Research Activities Annual Report 2011-12
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No: SVCE/Director-R/2012-13/15 27/07/2012
(i) Number of publications by faculty : 226 International journals : 111 National Journals : 18 International Conférences : 59 National Conférences : 38 Cash award of Rs. 3,99,000 was distributed to 41 faculty members as incentive For their research publications in International and National Journals.
(ii) Funded Projects In addition to the ongoing funded projects three new projects were sanctioned by the funding agencies in2011-12. Ms.K Thaiyalnayaki, Assistant Professor, IT department received a funded project for Rs.3.30 lakhs from Indian Space Research Organisation. Mr K R Ramkumar, Assistant Professor of the department of CA is working on Secured Hybrid Parallel Routing Algorithm using ANT Agents for MANET’s funded by DRDO, Government of India (Rs.12.23 lakhs). Dr B Srutha Keerthi, Assistant Professor of Department of AM is executing a Rs. 2 Lakhs project funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB).
(iii) About 199 of our faculty members attended conferences/workshops/symposiums in the academic year 2011-12. Some of the noteworthy conferences attended by our faculty members are:- Dr.S.Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Professor-Department of ECE at International Conference on "Robotics and Applications", at Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ms.P.Selva Ilavarasi, Asst. Professor/CH, IEEE First conference on Clean Energy and Technology, CET at university of Malaysia. Mr KR Ramkumar, Asst. Prof / CA department at International Conference on High Performance Networking at Singapore.
(iii) About 30 conferences/workshops/symposiums were conducted by the departments.
(iv) About 54 guest lectures were conducted by the departments.
(v) Six of our faculty members have obtained Ph D qualifications during 2011-12. In the Research Centre in our Mechanical Engineering Department, Mr. R. Karthikeyan an external candidate successfully completed his research in Mechanical Engineering Department and obtained Ph D degree.
(i) Number of Journal Publications : 33
(ii) Number of publications in the conferences : 107 A M Arjun third year ECE was sponsored to attend and present research paper in the International conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Paris, France – 26th to 30th July 2011. Sponsored amount Rs. 97,670.
S R Vignesh third year EEE was sponsored to attend and present research paper in the International Conference “ Congress in Neuroinformatics” held at Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 4th-6th September 2011. Sponsored amount Rs. 90,807. Abhishek S N & Nikhil Prashanth from Mechanical Engineering branch was sponsored to present research paper in the International Conference on HI TEMP 2011, Boston, USA – 20th to 22nd September 2011. Sponsored amount Rs. 27,000 (Registration only).
Mr.K.Sowmyan, student of Department of EC at International Conference on Electrical, Computers, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICECECE) at Singapore.
Mr.Akshay Maheswari, Mr.Anuttam Teja, Mr. Ashwin Kumar- all students of Department of ME at international Conference and Exposition on advanced Ceramics and Composites at Daytona Beach, Florida, USA.
Mr.R.Arjun, Mr.Dinesh Kumar and Mr.Abhishek Srinivas, all students of Department of ME at National collegiate Invocator Program NCIIA, Washington, USA.
Mr.K.Kaarmuhilan and Ms.S.Karthika, both students of Department of ME at International Conference MIMT 2011, IEEE at Singapore.
Mr.Dinesh Kumar, a student of Department of ME, at National collegiate Invocator Program NCIIA at Washington, USA.
Mr.Nelson Nishanth, Mr.T.R.Adhithya Sethupathy and Mr.Karthik Narasimhan, all students of Department of ME at International Conference MIMT 2011, IEEE, at Singapore.
Nakual Nagarajan, Karthik Narasimhan and Haresh Mahendran of Mechanical Engineering department presented a paper titled “Investigation of supply chain risk in the Indian pharmaceutical industry” in the International conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, held at London, U.K.
Sowmyan from Electronics and Communication Engineering branch was sponsored to attend and present research paper in the International conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE) Singapore, 28th to 30th September 2011. Sponsored amount Rs 40,389.
Dinesh Kannan K of final year Electronics & Communication Engineering department presented a paper titled “Single Neuron Development - A Neurogenesis Inspired Structure Generation Model” in the 4th Congress of Neuro Informatics, Boston 4th-6th September 2011.
Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a course on “Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics” for the working professional of M/s. Western Thomson Pvt. Ltd. for an amount of Rs.22,000/- Consultancy work by Department of Automobile Engineering completed two phases of testing belts manufactured by Gates Unita India Pvt. Ltd. Phase-I Rs.80,000/- and Phase-II Rs 1,75,00. Third phase of the consultancy work for a value of Rs.1,75,000/- is in progress. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS 2011-12
Department of Mechanical Engineering S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Dr.N.Nallusamy Professor DOI: Thermal Energy storage system Thermal science a 10.2298/TSCI1 using phase change materials – 00520078R Constant heat source Dr.N.Nallusamy Professor Vol. 2(9), pp. International 1. A detailed experimental 5034-5049, Journal of b Investigation on hot air Assisted 2010 Engineering turpentine direct Injected Science and compression ignition Engine Technology 1. Dr.N.Nallusamy Professor Vol. 3, No. 1, Solar energy based thermal International pp. 11-23, 2011 energy storage system using journal of phase change materials renewable 2. Dr.N.Nallusamy Professor Vol. 22, No. 1, An investigation of the effect of Ultra Science pp. 230-238, PCM capsules material on the 2010 thermal energy storage system, 3. Dr.N.Nallusamy Professor Vol.4, No.4, pp. Optimization of engine Modern Applied 182-192, 2010, operating parameters for Science Canada turpentine mixed diesel fueled DI diesel engine using Taguchi method Asst. Professor Vol. 13/5, 2012 International 4. S.Ilaiyavel , Experimental investigation of Journal of a A.Venkatesan, wear characteristics on precision manganese phosphate coated Engineering and AISI D2 steel manufacturing 4. S.Ilaiyavel , Asst. Professor Vol. 110-116, Wear Applied A.Venkatesan, pp. 616-620, characteristics of Manganese Mechanics and N.Nallusamy , 2012 Phosphate coating with oil Materials T.Sornakumar lubricant 5. Anant Asst. Professor Vol 5, pp. 455- Journal of K.Arulmozhi,S. 461, 2011 Experimental Investigation on Material the Properties of Manganese Ilaiyavel,Adiya science and Phosphate Sai,Neethi,A.Ve coating on AISI D2 steel Engineering nkatesan 6. S.Selvaraju,S.Il Asst. Professor Vol II, IssueII, Journal aiyavel PP. 89-91, Application of Composite in Engineering April-June 2011 Marine Industry research and Studies 7. Ramanujam, R. Asst. Professor Vol.18, No.11, International Raju, R. and pp.582-590 Journal of Optimization of machining Muthukrishnan, Industrial parameters for Turning Al-SiC N p Engineering: (10p) MMC using Taguchi Grey Theory, Relational Analysis”, Applications and Practices 8. Ramanujam. R, Asst. Professor Vol.12, No.4, Optimization of cutting Journal of N.Muthukrishnan pp.651-656, parameters for turning Al-SiC Precision , R.Raju 2011 (10p) MMC using ANOVA and Engineering and Grey relational analysis”, Manufacturing, International Springer 9. R.Ramanujam, Asst. Professor Vol.62, No.2, Process Parameter Journal of R.Raju pp.81-92, Optimization in Turning of Mechanical 2011 Al-SiCp Metal Matrix Engineering Composites using Taguchi Based Desirability Function Analysis” 10 Arockia Asst. Professor Vol.403-408, International . Selvakumar.A. pp.5015-5021. Journal of Karthik, 29 Nov 2011 Kinematic and Singularity Advanced Nareshkumar, analysis of PRR Parallel material Sivaramakrishna Manipulator” Research, Trans Department of Computer Applications
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Mr.M.Krishnam Associate CCIS 141, PP. Hybrid temporal mining for springerlink oorthy professor 245- 255, 2011 finding out frequent itemsets in temporal databases using clustering and bit vector methods 2. Ram Kumar K Asst. professor ISSN0973- ACBRAAM: A content based BVICAM's R 5658. May’ routing algorithm using ant International 2011 agents for Journal of manets Information Technology (BIJIT) 3. Ram Kumar K Asst. professor Y. Wu (Ed.): APRAAM: A predictive Springer-Verlag R ICHCC 2011, routing algorithm using ant Berlin CCIS agents Heidelberg 2011 163, pp. 245– for manets 252, 2011 4. Ramkumar Asst. professor In press, 2012 Analog Based Routing Procedia KR,Ravichand Algorithm using Ant agents Engineering, ran CS for MANETs (ABRAAM) ScienceDirect Journal 5. Ms.N.Jayalaks Asst. professor In press, 2012 Frequent item set generation Procedia hmi using double hashing Engineering, technique Science direct 6. Mr.S.Meenatch Asst. professor In press Constructing large table with IJACM i sundaram virtual subtables to enhance query processing and computting
