Reading Programs and Interventions

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Reading Programs and Interventions

Reading Programs and Interventions Georgetown ISD

Basic Language Skills Grade Level: 2-12 Components: Rapid Naming of Letters, Phonemes, and Words; Handwriting; Reading Decks-initial reading deck/ word part deck, spelling deck.; Concept Introduction with discovery teaching of new concept; Reading Practice; Spelling Practice- new spelling concept, phonology practice, word dictation practice, phrase and sentence dictation practice; Extended reading and writing; Oral Language; Read Aloud

Basic Language is an intensive therapeutic curriculum that the guidelines of the Texas Dyslexia Legislation and is effective with students with dyslexia and other related disorders. Students are taught reliable reading and spelling patterns of the English language and structured procedures and sequential curricula to insure progress in learning and retaining information. Basic Language Skills is a 50-60 minute lesson, presented in a small group. Basic language Skills used multisensory procedures to discover and apply concepts that link listening, speaking, reading and writing. Basic Language Skills is an Orton-Gillingham -based curricula that provides instruction in phonemic awareness, letter recognition, decoding, spelling, fluency, comprehension, handwriting, vocabulary, and oral and written expression.

Classroom - Guided Reading/Literature Circles Grades: K-5 Components: Small group reading with students of at similar reading level. Familiar rereading of text, introduction of a new book that is appropriate for the reading level of all children, teacher works with students as they read it individually, One or two teaching points are made with the group. With Literature Circles students are reading a novel and each student has a task to perform for the group as they discuss the reading for the day.

Guided Reading Groups and Literature Circles are small group reading situations of students with similar reading levels. The purpose is to enable students to use and develop strategies that they can use independently on progressively more difficult text. Guided Reading, most frequently used in Grades K-2, but also appropriate when teaching or practicing new concepts or for struggling in upper grades, focuses more on learning to read independently while Literature Circles provide an opportunity for more advanced readers to engage in reading a text with a small group to discuss and enhance comprehension.

Developing Metacognitive Skills Grade Levels: 3-5 Components: Narrative and Expository Comprehension Skills, Listening Comprehension, Guided Metacognition, and Fluency.

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011 The Developing Metacognitive Skills curriculum builds the foundational skills for comprehension and incorporates research-based strategies that simulate what good readers do before, while and after they read. The program provides group 30-45 minute lessons and activities for developing vocabulary and metacognitive skills to reinforce decoding and fluency. The curriculum has three levels including listening, transitional and guided metacognition. The program is successful with whole class and small group instruction and can be incorporated into content area instruction.

Developing Readers Grade Levels: 2-5 Components: Vocabulary, Main Idea/Details, Text to Support Meaning, Written Summary, Character Traits, Setting, Plot/Story, Problem /Solution, Order of Importance, Events/Sequence, Cause and Effect, Inference, Fact and Opinion, Story Variants, Support of Interpretation, Connect/Compare/Contrast, Author’s Purpose, Point of View, Genre, Format, Patterns of Organization, Graphic Organizers

Detailed lesson plans support instruction to introduce, model and practice each strategy using content area texts. Developing Readers provides detailed lesson plans to teach reading comprehension and accelerate student achievement. The manual provides grade level appropriate passages to model and teach the skills and strategies that can then be transferred to content area texts or even novels. There are no extra materials required to teach comprehension strategies. Developing Readers is used for whoel class and small group instruction.

FAST Reading Grade Level: K-8 Components: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics-decoding and encoding, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Fluency

FAST Reading is a balanced reading program that assesses students to determine the best entry point to the program and moves at the students or small group’s instructional rate of success. FAST Reading does not have a strong writing component and offers limited us of large motor development. There is no technology needed for use with students. AIMSweb is used to document student progress with progress monitoring passages. Teachers and students manipulate tiles on a magnetic board to identify letter names and sounds, letter combinations, prefixes and suffixes to identify them quickly and to form new words to read and spell. Students spend time each day in reading leveled text, answering comprehension questions and doing retells, as well as identifying new vocabulary words that add meaning to the story. Repeated readings of the text allow for fluency practice. The entire program requires one hour a day but can be reduced to 30 minutes per day if the students do not require all components of the program. There is a kindergarten program called First Steps that is used with the entire kindergarten classroom.

