Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

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Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

Bylaws Department of Nursing

PREAMBLE: The faculty of Northern Michigan University Department of Nursing establishes these bylaws as provided in the agreement between the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors, Northern Michigan University Chapter, for the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities of faculty members and the Department in the conduct of the Department's role within the University community.


1:1 Membership in the Department of Nursing consists of all persons who are in the bargaining unit and holding academic rank in the Department of Nursing. Membership in the Department of Nursing shall be granted to all persons who are members of the bargaining unit at the time these by-laws are approved who meet the criteria of Article X of these by-laws or are recommended for membership by a majority of the faculty.

1.1.1 All faculty members shall have the right to vote.

1.1.2 Any member on leave (or annualized appointment) may exercise his/her right to vote by attending the meeting or by proxy vote.

1.2. The faculty shall be divided into areas of teaching responsibility. Each area with more than one faculty, shall elect a coordinator prior to the annual meeting to serve for one academic year.


2.1 The chief administrator of the Department of Nursing and the Department of Practical Nursing shall be the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director – School of Nursing

2.1.1 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing shall be appointed and shall serve as agreed upon in the current contract.

2.1.2 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing shall be evaluated every three years within the Department of Nursing by the faculty of the Department of Nursing. This process shall be coordinated by the Executive Committee.

2.1.3 A petition of a vote of nonsupport may be instituted by at least two (2) members from the Department of Nursing and/or the Department of Practical Nursing. If two-thirds of the membership of the School faculty-of-the-whole (faculty of the Department of Nursing and faculty of the Department of Practical Nursing combined) vote in favor of this petition, the results shall be made known to the Dean.

1 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 2.1.4 Should the department head position become vacant, the Dean of the College of Professional Studies, after consultation with the department, shall appoint an Ad Hoc Search Committee to seek candidates

to fill the vacancy. The Search Committee shall be comprised of two members of the Department of Nursing and two (2) members of the Department of Practical Nursing. The Search Committee shall submit its recommendations on the candidate(s) to be recommended to the dean for consideration.

2.1.5 When the faculty, by simple majority vote of each department independently, supports the recommendation of the Search Committee, this recommendation, along with supporting rationale, shall be submitted to the Dean.

2.1.6 In the event that the recommendation of the Search Committee is supported by the majority of faculty in one department but not supported by the majority of faculty in the other department, the vote of the faculty of the whole will be reviewed to determine if a two-thirds majority of the faculty of the whole supported the recommendation. If a two-thirds majority of the faculty of the whole supports the commendation of the Search Committee, the recommendation, along with supporting rationale, will be submitted to the Dean.

2.2 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing shall consult with faculty members when matters affecting working conditions are being considered.

2.2.1 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education /Director – School of Nursing conveys information and relays concerns of faculty to the Dean. Conversely, the Associate Dean conveys information and relays concerns of the Dean to the faculty.

2.2.2 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education / Director – School of Nursing has the responsibility for notifying faculty of Departmental vacancies.

2.2.3 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing chairs the meetings of the department.

2.2. 4 In the absence of the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing, the chairperson of the Executive Committee shall serve as chairperson of the departmental meetings.

2.2.5 The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director – School of Nursing Department Head- Nursing serves as chairperson of joint meetings of the Department of Nursing and the Department of Practical Nursing.

2.2.6 In the absence of the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director – School of Nursing, the chairperson of the Department of Nursing Executive Committee and the Coordinator of the Department of Practical Nursing shall serve as co-chairpersons of joint meetings of the Department of Nursing and the Department of Practical Nursing.


3.1 Academic Senate Representatives

2 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

3.1.1 During the Faculty Organization meeting in February, Departmental members shall be elected to serve as Senate Representative(s) for a period of two academic years. Academic Senate representatives shall have at least three (3) years at Northern, if possible. A majority vote of the Departmental members shall determine the Senate Representative(s).

3.1.2 The Faculty Organization Secretary shall communicate the name(s) of the Representative(s) to the Secretary of the Academic Senate.

3.2 College Council Representative(s) (CAC)

3.2.1 During the fall orientation meeting, Departmental members shall elect Representative(s) to serve on the College Advisory Council in accordance with CAC bylaws. A majority vote of the Department members shall determine the Representative(s). The elected representative(s) must hold the rank of Associate Professor or above and be tenured.

3.2.2 The Faculty Organization Secretary shall communicate the name(s) of the elected Representative(s) to the Secretary of CAC.

3.3 Bargaining Council Representatives

3.3.1 Departmental members shall elect a Representative and an alternate to serve as Bargaining Council Representative in accordance with the bylaws of Northern Michigan University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors.

