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UKC Programme Specification
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she passes the programme. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found [either by following the links provided or in the programme handbook]. The accuracy of the information contained in this specification is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
BEng(Hons) Internet and Multimedia Communications Certificate in Internet and Multimedia Communications Diploma in Internet and Multimedia Communications
1. Awarding Institution/Body University of Kent 2. Teaching Institution University of Kent 3. Teaching Site Canterbury campus 4. Programme accredited by: N/A 5. Final Award BEng(Hons) 6. Programme Internet and Multimedia Communications 7. UCAS code (or other code) H6G6 8. Relevant QAA subject benchmarking Engineering group/s 9. Date of production/revision May 2004/V5 10. Applicable cohort/s 2004 entry only
11. Educational Aims of the Programme The programme aims to: 1. Educate students to become electronic engineers with a broad understanding of the underlying principles of Multimedia and Internet Technology, who are well equipped for professional careers in development, research and production in industry and universities, and who are well adapted to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing subject. 2. Develop specialist knowledge in digital communication systems, computer architecture, signal processing and software engineering. 3. Provide proper academic guidance and welfare support for all students. 4. Create an atmosphere of co-operation and partnership between staff and students, and offer the students an environment where they can develop their potential.
1 12. Programme Outcomes The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas. The programme outcomes have references to the subject benchmarking statement for (E) Engineering. For more information on the skills provided by individual modules and on the specific learning outcomes associated with the Certificate and Diploma awards, see the module mapping. Teaching/learning and assessment methods and strategies used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated Knowledge and Understanding A. Knowledge and understanding of: 1. Basic Mathematics relevant to Internet Teaching/learning and Multimedia Technology (E); Lectures; tutorial lectures; demonstrator-led 2. The fundamental concepts, principles examples classes; tutor-led small group and theories of Information supervisions; project work throughout all three Technology, Electronics, Computer years; laboratory experiments and computer- Systems and Software Engineering based assignments. The 2nd year project gives (E,E); hands-on experience of hardware and software 3. Advanced concepts of Embedded design, and project management. Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Control and Computer Assessment Systems. Written unseen examinations; assessed 4. Principles of hardware design and coursework in the form of examples class software design (E). assignments, laboratory write-ups, assessed 5. Business and management techniques project work, tests, assignments and essays. relevant to the Electronics and Computer industries (E); 6. Professional and ethical responsibilities of Electronic and Computer Engineers (E); 7. Current manufacturing practice with particular emphasis on product safety and EMC standards and directives. (E,E,E). 8. Principles of multimedia communications.
Skills and Other Attributes B. Intellectual skills: 1. Analysis and solution of hardware and Teaching/learning software engineering problems using Lectures; demonstrator-led examples classes; appropriate mathematical methods (E). tutor-led small group supervisions; self-directed 2. Use of scientific principles to model, learning through project work; laboratory analyse and develop solutions to experiments and computer-based assignments. hardware and software problems (E,E). 3. Ability to select and use appropriate Assessment computer methods to model and Written unseen examinations; assessed analyse electronic circuits and systems. coursework in the form of examples class (E);
2 4. Ability to design and develop software assignments, laboratory write-ups, tests, assessed and hardware based on an analysis of project work, and computer-based assignments. the system requirements. (E) 5. Integration of information and data from a variety of sources to develop new hardware and software products. (E); 6. Ability to analyse a problem and develop an engineering solution based on assessment of technical and economic factors (E); 7. Ability to apply professional judgement to balance risks and benefits in hardware and software development (E). 8. Awareness that technologies are rapidly changing. C. Subject-specific skills: 1. Use of mathematical techniques to Teaching/learning analyse and solve hardware and Lectures; tutorial lectures; project work; examples software problems. (E); classes; laboratory experiments and computer- 2. Use of electronic test equipment and based assignments. Project work in all three years workshop equipment (E); gives students experience of a wide range of 3. Ability to analyse experimental and practical design, manufacturing and testing skills. simulation results and determine their strength and validity (E); Assessment 4. Use of CAD tools to develop hardware Written unseen examinations; assessed solutions and Multimedia Design tools coursework in the form of laboratory write-ups, to develop Web pages and interactive assessed project work, project reports, project multimedia presentations (E); presentations, assignments and essays. 5. Ability to implement software solutions using a range of structural and object oriented languages (E); 6. Design of a hardware and/or software system to fulfil a product specification (E); 7. Ability to devise tests of a software and/or hardware system or product and to critically appraise its performance (E). 8. Ability to search for technical information and apply it to a design (E); 9. Ability to apply management techniques to the planning, resource allocation and execution of a design project (E). 10. Ability to prepare technical reports.
