Minutes of the 2004 Eight Washington DC Convention of C

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Minutes of the 2004 Eight Washington DC Convention of C



1. This report is submitted to the General Assembly of Christ the King College, Onitsha Alumni Association In America, Inc. (CKC-AAA), during its Eleventh Annual Convention, holding in the City of Boston, MA on 20-22 July 2007.

2. The report is pursuant the CKC-AAA Los Angeles Plan of Action of 7 August 1999, and the 2004 Washington DC Follow-Up Plan of Action, which, inter alia, authorized “the President and the Endowment Fund Mobilization and the Project Committee to take all appropriate measures to implement provisions of Part II of this Plan of Action and to submit a progress report in respect to paragraphs II (i) and (III) (1) to the 2000 CKC-AAA Convention.” It is also submitted pursuant to paragraph 9 of the Decisions taken by CKC-AAA at the plenary session of its Tenth Annual Convention at San Francisco, CA, on 29th July 2009, which, also called on CKC-AAA Executives to “report to the 2007 Convention progress made on implementing the Washington DC Follow-Up Plan of Action and particularly, the mandate in paragraph 5, 6, 7 and 8” of the Decisions under reference”.

3. This report covers the period 31 July 2006 to 19 July 2007. The report is in three parts. The first part covers that State of the Association, the second part is dedicated to the implementation of the Los Angels and Washington DC Plan and the third part contains observations and recommendations for the consideration of the Convention. This report should be read in conjunction with the 2006 State of the School Report submitted in June 2007 by the Principal of CKC Onitsha, Mr. Nzemeka Olisah.

Part I: State of the Association

Purpose and Mission 4. During the period under review the purposes for which the association was formed remained unchanged. Christ the King College, Onitsha Alumni Association in America, Inc. (CKC- AAA) is an Internal Revenue Service designated 501 (c) 3 non-profit and tax-exempt entity. It was formed and incorporated in 1997, in the State of Georgia. It has its registered office in Decatur, Georgia. Its current official mailing address is “CKC-AAA, Inc. P. O. Box 1433, Snellville, GA 30078”. Alumni of Christ the King College, Onitsha resident in the United States established the Association for the purpose of promoting the noble, academic, moral and leadership ideals, which the school, Christ the King College Onitsha has stood for since its establishment on 2 February 1933. The Association is committed to raising funds for sustaining, improving and developing the educational, physical and sports structures of the institution, offering motivational awards to industrious students and committed academic staff of the school, and offering financial assistance through scholarships to deserving indigent students. Work of the Association 5. Since its founding in November 1997, CKC-AAA has proactively pursued its mission mandate. During the reporting period, a major focus of the CKC-AAA Executives was to fully implement decisions of the Tenth Annual Convention held in San Francisco CA, in the summer of 2006 and the provisions of its 1999 Los Angeles Plan of Action and the 2004 Washington, DC Follow-Up Plan of Action. In the year under review, particular attention was given to the plans for the celebration of the school’s 75th Anniversary in 2008 and the Association’s role in the activities.

6. As much as is feasible, CKC-AAA continues to participate and contribute in the work of the National Association of CKC Onitsha Old Boys, which is based in Nigeria and the umbrella body for all alumni branches and chapters. The National Association’s President Mr. Frank Mbanefo is a key interlocutor for CKC-AAA. As the initiator of the National Alumni Projects Oversight Committee (NAPOC), CKC-AAA also plays a proactive role in its work and articulation of policies relating to ongoing projects. CKC-AAA’s involvement range from visits to the school, participation in meetings and exchange of ideas on an array of issues. The Association also maintains direct contact with the school principal, Mr. Nzemeka Olisah, who submits a report on the State of the School to the Association during its annual conventions.

Structure and Officers of the Association 7. The Association has a National Executive body and nine chapters in California, Georgia, Illinois, Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia Area, Massachusetts/New England Area, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut and in Texas. CKC-AAA has the following officers who were re-elected to a two year term that will run from July 2006 to July 2008: Prof. Ntohmchukwu IZUCHI (President); Mr. Ben EHIRIM (Vice-President); Mr. Oseloka OBAZE (Secretary); Mr. Eugene AGBIMSON (Financial-Secretary); Mr. Larry OZOH (Treasurer) and Dr. Francis ASOKWU-SEA (Public Relations Officer). Mr. Patrick EJIKE is the agent of the Association. Rev. Fr. Paul Ugo ARINZE is the Chaplain of the Association and Dr. Kingsley NWOSU has remained the Webmaster for the Association. The Association’s pioneer president Mr. Fidelis Atuegebu continue to serve in an Ex-officio capacity None of these positions carry any financial remuneration or benefits for the holder.

