Archbishop Hanna High School

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Archbishop Hanna High School

Archbishop Hanna High School Course Outline

Title: Economics Department: Social Science Grade Level: 12th Grade Length of Course: 1 semester Required or Elective: Required Instructor(s): Mario Alioto Prerequisites(s)

Course Description: In this one semester course, students should begin to understand the economic problems and institutions of the United States as well as the world in which they live. Students will broaden their understanding of economics and will be able to make sound decisions on economic issues that they will come across in their daily lives as not only citizens, but as workers, consumers, entrepreneurs, managers and members of organizations. Students will be able to decipher graphs, statistics and equations they have learned in past high school courses. Students will enrich their understanding of the American capitalist system. New concepts and methods will be introduced such as tables, charts, graphs, ratios, percentages and indexes, as well as an understanding about the stock markets and market indicators that affect their lives on a daily basis. Critical thinking will be imperative and will be explained and examined in detail throughout the course.

Textbooks / Instructional Resources: Textbook: Pacemaker Economics (1996) – Globe Fearon Jane Petlinski

Workbook: Economics (2001) - AGS Inc. Carol Sullivan and Jane Wilcox Smith

Workbook: Economic Literacy: A Simplified Method for Economics (2008) Schyrlet Cameron, Janie Doss, and Suzanne Myers Course Content: Quarter One: Unit 1 - Introduction to Economics 1. Chapter 1 - What is Economics? Questions: page 5 - # 1-3 page 8 - # 1-2 page 9 - # 1-3 page 11 – “You Decide” page 12 - # 1-3 page14-15 - Chapter Review

Homework: AGS Economics pages 5-12 Economic Literacy pages 24-25, 28-29, 36-37

2. Chapter 2 - Economic Systems Questions: page 19 - # 1-3 page 20 - # 1-2 page 22 - # 1-3 page 23 – “You Decide” page 28-29 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 13-17 Economic Literacy pages 40-41 Unit 2 - The American Free Enterprise System 3. Chapter 3 - Consumers and Demand Questions: page 35 – “You Decide” page 36- # 1-3 page 39 - # 1-2 page 40 - # 1-2 page 41 - # 1-4 page 43-45 - Chapter Review

Homework: AGS Economics pages 18-20

4. Chapter 4 - Producers and Supply Questions: page 49 - # 1-2 page 50- “You Decide” page 50 - # 1-2 page 51- # 1-2 page 52 – “You Decide” page 53-55 - Chapter Review

Homework: Economic Literacy pages 32-33

5. Chapter 5 - How Prices Are Determined Questions: page 60 - # 1-2 page 61- “You Decide” page 65-67 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 21-23

Unit 3 - The American Economy at Work 6. Chapter 6 - American Business Questions: page 73 - # 1-2 page 74- # 1-3 page 78 – “You Decide” page 79- # 1-3 page 80 – “You Decide” page 81-83 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 34-38 Economic Literacy pages 44-45, 48-49

7. Chapter 7 - Stocks and Bonds Questions: page 87 - # 1-3 page 89- # 1-3 page 90 – “You Decide” page 95- “You Decide” page 96-97 - Chapter Review Homework: Economic Literacy pages 76-77, 80-81, 83-88

8. Chapter 8- Competition Questions: page 102 - # 1-2 page 104- # 1-3 page 106 – “You Decide” page107- # 1-3 “You Decide” page 96-97 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 24-29

9. Chapter 9- Workers and Wages Questions: page 115 - “You Decide” page 116- # 1-2 page 117 – #1-3 page 119- # 1-2 page 120 - “You Decide” page 122 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 71-79

10. Chapter 10- Labor Unions Questions: page 128 - # 1-3 page 129- “You Decide” page 131 – #1-3 page 133- # 1-3 page 134 - #1-2 page 135- “You Decide” page 137 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 39-42

11. Chapter 11-Consumer Spending Questions: page 144 - # 1-3 page 144- “You Decide” page 146 – #1-3 page 147- # 1-3 page 149 - #1-3 page 152 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 32-33 Economic Literacy pages 68-69, 72-73

12. Chapter 12- Saving and Borrowing Questions: page 160 - # 1-3 page 162- #1-3 page 163 – “You Decide” page 165 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 80-87

Quarter Two 1. Chapter 13- Money Questions: page 171 – “You Decide” page 172- # 1-3 page 176 – #1-3 page 177 – “You Decide” page 179 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 50-52 Economic Literacy pages 9-10, 13-14, 18-19

2. Chapter 14- Banks and the Federal System Questions: page 183 – “You Decide” page 185- #1-3 page 186 – #1-3 page 187- “You Decide” page 189 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 53-56 Economic Literacy pages 66-67

3. Chapter 15- Gross Domestic Product Questions: page 195 - # 1-3 page 196- “You Decide” page 196 – #1-3 page 199- # 1-5 page 200 – “You Decide” page 203 - Chapter Review Homework: Economic Literacy pages 52-53