3.3.2 A majority vote of the Departmental members shall determine the Representative and the alternate.

3.3.3 The Bargaining Council Representative shall be a dues-paying member of the Northern Michigan University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors.


4.1 Standing Committees for the Department of Nursing shall be the Executive Committee (elected), Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (appointed), Student Affairs Committee (appointed), Graduate Curriculum Committee (appointed).

4.1.1 Nominations for Standing Committee members shall be elicited from Departmental members at the orientation meeting.

4.1.2 Each Departmental member, shall serve on one departmental committee.

4.1.3 Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the Departmental membership at the orientation meeting and shall begin Committee duties at that time. Members of Student Affairs, Undergraduate Curriculum, and Graduate Curriculum Committees shall volunteer and/or be appointed at the orientation meeting by the Associate Dean and shall begin duties at that time.

3 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

4.1.4 Committee members shall serve for a term of two years and may serve two consecutive terms on the same committee (4 years)

4.1.5 Members of the department who meet the eligibility criteria for membership on the Executive Committee, as identified in 5.2.1, shall serve on the Committee, if elected. In consideration of the importance of the functions of the Executive Committee, faculty may be elected to the Executive Committee after serving just one year on another Committee, (thereby superseding a portion of 5.1.4). Persons requesting sabbatical leave, tenure, and/or promotion are not eligible to serve on the Executive Committee during the year in which their request is considered.

4.1.6 Officers of Committees shall be elected by members of the respective Committee

4.1.7 All Committees shall function in an advisory capacity, making recommendations to the Department as a whole and carrying out those functions as assigned or delegated to them by the Departmental membership.

4.1.8 A report shall be submitted in writing five working days prior to each faculty meeting.

4.1.9 A written annual summary /evaluation report shall be submitted by the committee chairperson to the Associate Dean five working days prior to the annual meeting and will document membership; specific tasks accomplished, in progress and projected; and evaluation recommendations to committee structure, function and policy. The report will be filed in the department office.

4.1.10 Student participation on Standing Committees shall be consistent with the following: In the undergraduate program, the Student Nurses' Association shall furnish the name of the students who are selected by that organization to serve on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee Students are recruited from each graduate program (up to two student representatives) to serve on the Graduate Curriculum Committee. Up to two students or their alternates who have been selected to serve on each Committee shall have voting privileges.

4.2 Executive Committee

4.2.1 The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of one voting member for every four (4) Departmental members. Membership shall be elected by the departmental faculty. At least three (3) members must be tenured and all members shall hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher.

4.2.2 Functions of the Executive Committee are as follows: 1. Serve as a Search Committee to recruit and to interview faculty candidates as directed by the Associate Dean including full-time, part-time and adjunct appointments. All faculty shall have opportunity for input into this process. 2. Participate in the recruitment, orientation and retention of faculty.

4 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 3. Deliberate such matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Associate Dean or by Departmental members; 4. Evaluate each Departmental member in accordance with the current contractual agreement, using the departmental bylaws; 5. Review requests for sabbatical leaves, The Executive Committee shall consider each application on its merits, in terms of projected benefits for the individual, the School, the College, the University, and the Community, as well as the prospect of success of the sabbatical. More specifically, the committee will consider the following and make recommendations: a. The proposal’s merit in its own right. b. The proposal’s merit for the individual. c. The benefits to the School and to the Profession of Nursing.

6. Review requests for promotion and tenure and make recommendations. 7. Revise criteria for promotion and tenure to conform with the contractual agreement; 8. Make recommendations to the Associate Dean that facilitate faculty research, practice, or professional development. 9. Serve as representative of the department as a whole; 10. Make recommendations to the Associate Dean regarding; faculty awards. Make recommendations related to the selection of appropriate candidates. 11. Update the Nursing Faculty Handbook; 12. Review and recommend the development, maintenance, and/or revision of faculty related components of the departmental evaluation plan. 13. Chairperson serves as parliamentarian for the faculty organizational meetings. 14. Conducts correspondence on motions requiring action and disseminates appropriately.

4.2.3 Faculty Appointments 1. The Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing, in collaboration with the Executive Committee, will undertake a general review of faculty needs, course enrollment, and program needs. 2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to review and recommend candidates for selection to the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing 3. The course coordinators shall offer recommendations to the Associate Dean for hiring part-time faculty/adjunct faculty in accordance with the current Master AAUP Agreement.

4.3 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

4.3.1 The membership of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall consist of faculty members from various teaching areas and at least one student representative.

