Memorial Sunday/ 2Nd Sunday in Pentecost
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MEMORIAL SUNDAY/ 2ND SUNDAY IN PENTECOST daily. As we remember the redemptive services of our veterans today, grant that we May 29, 2016 10:00 am may continue to carry the burden of their sacrifices as found and grounded in Jesus ************************************************************************** Christ, The Savior and Lord of us all! Amen. Good morning and welcome to all, with a special word of welcome to those worshipping with us for the first time today. We are happy you joined us in worship. If you are a *HYMN # 77 How Great Thou Art first time worshipper with us, please note your presence on the Yellow Forms found in the bulletin. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to worship with us each CHILDREN’S TIME Pastor Jakes Sunday and to participate in other activities and services here. Please stand for acts of worship designated with an asterisk (*). Any who prefer may Memorializing and honoring our departed loved ones - Team On Memorial (See “rise up” in spirit only, if physically standing presents difficulties. Insert) *PRAISE SONG Led by Praise Team As a courtesy to other worshippers, kindly refrain from visiting once the prelude has begun. GATHERING God’s Word in Scripture: CHIMES CALLING US TO PREPARE FOR WORSHIP New Testament: Galatians 1:1-12 PRELUDE “Lord of Our Life” Nancy Cook, Organist Reader: This is the word of God for the people of God, Cong: Thanks be to God Welcome and Announcements Pastor and Congregation (The prayer station in the back of the sanctuary is available for lighting a candle Choir Anthem “He Gives Me Joy” Keith Griffin, Director or leaving a prayer note any time before, during, or after worship). Gospel: Luke 7:1-10 *PASSING OF THE PEACE Reader: This is the word of God for the people of God, *CALL TO WORSHIP: Remember and be grateful! Leader and People Cong: Thanks be to God L: At this time of worship, let us take a moment to remember and be grateful not only to the fallen men and women who served and lay down their lives for our nation; WITNESSING TO THE WORD p: but even members of our family and Christian friends whose lives touched and nurtured our lives and faith; Theme: The One True Gospel. Rev. Jakes Voker L: our sisters and brothers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their passion and commitment to the One Faith we all share in the One Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. RESPONDING TO GOD’S WORD P: We offer them our thanks and deep gratitude. L: We thank God for the brave men and women that gave their lives so that we may MORNING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Pastor worship without fear; P: Constant prayers and thanksgiving are the least we can do for those that gave Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. themselves for us and others. ( pause a moment). Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Unison prayer: Lord Jesus, you said in your word that there is no greater love than this And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. that a person may lay down his or her life for another. As we remember our sisters and For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. brothers who have given their lives so that we might live and worship you freely, stir us to action in their memory. For remembering those who have passed is only half of the task before us today. May we stand in their memories, carry on their love, walk in their OFFERING / OFFERTORY paths of duty, remember the cost and hold them dearly in our hearts and thoughts Words of Invitation Giving of Tithes and Offerings Offertory “Hide Me, O My Savior” Nancy Cook, Organist *The Doxology #95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication Lord, we’ve gathered our gifts together in this offering. Alone we are weak, limited and can do only so much. Together we are strong. Let your strong will be exercised through these gifts that we dedicate to Thy service for the transformation of lives in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Greatest gift to us and the world. Amen. *HYMN #2151 (The Faith We Sing) I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me *SENDING FORTH IN GOD’S LOVE AND CARE/ BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE
Thank you for being a part of today’s worship experience. Rest assured God loves you, and so do we!