CKC-AAA Chapters 8. At the 2006 Convention it was decided to split the New Jersey/New York and Connecticut Chapter into three different chapters, Thus, CKC-AAA currently has a nine-chapter structure across the United States. But for Connecticut, these chapters are all functional and their Executives continue to actively participate in all decision making at the National level. Statutorily, all the chapters are independent to the extent that they maintain independent accounts, activities and meeting schedules. Nevertheless, for CKC-AAA’s administrative and non-profit purposes, all chapters are deemed non-entities and therefore, fall under the National umbrella and are covered by the Association’s non-profit and tax-exempt status. Chapter Executives are answerable to the National Executive Committee. The following officers preside over the eight functional chapters of CKC-AAA; Mr. Eddyfunn IKEMEFUNA, (California); Mr. Charles BELONWU (New England); Mr. Eugene AGBIMSON, (New York); Mr. Francis Asokwu SEA (Ad Interim President for New Jersey); Mr. Patrick EJIKE (Georgia); Mr. Charles OKOYE (Illinois); Mr. Anthony MACHIE (Texas); and Mr. Sylvester Okey EZEANI (Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia).

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 2 9. The Association retains its mode and methods of conducting its business. The Association’s general membership continues to meet once a year during the Annual Convention. The various Standing Committees continue to discharge their mandates with regard to issues such as convention planning, membership drive, finance, and project planning and implementation. As already mentioned, the 2006 Convention was hosted by the California Chapter in San Francisco for 28-30 July 2006. The convention, which theme was “obligation of duty” had as its keynote speaker, Prof. Cyril Enwonwu (Class of “53), and Mr. Steven Puthuff, an inventor and Chair of STEP Communications in San Jose California.

10. The local chapters of CKC-AAA meet as frequently as possible, and at least once a year. The National Executives run the day-to-day business of the Association through daily correspondence, via electronic mail and telephone. The National Executive Committee, the Chapter Officers and Committee Chairmen hold mandatory quarterly teleconferences. During the reporting period, quarterly teleconferences were held on Friday 15 December 2006, Friday 30 March 2007, and Friday 6 July 2007. Communications, policy decisions and general information relating to the Association are routinely conveyed to members via surface and electronic mail and are posted on the Association’s website: www.ckconitsha.net.

2007 Convention Theme and Mission Statement 11. Pursuant to the provisions of CKC-AAA’s Article of Incorporation and Bylaws, every year, the Association adopts a Convention theme and mission statement aimed at guiding its work in the succeeding year. The 2007 Convention theme is “One Decade of Service”. This theme underscores the need for engagement and activism by CKC alumni as well as shows an appreciation to those who served the association and through it, the old school over the past decade. The short-term goal remains the mobilization of more alumni with a view to fully restore the luster and glory of CKC Onitsha and rehabilitate its infrastructure to the extent possible before its Diamond Jubilee and Seventy-fifth Anniversary in 2008. The Association acknowledges with thanks, the honor by Prof. Patrick Utomi and Chief Chike Momah, our 2007 alumni and guest keynote speaker during the 2007 Convention.

Association’s Membership 12. Enhanced membership and participation in the Association and its work, remains a top priority for CKC-AAA. Only with the full mobilization of CKC Onitsha Alumni in the Americas will there be a guarantee of a sustained, productive and seamless interface between the Association and its supporters and sponsors and a greater collective response to the needs of the school. A census of CKC alumni resident in the Americas1 taken in 1998 showed that the numeric presence of well over two thousand (2000) CKC Onitsha alumni in the Americas. Of these, some four hundred and two (402) have been articled (contact address or state of residence known and on CKC-AAA database), whilst one hundred and twenty-seven (127) are registered with the Association. Mobility and relocation of registered and unregistered members who do not inform the Association of their movement makes it difficult to keep track of the alumni demographics.