4.3.2 Functions of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for Undergraduate Program: 1. Review and recommend revisions to undergraduate Departmental offerings based upon curricular review. 2. Evaluate courses to determine whether they meet undergraduate degree and program standards and present these findings to the Departmental membership; 3. Assist Departmental undergraduate faculty members in making course proposal(s);

5 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 4. Evaluate the undergraduate curriculum consistent with the departmental evaluation plan. 5. Review development of new courses, program components, or program requirements 6. Solicit faculty input related to curricula 7. Review course content for program integrity. 8. Evaluate curricular outcomes of academic programs. 9. Conducts correspondence on motions requiring action and disseminates appropriately.

4.4 Student Affairs Committee for Undergraduate Program

4.4.1 The membership of the Student Affairs Committee for Undergraduate Program shall consist of faculty members from various teaching areas and one student representative.

4.4.2 Functions of the Student Affairs Committee for Undergraduate Program: 1. Recommend criteria and policies for admission, progression, and departure from the nursing program. 2. Review and recommend students for admission to the nursing programs. 3. Coordinate student grievance procedures in accordance with the Student's Rights and Responsibilities document for all programs. 4. Develop, maintain, and revise academic advisement policies for the undergraduate programs 5. Coordinate departmental student recruitment and retention activities. Collect and evaluate data regarding attrition and graduation rates and make recommendations regarding development, maintenance, and/or revision of policies and curriculum. 6. Update the Nursing Student Handbook. 7. Provide faculty guidance for the Student Nurses' Association and serve as a liaison between the Student Nurses' Association and Students Affairs Committee for Undergraduate Program. 8. Coordinate student awards, and scholarships. 9. Coordinate Pinning ceremonies. 10. Assist with organized student activities as they arise. 11. Encourage and promote recruitment of diverse students. 12. Conducts correspondence on motion requiring action and disseminates appropriately.

4. 5 Graduate Nursing Programs Committee

4. 5.1 Membership of the Graduate Nursing Programs Committee shall consist of faculty members of the Department of Nursing, a majority of whom are eligible to teach in the Graduate Program and up to two student representatives. Part-time faculty, adjunct faculty and special resource persons may serve as associate members without voting privileges.

4.5.2 Functions of the Graduate Nursing Programs Committee: 1. Develop and evaluate the curricula of all graduate programs of the Department. 2. Assist Departmental faculty members in making graduate course proposal(s); 3. Recommend criteria and policies for admission into and progression through each graduate program. Review and recommend students for admission into the graduate program. 4. Develop, refine and maintain academic advisement policies for the graduate program;

6 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 5. Coordinate student grievance procedures in accordance with the Student's Rights and Responsibilities document; 6. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee for faculty graduate status; 7. Update Graduate Student Nursing Handbook & Research Guidelines for the Master of Science in Nursing. 8. Coordinate departmental graduate student recruitment and retention activities. Collect and evaluate data regarding attrition and graduation rates and make recommendations regarding development, maintenance, or revision of policies and curriculum; 9. Coordinate student awards and scholarships. 10. Assist with organized student activities as they arise. 11. Conducts correspondence on motions requiring action and disseminates appropriately.


5.1 Departmental meetings, shall be held periodically throughout the academic year at a time to be determined at the beginning of each semester.

5.1.1 The first meeting of the fall semester shall be known as the Orientation Meeting. The last meeting of the winter semester shall be known as the Annual Meeting.

5.1.2 At the discretion of the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing, or from a petition of at least two departmental faculty members, additional meetings of the Department may be called. The agenda will be provided by the individuals requesting the meeting.

5.1.3 At the discretion of the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Department Head-Nursing or from a petition of at least two faculty members from the Department of Nursing and/or the Department of Practical Nursing, joint meetings of the Department of Nursing and Department of Practical Nursing may be called. All faculty of the school, with the exception of adjuncts, have voting rights.

5.2 Faculty members are expected to attend all meetings. If a member is unable to attend, the Associate Dean must be notified prior to the meeting. All joint appointees, faculty with reduced appointments, and adjunct faculty members are encouraged to attend faculty meetings.

5.2.1 A Departmental member, other than those on leave, may designate in writing, another Departmental member as his/her proxy.

5.2.2 A request to have all faculty (including those on leave) vote on a motion must be passed by two-thirds of those present prior to the call for a vote.

5.3 A quorum of the organization shall be two-thirds of the Departmental membership which will include proxy votes from those on leave.

5.4 All voting shall be decided by a simple majority vote of a quorum of the Departmental membership.

7 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 5.5 An agenda and report from standing committees shall be distributed at least 5 working days in advance of the meeting.

5.6 All department meetings shall follow parliamentary procedure as established by the most recent edition of Sturgis, Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, except where it is inconsistent with these bylaws.