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 745 Main Street - Racine, Wisconsin 53403 (262) 633-7632 (Church) - (262) 770-3817 (Pastor's Residence) Email: [email protected] - Website: Pastor: Rev. Jakes Voker Administrative Assistant: Carol Feest Nancy Cook: Organist Jeff Fernholz: Treasurer Sue Mills: Parish Visitor Connie Boehm: Liturgist Jeanne Whiteside: Media Coordinator Dennis Clay: Pianist Rick Reinhard: Custodian Keith Griffin: Choir Director Amanda Schnaare: Family Ed. & Nurture Ministries Chair
THANK YOU CHOIR – Today marks the end of the choir season and we want to give our sincere thanks to all our choir members who faithfully share their music with us each Sunday. Rest assured they will return in the fall – meanwhile, enjoy the summer months, choir members. We will continue to have special music throughout the summer – contact Nancy Cook if you’d like to provide the music one Sunday. Worship Attendance 10:00 am – 51 FFRANC BREAKFAST NEXT SUNDAY – Join us at 9:00 am next Sunday, June 5 for Plate/Pledges $1051.00 our FFRANC Breakfast. Bring a dish to share if you can and help us celebrate the Mission Projects/NAMI $8.60 many wonderful occasions happening with our members in June. Peace with Justice Offering $41.00 Roof Replacement Campaign $110.00 JOYS AND CONCERNS OF OUR PARISH AND THE WORLD COMING THIS WEEK Garfield Voker prays for tuition help to attend Olivet Nazarene University. Cathy, sister of Jayne Dresen, struggling with therapy after ankle surgery. Today, Sunday, May 29 (11:15 am) – Fellowship Time, Rear Sanctuary Billie Goar, cousin of Dee Feest suffering with pneumonia & other health issues. (2:00 pm) – Keith Griffin Pokemon League Mike Salinas, friend of Denise Ferguson, recovering from shoulder surgery. (5:00 pm) – Casa de Dios Worship Service John & Amber Pettus need prayers. Monday, May 30 – MEMORIAL DAY We pray for our military personnel in the Mideast. Tuesday, May 31 (6:30 pm) – Intentional Faith Team meeting Our prayers are with our neighbors in Canada dealing with terrific forest fires. Wednesday, June 1 (noon) – Kiwanis Club Luncheon Kevin Ferguson could use our prayers. (6:00 pm) – Youth Group meeting Marge Hannon has continuing health problems – prayers appreciated. (7:30 pm) – Young Adult Dinner & Discussion June Nettles continues with chemotherapy treatments – prayers appreciated. Thursday, June 2 (3:00 pm) – Faith to Life Bible Study. Reep Room Randy Hempel dealing with serious kidney failure/dialysis concerns at the VA Hospital. Saturday, June 4 (9:00 am) – Controlling Community Violence meeting Jeanne Whiteside’s brother-in-law, Scott, is dealing with serious heart issues. (noon) – Sack Lunch program, Trinity UMC, hosts Bob Feest, brother of Pete & Al, is dealing with serious heart issues – prayers appreciated. ANNOUNCEMENTS Peggy Nejedly had shoulder replacement surgery – prayers needed. Rev. Wanda Kothlow dealing with heart issues – prayers needed. THE ATLAR FLOWERS TODAY are provided by Helen Botsford with appreciation Noel Bragg, brother of Chuck Bragg needs our prayers. and in memory of those who are serving and who have served our country in the Jeanne Whiteside’s niece, Brooke needs prayers. military. Mike Matulle – father-in-law of Nathan Michael, dealing with Parkinson ’s disease. Achille Cortese – fighting cancer with very expensive experimental drugs – prayers LOOSE CHANGE OFFERING for May will benefit the local NAMI organization. The needed. Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Racine County (NAMI) is a non-profit organization Paul Burlingame has been diagnosed with re-occurring cancer, prayers appreciated. working to improve the quality of life for all individuals affected by mental illness. To Pat Held’s daughter make your contribution, simply place your “loose change” in the small envelopes found Michael, son of the Fawcetts, who is battling cancer. in the pew racks or on the sanctuary tables and place it in the offering plate. Thank Those serving our country in the Military around the world. you for your continued support of our Mission Projects. Our Schools Anonymous concerns FOOD BANK ITEM FOR MAY will be small dish soap. Bring your contribution to church and place it in the crate near the entrances. Thank you for your support of the local food banks. MEMORIAL SUNDAY NURSERY and CHILD CARE Children are welcome in worship and parents have choices: (1) Children can remain in INTRODUCTION Rev. Jakes Voker worship with their parents, (2) a “cry room” is available in the rear of the sanctuary, or (3) a Nursery is provided downstairs for children age 4 and under. Older children may remain in worship. Please make the choice that is most comfortable for you. PRESENTATION Jan Rosellini, Memorial Committee Chairperson LAST SUNDAY On behalf of the Memorial Committee and the families and friends "We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about of those memorialized today, I present to the congregation these those who have died, so that you may not grieve as those who have no memorials to be dedicated to the glory and praise of God. hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died". MEMORIALS TO BE DEDICATED Sue Mills, Memorial Committee "Thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, who formed you, This is the list of special memorials and gifts received this year: O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine". ACTS OF DEDICATION God knows each of us by name. Today we remember those members Gift In Memory of: of First Church who have died and gone to their eternal glory since May 24, 2015. We miss them deeply, Loving God, but knowing your saving Wrought Iron Fence Nelson Jarrett love, we have entrusted them to your eternal care. Goro Tsuchiya (From I Thessalonians 4:13-14, and Isaiah 43:1) Lace Tablecloths & Kitchen Utensils Louise Parker SPECIAL MUSIC “Taps” Bill Fawcett, Trumpet Handmade Wooden Offering Plate Nelson Jarrett NAMING AND REMEMBERING Jan Rosellini, Sue Mills, Memorial Committee (As each name is read, a candle will be lighted in their memory and ACCEPTANCE Deb Johnson, on behalf of the congregation as a reminder of the light eternal that God has promised. The organ bell On behalf of this congregation, I accept these gifts. We shall joyfully also will ring once after each name is read.) use them in ministry, remembering those in whose names they have been presented. IN MEMORIAM