Finance, Legislative Mandate and Mobilization of Funds 13. The Fiscal Year for CKC-AAA is 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year. Membership registration is $50.00 and there is an annual membership due of $50.00. These two assessments remain the primary sources by which the Association raises funds for its

1 United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 3 administrative and related activities. Financial resources for the rehabilitation projects envisaged in the 1999 Los Angeles Plan of Action and the 2004 Washington DC Follow-up Plan, are derived mainly from two sources: (a) contributions by CKC-AAA members to the CKC Onitsha Revitalization Endowment Fund which was set up in 1999 and has a life-span extending to 2008 and, (b) proceeds, donations and sponsorships from CKC-AAA Annual Convention fundraising banquets. Additional revenue are also raised through contributions and fundraisers held by the various Chapters and direct donations to the Endowment Fund by the general public.

14. The 1999 Los Angeles Plan of Action which expired in the summer of 2004, and was supplemented by The 2004 Washington DC Follow-up Plan of Action, remains the legislative basis for the overall work of CKC-AAA and especially for its resources mobilization.

Compliance with Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Status 15. Since 24 August 2000 CKC-AAA has maintained a non-profit and tax-exempt status under Article 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code (IRS). The Association continues to place high premium on its 501 (c) 3 status, which also covers all the CKC-AAA chapters. All donations and contributions made to CKC-AAA are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

16. As required by law, CKC-AAA endeavors to file its annual Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990) with the Internal revenue Service (IRS) in a timely manner and by the 15 May deadline. However, the 2006 report was not filed on schedule due to unavoidable circumstances and delays in the Chapters submitting their respective 2006 activities reports, which form the basis for the report to the IRS. The Association’s Financial Secretary did file a request for an extension as required by law. In the interim, the summary of the Association’s financial activities for 2006 are annexed to the present report.

17. In June 2007 CKC Principal, Mr. Nzemeka Olisah forwarded to the Association his 2006 State of the School Report, for consideration during the Boston Convention. The report covers elements relating to NAPOC activities. It also offered clarifications about issues of concern raised by CKC-AAA at the 2006 Convention and specifically, in its letter of May 2007 to President General Frank Mbanefo. Matters relating to the reconstitution of NAPOC will be dealt with in subsequent paragraphs.

2007 Budget 18. The Executive Committee of CKC-AAA at its meeting on Friday 30 March 2007, considered and adopted the FY 2007 budget. In the budget it is envisaged that CKC-AAA would generate total revenue of $33,000.00 in FY 2007. It is also envisaged that a combined total of about $15,000.00 would have accrued from the 2006 Convention Fundraising Banquet and contributions to the CKC Revitalization Endowment Fund. Furthermore, about $7,500.00 is anticipated from membership registration and annual dues, while another $8,500.00 is envisaged from grants, public donations and bank interests. These figures being provisional projections may in actuality amount to more or less than the anticipated sums. Accordingly, and in keeping with past practice, the Association has again adopted a zero-based budget with total expenses pegged at $33,000.00 for FY 2007. Of this amount, $23,000.00 has been earmarked for revitalization projects for 2007. The approved budget is annexed to this report. At the time of finalizing this report, only fifty-nine (59) of the one hundred and twenty (127)

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 4 registered members had paid part or their full contribution to the Endowment Fund.2, and only thirty-seven (37) members had paid or exceeded the stipulated $500.00.

Part II. Implementation of the Los Angles And Washington DC Plans

19. Provisions of the 1999 Los Angeles Plan of Action and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and The 2004 Washington DC Follow-up Plan of Action continue to guide relations between CKC-AAA and the National Association CKC Onitsha Old Boys. The August 2000, Memorandum of Understanding Between Christ The King College Alumni Association In America, and the National Association CKC Onitsha Old Boys, which was the basis for setting the CKC National Alumni Project Oversight Committee (NAPOC), continue to guide the relationship between the two bodies. As is customary, CKC-AAA continues to carry out its mandate by working closely with its partners on the ground in Nigeria, namely the National Executive Council (NEC) of CKC Onitsha National Old Boys Association, under the able leadership of Arc. Frank Mbanefo, who also is the up of the chairman NAPOC, which is charged with the day-to-day implementation of CKC-AAA funded projects and with the Principal of the School, Mr. Nzemeka Olisah.

