues: Kenn Allen reported that the beeping in the electrical system has been remedied. A detector in the air handler over the dance studio is defective and will be replaced. Electricians have installed new lights over the choir but there is still a blinking light. Ballasts in the undercroft will need to be changed to eliminate the persistent buzzing.
Doris Burton is overseeing the project to repair and repaint the chapel ceiling during the summer, after monitoring is completed to assure that there is no further leaking.
Pete Eveleth and Don Gangloff are overseeing sandstone repairs on the exterior and the regrouting of the front steps.
2 The air conditioning in Baxter Hall broke down during a Bread for the World conference because one of the tanks leaked refrigerant. It will have to be replaced.
Third Street Garden: Kathryn Powers was present to report on plans for the Third Street Garden. She shared drawings of the proposed plan, which will require a permit from the city since the property up to the church wall technically belongs to them. The plan includes three flagstone patios, two of which will have benches and a table that cannot be moved. There will be grass and shrubbery in the open spaces. The hope is to keep maintenance to a minimum. The goal of creating the garden is to invite more people to us St. Mark’s spaces.
Nave Chairs: Kenn Allen reported that when the chairs in the nave were purchased in 2007, the total cost was $28,578, of which $11,800 came from the parish budget. Of the remaining cost, there were two designated gifts totaling $7,000 and the balance came from parishioners who “purchased” individual chairs in honor or memory of individuals. There are 126 chairs with dedicatory plaques and 137 without. The proposal was to make the chairs without plaques available for dedication at a cost of $150 each including new plaques, with the proceeds to go to the Historic Preservation Fund, which helps to underwrite historic preservation of the Nave.
Stephanie Deutsch moved, seconded by Beth Mahood, the Vestry concurring, that the proposal be APPROVED.
The Senior Warden discussed a letter she had distributed to the Vestry in advance of the meeting, outlining proposed terms of agreement with the District Montessori School, which wants to operate a small school in the Nursery and two classrooms at St. Mark’s beginning this Fall. It would serve twelve Capitol Hill families. Approval of any agreement would be subject to approval by our Risk Manager, George Meng.
Jim Brooks expressed concern about liability issues and asked the Rector if she was prepared to be the person on the spot for emergencies or for wear and tear on the building. She responded that she is.
Karen Weidemann moved, Beth Mahood seconding, Jim Brooks opposing but the balance of the Vestry concurring, that – subject to George Meng’s review – the agreement be APPROVED.
Beth Mahood announced that the new leaders for Christian Education are Jane Sherman and Don Ellison.
The new leaders for Parish Life are Brandon Knight and Nancy Yanish.
3 Vestry members have signed up to serve as Ushers/Greeters. Thia Hamilton offered to substitute for Choir Member/Vestry Members when choir participation prevents them from serving as ushers.
The Trinidad Conservation Project will take place at St. Mark’s in November.
Nora Howell distributed copies of the St. Mark’s postcards that will be distributed at the July 4 Parade on Capitol Hill.
The Vestry expressed thanks to Karen Weidemann for the delicious cake she created in honor of the Rector’s birthday.
Because of the extensive agenda, the planned discussion on what would make Vestry service meaningful for members did not occur. Jenifer Holland suggested that it be the first item on the July Vestry agenda.
The next meeting will be on July 16. There will not be a meeting in August unless there is pressing business to be conducted.
The Closing Prayer was offered by Jim Brooks.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Anderson Cooper, Register