Chapter 12 Drug Use, Miss Use, & Abuse

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Chapter 12 Drug Use, Miss Use, & Abuse

Drug Use, Misuse, & Abuse

 Pharmaceutical companies spend more than $45 billion on advertising of drugs  Such as: painkillers, antacids, cough medicine, etc

 Alcohol companies spend about $25 billion or more on advertising

 Healthier Options  Exercise  Relaxation techniques  Eating certain foods

7 Categories of Drugs  Herbal  Over the counter  Prescription  Tobacco – contain nicotine  Alcohol  Illegal  Unrecognized –caffeine, inhalants

 Medicines – a substance used to treat a disease or relieve pain  4 things that they do  Battle bacteria or other organisms (cure a disease)  Protect the body from disease (prevent)  Influence the circulatory system (treat symptoms of illnesses or manage a disease)  Affects the nervous system(treat symptoms of illnesses or manage a disease)

 OTC – Over the Counter medications– no doctor prescription is needed, generally safe to use, relief of minor health conditions  3 types  Analgesics – it relieves pain  Sedative - a drug that slows down body function and causes sleepiness  Stimulants – a drug that speeds up body functioning

 Sometimes pain is telling you that something is wrong with your body and if you take a pain killer you may be covering up a serious problem.

Prescription Medications – can only be sold with a prescription forma doctor Antibiotics – kills or slows growth of bacteria Anesthetics – eliminate or reduce pain Vaccinations – works with the body’s immune system to fight diseases

 Ways to take a drug:  Orally – by mouth  Injected – by a needle  Inhaled – though the nose  Topical - On the skin

 *** see Drug label chart***

 Always read the label before you take the drug to check for:  Dose - the exact amount of a drug  Time  Side effects  What to take it with

Medication Misuse – use of medicine that does not follow the directions

Medication Abuse –intentional use of medicine for reasons other than the prescribed purpose  Never take another person’s drug…it may affect you differently or cause more harm.

 Factors that effect how much of a drug that is recommended:  Age  Weight/Height  Gender  Other drugs taken

 Drugs may interact with each other causing side effects.  Side effects – an effect that accompanies the expected effect of a drug  Drug allergy – an unwanted effect that accompanies the desired effect of a drug

Opiates– substances that come from the opium plant Opioids- synthetic made opiates Felling of euphoric, relief of pain, slows breathing, decrease pulse, decrease blood pressure Side effects – drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination, confusion, sweating, clammy skin, constipation. Depressants – called sedatives or tranquilizers – used to reduce anxiety, slows down body functions, causes sleepiness, possible lack of coordination

Stimulants- used to increase energy, alertness and attention – speed Amphetamines – increase the dopamine in the brain producing euphoria. Increase in heart rate & blood pressure, decrease sleep, decrease appetite, apathy, depression.

 Caffeine – naturally - in many foods that we eat  Blocks adenosine (which makes you feel tired)

 Marijuana and hashish (dark brown resin) – from hemp plant – Psychologically dependent- feeling of happiness *cannabis – hemp plant* The psychoactive drug in both is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC Both are usually smoked but can be eaten Most commonly used illegal drug in the US

The THC affects the parts of the brain that control pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, sensory and time perception, and movement

 Cocaine – stimulant- white powder from the coca plant - gives the sense of euphoria (15min) then followed by irritability, anxiety and exhaustion  Inhaled  Injected  Smoked

 Crack –solid form - more addictive – quicker  Both – using it causes the blood vessel to constrict – possible heart attack

 Crystal Meth – a manufactured drug that acts as an amphetamine and looks like a clear crystal chunk  Ice – a very strong - smoked stays in the system longer – pleasure feeling  Can quickly become psychologically and physically dependent

 Bath Salts – are manufactured drugs that contain stimulants MDPV

 Amphetamines – synthetic drug – a prescription drug that has no medical use  Some are used for childhood behavior problems  Gives feeling of pleasure  Hallucinogens – a drug that distorts a person’s senses. – can’t tell what is or isn’t real

 LSD – lysergic acid diethylamide – may stimulant or be a depressant

 Hallucination – imaginary sights and sounds, often induced by the use of a hallucinogen  Huge mood swings  Extreme feeling – (panics, fright)  Flashback – an unexpected return to an unpleasant LSD experience,  often months after the original experience.