5.7 All departmental faculty minutes will be filed and stored in the department office, then deposited in the NMU archives.


6.1 Members of the faculty, in accordance with the Agreement, may apply overload credit hours in lieu of monetary compensation towards released time.

6.2 A faculty member intending to use four (4) hours or less of released time must seek the approval of the Associated Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing six (6) months in advance by submitting a plan for the use of the released time credit. What constitutes an acceptable plan shall be discretionary with the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director- School of Nursing.

6.3 A faculty member’s plan for the use of more than four (4) hours of released time, other than as a sabbatical supplement, must be approved by the Provost and the Vice President for Academic Affairs six (6) months in advance. What constitutes an acceptable plan shall be discretionary with the Provost and Vice President.

6.4 If a faculty member wishes to use released-time credits which have been or will have been earned before the beginning date of a sabbatical, the faculty member must apply for a full year ½ or ¾ pay sabbatical and indicate supplemental release time to be used .


7.1 The Northern Michigan University School of Nursing faculty recommend the following principles be used in determining workload: 1. The normal full time faculty load is 12 credit hours for fall and spring semesters. Summer teaching is optional for academic year faculty. 2. The Michigan Board of Nursing requires a ratio of 1 faculty to no more than 10 pre- professional students for nursing practice supervision. 3. The supervisory responsibilities of faculty in nursing practice include direct and indirect supervision of client care. 4. Assignments should be structured to take into account large sections of a single course, laboratory supervision and planning, supervision of special learning activities, field activities, or administrative duties, and agreed upon between administration and faculty ( 5. Workload assignments should be made in advance of the submission of the course schedule of classes to allow discussion between the faculty and the Departmental Administration. 6. Faculty members who engage in leadership roles in professional societies, editorial work,

8 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 conference organization, or board work should be considered for workload adjustments by the Associate Dean. 7. Faculty who are engaged in scholarly activities as defined in the NMU-AAUP Agreement should/may be considered for workload adjustments by the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing.


8.1 In addition to those faculty responsibilities outlined in the contractual agreement, safety and effectiveness within the clinical teaching-learning experience requires special considerations. The Associate Dean, after consultation with the Departmental members, shall structure schedules to take the following into account:

8.1.1 The contractual agreement with the cooperating agencies;

8.1.2 Full-time faculty workload as defined in the contractual agreement. One (1) lecture hour shall be defined as to the production of one (1) credit hour. Clinical Laboratory Hour For the undergraduate program, one (1) clinical laboratory hour shall be defined as the production of two-thirds (2/3) credit hours. For the masters level graduate program, one student clinical laboratory credit (4 clinical laboratory hours) hour shall be defined as the production of one (1) faculty credit hour.

8.1.3 Non-teaching assignments shall be made with the mutual agreement of the faculty member whenever possible. Such assignments shall be accompanied by a job description if appropriate, with designated released time delineated and shall normally be made for a specified time period at which time faculty and departmental needs shall be reappraised. Persons with non-teaching responsibilities shall solicit evaluative input from their constituencies. Faculty may request reassignment back to teaching at any time.


9.1 The Doctoral degree shall be the terminal degree for the Department of Nursing 9.1.1 For tenure and for promotion to the rank of associate and full professor, an earned doctorate in nursing or a related field, from an accredited institution shall be the terminal degree. 9.1.2 Faculty hired prior to the adoption of (2/28/96) bylaws revision shall not fall under 9.1.1. The terminal degree for these faculty shall continue to be a master’s degree in nursing in relationship to eligibility criteria for promotion to all ranks and for tenure.


10.1 Travel/Professional Development Monies The Associate Dean/Department Head shall authorize expenditures of travel/professional development monies for faculty provided by section 6.5 of the AAUP Master Agreement.

9 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 10.2 Only bargaining unit members of the department are eligible to receive AAUP- designated Professional development funds provided by section 6.5 of the AAUP Master Agreement.

10.2.1 Departmental monies allocated for faculty travel/professional development under section 6.5 of the AAUP Master Agreement and not used during each fiscal year shall be carried forward for individual department faculty to be used for travel/professional development in the following fiscal year for up to three years.

10.2.2 The Departmental secretary shall notify each faculty member of the money available in the faculty member’s allotment by October 15 of each academic year.

10.3 Any travel/professional development money in a faculty member’s allotment which is not spent by the individual faculty member after three years will be placed in a departmental pool and becomes available to all faculty members of the department in accordance with the AAUP Master Agreement.

10.3.1 By October 15 of each academic year, the Associate Dean/Department Head shall notify the department faculty of how much departmental money and pooled faculty travel/professional development funds are available.

