Strand I. Construct New Scientific and Personal Knowledge

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Strand I. Construct New Scientific and Personal Knowledge

Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science Strand I. Construct New E/SS Biol Phy Chem learned knowledge. Scientific and Personal Knowledge Content Standard 1: Constructing New Scientific Knowledge 1. Develop questions or problems for investigation that can be answered empirically. 2. Suggest empirical tests of hypotheses. 3. Design and conduct scientific investigations. 4. Diagnose possible reasons for failures of mechanical or electronic systems. 5. Assemble mechanical or elec-tronic systems using appropriate tools and instructions. 6. Recognize and explain the limitations of measuring devices. 7. Gather and synthesize information from books and other sources of information. 8. Discuss topics in groups by being able to restate or summarize what others have said, ask for clarification or elaboration, and take alternative perspectives. 9. Reconstruct previously

1 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science

Strand II. Reflect on the Nature, E/SS Biol Phy Chem Adequacy and Connections Strand III. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Across Scientific Knowledge Knowledge from the Life Content Standard 1: Reflecting Sciences in Real-World on Scientific Knowledge Contexts 1. Justify plans or explanations Content Standard 1: Cells on a theoretical or empirical 1. Classify cells/organisms on basis. the basis of organelle and/or cell 2. Describe some general limita- types. tions of scientific knowledge. 2. Explain how multicellular 3. Show how common themes organisms grow, based on how of science, mathematics, and cells grow and reproduce. technology apply in real-world 3. Compare and contrast ways contexts. in 4. Discuss the historical which selected cells are special- develop-ment of key scientific ized to carry out particular life concepts functions. and principles. 4. Compare and contrast the 5. Evaluate alternative long chemical composition of range selected plans for resource use and by- cell types. product disposal in terms of 5. Compare the transformations environmental and economic of matter and energy during 6. Describe the historical, photo-synthesis and respiration. political, and social factors 6. Explain how essential affecting developments in materials move into cells and science. how waste and other materials get out. 7. Explain how cells use food to grow.

2 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science to young Strand III. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem during sexual and asexual Knowledge from the Life repro-duction. Sciences in Real-World 3. Explain how new traits may Contexts be established in individuals/ Content Standard 2: populations through changes in Organization of Living Things genetic material (DNA). 1. Classify major groups of organisms on the basis of the five-kingdom system. 2. Describe the life cycle of an organism associated with human disease. 3.Explain the process of food storage and food use in organ- isms. 4.Explain how living things maintain a stable internal environ-ment. 5.Describe technology used in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

Strand III. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Life Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 3: Heredity 1. Explain how characteristics of living things are passed on from generation to generation. 2. Describe how genetic material is passed from parent

3 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science to change. Strand III. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem 5. Describe how water, carbon Knowledge from the Life dioxide, and soil nutrients cycle Sciences in Real-World through selected ecosystems. Contexts 6. Explain the effects of Content Standard 4: Evolution agriculture and other human 1. Describe what biologists activities on selected consider to be evidence for ecosystems. human evolutionary relationships to selected animal groups. 2. Explain how a new species or variety may originate through the evolutionary process of natural selection. 3. Explain how new traits might arise and become established in a population.

Strand III. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Life Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 5: Ecosystems 1. Describe common ecological relationships among species. 2. Explain how energy flows through familiar ecosystems. 3. Describe general factors regulating population size in ecosystems. 4. Describe responses of an ecosystem to events that cause it

4 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science

Strand IV. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Physical Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 1: Matter and Energy 1. Describe and compare objects in terms of mass, volume, and density. 2. Explain how families of ele- ments are related by common properties. 3. Analyze properties of common household and agricultural materials in terms of risk/benefit balance. 4. Describe and explain the structural parts and electrical charges of atoms. 5. Describe how energy is con- served during transformations. 6. Explain changes in matter and energy involving heat transfer. 7. Describe how electric currents can be produced by interacting wires and magnets. 8. Construct and explain simple circuits using wires, light bulbs, fuses, switches, and power sources.

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Strand IV. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Physical Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 2: Changes in Matter 1. Explain how mass is conserved in physical and chemical changes. 2. Describe nuclear changes in terms of the properties of reac- tants and products. 3. Trace, to an original source, the energy used by living things and machines. 4. Describe how common materials are made and disposed of or recycled. 5. Explain chemical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules. 6. Describe, compare, and contrast changes in atoms and/or molecules during physical, chemical, and nuclear changes. 7. Describe energy changes associated with physical and chemical changes. 8. Describe, compare and contrast relative magnitudes of energy changes involved in physical, chemical and nuclear changes.

6 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science

Strand IV. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Strand IV. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Physical Knowledge from the Physical Sciences in Real-World Sciences in Real-World Contexts Contexts Content Standard 3: Motion of Content Standard 4: Waves and Objects Vibrations 1. Perform measurements and 1. Relate characteristics of calculations to describe the sounds that we hear to speed properties of sound waves. and direction of an object. 2. Explain how sound recording 2. Describe that whenever one and reproducing devices work. object exerts a force on a second 3. Relate colors to wavelengths object, the second object exerts of light. an equal and opposite force on 4. Explain how we see colors of the first object. objects. 3. Analyze the operation of 5. Describe different types of machines in terms of force and waves and their technological motion. applications. 4. Explain energy conversions 6. Describe waves in terms of in their properties moving objects and in simple 7. Describe the behavior of machines. waves when they interact. 8. Relate changes in detected frequency of a source to the motion of the source and/or the detector. 9. Explain how energy is stored and transformed in vibrating and oscillating objects.

7 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science activities affect the quality of water in the Strand V. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem hydrosphere. Knowledge from the Earth and Space Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 1: Geosphere 1. Explain the surface features of the Great Lakes region using Ice Age theory. 2. Use the plate tectonics theory to explain features of the earth’s surface and geological phenomena and describe evidence for the plate tectonics theory. 3. Explain how and why earth materials are conserved and recycled.

Strand V. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Earth and Space Sciences in Real-World Contexts Content Standard 2: Hydrosphere 1. Explain how water moves below the earth’s surface. 2. Explain relationships between the hydrosphere, regional climates, and human activities. 3. Describe how human

8 Table Worksheet Michigan Curriculum BenchMarks for Science

Strand V. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Strand V. Use Scientific E/SS Biol Phy Chem Knowledge from the Earth and Knowledge from the Earth and Space Sciences in Real-World Space Sciences in Real-World Contexts Contexts Content Standard 4: Solar Content Standard 3: System, Galaxy and Universe Atmosphere and Weather 1. Compare our sun to other 1. Describe patterns of air stars and star systems. move-ment in the atmosphere 2. Explain common and how observations they affect weather conditions. of the day and night sky. 2. Explain and predict general 3. Describe the position and weather patterns and storms. motion of our solar system in 3. Explain changes in climate the over long periods of time. universe. 4. Explain the impact of human 4. Explain why seasons occur activities on the atmosphere and on demonstrate means for limiting earth. pollution from households and 5. Explain how stars form and personal transportation. how they produce energy. 6. Explain how technology and scientific inquiry have helped us learn about the universe.

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