Reconstitution of NAPOC 20. It will be recalled that concerns had been expressed that NAPOC had become dysfunctional having failed to submit in 2004, 2005 and 2006, its stand-alone reports called for in the MOU. This led CKC-AAA to withhold funding of projects and to call for NAPOC’s reconstitution. At the Abuja NEC meeting on 31 March, President Izuchi has called in to underscore points contained in CKC-AAA proposals about NAPOC. The NEC has endorsed the reconstitution of NAPOC and took note that while the National President, National Secretary, and National Treasurer, were NAPOC members, while the School Principal and the Bursar were ex-officio members. The NEC urged all branches to forward their nominees. On 5 May 2007 NAPOC was reconstituted on the CKC campus with members drawn from various branches in Nigeria. National Secretary Mr. Oseloka Obaze represented CKC-AAA at the meeting.

21. In his opening remarks during the reconstitution meeting, President-General Frank Mbanefo underscored the importance of NAPOC as a committee that would co-ordinate all projects executed within the college. He regretted that the former members of NAPOC did not do much as he and Principal Olisah were the only people left on the committee. In the end, it was agreed by consensus, to adopt the NAPOC MOU prepared by CKC-AAA as a working document that would henceforth guide all projects being executed by the CKC alumni branches or individuals on the campus. The goal was to ensure effective coordination. It was also agreed to have an on- site list of all ongoing projects to avoid unnecessary duplication. Finally, it was agreed to circulate the MOU as well as all future NAPOC reports to all the branches.

Clarification On CKC-AAA Funded NAPOC Projects For 2007 22. It will be recalled that paragraph 24 of the report to the 2006 Convention called for the withholding of the disbursement of fund destined to NAPOC and for a “prompt review of the utility of NAPOC and devising other means that would ensure timely and diligent reporting of how CKC-AAA funds are utilized.” It also calls for an immediate request for an auditing of the

2 Some members may have made indirect contributions to CKC-AAA through their chapters or during convention fundraising events, as opposed direct contributions to the EFund as called for in the LA Plan of Action.

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 5 dedicated account used for funds from CKC-AAA and other chapters for the revitalization of the school.” In May 2007, President Izuchi formally conveyed the concerns to president- General Mbanefo with a copy to the school Principal. It is noteworthy that Principal Olisah in his 2007 State of the School Report has responded to CKC-AAA concerns and further clarified the mix-up that led to the perception that there had been co-mingling of funds. He also addressed the issue of the Motivational Awards. It is hoped that there will be no such mix-up in the future, especially now that NAPOC has been reconstituted. The clarification should clear the way to release the outstanding funds approved at the 2006 Convention to NAPOC for the execution of the designated project.

Diamond Jubilee Of C.K.C Onitsha 23. Plan for the CKC Diamond Jubilee anniversary in 2008 continue apace. At the Abuja 31 March NEC meeting, it was decided that a Co-coordinating Committee headed by the 1st National Vice President, Chief Joe Billy Ekwunife (Lagos) should be constituted immediately to determine the shape and scope of the Diamond Jubilee celebration. Chief Ekwunife was asked to select members that would work with him from Lagos branch. In Abuja, the NEC was informed that during the CKC-AAA 2006 San Francisco Convention, the Association approved the plan to erect a befitting college gate at a cost of N2.8 million as part of their plan marking the school’s Diamond Jubilee. After consideration of the CKC-AAA gate model and the scaled- down version, which was produced at the request of CKC-AAA member, Prof Alex Acholonu, and for which there were already architectural sketches, NAPOC proposed that CKC-AAA should consider adopting the scaled-down model (copy is attached). The rationale was that the sum allotted by CKC-AAA for the project would cover the construction the gate as well as the fence and façade thus giving the school front a total facelift. This practical recommendation should be supported. CKC-AAA Executives have accepted NAPOC suggestion in principle, and in recommendation that the Eleventh Annual Convention should formalize the decision.

24. CKC-AAA Executives wish to report that it has received from the Diamond Jubilee Co- coordinating Committee, the preliminary blueprint of programme of events, which will tentatively start in February 2008 and conclude in November 2008. In forwarding the blueprint President General Mbanefo identified some projects the needs to be completed on the CKC campus before the Diamond Jubilee. CKC-AAA is elated about the continuing progress and coordination with other alumni branches in Nigeria. The essence of such coordination in the run up to the 2008 Diamond Jubilee Anniversary celebrations cannot be overemphasized.