10.3.2 Faculty members are encouraged to apply by November 15 of each academic year for additional faculty travel monies. Faculty will submit a written request to the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director – School of Nursing. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the Associate Dean of Nursing Education/Director-School of Nursing will determine the portion of the pooled money that will be available to support faculty travel/professional development.

10.4 When a faculty member leaves the department, any remaining travel funds allocated to the faculty will be put into the pooled departmental money.

10.5 Faculty members who receive funds for travel or professional development will prepare a report detailing how this support contributed to professional development of the improvement of academic programs at the University. The report will be made in writing to the Associate Dean /Department Head and submitted as part of the faculty member’s evaluation.

10.7 Applications for supplemental travel funds shall be made through the dean to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (


11.1 Full-Time Adjunct: A provisional appointment, normally not to exceed two (2) years, reserved for individuals who do not meet minimum criteria for other rank but who have special attainments, skills, or experience. The University shall consult with the Association before offering any position as a Full-Time

10 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 Adjunct and it is the intention of the parties not to proliferate appointments under this academic title.

11.1.2 Instructor An earned Master’s degree in Nursing; two years full-time experience as a registered nurse.

11.1.3 Assistant Professor: An earned doctorate in nursing or related field or significant work towards a doctorate; and three (3) years professional experience as a registered nurse. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or professional achievements.

11.1.4 Associate Professor: An earned doctorate in nursing or related field; normally seven (7) years of professional experience, six (6) years of which must be in the teaching of nursing at the rank of Instructor or above; evidence of teaching excellence and significant scholarship. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or professional achievements.

11.1.5 Professor: An earned doctorate in Nursing or related field; normally thirteen (13) years of professional experience, twelve (12) years of which must be in the teaching of nursing at the rank of Instructor of above; evidence of teaching excellence and distinguished scholarly or creative professional achievement. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or professional achievements.


11.2.1 Faculty completing an annual evaluation should follow the procedures and processes outlined in Sections 5.4 in the Master Agreement.

11.2.2 Evaluation Period Non-tenured faculty and tenured assistant and associate professors will be evaluated annually. Tenured full professors will be evaluated every three years. Adjunct and part-time faculty may submit evaluative materials yearly.

The usual evaluation period for faculty members is the calendar year, with evaluation conducted during the first five- (5) months of the next calendar year. Annual or triennial evaluations shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by February 1.

11.2.3 Judgmental Criteria for Annual Evaluations: The judgmental criteria focus on the three areas: (1) teaching and assigned professional responsibilities, (2) professional development, and (3) service.

Effectiveness in teaching and assigned professional responsibilities is the primary and most important criterion. The faculty member in consultation with the Executive Committee and Associate Dean of Nursing Education/ Director-School of Nursing will specify the relative emphasis of professional development and service. The bylaws describe activities that confirm levels of achievement in areas of teaching and assigned professional responsibilities, professional development and service.

11 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008

11.2.4 Colleague/ Peer Evaluation An assessment of the faculty members teaching effectiveness shall be submitted based upon a colleague/peer evaluation per in the Master Agreement.

11.2.5 Student Evaluations Student evaluations shall be submitted directly to the departmental secretary for collation and distribution. Student evaluation information must include a description of the student evaluation process, sample of any form used, arithmetic scores and quantitative analysis if rating scales were used, a condensed narrative of student comments, other information as appropriate and a short qualitative assessment. Student evaluations should not be submitted in raw form. However they should be available to any evaluation committee or person upon request.

11.2.6 Quantitative and qualitative assessment of advising responsibilities will be submitted, using an evaluation process approved by department faculty.

11.2.7 Statement of Goals: A faculty member must adopt a professional development plan in the areas of teaching and assigned professional responsibilities, professional development and service and should demonstrate progress toward or achievement of the plan’s goals. The goals shall be in congruence with, but not limited to, departmental mission. The goal statement should reflect expectations as described by rank in these by-laws. Goals shall specify the expected performance in each of the performance areas and shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee with the individual faculty member.

11.2.8 Evaluation of a faculty member shall be based on and consistent with the expectations, the goals, and other assigned responsibilities given the faculty member. This will also include responsibilities identified in the letter of appointment, the departmental bylaws, previous evaluations, and/or on the judgmental criteria specified in the contract. The annual evaluations will be a part of an ongoing record of the faculty member’s progress toward promotion and tenure.