4. Chapter 16- Inflation Questions: page 207 - # 1-3 page 208- “You Decide” page 210 – #1-3 page 211- “You Decide”

page 213 - Chapter Review

5. Chapter 17- Unemployment Questions: page 217 - # 1-3 page 218- “You Decide” page 220 – #1-3 page 222- # 1-3

page 225 - Chapter Review 6. Chapter 18- The Problem of Poverty Questions: page 229 - # 1-3 page 230- #1-3 page 233 – “You Decide” page 234 - #1-3 page 235 – #1-3 page 236 – “You Decide”

page 238 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 60-62

7. Chapter 19- Government in a Free Market Economy Questions: page 244 - “You Decide” page 246- #1-3 page 248 – #1-3 page 250 - #1-3 page 252 – #1-3 page 255 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 31-33, 57-59 Economic Literacy pages 56-57, 60-61

8. Chapter 20- Government Budget and National Debt Questions: page 260 - # 1-3 page 260- “You Decide”

page 264 - Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 63-66

9. Chapter 21- Trying to Solve the Economy’s Problems Questions: page 269 - # 1-2 page 270- #1-3 page 271 – “You Decide” page 272 - #1-2 page 276 - Chapter Review

10. Chapter 22- International Trade Questions: page 284 - # 1-3 page 285- #1-3 page 287 – “You Decide” page 288 - #1-2 page 289 – “You Decide” page 291 – Chapter Review Homework: AGS Economics pages 67-70

11. Chapter 23- Developing Countries Questions: page 295 - # 1-2 page 298- #1-3 page 300 – #1-3 page 301 - #1-2 page 302 – “You Decide” page 304 – Chapter Review

CLASS PROJECTS 1st Quarter - Spend $30 million in 3 days Power Point Project 2nd Quarter - Lifestyle Math Power Point Project

Course Outcomes: At the completion of this course all students will be able to: 1. Identify the basic principles of capitalism and market economies according to Adam Smith. 2. Identify the meaning of supply and demand and how it affects their choices in the market economy. 3. Understand how our federal government uses monetary policy to affect economic activity. 4. Understand how their economic choices as consumers affect market prices. 5. Analyze the stock market and chart the growth of their chosen stocks. 6. Understand our global partnerships and compare and contrast different economies in the world with ours. 7. Understand current economic problems happening in the USA and the solutions to solve those problems.

Course Assessments: 1. Teacher-created quizzes and tests 2. Class assignments from texts 3. Projects - Power Points / Movie Write Ups / Essays / Posters 4. Written and Oral Activities 5. Homework 6. Class Participation

Teaching Strategies: 1. Lecture – Proper note-taking methods (Cornell Notes) 1. Individual and group activities 2. Games and Simulations 3. Hands-On learning 4. Learning through music and art 5. Movies with questions for review 6. Computer-related assignments

Tentative Movies for the Course Brewster’s Millions Flash of Genius The Color of Money Wall Street The Pursuit of Happyness Trading Places Modern Marvels: The Stock Exchange Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Class Rules Mr. Alioto Room 7 1. Follow teacher instructions a. Let the teacher teach …. Be polite and respectful to everyone b. Let other students learn …. Don’t talk to disrupt others c. No side talk please!

2. Learn all HBC and AHHS rules and guidelines a. Make sure you are in dress code … Tuck your shirts in! b. Bring a backpack with all needed school materials and planner!

3. You receive your points based upon how you EARN them!!

Point System a. Come to class on time will all needed materials 1 POINT b. Follow teacher instructions and HBC / AHHS rules 3 POINTS c. Be positive….. no put downs or fighting 3 POINTS d. Work on assigned work 3 POINTS 10 POINTS

4. Other rules to know about: a. .1 given at TEACHER discretion – do what you are supposed to do b. If no work is attempted, highest point value you can receive is a 6.0 c. The points received are part of your participation grade d. Your attitude affects your grade! e. Fighting will earn you an automatic .1 for the day f. Inappropriate language will earn you a maximum of 5.0 for the day

5. Grade breakdown


90% and Above A Class work 30% 80 – 89% B Test and Quizzes 20% 70 – 79% C Participation 20% 60 – 69% D Projects 20% 59% and below F Homework 10% ARCHBISHOP HANNA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS (SLE’S)


Students Attending Archbishop Hanna High School Will:

1. Develop a sense of their own spirituality. 2. Make moral decisions based on Catholic values. 3. Link Catholic values with social action through community service. 4. Make Christ a model for their lives. 5. Learn a basic knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church.


Students Attending Archbishop Hanna High School Will:

1. Improve their reading, writing, and math skills. 2. Solve problems using reasoning skills. 3. Develop good communication skills. 4. Learn to work both independently and cooperatively 5. Learn to ask for help. 6. Develop positive study habits. 7. Foster creative expression. 8. Develop awareness of possible career “pathways” after graduation. 9. Utilize technology/ educational tools and library resources. 10. Gain an appreciation of the need for life-long learning.


Students Attending Archbishop Hanna High School Will:

1. Understand the value and practice of exhibiting good character in their lives. 2. Demonstrate honesty and integrity. 3. Respect the rights, opinions and beliefs of others. 4. Show respect for self and all of God’s creation. 5. Demonstrate an attitude of forgiveness and gratefulness. 6. Demonstrate appropriate physical and verbal responses to others. 7. Develop self-confidence. 8. Understand the consequences of their choices. 9. Develop good personal health and hygiene.

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