Visits to CKC Onitsha Campus 25. Periodic visitations by CKC-AAA officers and members to the old school continue. This is one aspect of the Association’s undertaking to which we attached great importance’s as it is motivating for both the students and staff of the college. Since the 2006 Convention, there were six (6) visits to Christ the King College (CKC) Onitsha by both CKC-AAA officers and members. Those who undertook visits were; Messrs Fidelis Atuegbu, Francis Asokwu Sea, Rev. Fr. Paul Arinze, President NT Izuchi, Mr. Oseloka Obaze and Mr. Eddyfunn Ikemefuna. The last of two visits to place in May and June 2007. During the visits, some of the CKC-AAA representatives met and held discussions with the Principal Nzemeka E. Olisah and his colleagues on and array of issues.

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 6 CKC-AAA’s Indebtedness to NEC 26. During the Abuja NEC the point was made that CKC Alumni Branches should endeavor to reduce their Annual dues indebtedness to the NEC. The NEC also advised the present Executives to recover outstanding calendar proceeds due to the NEC. At the 5 May NAPOC meeting at Onitsha, CKC-AAA provided a receipt showing that it had remitted N25,000 to the NEC though Principal Olisah for the 25 calendars collected Prof. NT Izuchi, thus leaving a balance of N70,000 for the 50 calendars collected by Mr. Fidelis Atuegbu. Thereafter, CKC- AAA National Secretary Mr. Oseloka Obaze paid the balance of N70,000 out of pocket on behalf the Association. However, since the new Branches annual dues were put in place, CKC- AAA has not made any payment. It is therefore in arrears to the tune of N20,000 for three years or N60,000 (2005,2006,2007). It is recommended that this amount be paid soon and henceforth, be included in the Association’s annual budget and remittances.

Hand-over of School to Mission 27. The Abuja NEC pronounced its unhappiness over an issue that has occupied the attention of CKC-AAA -- the handover of CKC back to the mission. The NEC decried the delay in the hand-over of schools to their owners in Anambra State. It was noted that this had succeeded in Enugu State, but wondered why the Nigeria Union of Teachers Anambra State Chapter was frustrating the plan. On its instruction, discussions led by the President-General Frank Mbanefo and a select group CKC Old Boys have commenced dialogue with the Anambra State Government. An MOU has been drawn up with the view to push through the model that was used in Enugu State. Alumni Branches were asked to make inputs.

Part III. Observations and Recommendations

28. The work of CKC-AAA continues in the context of the 2007 convention theme ~- One Decade of Service. In continuation of the work the Association has done over the years and the revitalization goals of the Association, CKC-AAA has taken note of the priority projects identified by President-General Mbanefo and School Principal Olisah ahead of the Diamond Jubilee in 2008. CKC-AAA Executives hereby propose the adoption of the Draft Decision of the 2007 Convention, which calls for a total outlay of N2.3 million towards projects on the CKC campus associated with the Diamond Jubilee in 2008 and the hosting of the CKC-AAA 2008 Convention in Onitsha.

CKC-AAA Exceptional Service Award (ESA) 29. As has become the norm since its establishment in 2001, the Exceptional Service Award (ESA) which is meant to acknowledge the tenacity, diligence and selfless service of a few members who continue to keep the Organization proactive will again be awarded to deserving recipient during the 2007 Convention. Since its establishment, CKC-AAA has honored thirty-one (31) of its members in recognition of their commitment and loyalty to the school and their work on behalf of the Association.

30. The 2006 award recipients, all of whom were chosen by secret votes cast by registered members of CKC-AAA, were Prof. Alex W.D. Acholonu (MS), Mr. Charles Mba (MA), Mr. Dominic Ezeani (MD), and Dr. Clement Nduka (TX). For the 2007 Exceptional Service Award (ESA), CKC-AAA Executives hereby recommend that five (5) more members of the Association be recognized, based on secret peer votes cast by members of the Association.

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 7 Recommendations 31. The forgoing considered, the 2007 Convention of CKC-AAA is called upon to adopt Draft Decisions of Eleventh Annual CKC-AAA Convention.

Appreciation 32. The President and Officers of CKC-AAA would like to express their deep gratitude to all those who have supported CKC-AAA morally, financially or otherwise. Special thanks goes to, those CKC-AAA members whose diligence, commitment and selfless, service helped the Association in fulfilling its mandate. A special tribute goes to the New England Chapter and Boston LOC under the able leadership of Mr. Charles Belonwu for hosting the 2007 Convention.