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011 istation Grade Levels: K-5 Components: Decoding, Sound-Symbol Correspondences, Spelling, Fluency, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension (Narrative and Expository) istation Reading is a data-driven reading intervention program for students in Pre-K through Grade 5. istation Reading programs are centered on student results through Benchmark and Continuous Progress Monitoring assessments in ISIP™, istation’s Indicators of Progress. Computer-administered tests allow for immediate student progress reports to be delivered to teachers and administrators. istation offers several reports to explain each student’s reading progress. This data further allows teachers and administrators to place each student into the correct curriculum to suit his/her needs and intervene when a student needs more help.

Language Enrichment Grade Levels: 1-3 Components: Decoding, Sound-Symbol Correspondences, Spelling, Reading Comprehension, Fluency, Reading Concepts

Language Enrichment is a comprehensive literacy approach that teaches basic reading and spelling skills. It is appropriate for students whose first language is English and provides a transition tool for English Language Learners. Language Enrichment supplements basal and guided reading through balancing phonics and comprehension by supplying a sequential, systematic introduction of reading and spelling concepts as well as multisensory comprehension strategies. Language Enrichment provides teachers with daily 25-40 minute lessons for whole group instruction. It is also successful as small- group instruction for accelerated reading intervention and for remediation. Teachers use multisensory methods for teaching decoding, comprehension, and vocabulary that can be integrated within existing language arts curriculums or phonics-based programs and a structured approach to teaching spelling that supplements a published textbook.

Project Read Phonology Grade Level: K-5 Components: Project Read integrates the five critical components of reading instruction- phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension- along with dimensions of spelling, writing, oral language, and listening comprehension within each lesson.

The Project Read Phonology strand (encoding and decoding) includes phonics instruction targeted for students at different age levels: Early Education for pre- kindergarten and kindergarten students, Primary Phonics for 1st-3rd grade students, and Linguistics , a decoding and encoding program for older student(4th and up) who are struggling readers. Each lesson has a consistent framework that includes the named skill, the concept and teaching objective, and detailed teacher directives that include teacher modeling, guided practice with feedback, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011 (VAKT) procedures, and body language routines that extend and support instruction. Guided practice and independent student practice and application as well as cumulative review are also a part of each lesson. An important component of instruction that is beneficial is the cumulative nature of the scoffolded practice embedded in the program. Each instructional routine consistently begins with a review of previously taught skills, and continues with teacher modeling of a new skill, guided practice and student practice and includes frequent progress monitoring checks to affirm mastery.

Pull-out Literacy Groups Grade Level: 1-3 Components: Rereading familiar texts, reading the book introduced the previous day as the teacher records a running record for one student, letter identification and word study, composing and writing a message, introduction of a new book.

Literacy Groups follow the basic format of a Reading Recovery lesson but with small groups that meet for 30 minutes at least four times a week.

Reading Readiness Grade Levels: Pre-K, K and First Components: Letter Recognition, Phonological Awareness, Oral Language, Multisensory Letter Introduction, Handwriting

Readiness Readiness provides teachers with 20 and 30 minute lessons for groups of 6-8 students and components can be used for the whole classroom. Lessons include activities that reinforce language and literacy skills that are being introduced. Program contains a scope and sequence as well as a continuum of skills that are practiced to mastery. Activities include the alphabet mat used with plastic letters, phonemic awareness activities- deletion, manipulation, rhyming and blending- story retelling and oral language development.

Reading Recovery Grade Level: First Components: Rereading familiar texts, reading the book introduced the previous day as the teacher records a running record, letter identification and making a breaking words apart, composing, writing cutting part and reading a message, introduction of a new book.

Reading Recovery is a 30 minute lesson with one student and a trained Reading Recovery Teacher that meets five days a week. Rereading familiar texts provides the opportunity for students to develop fluency in the use of previously introduced reading strategies. Reading the book introduced the previous day while the teacher records a running record allows the teacher to analyze the students use of reading strategies and behavior at the point of difficulty to make decisions to support the student’s reading growth. In the letter identification and making and breaking portion of the lesson, the student examines letter sequence, letter clusters and onset-rime patterns. The student then composes and writes a short message then the teacher records the message on a sentence strip and cuts it apart for the student to reassemble and read with opportunities to analyze words and sounds. In

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011 the last part of the lesson, the teacher introduces a pre-selected new book and helps the student to prepare to read by building prior knowledge, examining vocabulary, and supporting meaning. The student reads the new book with support and prompts from the teacher.