Department of Applied Mathematics
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 2010 1. Muthucumara Professor Vol. III, pp. 31- Heat ACTA swamy R, 34. transfer effects on Technica Sundar Raj M. (Romania) accelerated vertical plate Corviniensis- and with variable temperature Bulletin of Subramanian and mass Engineering V.S.A flux 2. Dr. R. Professor Vol.2, pp. 231-238, Chemical reaction effects on International Muthucamaras 2010(Malaysia) flow past an exponentially Journal of wamy and accelerated vertical plate with Automotive V.Valliammal variable temperature and Mechanical Engineering 2011 3. Nedunchelian Professor pp. 155-160, March Comparison of multi International R., 2011 document summarization Journal of Muthucumaras techniques computer wamy R. and science and Saranathan E network society 4. Dr. R. Professor Vol. 37, No. 4 Study of flow past an Theoretical Muthucamarasw pp. 251-262, 2010 exponentially accelerated Applied amy and (Serbia) isothermal vertical plate in V.Valliammal the presence of chemical Mechanics reaction 5. Dr. R. Professor Vol. 4, pp. 573- First order chemical reaction Indian Journal Muthucamaras 577, May 2011 and thermal radiation effects of Science and wamy and (India) on unsteady flow past an Technology M.Ravi Shankar accelerated isothermal infinite vertical plate 6. Muthucumar Professor Vol. 133, pp. 1209- Radiation effects on flow past International e aswamy R. 1219, 2011 an accelerated isothermal Journal of and (India) vertical plate with variable Mathematics Balachandran mass diffusion in the and presence of chemical reaction P Engineering
7. Muthucumar Professor Vol.IX, pp.137- Radiative flow past an Annals of aswamy R and 140, 2011 exponentially accelerated faculty Visalakshi V (Romania) vertical plate with variable Engineering temperature and mass Hunedoara- diffusion International Journal of Engineering
8. Sathappan KE. Professor Vol.IX, pp. 151- Numerical study of International and 156, 2011 hydromagnetic effects on Journal of Muthucumara (Romanaia) flow past an oscillating semi- Engineering swamy R infinite isothermal vertical plate with uniform mass diffusion in the presence of thermal radiation 9. Muthucumara Professor Vol. 16, pp. 435- Chemical reaction and International swamy R, 446, 2011 radiation effect on vertical Journal of Nagarajan G. (Poland) oscillating plate with variable Applied temperature and mass and Mechanics and diffusion Subramanian Engineering V.S.A 10 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 16, pp. 447- Heat transfer effect on flow International . swamy R. and 454, 2011 (Poland) past an accelerated vertical Journal of Radhakrishnan plate with chemically reactive applied species M. mechanics and Engineering
11 Muthucumar Professor Vol. 128, pp. 1161- Mass transfer and radiation International e . aswamy R. 1168, 2011 effect on exponentially Journal of and Visalakshi (India) accelerated vertical plate with mathematics V. variable temperature and Engineering 12 Muthucumaras Professor Vol.3, pp. 125-136, Radiation and first order International . wamy R, Rahul 2011 chemical reaction effects on Journal of R. and (India) exponentially accelerated mathematical Balachandran P vertical plate Sciences, Technology and Humanities 13 Muthucumar Professor Vol. 128, pp. 1161- Flow past an accelerated International e . aswamy R., 1168, 2011 infinite vertical plate with Journal of Sundar Raj M. (India) variable temperature and mathematics and mass diffusion and Subramanian Engineering V.S.A. 14 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 3, pp. 19-26, First order chemical reaction International . swamy R. and 2011 on isothermal vertical journal of pure Manivannan K (India) oscillating plate with variable and applied mass diffusion sciences and technology 15 Sathappan KE Professor Vol. 3, pp. 341- Radiation effects on International . and 349, 2011 exponentially accelerated journal