Ntohmchukwu IZUCHI, (President CKC-AAA)

Chris INOMA, (Chair, Finance & Endowment Fund Committee) Obi S. ENE, (Chair, Project Planning & Management Committee)

Oseloka Obaze (National Secretary/Drafter) 19 July 2007


We, the members of the Christ the King College Onitsha Alumni Association In America, Inc. (CKC-AAA), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, tax-exempt entity, meeting at their Eleventh Annual Convention, in Boston MA on 20-22 July 2007,

1. Having considered the Report on the State of CKC-AAA, and the Implementation of the 1999 Los Angeles Plan of Action and the 2004 Washington DC Follow-Up Plan of Action submitted jointly by the President of CKC-AAA and the Chairmen of the Finance and Endowment Fund and the Project Implementation and Management Committees, and the 2006 State of the School Report by Mr. Nzemeka Olisah, Principal C.K.C. Onitsha:

2. Reaffirms our commitment to the motto of Christ the King College, Onitsha: Bonitas, Disciplina Scientia and to keeping the school’s claim and aspiration to remain Primus Inter Pares, (first among equals); and the values espoused by our convention theme and mission statement, “One Decade of Service”;

3. Pay tribute to and commend a. The founders, builders and departed staff and alumni of Christ the King College, Onitsha; b. The President NT Izuchi and Officers of CKC-AAA for their service, dedication, commitment and leadership; c. Arc. Frank Mbanefo, President-General of CKC Onitsha National Old Boys Association, Members of the CKC Old Boys NEC and NAPOC and Principal N. E Olisah, for their cooperation with CKC-AAA; d. Prof. Patrick Utomi, our 2007 Convention Alumni Keynote Speaker and Chief Chike Momah our 2007 Convention Guest Keynote Speaker; e. The five CKC-AAA members – xxxx xxxxxx (xxx), xxxxx xxxxxx (xx), Mr. Xxxx xxxxx (xxx), xxxxxxx (xxx,) and xxxxxx (xxx) who are the recipients of the CKC-AAA 2007 Exceptional Service Award (ESA); f. Our hosts, CKC-AAA New England Chapter; and the City of Boston for their warm hospitality;

5. Calls Upon a. CKC Onitsha alumni resident in the Americas to join in the efforts of CKC-AAA and to contribute generously to the CKC Revitalization Endowment Fund; b. CKC Onitsha alumni in the Diaspora, to join and support ongoing efforts aimed at fully restoring the luster and infrastructure of CKC Onitsha; and c. To participate fully in the activities marking the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of our Alma Mater in 2008;

6. Approves a) That CKC-AAA Executives continue implementing their mandate in accordance with the spirit and letter of the Los Angles Plan of Action, the Washington DC Follow-Up Plan of Action , 2007 Convention Mission Statement and these decisions; b) The disbursement during FY 2008 of N2.3 Million Naira (N2,300,000. 00) as follows:  Two Million (N2,000.000) for projects on CKC campus linked to the Diamond Jubilee in 2008 and the hosting of the CKC-AAA 2008 Convention in Onitsha;  One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00) to service CKC-AAA Annual Motivational Award for the “Best Tutor” and “Best Student” in 2008; and  One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100, 000.00) to service the “School Principal’s’ Unforeseen Emergency Expense Fund for 2008;  One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100, 000.00) to offset CKC-AAA’s annual dues to the NEC for 2005- 2008

7. Confirms our collective commitment to hold the 2008 and our Twelfth Annual at Onitsha, Nigeria in 2008 and therefore decide to meet one year from now in the City of Onitsha Nigeria on a date to be agreed with the CKC Onitsha Diamond Jubilee Coordinating Committee.

8. Requests CKC-AAA Executives to liaise with the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the CKC Onitsha Old Boys Association and the CKC Onitsha Diamond Jubilee Coordinating Committee on the dates and activities of the Diamond Jubilee of CKC Onitsha, and

9. Also Requests CKC-AAA Executives to continue discharging the mandate given to them by selflessly serving the Association; and to report to the 2008 Convention progress made on implementing the 2004 Washington DC Follow-Up Plan of Action and particularly, the mandate in paragraph 5, 6 7, and 8 above. [END]

CKC-AAA 2007 Boston Convention 10

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