Reading Street Response to Intervention Kit Grade Level: K-5 Components: phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Reading Street’s Tier II intervention component is the Response to Intervention Kit. Use the Response to Intervention Kit to focus on priority skills. Instruction is organized by strand, so teachers can provide targeted focus and leveled Mini-Lessons for individuals or small groups.

Reading Street MY SIDEWALKS

My Sidewalks on Scott Foresman Reading Street: Intensive Reading Intervention is an intensive reading intervention program that accelerates the reading development of struggling students. It aligns instruction perfectly with Scott Foresman Reading Street, but can be used with any core classroom reading program. My Sidewalks accelerates reading through: 30 weeks of reading intervention, 30-45 minutes every day; emphasis on deep meaning of vocabulary and concepts; and highly specified instruction so you teach less, more thorougly.

REWARDS Intermediate Grade Levels: 4-6 Components: Identification of vowel combinations, prefixes and suffixes and their meanings, blending word parts to form words, and strategies for fluent reading of words consisting of 2-8 syllables in content area materials and vocabulary

REWARDS Intermediate is a short-term intervention program for older students who have mastered the basic reading skills associated with first and second grade, but still experience difficulty reading multi-syllabic words in grade level materials or who read slowly (60-120 wpm). REWARDS Intermediate consists of 25, fifty minute lessons. The lessons can be taught in small group, whole group, or one-on-one as part of general education classes, remedial reading classes or after school classes. The structure of the REWARDS program consists of a series of pre-skill lessons followed by several strategy lessons which are intended to lead the student in a step by step fashion from assisted to independent decoding of multi-syllabic words in sentences and content passages. Pre- skill lesson activities focus on learning the component skills necessary for applying the flexible decoding strategy. A further expectation of the program is increased comprehension as a result of on increase in vocabulary and fluency.

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011 Six Minute Solution Grade Levels: K-9 Components: Fluency, sight word vocabulary, phonetic elements

Six Minute Solution is a reading fluency program that may be used as a supplement to a school’s core reading program or as an intervention. The goal of the program is to help teachers provide students with concentrated practice on phonetic elements, sight word vocabulary, and expository passage reading in order to build overall reading fluency and boost achievement. The program is based on the research of repeated reading and peer- assisted learning strategies, and partner reading is the primary activity of the program. Once an instructional reading level is determined by assessment and teachers have trained students in the partner reading procedure, it takes only six minutes of instructional time per day.

Stop To Think Grade Levels: K-5 Components: The comprehension strategies including questioning, predicting, summarizing, clarifying, visualizing, making connections, rereading and retelling.

Stop to Think uses direct teaching methods and a gradual release of responsibility model to help students develop consistent vocabulary using strategy names, definitions, and key phrases to help them monitor comprehension while listening or reading. The strategies can be used in all genres and across the curriculum. The goal is to create active and engaged readers. The program uses pauses in reading or think alouds to stop to think, stop to talk and stop to jot, helping students become active comprehenders who are thinking about their thinking while reading. This program is introduced at Kindergarten with read alouds and progresses through all grade levels with increasing difficulty as text levels increase. Stop to Thnk is intended for the classroom but is appropriate to use with small groups and even individuals to encourage active reading.

Voyager Passport Grade Levels: K-5 Components: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension

Voyager Passport provides systematic 30-40 minute daily lessons with explicit introduction of reading skills. Every lesson contains grade appropriate word work in phonemic awareness, letter-sound recognition, word reading, and sight words. Daily opportunities to apply new skills to text are provided. Vocabulary instruction builds understanding and makes text more accessible to students and comprehension instruction reinforces reading strategies. Leveled passages in science and social studies are provided to allow students to apply new word knowledge and reading strategies while learning new concepts in content areas. Fluency Readers provide additional practice opportunities to increase student reading fluency. The daily lessons provide opportunities for correction and re-teach of target areas.

GISD Elementary Curriculum Office 2011

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