of Muthucumara (Malaysia) vertical plate with uniform automotive and swamy R mass diffusion mechanical Engineering 16 Muthucumar Professor Vol. IX, pp. 115- Finite difference solution of Faculty of . aswamy R. 122, 2011 heat and mass transfer effects Engineering and Sathappan (Romania) on the flow past an oscillating Hunedoara- KE semi-infinite vertical plate International with thermal radiation Journal of Engineering 17 Muthucumara Professor Vol. IX, pp. 147- First order chemical reaction Faculty of . swamy R. and 150, on unsteady flow past an Engineering ` Radhakrishnan 2011(Romania) accelerated vertical plate with Hunedoara- M variable temperature and International mass diffusion Journal of Engineering 18 Muralidharan Professor Vol. IX, pp. 489- Hydromagetic effects on flow Faculty of . M. and 492, 2011 past an accelerated isothermal Engineering Muthucumara (Romania) vertical plate in the presence Hunedoara- swamy R of thermal radiation International Journal of Engineering 19 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 16, pp. 885- Magnetohydro dynamic International . swamy R., 891, 2011 convection flow past an Journal of Sundar Raj M (polland) accelerated isothermal Applied and vertical plate with variable Mechanics and Subramanian mass diffusion Engineering 20 Mucumarasw Professor Vol. IV, pp. 97- Thermal radiation and MHD Acta technical amy R, 101, effects on the flow past on corviniensis- Nagarajan G. 2011(Romania) vertical oscillating plate with Bulletin of and chemical reacton of first order Engineering Subramanian V.S.A 21 Muthucumara Professor Vol.1, pp. 1-5, MHD effects on unsteady Res Engineeria . swamy R. and 2011 flow past accelerated vertical Radhakrishnan plate with variable M temperature in the presence of chemical reaction 22 Muthucumara Professor Vol.1, pp. 24-28, MHD effects on flow past Res Engineeria . swamy R. and 2011 exponentially accelerated Valliammal isothermal vertical plate with variable mass diffusion in the presence of first order chemical reaction 23 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 16, pp. 1071- MHD and rotation effects on International . swamy R., 1079, flow past an accelerated Journal of Tinal Lal and 2011(POLAND) isothermal vertical plate with Applied Ranganayakulu variable mass diffusion Mechanics and D Engineering
24 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. First order chemical reaction International . swamy R. and 1081-1091, 2011 on MHD flow past an Journal of Nagarajan G oscillating vertical plate in applied the presence of thermal Mechanics and radiation Engineering 25 Sundar Raj Professor Vol. 16, pp. 1181- Hydrodynamic flow past an International . M.,Muthucum 1187, 2011 accelerated vertical plate with Journal of araswamy R. variable temperature and Applied and mass diffusion Mechanics and Subramanian Engineering V.S.A 26 Muthucumara Professor Vol. 151 pp. 1382- MHD and chemical reaction International e . swamy R. and 1389, 2012 effects unsteady flow past an Journal of Radhakrishnan accelerated isothermal Mathematics M. infinite vertical plate and Engineering 27 Muthucumara Professor Vol.158, pp. 1458- Effects of chemical reaction International e . swamy R. and 1466, 2012 (India) on flow past an exponentially Journal of Valliammal V accelerated vertical plate with Mathematics variable temperature and and mass diffusion Engineering
28 Muthucumara Professor Vol. X, pp. 151- MHD flow past an Annals of . swamy R. and 154, 2012(Romani) exponentially accelerated faculty of Valliammal V vertical plate with variable Engineering temperature and mass diffusion in the presence of Hunedoara- chemical reaction of first International order Journal of Engineering
