Membership Update

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Membership Update


Volume 9----September 2008

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE SUBMISSION DEADLINE Please welcome Compatriots Brian Denisewicz and Daniel Holden as new members, transfers Gerald The deadline for submission for the October Newsletter Holden and Jeffrey Mitchell who transferred from the is September 25, 2008. Your articles and photos can be Stonewall Jackson Camp #201. This brings us to a total sent to [email protected]. of 19 active members. From the Trimble Camp lets welcome Jay Barringer as an associate member, Jay is a past Commander of the Trimble Camp and the piper DUES for the Color Guard. 2008-2009 dues are due by October 15th. The amounts are: OFFICERS  $40.00 Active  $15.00 Associate Paul Behne Commander  $10.00 Life-Time Rick Smith Lt. Commander Danny Adams Adjutant/Treasurer

NEXT MEETING/RIDE UPCOMING EVENTS—MARK YOUR CALENDAR September 6th Point Lookout Ceremony Dedication of The next meeting and ride will be on September 20th at the New Confederate Memorial Park at Dan Adams home starting at 10:00 AM Directions are 9:30 AM as follows: th th September 11 -14 Ocean City Bike Week From Southern Maryland: 32 West/North to Clarksville, September 20th Meeting at Adjutant’s Residence with take the Route 108 Exit, stay in the middle lane at the ride to Trimble Camp Ceremony top of the ramp turn left while staying in right lane. Right th lane ends at Ten Oaks Road. Turn right go ½ mile to September 20 Trimble Camp Ceremony to honor st Howard County Confederates the traffic circle. Make the 1 right out of the traffic circle staying on Ten Oaks Road. ½ mile turn left th October 4 Turkey Shoot (see attached flyer) onto Triadelphia mill Road. ¼ mile turn right onto 13060 Triadelphia Mill Road/Adams. See flag pole at entry way.

TREASURER’S REPORT From Westminister/Taneytown: 32 South to the 108 exit. At the top of the ramp turn right onto Route 108. At Balance as of 9/1/08 $467.00 the 1st red light turn right onto Ten Oaks Road. Then Income $394.00 follow the above bolded directions. Payables $ 70.00 Balance $791.00 From Belair: Take I 695 to I 70 West. Exit onto Route 29 South then exit onto Route 108 West. Travel Payables include: check to SCV Headquarters for two approximately 10 miles to Clarksville. Then follow the (2) new members. above bolded directions. not. Riders should go single file if necessary on sharp turns, poor road conditions, or if poor visibility exists. No LT COMMANDER REPORT riders should remove themselves from the formation except in the event of a breakdown or emergency. Members, we had a great turnout down at Grotto's place! Thanks to Grotto and Randi for the grub, drink and allowing the Cavalry to meet again! New member Brian BIO: Widow of Confederate Soldier Dies at 93 Denisewicz was present along with prospective members, Chris Axtell, Mike Armiger, Jim Sheffer Jr and Maudie White Hopkins, who grew up during the Randy Stoufer Sr.. Brian, Mike, Jim and Randy all from Depression in the hardscrabble Ozarks and married a the Westminster area recruited by Jerry Holden and Lee Confederate army veteran 67 years her senior, has died. Cox. We should all give Jerry and Lee a big Rebel Yell She was 93. for their recruitment drive for the camp. These two members have brought in the most recruits to date! Keep up the great work!

Mission accomplished-Turkey Shoot date set and ball rolling. Members volunteered for duty, we talked with prospective member Chris Axtell who has held turkey shoots in the past and the camp has gained knowledge on what to expect and how things may or should be run, thanks Chris.

