Miami Beach Senior High School

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Miami Beach Senior High School

MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2231 Prairie Ave. Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 (305) 532-4515 ext. 2248 [email protected]

August 18, 2008

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I want to welcome your son/daughter to Miami Beach High School for the 2008- 2009 school year. It gives me great pleasure to be chosen as your son/daughter’s Social Studies Teacher. In order, to achieve a smooth and productive year, I would like to inform not only the student but the parent of my class rules, procedures and requirements for his/her course of study. They are the following:


The Student must: 1. follow the directives of the teacher;

2. be in their assigned seat when the second bell rings;

3. bring necessary materials to class (such as: the textbook if

required; notebook, a three ring binder; pen or pens;

and paper) on a daily basis.

4. raise their hand, so they can be recognized;

5. and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class.

Note: Food, gum, candy or drinks are not allowed in my class. Cell phones, beepers

or any other electronic device will be turned off. I confiscate all the items,

they be thrown away but electronic devices will be taken from the student

and given to the Assistant Principal. Consequences

The Student will: 1. receive a verbal warning;

2. parent will be informed of the infraction;

3. receive a written referral to the Ass’t Principal;

4. be referred to Ass’t Principal , resulting in either

In-Door Suspension/Out-Door Suspension;

5. and have all infractions documented in the electronic

Grade Book.

Note: In severe cases, such as fighting, verbal abuse (to either teacher or peers), or

walking out of class without permission will result in an immediate class

exclusion. The student will only be allowed to enter my class when a Parent-

Teacher Conference is scheduled and takes place.


The Student will: 1. attend class, if the student is absent or tardy, a note from

home must be presented for the absence in order for the

absence/tardy to be considered excused;

2. receive an automatic referral for skipping and a zero or two Fs for the day;

3. receive an NG or No Grade if ten (or more) unsatisfactory absences are


4. have two days to make-up work missed when absent. (It is the

Students responsibility to request missed work.); 5. and receive a zero (for any unexcused absence) if a test was

scheduled for that day. If the student is tardy (unexcused),

they will receive a zero for the test.


50% + 25% + 25% = 100%

Multiple choice Research Papers Homework, notebooks,

Tests, essays, or Projects & class work

& Fill-in-the-blanks

Research Papers: A typed five pages (Am. History) and 10 pages (Am. Gov’t-

Honors) will be required each nine weeks. Projects (Economics-Honors) will be

typed, spreadsheets are required.

Notebooks: Students need a three ring binder. At the end of each quarter, it will be

graded for its content and neatness.

Homework: Students will have an opportunity to begin their homework in class.

Homework is given each and everyday.

Written Tests: Most if not all of my tests will be fill-in-the blanks (spelling does

count). Mid-terms and final exams are usually multiple choice and

essays. Honors classes will have essay tests.

Class Participation: Students are required to ask questions and to answer questions.

Sleeping in class or placing your head on the desk-top is

definitely not allowed. Talking during lectures will result in a


Note: My classes require much studying, reading and note taking. I am looking forward to a productive and successful year. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please, feel free to call anytime (305) 532-4515 ext.2248 or visit my class (Room 2482) anytime between 6:30 AM to 7:25 AM. I have an Open-Door Policy, you may visit my class without making any appointment

If a Parent-Teacher Conference is warranted, come at the above times.


Mr. J. Fernandes

Social Studies Teacher

Miami Beach Senior High School Student’s Name______

ID #______

Course Name______

Parent’s Signature______

Parent Contact:

( ) - Home Phone

( ) - Business Phone

( ) - Cell

Internet Address______

Students must return this form to Mr. Fernandes within two days of

Entry into his class. Student Contract


The student must:

1. follow the directives of the teacher, and must adhere to both school rules and the

rules of this class;

2. be in his or her seat when the second bell rings or they will be considered tardy.

