Draft Whsct Local Actions 2017-2022

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Draft Whsct Local Actions 2017-2022

DRAFT WHSCT LOCAL ACTIONS 2017-2022 To support HSC DRAFT Equality Action Plan and Disability Action Plans for 2017 - 2022 The proposed draft actions below are specific to WHSCT. They are to be read in conjunction with the HSC Trusts Equality Action Plan (2017-2022) and HSC Trust Disability Action Plan (2017-2022). The local actions where developed as a result of the Trusts Pre- Consultation event held on 20th January 2017. This Plan is set the following sections: Section 1: Simplifying our Processes, Section 2 Promoting Equality in our Services, Section 3: Supporting our Staff. These draft HSC and local plans will be subject to a 14 week public consultation.

Key: S75 refers to the Section 75 Groups which are; Gender, Age, Religion, Political Opinion, Marital Status, Dependent Status, Disability, Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation.

SECTION 1: Simplifying Our Section 75 Processes

Performance Indicator Timescale and Key Inequalities Action Measure Description of Lead Person Identified and Source Monitoring Outcome/Impact Output Arrangements (For S75 Groups) Action 1 Work with Trust Develop appointment letters in Improved To be Performance and Accessibility of Directorates in accessible formats. Identify communication in completed by Service Improvement Appointment partnership with how people want to have suitable formats to end of 2018 AD processes; RNIB and Action information provided etc. meet with needs of on Hearing Loss people a To make the to develop Establish a task and finish visual/hearing appointment process for models of good Group with key HSC impairment using people with sensory and practice. Roll out managers and relevant services. visual impairment more learning to other stakeholders through the Improved accessible e.g. changes service areas. Trusts Disability Steering satisfaction from to letter and patient Group. patients with information to be communications Performance Indicator Timescale and Key Inequalities Action Measure Description of Lead Person Identified and Source Monitoring Outcome/Impact Output Arrangements (For S75 Groups) provided in suitable from the Trust. formats Performance Timescale and Description of Monitoring Indicator Arrangements Key Inequalities Action Measure Lead Identified and Source Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups) Local WHSCT Actions;

Action 2 Work with Trust Assess current Improved satisfaction by By 2018 Performance & Improvements in Directorates in signage and hospital / trust facilities Service Improvement Wayfinding across partnership with key wayfinding to users and reduced AD Western Trust Facilities stakeholders and identity areas for complaints service users to improvements Undertake an audit of develop models of existing wayfinding and good practice and Establish a implement improvements undertake working group in Wayfinding based on improvements in with key trust good practice and DDA wayfinding in trust staff, service duties within Trusts facilities users and Facilities. voluntary and community groups to oversee the project and to review changes implemented to establish improvements ( via independent checks/ verifications) Performance Timescale and Description of Monitoring Indicator Arrangements Key Inequalities Action Measure Lead Identified and Source Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups) Action 3 Improved Work with Trust Undertake a Clearer, more effective By 2019 All Trust Directorates Communication for Directorates in review of and information. Improved patients and public partnership with key letters, leaflets satisfaction by stakeholders groups and booklets, in hospital/Trust facilities users Work to improve the level including Voluntary particular of and reduced complaints and quality of information and Community sector those used most provided to patients in a staff and the public to frequency to range of suitable review and improve improve the alternative formats letters, leaflets and level and quality booklets provided to of information Patients. provided in a wider range of suitable alternative formats Section 2 Promoting Equality in our Services

Performance Indicator Timescale and Key Inequalities Action Measure Description of Lead Identified and Source Monitoring Responsibility Outcome/Impact Output Arrangements (For S75 Groups) Regionally Agreed Actions: These will be developed collaboratively and implemented locally

Local WHSCT Actions

Action 4 Directorates to Directorates to Review uptake Increased capacity Over the All Trust Directorates To ensure Equality of ensure that when of services by all S75 groups of Directorates to lifespan of the Service. they are to ensure that they are identify low uptake plan delivering their targeting appropriate by any of the Source: ECNI services they individuals/ groups e.g. equality groups work to support screening/tests provided on and to develop all Section 75 age/sex specific grounds are actions that groups to not applicable. address this. encourage their participation. Action 5 Develop a range Active and effective People are more Over the All Trust Directorates Commitment to ensure of involvement involvement of service users, involved and are lifespan of the PPI is integral to opportunities for carers and the public within consulted on plan designing and evaluation service users, the Western Trust. decisions that of Trust services. carers and the affect their health public. and social care. Source: PHA PPI Increased Standards satisfaction and reduced Source: WHSCT complaints. Equality Screening Forms Performance Key Inequalities Action Measure Indicator Timescale and Description of Monitoring Lead Identified and Source Arrangements Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups) Local WHSCT Actions