Hope all members show for the Trimble event at the Howard County Courthouse Sept 20th that have been making the camp meetings in the past, we should have a great showing for support for this event. Remember, we will meet at Danny Adam's place prior to the event, then Danny Johnston, AP return back to Danny's for lunch and refreshments. Maudie White Hopkins, seen here in 2004, married a Ocean City Bike Week Sept 11th to the 14th, ya'll know Confederate army veteran 67 years her senior when she I'll be there and most have the condo location. If yer in was 19. Hopkins said she wed William M. Cantrell in the area look us up or call my cell phone if ya plan to 1934 in order get by during the Depression. Cantrell attend. offered her his land and home if she took care of him in his later years. Ride Safe, hope to see all at Danny's on the 20th of Sept. Hopkins, the mother of three children from a second marriage who loved to make fried peach pies and With Confederate Regards applesauce cakes, died Sunday at a hospital in Helena- Lt Commander Rick Smith West Helena, said Rodger Hooker of the Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.

Other Confederate widows are still living, but they don't MOMENTS IN HISTORY: SEPTEMBER want any publicity, Martha Boltz of the United Daughters

September 10th 1836 – General Joseph Wheeler Born of the Confederacy said Tuesday. Hopkins grew up in a September 15th 1862 – Jackson captures Harpers Ferry family of 10 children, did laundry and cleaned house for September 17th 1862 – Battle of Antietam William M. Cantrell, an elderly Confederate veteran in September 19th 1863 – Battle of Chickamauga Baxter County whose wife had died years earlier. When he offered to leave his land and home to her if she would marry him and care for him in his later years, she ADJUTANT PARAGRAPH: said yes. She was 19; he was 86. "After Mr. Cantrell died I took a little old mule he had and Suggestions for Group Riding: plowed me a vegetable garden and had plenty of vegetables to eat. It was hard times; you had to work to Staggered formation is preferred to side by side riding, to eat," she said in an Associated Press interview in 2004. allow for a slot to move into in the event of a hazard or Hopkins later married Winfred White and started a etc. Individual riders should determine which side of the family. In all, she was married four times. For decades, lane to be positioned in by the rider ahead of him she didn't speak about her marriage to Cantrell, regardless of whether that rider is positioned properly or concerned that people would think less of her. Four years ago, she came around after a Confederate widow in Alabama died amid claims that she was the last widow from that war.

"I didn't do anything wrong," Hopkins told the AP in 2004. "I've worked hard my whole life and did what I had to, what I could, to survive. I didn't want to talk about it for a while because I didn't want people to gossip about it. I didn't want people to make it out to be worse than it was."

Military records show Cantrell served in Company A, French's Battalion, of the Virginia Infantry. He enlisted in the Confederate army at age 16 in Pikeville, Ky., and was captured the same year and sent to a prison camp in Ohio. He was exchanged for a Northern prisoner, and after the war moved to Arkansas to live with relatives. In the interview, Hopkins referred to her first husband as "Mr. Cantrell" and described him as "a good, clean, respectable man." She recalled one description he gave of life as a Civil War soldier, how lice infested his sock The smell of powder is in the air! supports and "ate a trail around his legs." Baxter County records show they were married in January 1934 by a justice of the peace. She said Cantrell supported her with his Confederate pension of "$25 every two or three months" and left her his home when he died in 1937. The pension benefits ended at Cantrell's death, according to records filed with the state Pension Board. She is survived by two daughters and a son.

Article and Picture provided by the Associated Press in Little Rock, Arkansas written by Peggy Harris.

Submitted by Leslie Behne Salute the Colors! PICTURES FROM AUGUST MEETING:

FIRE in the hole, Boys! MECHANIZED CAVALRY CAMP 2134 Meeting Minutes of August 16th 2008

This month’s meeting was hosted by Steve Grotto Potter and his wife Randi at their farm in Hughesville, Maryland. Gracious hosts they were.

Commander Behne called the meeting to order. With the absence of a Chaplain, Compatriot Lee Cox volunteered to lead the Invocation. After the Salute to the Confederate Flag and the reading of S.D. Lee’s Charge we set about business. Lt. Commander Rick Smith made a motion to dispense with the minutes of the last meeting. The motion carried but Rick gave a brief interim synopsis of the meeting and events that day in Gettysburg anyway.