3 D. Transferable skills: 1. Ability to generate, analyse, present Teaching/learning and interpret data (E,E); Transferable skills pervade all units and are 2. Use of Information and developed and demonstrated through lectures, Communications Technology (E); supervisions, laboratories and assignments; in 3. Personal and interpersonal skills, work particular, transferable skills are nurtured through as a member of a team (E); project work. 4. Communicate effectively (in writing, verbally and through drawings) (E); Assessment 5. Learn effectively for the purpose of Skills 1-4 and 6 are assessed through continuing professional development presentations, written laboratory reports and (E); project reports. The other skills are not formally 6. Ability for critical thinking, reasoning assessed. and reflection (E); 7. Ability to manage time and resources within an individual project and a group project. (E,E) For more information on which modules provide which skills, see the module mapping.
13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards
The programme is studied over three years full-time. Study on the programme is divided into a number of blocks called modules. All modules have a credit value of 15 credits, apart from the final year project which is equivalent to 45 credits. Each 15-credit module represents approximately 150 hours of student learning, endeavour and assessment.
The programme is divided into three stages each comprising of 120 credits and students must achieve specified requirements before being permitted to proceed to the next stage. Each stage represents an academic year of study. Thus, each year of study involves approximately 1200 hours of learning time. Each module is designated at one of three ascending levels, Certificate (C), Intermediate (I) or Honours (H). To be eligible for the award of an honours degree students normally have to obtain 360 credits, at least 210 of which must be Level I or above, and at least 90 of which must be level H or above.
At its discretion the University allows for narrow failure in a small proportion of modules to be compensated by good performance in other modules or, in cases of documented illness or other mitigating circumstances, condoned. Failure in certain modules, however, may not be compensated and/or condoned, as indicated by the symbol * below. Usually, no modules at any stage of the programme can be trailed. The programme detailed below is subject to change. Please check stage handbooks for details of pre-requisites and co-requisites for modules.
Students successfully completing Stage 1 of the programme and meeting credit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 2 will be eligible for the award of the Certificate in Internet and Multimedia Communications. Students successfully completing Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the programme and meeting credit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 3 will be eligible for the award of the Diploma in Internet and Multimedia Communications.
4 Code Title Level Credits Term/s Stage 1 Required Modules CO324 Computer Systems C 15 2 EL305 Introduction to Electronics C 15 1 EL3XX Digital Technologies C 15 1 EL308 Engineering Mathematics C 15 1 & 2 EL311 Project Skills C 15 1 & 2 EL303 Electronic Circuits C 15 2 EL313 Introduction to Programming C 15 1 EL334 Internet Programming with Java C 15 2 Stage 2 Required Modules EL534 Multimedia Techniques & Applications I 15 1 EL5XX Digital Implementation I 15 1 EL560 Microcomputer Engineering I 15 1 & 2 EL561 Image Processing and Computer Vision I 15 1 & 2 EL562 Computer Interfacing I 15 1 & 2 COXXX Operating Systems and Architectures I 15 2 EL5XX Digital Signal Processing I 15 1 EL567 Electronic Circuit Design I 15 1 & 2 Stage 3 Required Modules EL600* Project H 45 1 & 2 EL667 Embedded Computer Systems H 15 1 & 2 EL671 Product Development H 15 1 & 2 EL635 Multimedia Communications H 15 1 & 2 EL655 Digital Communications H 15 1 & 2 EL673 Digital Systems Design H 15 1 & 2