Action 6 Continue to involve S75 Maintain Better facilities that meet On-going over Strategic Capital groups in the planning community the needs of people with lifespan of the Development (SCD) To ensure the of new and reconfigured forums. disabilities and other plan Directorate: Assistant involvement of S75 facilities. Maintain Section 75 groups. Director of SCD groups in the design representation and development of new from key Issues raised on the fora hospital premises and stakeholders are used to inform Trust service developments. from Trust Strategic Capital Directorates and Developments. Source: WHSCT Pre Community & Consultation for Voluntary sector Disability Action Plan and as required specific representative / interested groups Action 7 Social and Economic Provision of The creation of social and On-going over Strategic Capital Regeneration Plan skills training economic opportunities lifespan of the Development (SCD) Work to develop criteria (SERP). and placement throughout the life of new plan Directorate: Assistant in the tender processes opportunities; capital developments. Director of SCD that will not exclude tackling social local providers, in line exclusion and with DFP and DHSSPS long term sustainability guidance. unemployment. Supply chain Source: WHSCT Pre opportunities for Consultation for social Equality Action Plan enterprise, micro organisation and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Section 3 Supporting our staff

Lead Responsibility Performance Indicator Key Inequalities Action Measure Outcome/ Identified and Source Impact Output (For S75 Groups) Regionally Agreed Actions: These will be developed collaboratively and implemented locally

Local WHSCT Actions

Action 8 Review of uptake High level analysis and Increased On-going over Human Resources Improved uptake of of Family Friendly monitoring of uptake of Family uptake of lifespan of the plan Directorate: Assistant Family Friendly Policies policies. To be Friendly polices including Family Director by Trust staff better informed of community background taken Friendly Monitor via: uptake of Family from updated HRPTS and Equal policies. Staff survey results To support Friendly policies Opportunities data. HRPTs information improvements in the across the S75 Increased number of staff availing categories. Analysis of issues arising from awarenes of Family Friendly staff as a result of applications s by policies. for flexible working having been managers declined. of the Source: Internal applicatio Assessment/ WHSCT Review of Family Friendly n of Workforce Strategy policies to include support for Family 2016-2021 staff as part of working longer Friendly strategy. policies.

Increase in staff awarenes s of the policies – identify through Performance Indicator Key Inequalities Action Measure Lead Responsibility Outcome/ Identified and Source Impact Output (For S75 Groups) staff survey results. Action 9 Promote the Trust Improved service through the Increased On-going over Patient Client complaints active and effective involvement service. lifespan of the plan Experience – Primary Supporting feedback processes. Work of Trust staff in partnership with Awarenes Care and Older comments and with service users service users, carers and the s of Feedback including Peoples Directorate complaints and staff to support public in improving services. issues via 10,000 voices improvements in with project Source: WHSCT local capturing services Medical Directorate Pre consultation event issues/data. on DAP/EAP Performance Indicator Key Inequalities Action Measure Timescale and Description of Monitoring Lead Identified and Source Arrangements Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups) Regionally Agreed Actions: These will be developed collaboratively and implemented locally

Local WHSCT Actions

Action 10 Review training and Promote use of Increased understanding of Over the Head of Equality & To improve the uptake ensure that S75 mandatory Equality, how to integrate equality and lifespan of the Involvement of mandatory equality groups, who have Good Relations and good relations considerations plan and human rights highlighted staff Human Rights into every day practice. training across the attitudes as a Training. Trust. particular issue are Improved staff attitudes. appropriately Develop training plan Source: Monitoring of covered e.g. LGBT to include staff Improved understanding of training provision. people, people with working in equality issues and legislation disabilities organisations that by staff in SLA organisations. (including autism), have a Service Level people from Agreement (SLA) minority with the Trust. communities and older people. Continue to work with S75 groups to develop and deliver training.

Open up training to include participation from staff in organisations that have SLAs with the Trust/CAWT etc. Performance Indicator Key Inequalities Action Measure Timescale and Description of Monitoring Lead Identified and Source Arrangements Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups) Action 11 Appropriate Development of Increase in staff awareness of Over the Volunteer Manager To better support HSC Volunteer support agreed Volunteer the role of Volunteers lifespan of the staff in their role with agreed with clearly Role Description and – identify through staff survey plan the assistance of defined tasks as relevant Training results of the impact of Volunteers. part of agreement Volunteer Roles. with staff, -benefits to patients/ staff / Source: Volunteer volunteers and carers noted. Manager patient/ carers.

Action 12 Managers will 90% Completion of all Trained HSC Staff Over the Improve uptake of support staff to mandatory training lifespan of the Human Resources Mandatory Training by complete all within 6 months for Training completed noted on plan Directorate: HSC staff. Mandatory new HSC staff Personal Development Plans Assistant Director Training. for HSC staff (monitored via Source : Staff Side Managers will 80% Completion of all annual review meetings staff & Representative annually review mandatory training and line manager) WEHRF uptake of within one year for All Managers within & Human Resources mandatory training HSC existing staff. WHSCT WHSCT for their staff/ staff teams

Managers will promote completion of Mandatory training in the first instance within working hours, as far as is reasonably practicable given the consideration of service needs. Performance Indicator Key Inequalities Action Measure Timescale and Description of Monitoring Lead Identified and Source Arrangements Responsibility Outcome/Impact (For S75 Output Groups)


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