12.1.1 Applicants for tenure and promotion should follow the procedures and processes outlined in Sections 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 in the Master Agreement. Period (Master Agreement faculty members applying for tenure, the evaluation period covers multiple years starting when employment commences at the University unless prior service credit has been granted at the time of hire. faculty members applying for promotion, the evaluation period covers multiple years, starting when employment commences at the University (with faculty having the option to include the evaluation of employment at a prior institution), or on the first day of fall semester classes in the calendar year when the last successful promotion application was

12 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 initiated at the University, whichever date is later. evaluation period ends the day before the first day of fall semester classes during the calendar year in which the application is initiated and performance or accomplishments after that date cannot be considered by the evaluators. and promotion applications must be submitted to the Executive Committee on or before October 1.

12.1.3 Judgmental Criteria for Promotion and/or Tenure The judgmental criteria focus on three criteria: (1) teaching and assigned professional responsibilities, (2) professional development, and (3) service.

12.1.4 The departmental bylaws provide examples of activities that confirm levels of achievement in teaching and assigned responsibilities, professional development, and service. Other types of activities may be considered. The lists include common types of activities and are meant to establish a norm. Furthermore, where there are lists with optional activities, it is not expected that any individual will be active in all of the examples listed. When tenure and/or promotion are being considered, a history of sustained professional achievement of the types listed, or comparable ones, will be expected.

12.1.5 Promotion shall be based primarily on merit, although years of service and educational preparation shall be given some consideration.

12.1.6 Quality and quantity of achievement will be considered in determining whether the judgmental criteria for the three areas of evaluation has been met. In the clauses specifying judgmental criteria the reference to a specific number of activities, e.g., “effective performance include items “a-k” and three or more of “l-q” expresses a necessary but not a sufficient condition. To be sufficient two additional qualitative standards must be met. First, there must be evidence that the activities performed were performed well. The use of the word “effective” in all the clauses describing judgmental criteria expresses this qualitative standard. The need for a second qualitative standard stems from the fact that the activities listed as achievements in the three areas of evaluation may vary significantly in their merits. Hence, the merits of two different combinations of effectively performed activities can vary greatly. Also, which combinations merit promotion or tenure is a matter for qualitative judgment. In making such qualitative judgments, the department will be guided by the standards implicit in the tenure and promotion decisions made in the department, the college, and the university.

12.1.7 Significant involvement in one area can substitute for multiple involvement in other areas.


Teaching a. Demonstrates solid understanding of the subject matter taught and of the materials used as part of

13 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 the courses. b. Creates a positive learning environment through good organization and appropriate use of instructional techniques and technologies. c. Maintains effective rapport with students in the classroom/clinic that engages them in the learning process. d. Is available to students for consultation outside of class.

Course Development e. Continuously works toward improvement in existing courses, modifying the course content, and enhancing pedagogy, including the utilization of student feedback. (Engages in the scholarship of teaching). f. Produces instructional materials for theory, clinic and/or laboratory. g. Develops and maintains agency contacts for practicum/clinic experiences. h. Develops new course offerings and/or makes substantial revisions of existing courses, including the gathering and preparation of relevant material. i. Incorporates research & evidenced based materials into course offerings j. Developed and uses different types of teaching-learning methodologies/strategies. k. Participates in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes.

Assigned Responsibilities l. Effectively advises students m. Participates in accreditation/evaluation-related activities such as committee work, data gathering, and report writing n. Provides educational opportunities that would not otherwise be available such as directed studies or other learning experiences. o. Becomes involved in educational technologies and/or other distance education efforts of the department and the university. p. Collaborates in team-teaching efforts either interdepartmentally or intra-departmentally. Reports on interdisciplinary programs or service projects. q. Other achievements in teaching or assigned responsibilities.


13.2.1 Professional Activities a. Engages in activities designed to enhance and maintain currency in one’s area of expertise such as: (1) Attends professional seminars, workshops, or conferences. (2) Earns continuing education credits to maintain RN licensure as required by the Michigan Board of Nursing (3) Received recognition as a scholar in an identified area. (4) Maintains clinical expertise in order to supervise students b. Demonstrates scholarship or service activities such as development of health policy, educational programs and integrative models.

14 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 13.2.2 Nursing Practice Activities a. Achieves and maintains a national or state specialty certification. b. Maintains a clinical practice or joint appointment with external agencies or serves as an advanced practice nurse (NP, CNS, Nurse Midwife). c. Shares knowledge of nursing and teaching with colleagues, students or members of the community through  Seminars  Speeches  Presentations related to practice  Case studies  Teaching/Learning Tools/Aids  Service Projects d. Serves as a consultant in one’s area of expertise or aids in the development of consultation reports. e. Demonstrates nursing activities that enhance knowledge and expertise in the advanced practice role including the community setting. f. Professional role modeling activities to mentor students. g. Peer reviews of practice or serving as a mentor for junior colleagues. h. Other endeavors and achievements.

