The Town Board of the Town of Elbridge met for their regular meeting at 7PM on October 10th, 2013 at the Town Municipal Building, 5 Route 31, Jordan, NY.

Supervisor Bush called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

PRESENT: Councilor Rita Dygert, Councilor Vern Richardson, Councilor Bill Kuhn, Councilor Doug Blumer, and Supervisor Ken Bush. OTHERS PRESENT: Ellie and Gary March, Dennis Pelmear, Highway Superintendent; Robert Decker, Town Attorney Dirk Oudemool, and Clerk Deb Stapleton. ADOPT MINUTES: On a motion of Councilor Richardson, seconded by Councilor Dygert the minutes from the September 26th meeting were approved.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ellie and Gary March of 1507 Quarry Stone Drive came before the board to discuss an ongoing problem with grinding and mulching activity across from their property on Village of Elbridge owned property by DeMarco’s Landscaping. They feel it’s a health issue and have been attending village meetings since May, and the village trustees told them to come to the town board because they are town residents. The air quality is jeopardized and it’s an eyesore and next to a park where many children are. They brought photos of debris still being brought in that contain tires and construction debris as well as mulchable material. The contract the village allowed them to have is over at the end of December, but there is a very large amount of debris that will probably not be cleaned up by then. Also, that a commercial activity, in a residentially zoned neighborhood has been allowed at all.

REPORTS: Assessor: report on file. The assessor has a request for additional help in the office as Ellie is retiring at the end of the year. Highway Superintendent: report on file. Attention needs to be made to the back of the highway building with some blocks deteriorating. Dennis attended a highway meeting in Pompey and the company we use to dispose of electronics now gets charged for TV’s (old type), so that may change. Code Enforcement Officer: report on file and short discussion on rental properties and multiple-year inspections versus annual. Dog Control Officer: report on file. One issue still ongoing with barking dogs. Senior Program Director: report on file. Recreation Director: report on file. Outreach Worker: Marty Hanlon provided support with application process. Historian: report on file. Planning Board: quiet. Bill Bucci’s parcel will be discussed next month when Chairman Leary is back in town.


NEW BUSINESS: On a motion of Councilor Kuhn, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following resolution was ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Kuhn Blumer Bush 0 NAYS Resolution 112-13 Resolved: that the Town Board of the Town of Elbridge proposes the following year-end schedule as follows: Thursday 11/14 at 7:00 PM- Regular Board meeting Tuesday 11/26- 2 nd November Board meeting @7 PM (Thanksgiving Week- Bill paying) Wednesday 11/27- Close at 1PM; open at 8:30 Mon.-Wed. Thursday, 11/28 & Friday, 11/29- Thanksgiving-Closed Thursday 12/12 at 7:00 PM- Board Meeting Tuesday 12/24- Christmas Eve-close at 1PM-(Brunch at 10AM) Wednesday 12/25 -Christmas- Closed Thursday 12/26- Meeting to pay bills 4PM Tuesday 12/31 -New Year’s Eve- Close at 1PM Wednesday 1/1/14- New Year’s Day- Closed Thursday 1/2/14- Organizational Meeting 7PM

On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Richardson the following resolution was ADOPTED: 5 AYES Dygert Richardson Kuhn Blumer Bush 0 NAYS Resolution113-13 Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to approve the proposal for architectural and engineering services with QPK Design on the proposed pavilion project.

Short discussion on this proposal as there are nearly 10 acres of land behind the community center, and QPK has done nice designs of parks. This is an opportunity for a special area there- maybe a nature trail. If the pavilion project grant comes through, the placement will be a part of the master plan.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilor Blumer: at Supervisor’s suggestion, Pat Byrnes can finish up the fence painting at a couple cemeteries. There has been a problem with Speedy’s Landscaping having an issue with a local farmer and where he parks his equipment at Elbridge Rural Cemetery. This must be resolved by next spring or the town will no longer mow that portion. Councilor Kuhn: discussion on fire department contracts and dog enumeration. Councilor Richardson: quotes for doors at community center. Short discussion on the Internet survey.


Councilor Dygert: Would like to wrap up the Employee Handbook project. Discussion regarding Larry Mathews from OC Office of Aging and Youth and a survey for JET riders. Supervisor Bush: discussion on code issues and abandoned properties.

MONTHLY REPORTS ON FILE: Supervisor, Town Clerk, Historian, Senior Program Coordinator, Codes, Dogs, Recreation, Assessing, and Highway Superintendent.

On a motion of Councilor Richardson, seconded by Councilor Kuhn, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra H. Stapleton Elbridge Town Clerk