Where is the Chaplain? This month’s business dealt primarily with organizing for the Camp’s upcoming Turkey Shoot scheduled for October 4th. Prospective member Chris Axtell (presently researching his ancestry) was present. Chris has sponsored quite a few Turkey Shoots at his farm and provided a lot of guidance. Several members commented on how happy they were that he stopped by and that he was quite helpful.

Adjutant Adams gave his Treasurer’s Report stating that we are in the black by about $500 which will give us enough to sponsor the upcoming Turkey Shoot and hopefully parlay it into more donations and new members.

Rick Smith and Tom Sutton agreed to handle the Chuck Wagon at the Turkey Shoot. Rick Smith said he would get some brochures, applications and range rules printed up. Paul Behne and Chris Axtell agreed to handle the ammo Damn those liberals run fast! and prizes. Fester agreed to handle portable sanitation delivery. Rick Franklin agreed to check with the NRA/SCV regarding One Day-Event insurance coverage. Grotto agreed to work up signage and entry tickets with a release.

During the meeting the Roster was passed around. Present at the meeting:

Steve Grotto Potter and wife Randi Paul Behne and wife Leslie Rick Smith Tom Sutton and wife Mary Ed Rohe Michael Armiger Brian Denisewicz Jerry Holden Rick Franklin Lee Cox AMF! Dan Adams Whitey Whitt noteworthy liberal achievements include the Chris Behne domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, James Sheffer, Jr group hugs and the concept of Democratic voting to Randy Stoufer, Sr decide how to divide the meat and beer that Chris Axtell conservatives provided. Christopher J. McCall Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by The Benediction was lead by Lee Cox and the meeting the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the was then adjourned. Post meeting announcements elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass. were made regarding the upcoming Point Lookout POW Monument Dedication on September 6th. The group Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but then moved to the field where the artillery crew manned most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They the cannon and let the Yankees know we had the high eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, ground. Mounted and dismounted men alike followed and French food are standard liberal fare. Another with all sorts of small arms fire. The smell of black interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women powder hung thick in the air. HUZZA! have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it FUNNY BONE was not fair to make the pitcher also bat.

History 101 Conservatives drink domestic beer, mostly Bud. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. For those that do not know about history….Here is a Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, condensed version: lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, corporate executives, athletes, Humans originally existed as members of small bands of marines, airline pilots and generally anyone who works nomadic hunters/gathers. The lived on deer in the productively. Conservatives who own companies hire mountains during the summer and would go to the coast other conservatives who want to work for a living. and live on fish and lobster in the winter. The two most important events in all history were the Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The producers and decide what to do with the production wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than the foundation of modern civilization and together were Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct Europe when conservatives were coming to America. subgroups: They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing. 1. Liberals, and 2. Conservatives Here ends today’s lesion in world history: It should be noted that a Liberal may have a momentary Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that urge to angrily respond to the above before forwarding it. was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early A conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of humans were sitting around waiting for them to be the absolute truth of this history that it will be forwarded invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That’s immediately to other true believers and to more liberals how villages were formed. just to tick them off.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals Submitted by GooseLivers to B-B-Q at night while they were drinking their beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement. Quiz: Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting What does Hillary do every morning after she shaves her learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for pussy? the nightly B-B-Qs and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the liberal Answer: She sends him to work! movement.


Directions from Harley Davidson at Rt 5 & Rt 231 in Hughesville: Take Rt 231 East (Toward Prince Frederick) approximately one mile to Goode Road and follow the signs in.

Directions from Prince Frederick: Take 231 East, across the bridge at Benedict, and go approximately 5 miles to Goode Road (Just past Jimmy’s Corner) and follow the signs in. gates open at 11:00 AM. we provide all ammo. leave yours home.

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