14. Support for Students and Their Learning Induction programme for new students consisting of: tour of the Department; talks about the course; introduction to the Library and computing facilities; meeting with personal tutors to discuss the arrangements, timetable and answer any questions; reception for staff and students to meet socially. . Course Handbook with details of all the courses, modules, lecture syllabi, and comprehensive study information. . Health and Safety booklet given at the beginning of each academic year. . Library skills package given at the beginning of each academic year. Also, various free courses are given on usage of Library resources, including Internet based catalogue system of the large collection of books and journals, usage of networked CD-ROMs, and access to the Internet. The annual Electronics Library fund is about £60,000, i.e. about £180 per student. . Student: staff ratio of 17.22. Due to recent staff retirements and increased student numbers this ratio is quite large. We are currently recruiting new staff to reduce this ratio. . Learning resources include computing and multimedia facilities, lecture and seminar rooms and experimental laboratories all within the Electronics building and on the campus. Many of these rooms contain audio-visual equipment and computer projectors. . Academic support includes personal tutor system and departmental administration. Each student has a personal tutor who has responsibility for his/her pastoral care. Students have
5 compulsory meetings with their tutors at least once a term. Tutors make time throughout the term for students who need advise, either personal or academic. . Central support services includes: confidential Counselling Service, Medical Centre, college Sick Bays, Faculty Concessions Committee, Hardship Fund, Careers Advisory Service, Disability Officer, and Educational Support Services. The latter offer various evening courses on study, revision and examination techniques, time management, remedial Mathematics, etc. . University and Electronics web pages with comprehensive information regarding all aspects of studies at Kent. Also various newsgroups. Electronics Intranet with full module information, timetables, lecture notes etc.
15. Entry Profile Entry Route For fuller information, please refer to the University prospectus. You must be able to satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University and of the Department of Electronics in one of the following ways:
School/College Leavers who have reached 17 years on admission A levels and AS levels: Normally a minimum of 260 points (21 units) including C grades in Mathematics and one other subject at GCE A level and C grade in Physics at GCE AS level.
BTEC National BTEC National in an appropriate subject with a minimum Certificates/Diplomas: of seven Merits including a Merit in Maths III or Maths for HE.
Higher National Diploma in an appropriate subject.
VCE A level (previously 260 points (21 units) including CC in a Vocational A AGNVQ): level in Engineering (Double award 12 units including Further Maths for Engineering)..
Access/Foundation A satisfactory pass in an approved Foundation or Access Programmes: programme.
International 28 points in the Diploma including Maths HL 5 and Baccalaureate Physics SL5.
Mature applicants Mature students are considered on an individual basis. Without the traditional qualifications listed here, we ask you for proof of any recent study you have done or of your ability to complete a degree programme successfully.
6 Direct Entry to Stage 2 Entry to the second year of the degree programme is available to suitably qualified candidates. Typical requirements are that the candidate has satisfactorily completed either the first year of an appropriate degree level course or an appropriate HND course at another institution or holds an appropriate overseas diploma which is equivalent to a BTEC HND. A BTEC HND with at least 6 Merits including Maths is required.
What does this programme have to offer? An excellent grounding in the underlying principles of digital system design, embedded computer systems and digital communications. The opportunity to study subjects related to internet technology such as Java Programming, Multimedia Applications and Computer Networking. The development of a broad range of skills that are highly sought after by employers and which open up a wide range of careers to graduates within the computer and electronics industries. Personal Profile An interest in the World Wide Web and in new media applications. A desire to become an engineer working in the computer industry. A willingness to work with computers and use computer aided design (CAD) tools. A desire to develop programming skills in procedural and object oriented languages. A commitment to develop the skills that are required to build multimedia applications.