Remain in your seat, only move if so directed to do so. If you are tardy, two things

must happen, either get a school tardy pass (to be excused, a note must be

produced) or produce a yellow school pass from teacher/administrator/school

staff member;

3. bring materials to class (such as textbook/workbook if requested to do so,

notebook, pen, paper, etc.) on a daily basis. It is not the Teacher or the school’s

responsibility to supply you with these items. Never disrupt my class in attempt to

borrow these items from another student (it will warrant a referral to be


If a student fails to bring in these necessary supplies needed, a Parent-Teacher

Conference will be scheduled and held within 24 hours;

4. raise their hand, in order to be recognized, never disrupt class unless it is an

emergency. This also applies to restroom passes, raise your hand to ask

permission at the beginning and the end of class, never during lectures.

Only if it is a dire emergency will a student be allowed a pass to the restroom be

given during a lecture. (If the student has a chronic problem and needs the

restroom often, a Doctor’s note will be needed to be given to an Administrator.); 5. wait for the teacher to dismiss the class. Many times, the bells will be off and the

clocks throughout the school are not running properly;

6. answer questions if directed to do so. Sleeping/napping/placing your head on the

desk-top is definitely not allowed. Talking during lectures will result in an F for

The nine weeks conduct grade. If disruptions continue, the student will receive a

referral which may lead to exclusion to my class pending a Parent-Teacher


7. never throw things in class. The trash can is not a basketball hoop. Ask the

Teacher if you can throw something away;

8. turn off/silence your cell phones, pagers, or any other electronic device before

entering my classroom. I-pods, headphones have to be out of sight (they cannot

be hanging around your neck). If any electronic device disturbs my class at

anytime, it will be confiscated and given to an Administrator in the main office;

9. never write in the textbook or destroy any textbook or write on the walls of the

classroom or vandalize anything that belongs to the school. If found, the

Administration will deal with a violation of school code dealing with the

destruction of school property. (It could become something that our Resource

Officer would have to deal with it.)

10. know where to go during fire drills and proceed in an orderly fashion.

Remember, to remain with your class. In a real emergency, teachers have to take

roll, to see if anyone is missing. 11. must take off their hats or any other kind of headgear (bandannas, dew-rags,

etc.) If it’s a bad hair day or bad haircut, get a note from the main office (an

Administrator) giving you permission to wear some sort of headgear


12. never cheat either on a test or copy someone’s homework. A verbal warning for

first offense but second and there after, you will receive a referral, a zero for the

test, 2 F F’s for the homework assignment, requiring a Parent-Teacher


13. dress appropriately and according to the school’s dress code policy, violators

will be sent to an Administrator in the main office;

14. Adhere to the no food, gum, candy, or drinks rule. They will not be allowed for

any reason in my classroom. (Desks are to be as clean as possible, gum-free. If I

catch anyone with gum, you will get a detention and clean every desk in my


15. Use a pen for all assignments (black ink preferred or blue ink) such as tests,

homework and writing notes. Pencil or weird color pens are not allowed and


16. Use a three ring loose-leaf paper for homework and for writing notes. (usually

10 ½ x 8 paper);

17. and never harass other students and say anything inappropriate to any



The Student will: 1. receive a verbal warning;

2. parent will be informed of the infraction;

3. receive a written referral to the Ass’t Principal;

4. be referred to Ass’t Principal , resulting in either

In-Door Suspension/Out-Door Suspension;

5. and have all infractions documented in the electronic

Grade book.

Note: In severe cases, such as fighting, verbal abuse (to either teacher or peers), or walking out of class without permission will result in an immediate class exclusion. The student will only be allowed to enter my class when a Parent-

Teacher Conference is scheduled and takes place.


The Student will: 1. attend class, if the student is absent or tardy, a note from

home must be presented for the absence in order for the

absence/tardy to be considered excused;

2. receive an automatic referral for skipping and a zero or

two Fs for the day;

3. receive an NG or No Grade if ten (or more) unsatisfactory

absences are accumulated;

4. have two days to make-up work missed when absent. (It is the

Students responsibility to request missed work.); 5. and receive a zero (for any unexcused absence) if a test was

scheduled for that day. If the student is tardy (unexcused),

they will receive a zero for the test.

(Note: this contract will be signed on a sign-in sheet but the contract itself will be

placed in your three ring binder notebook.)

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