13.2.3 Research, Scholarship (Discovery, Teaching, Practice and Integration ), and Creative Activities for Nursing and/or Interdisciplinary Endeavors. a. Develops protocols, program assessment/evaluation/outcomes, case studies or case management tools, or innovative teaching/learning tools or aids. b. Serves as an editor or reviewer for professional publications or grant applications (e.g. Scholarly documents related to the nursing profession). c. Gives presentations at professional conferences (e.g. local, regional or national) d. Prepares and submits grant proposals (including interdisciplinary projects) to support scholarly teaching/learning/research/practice activities (e.g. COPS grant) e. Engages in research activities, including those supported by grants or sabbatical leaves f. Scholarship/Research Productivity. Certain publications command a higher status than other publications such as:  submission and/or publication of papers in peer-reviewed publications of research, case studies, technical applications or other practice issues.  authorship or co authorship of book chapters/book or other learning aids  reports to granting agencies  submission of accreditation or other program outcomes/evaluation reports  demonstrated successful applications of teaching/learning technology  requests for reprints or citations to one’s publication. g. Mentors a junior colleague in research or scholarship. (e.g. Thesis committee, DNP research projects) h. Involvement in major curriculum development projects at the department, university, regional or national level (e.g. UCC; CUP: AACN) i. Guidance of student thesis or practicum projects (e.g. MSN, NP: DNP) j. Completion of course work for an advanced degree or to broaden and enhance professional effectiveness (e.g. DNP: Doctorate in Nursing, Doctorate in Education) k. State, regional, national or international recognition as a master teacher or scholar in

15 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 identified area. (e.g. State/National certification in specialty area) l. Leadership roles in instruction/curriculum and program development (e.g. Reaccreditation process) m. Involvement in interdisciplinary programs or service projects (e.g. Service Learning) n. Receives grant awards in support of scholarly teaching/teaching-learning/ research/practice activities. (e.g. IHI, HRSA) o. Other endeavors and achievements.


a. Serves on one departmental and one college or university committee or in the academic governance structure. b. Serves as a major officer or chairperson contributing to the vitality of one or more committees, or writes significant reports, proposals, etc. for those committees. c. Serves in a leadership role of a professional organization/society, either local, regional, or national, or performs other noteworthy service for such an organization. d. Serves in a leadership role of a community service organization or performs other noteworthy service for such an organization. e. Participates in programs that create positive relations between the university and its constituents. f. Serves as course coordinator. g. Serves as a clinical preceptor for students. h Serves in a mentoring capacity to orient new faculty. i. Active involvement in recruitment and retention of students. j Serves as an advisor of student organizations, student activity projects, and/or other service to the student body. k. Directs or organizes workshops, symposia, or seminars. l Other endeavors and achievements.


13.4.1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (1) An earned doctorate in nursing or related field or significant work towards a doctorate. (2) Three (3) years professional experience as a registered nurse, (3) Exceptions may be made for unusual scholarly and/or professional achievement.

13.4.2 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - TEACHING AND ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITIES  Effective performance includes items “a- k”.

13.5.3 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Effective performance includes Professional Activities items “a under 13.2.1and one additional item from 13.2.2 and/or 13.2.3

 When this is the area of emphasis, it should include 13.2.1 Professional Activity and two items from 13.2.2, and one from 13.2.3.

16 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 13.4.4 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - SERVICE  Effective performance must include item.13.3 “a” and one or more items “b-l”.

 When this is the area of emphasis, it should include item 13.3“a” and two or more items from “b-1”.


13.5.2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (1) An earned doctorate in nursing or related field. (2) Five (5) years of full time higher education experience at the rank of Instructor or above, completed prior to application for Associate Professor rank; (3) Exceptions may be made for unusual scholarly and/or professional achievement.

13.5.3 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - TEACHING AND ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITIES  Effective performance include items “a –k” and three or more of “ l-q.”

13.5.3 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Effective performance include 13.2.1 Professional Activities items “a” and two additional items from 13.2.2 and/or.13.2.3

 When this is the area of emphasis, it should include 14.2.1. Professional Activity items a & b and three items from.13.2.2 and one from 13.2.3.

13.5.4 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA – SERVICE  Effective performance includes.13.3“a” and two or more items “b - l.”

 When this is the area of emphasis, it includes 13.3“a” and at least three in “b - l.”


13.6.1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (1) An earned Doctorate in Nursing or related field. (2) Eleven (11) years of full-time higher education experience at the rank of Instructor or above, completed prior to application for the Professor rank; (3) The terminal degree for faculty first hired prior to adoption of 2/28/96 bylaws revisions (9.1.2) shall be a master’s degree in nursing.