 Mescaline- created form the peyote plant  Psilocybin – from certain mushrooms  PCP – angel dust – may be put on tobacco or marijuana  Causes sever mental disturbances

 Designer Drugs -- synthetic drugs that are similar in chemistry to certain illegal drugs

 Ecstasy – MDMA – like amphetamines - gives the feeling have relaxed and happy, or confusion, depression, etc. – physical effects: blurred vision, nausea, faintness, and chills, sweating. *** may cause paranoia, increase body temp., inc. heart rate***

 Heroin and other Narcotics Heroin- a opiate drug derived from the morphine and often mixed with other substances – very addictive – may be mix with something else – injected into veins --** slows down central nervous system**

Narcotic – a drug with pain relieving and psychoactive properties that is made from the opium plant Morphine –relieves severe pain Codeine – relieves severe pain

 Club Drugs - a category of drugs that are often used at parties—LSD, MDMA, GHB, Ecstasy, Flunitrazepam Date rape drugs- used to sedate a person

 Anabolic steroids – can be used to treat medical conditions or to gain muscle mass. Can cause liver and heart damage as well as high blood pressure.  Inhalants – chemicals that produce strong psychoactive effects when they are inhaled.-- huffing Inhaled through the nose and quickly goes to the brain Lightheadedness- first stage Dizziness, nausea, and headaches 4 Catagories Liquids Aerosols Gases Nitrates Hypoxia – condition in which the cells are deprived of oxygen

 Sedative hypnotics – drugs that depress the body system and cause sleepiness Tranquilizer – reduces muscular activity, coordination, & attention span Sleeping pills Sedatives

Barbiturates – relieve anxiety and insomnia- Quaaludes – slows down the cent. Ner. sys

Benzodiazepines – tranquilizers relieve minor anxiety and insomnia

Antihistamines – to relieve allergy symptoms

Drug influence on the Brain Dopamine- influences part of the brain that controls movement, emotion, motivation, and feeling of pleasure

Endorphins- increase feeling of happiness  Some drugs cause the brain to release amount of these chemical thus reducing production of them.  Brain becomes dependent on the drug for this effect  Body builds tolerance -- Tolerance – resistance to a drug’s effect – increase of drug to get the same effect  You can build up tolerance to prescription medication.  Leads to drug abuse / dependence

Drug Abuse – the act of using a drug excessively or without medical reasons— Negative consequences that may develop:  Engaging in unsafe behavior  Contracting an infectious disease  Being involved in an accident  Overdose – a serious, sometimes fatal, reaction to a large amount of a drug.  Legal problems  Work/school problems  Financial problems  Social problems

 Addiction – a condition in which the body relies on a given drug to help it function

 Physical Dependence - a condition in which the body becomes so used to the presence of the drug that it needs it in order to function.

 Withdrawal – the body’s reaction when it doesn’t receive a drug it depends upon

 stronger the drug the stronger the withdrawal symptoms  Nausea  Vomiting  Sleeplessness  Seizures  Cramps  Trembling  Nervousness  Irritability

 Psychological dependence – a constant desire to take a psychoactive drug  Associated with the feeling of happiness

 Psychoactive effect – an effect on a person’s mood or behavior

 Psychoactive Drugs Use  Impairs a person ability to make good decisions  Increase risk of serious injury & violence  Dependent – a person who is controlled by the psychological or physical desire for it

 More than 35% of crimes in the US are committed by people who are under the influence of drugs. Risk Factors o Biological makeup o Mental health problems o Stage of development – earlier = more likely to use/abuse/addicted o Environment

Treatment programs:  Methadone maintenance programs  Inpatient and outpatient programs  Self-help programs  Skill training programs  Support groups  Sober living communities

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