Attracting & Selecting the Right Mate for You

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Attracting & Selecting the Right Mate for You

Singles Summit 2015 Pt3 Attracting & Selecting the Right Mate for You Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I. Attracting & Selecting the Right Mate for You A. Being the “You” God Made You to Be 1. Being the “You” God made you to be starts with recognizing who God says you are. a. (Ps. 139:13-18 NLT) b. (Jer. 29:11-14 NIV; Eph. 2:10 AMP) 2. When you see yourself as God sees you it will reflect in the way you carry yourself for yourself and because you realize you are God’s advertisement for the kingdom! a. Personal hygiene (teeth, hair, aroma, clothes, etc.) 3. What are the dreams that God has placed in your heart? a. Are you in pursuit of them?  Improve your education so you are able to get that job or start the business you want.  Get into shape.  Try a makeover, a new hairstyle or haircut.  Update your overall presentation.  Do some things you’ve never done and go some places you’ve never gone!

B. What to Look for in a Man 1. Is he born-again? a. (2 Cor. 6:14) “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers…”  Is there a common commitment to the Kingdom of God?  Is he teachable?  You don’t want someone so spiritually minded that he is no earthly good; nor do you want someone so earthly minded that he is no spiritually good. 2. (Prov. 20:6) He must be display faithfulness! a. (Luke 16:10-12 Amp) faithful in money  Faithfulness in finances is a priority!  Tithing shows faithfulness to God  Job/career faithfulness o Is he deep in debt? b. What does he want out of life?  Are your life goals in harmony? 3. (Prov. 19:22) Kindness is a priority a. Does he have self-control?  Is he in command of his temper, emotions, his passions, behavior, money, sex drive? b. Is there harmony at home?  How does he get along with his parents/siblings?

C. What to Look for in a Woman 1. (Prov. 19:14) “…but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” a. prudent (sakal) practical wisdom that brings success and prosperity.  She can teach a man how to save money, budget, how to dress for success etc. 2. A virtuous woman is a woman of strength made strong by her reverence for the Lord, wisdom and grace. (Prov. 31:10-13, 17, 26 All AMP) a. (Ruth 3:10-11) Ruth is the only woman mentioned in the scriptures was called virtuous.

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