13.6.2 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - TEACHING AND ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITIES  Effective performance include items “a-k and four or more items “ l-q”

13.6.3 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Effective performance include.13.2.1 Professional Activities items “a” and three items from 13.2 and/or 13.2.3

 When this is the area of emphasis, it will include 13.2.1 Professional Activity items “a & b” and at

17 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 least four items from 13.2.2 and/or 13.2.3.

13.6.4 JUDGMENTAL CRITERIA - SERVICE  Effective performance includes 13.3“a” and two or more items “b - l.”

 When this is the area of emphasis, it includes two or more instances of 13.3“a” and three or more of “b - l” .


13.7.1 Tenure shall be recommended for faculty members by the department in accordance with the Master Agreement.

13.7.2 Tenure recommendations shall be based on eligibility and judgmental criteria specified herein. Judgmental criteria shall be effective performance in the three judgmental areas. In addition, it is awarded with the expectation, based on evidence contained in the cumulative evaluation, of continued effective performance in assigned responsibilities and an expectation of continued demonstrated effectiveness in the area of professional development and service. Faculty who request tenure shall present the following in the cumulative evaluations over the tenure earning period: supporting evidence as defined in department by-laws bearing on the faculty members performance in the areas of assigned responsibilities, professional development and service as defined at the Associate Professor level. (13.5.2- 13.5.4).

13.7.3 Evaluation of candidates must include summary numerical student evaluation data.

13.7.4 All candidates will be evaluated on professional teaching and assigned responsibilities and professional development criteria. Evaluation of candidates may be conducted on the following criteria, in addition to material submitted by the candidate. a. Teaching and Other Assigned Responsibilities 1. peer evaluations 2. self evaluations 3. course and curriculum development 4. production of instructional materials 5. participation in a student’s independent study 6. participate in student research projects 7. collaborative teaching projects 8. supervision of student’s nursing practice 9. practice site development 10. national certification exams/conferences 11. student evaluation data 12. other activities in the area of assigned responsibilities 13. evidence of practice expertise b. Professional Development 1. publications (refereed journals, monographs, books, chapters, book reviews, critiques) 2. research/grant proposals written, approved, or funded 3. juried presentations or invitational presentations

18 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 4. editor of journal, serving on editorial boards, manuscript reviewer 5. professional organization activities (local, state, national or international) 6. awards and honors c. Service 1. documented evidence of participation in school, college, university, community, national, international committees 2. board membership or consultation to agencies (local, state, national, international) 3. participation on collaborative practice activities (project/applied research) 4. innovative practice activities 5. recruitment efforts 6. community development activities 7. awards and honors for service


14.1 Bylaws shall be reviewed and amended as needed and shall be congruent with the contractual agreement.

14.1.1 Petition to amend these bylaws may be initiated by at least two Departmental members.

14.1.2 Introduction to the proposed amendment shall be distributed to all Departmental members at least one week prior to the meeting in which it is to be discussed and a vote taken.

14.1.3 A two-thirds vote of the entire Departmental voting membership shall be required for the adoption of an amendment including available proxies.

14.1.4 Adopted amendments must be forwarded to the AAUP Grievance Officer for comment and acceptance, then to the CAC if the amendments address issues involving standards for promotion and tenure to secure acceptance, and then to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for Approval. The Associate Dean and Dean should be sent a copy of the proposed amendments. 14.1.5 Procedure For Recommended Amendments Recommended amendments. Recommended amendments in the School Policy Statement shall be submitted to faculty for consideration according to the following procedures: 1. A written request may be submitted by any standing committee of the Northern Michigan University School of Nursing to the Associate Dean. 2. Such a written request should state: a. the current bylaw b. the proposed amendments in the bylaw c. the rationale and need(s) for such an amendment(s) 3. Requests for amendment(s) shall be circulated to faculty by the Associate Dean a minimum of five working days prior to the scheduled faculty meeting at which the proposed amendment(s) shall be discussed. 4. Faculty will vote on the proposed amendments during a scheduled faculty meeting. 5. Amendments that have been ratified by the faculty shall be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean by the chair of the committee who brought forth the motion.

19 Approved by Provost and Vice President Susan Koch on April 25, 2008 6. Procedures for submitting the recommended amendments shall conform with the procedures specified in the NMU-AAUP Agreement. 7. As soon as a policy becomes effective, the chair of the committee which initiated the amendment will disseminate a written copy of the policy that articulates the change to the Associate Dean and the faculty. The new policy will then be distributed through administrative channels.


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