16. Methods for evaluating and enhancing the quality and standards of teaching and learning Mechanisms for review and evaluation of teaching, learning, assessment, the curriculum and outcome standards Continuous monitoring of student progress and attendance Student evaluations: lecture, project and laboratory feedback forms; staff-student meetings; student representations at Board of Studies, discussions with tutors Unit team meetings and annual module reports Course Executives and Board of Studies reviews of teaching Three-stage vetting process of examination questions: unit team, Quality Assurance Committee, external examiners Departmental annual monitoring reports External examiners' reports . Periodic programme review . External accreditation . Annual staff appraisal . Peer observation . QAA subject review
Committees with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating quality and standards Departmental Quality Assurance Committee Unit teams Course Executives Board of Studies
7 Board of Examiners Department Learning and Teaching Committee Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Learning and Teaching
Mechanisms for gaining student feedback on the quality of teaching and their learning experience Student evaluations: lecture, project and laboratory feedback forms General Meeting of Electronics Staff and Students Student representation on Board of Studies Discussions with tutors Monitoring of Year Newsgroups (each year and each course has an Internet discussion newsgroup) Staff development priorities include: Minimum expected qualification for appointment PGCHE requirements for new members of staff ILT membership Staff appraisal scheme Staff development courses Professional body requirements Committee and unit team responsibilities Research seminars Conferences
17. Indicators of quality and standards Teaching Quality Assessment by HEFCE, March 1997: grading of 21 out of a maximum 24 points: Curriculum Design Content and Organisation = 4 Teaching Learning and Assessment = 3 Student Support and Guidance = 4 Student Progression and Achievement = 4 Learning Resources = 3 Quality Management and Enhancement = 3 The programme has interim accreditation by the IEE. Department was awarded Grade 4 in the 2001 Research Selectivity Exercise.
The following reference points were used in creating these specifications: QAA benchmarking statements for Engineering Accreditation requirements of the IEE Departmental Learning and Teaching Strategy The University Plan and Learning and Teaching Strategy Staff research
8 04f93de83d82b0d4528f925fe356eea8.docCurriculum Map for Internet and Multimedia Communications Awards Explanation. This map provides a design aid to help academic staff identify where the programme outcomes are being developed and assessed within the course. The map shows only the main measurable learning outcomes. There are many more outcomes in the module specifications. Shading represents skills that pervade all units. Modules Programme Outcomes 1 Codes A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 - D7 E
G Computer Systems CO324 x x x A Electronic Circuits EL303 x x x x x x x T
S Introduction to Electronics EL305 x x x x x x x x Digital Technologies EL3XX x x x x x x x x x Engineering Mathematics EL308 x Project Skills EL311 x x x x x x x x x x x x Introduction to Programming EL313 x x x x x x Internet Programming with Java EL334 x x x x x Multimedia Techniques & EL534 x x x x x x x x Applications 2 Digital Implementation EL5XX x x x x x x x x x E
G Microcomputer Engineering EL560 x x x x x x x x x x
A Image Processing & Computer Vision EL561 x x x x x x x T
S Computer Interfacing EL562 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Operating Systems & Architectures CO5XX x x x x x x x Digital Signal Processing EL5XX x x x x x x x x x x x x Electronic Circuit Design EL567 x x x x x x x x x x x x Project EL600 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3 Multimedia Communications EL635 x x x x x x E
G Digital Communications EL655 x x x x x x
A Embedded Computer Systems EL667 x x x x x x x x T
S Product Development EL671 x x x x x x x x x x x Digital Systems Design EL673 x x x x x x x x x
9 Knowledge and understanding Professional Practical Skills A1 Basic mathematics C1 Use of mathematical techniques A2 Fundamental concepts of IT, electronics and software engineering C2 Use of electronic test equipment A3 Advanced concepts of embedded systems, signal processing & computer systems C3 Analysis of experimental and simulation results A4 Principles of HW and SW design C4 Use of CAD and Multimedia design tools A5 Business and management techniques C5 Ability to implement SW solutions A6 Professional and ethical responsibilities C6 Design of HW/SW to fulfil a specification A7 Current manufacturing practice C7 Ability to device tests of HW/SW systems A8 Principles of multimedia communications C8 Ability to search for technical information C9 Ability to apply management techniques to project planning C10 Ability to prepare technical reports Intellectual Skills B1 Use of mathematical methods Transferable/Key Skills B2 Use of scientific principles D1 Ability to generate, analyse, present and interpret data B3 Use of computer methods for modelling and analysis D2 Use of Information and Communications Technology B4 Ability to design from system requirements D3 Personal and interpersonal Skills B5 Integration of information and data D4 Effective communication B6 Ability to analyse problem and develop engineering solution D5 Learn effectively for continuing professional development B7 Ability to apply professional judgement in HW and SW development D6 Critical thinking, reasoning and reflection B8 Awareness that technologies are rapidly changing D7 Time and resource management