29 Dr. R. Professor Vol. 2, No. 1,pp. Heat transfer by radiation and International . Muthucamaras 39-44, Jan-June MHD flow over a moving Journal of wamy and 2010 vertical plate with variable applied A.Vijayalakshm mass diffusion Mathematics i and Physics 30 Mr. R. Professor Galley proof Flow past an accelerated International . Muthucumara Received vertical plate with variable Journal of samy and Mr. temperature in the presence contemporary M. of chemical reaction science Radhakrishnan Engineering and technology 31 Mr. R. Professor Galley proof Unsteady MHD flow past International . Muthucumara Received an accelerated vertical Journal of samy, Mr. M. plate with variable contemporary Sundar Raj and Temperature and mass science Mr. V. S. A. diffusion Engineering and technology Subramanian 32 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol.7, No.1, pp. Coefficient problems for International . keerthi 89-96, Jan-June certain of p-valent function reviews of Pure 2011 involving Hadamard products an Applied Mathematics 33 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol.7, No.1, pp. Coefficient bound for certain Journal of . keerthi 83-88, Jan-June classes of analytical functions Analysis and 2011 involving Hadamard products Computation 34 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol.2, No.8,pp. Certain coefficient International . keerthi 1333-1340, 2011 inequalities for Sakaguchi Journal of type functions and Mathematical applications to fractional Archive derivatives 35 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol.7, No.14, Certain coefficient International . keerthi pp.695-706, 2012 inequalities for Sakaguchi Mathematical type function and applications Forum to fractional derivatives 36 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol.6, No.36, pp. Coefficient bounds for certain International . keerthi 1783-1802, 2011 subclasses of analytic Mathematical functions Forum 37 Dr.B.Srutha Asst.Professor Vol. 2(12), Coefficient bounds for certain International . keerthi 2011 subclass of meromorphic p- journal of pp. 2508- 2514 valent function Mathematical Journal
Department of Civil Engineering
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. C.G.Hemamali Asst. Professor In Micro Level Study on Delineation of Memoir of the 1 ni press Groundwater Potential Zones in Ambur Geological Sub Basin, Tamilnadu Society of India
Department of Automobile Engineering S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Dr.N.Muthukris Professor Vol. 1, pp. 9-14, International hnanan 2011 Journal of Influence of coolant in surface machinability of titanium Engineered alloy (Ti-6 AL-4V) Materials and Advanced Technology 2. Dr.N.Muthukris Professor Vos. 110-116, pp. Performance evaluation of International hnana 1855-1861, 2012 PDC 1300 and 1500 grade Journal of inserts on turning A356 Applied alloy with 20% Mechanics and reinforcement of SiC Materials particles 3. Dr.N.Muthukris Professor Vol. 2, issue. 1, pp. Determination of opium International hnana 11-29, 2012 parameters for multi Journal of performance characteristics Manufacturing in turning of AL 6061 – 6% and Mechanical Zr B2 in-situ metal matrix Engineering composite using grey relational analysis 4. Dr.N.Muthukris Professor Vol. 7, No.1, Aug- Study on performance I-manager hnana Oct 2011, pp. 42-52 behavior of PCD grades on journal of machining A356 alloy future containing 10 engineering and % reinforcement of SiC technology particles 5. Dr.N.Muthukris Professor Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 7- Performance evaluation of The IUP hnana 19, 2011 PCD 1500 grade insert on Journal of turning A356 alloy with mechanical 10% reinforcement of SiC Engineering particles 6. Mr.K.Bhaskar Associate. Vol. 2, pp. 105-118, Experimental investigation automotive and Professor 2010 of cold start emission using mechanical (Malaysia) electrically heated catalyst engineering in a spark ignition engine 7. Mr.K.Bhaskar Associate. Vol. 2, April 2012, Effects of premixed ratio on International Professor pp. 1-5 the performance and journal of green ISSN: 0976- emission of ppcci energy and 2515(print) combustion in a single environment cylinder diesel engine 8. Mr.K.Bhaskar Associate. Vol. 2, No. 1, April Analysis of partially International Professor 2011 pp. 1-5 premixed charge journal of green compresssion ignition energy, energy combustion mode in a and modified single cylinder DI environment diesel engine 9. Mr.S.Saravanan Associate. Controlling NOx Clean Professor Vol.39 (6), Emission of Crude Rice pp.515-52,12011 Bran Oil Blend for Sustainable Environment 10 Mr.S.Saravanan Associate. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. Application Of Taguchi’s Int. J. Oil, Gas . Professor 398-409, 2011 Orthogonal Array In and Coal Reducing The NOx Technology, Emission Of A Stationary Diesel Engine 11 Mr.S.Saravanan Associate. Vol. 133 / Optimization of a ASME . Professor 124501,1-4 Stationary Diesel Engine Journal of Fuelled With Crude Rice Engg for Gas Bran Oil Methyl Ester Turbines and Department of Information Technology S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Revathi. N Asst. Professor Vol. 13, No. 6, Jan Enhancing the utility of International 2011 generalization for privacy Journal of preserving Re-Publication of computer dynamic datasets application 2. M.Jayasudha Asst. Professor Vol. 1, Issue.1, July- An effective approach for Journal of Sept 2010 image reconstruction and Engineering refining using Demosaicing research and studies
3. Dr.G.Sumathi Professor and Vol. 4, No. 1, March An Improved Security and International Head 2011 Trusting Model for journal of grid Computational Grid and distributed computing
4. Dr.G.Sumathi Professor and Vol. 4, No. 2, June Intelligent Management of International Head 2011 Remote Facilities and journal of grid Quality of Cloud Services and distributed computing
5. Dr.G.Sumathi Professor and Vol. 6, No. 1, Nov MidJFR Global International Head 2011 Scheduling Algorithm For journal on Heterogeneous Grid recent trends in Environment Engineering and technology
6. Ms. P.Nithiya Assistant Vol. 8, issue 2, Multi Document IJCSI Professor March 2011 Extractive Summarization International Based on Word Sequences journal of computer science issue
7. Ms. P.Nithiya Assistant Vol. 8, issue 2, Automatic Spell IJCSI Professor March 2011 Correction of User Query International with Semantic Information journal of Retrieval and Ranking of computer Search Results using science issue WordNet Approach 8. Ms.Leela Assistant Vol. 21, No. 5, May Predicting Missing items International Rani.P Professor 2011 in Shopping Carts using journal of Fast Algorithm computer application
9. Ms.Leela Assistant Vol. 13, No. 6, Jan Enhancing the Utility of International Rani.P Professor 2011 Generalization for Privacy journal of Preserving Re-publication computer of Dynamic Datasets application
10 Ms. Assistant Vol. 1, issue 1, July- An Effective Approach for Journal of . M.Jayasudha Professor sept. 2010 Image Reconstruction and engineering Refining using research and Demosaicing studies
11 Ms. Assistant Vol. 2, issue 3, July Mining Various Utility International . M.Jayasudha Professor – sept 2011 and Frequency Based journal of Itemsets advanced Engineering technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Mr.G.A.Sathis Associate Issue 6,Vol. A Novel Algorithm For WSEAS hkumar Professor 10,June 2011 Image Encryption Transaction Algorithm Using Pixel on Computers Shuffling and BASE 64 Encoding Based Block Cipher 2. Mr.G.A.Sathis Associate Vol. 55,No.2, A Novel Algorithm For European hkumar Professor July 2011 Crypto Key Generation by Journal of Unification of Encoding Scientific Plus Image Pixel Research Shuffling and Chaotic Blended Blum Blum Shub Generator and its Applicability in Image Based Cryptosystems 3. Ms.H.Umma Asst. Vol.5,No.10,2011 Tunnable electromagnetic IET Habiba Professor band gap – embedded Microwave multimode resonators for ,Antennas & ultra-wideband dual Propagation band,lower-ultra- wideband and upper-ultra- wideband applications”, IET Microwave ,Antennas & Propagation 4. Ms.P.Sasikala Asst. Volume 1,Feb An Efficient Concept – International Professor 2012 based Mining Model for Journal of Deriving User Profiles Applied Information Systems(IJAI S)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Mr. D. Assistant Galley proof Soft switched DC-DC IJSCET Elangovan Professor enclosed converter with current and and MR. P. D. voltage doubler SVCE Journal Dharmesh
Department of Applied Physics S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Mr. R. Professor Galley proof Degradation studies of IJSCET Hariharasuthan enclosed reactive dyes using solar , Mr. A. radiation SVCE Journal Nageswararao and Mr. A. Baskaran 2. Ms. L. Professor Galley proof Physio-chemical studies of International i Punithavathi, enclosed ground water near palar Journal of Mr. S. river at Arcot, India contemporary Karunanithi, science Ms. T. S. Engineering Dhiviyaa and technology Pranavam and Mr. A. Bhaskaran 3. S.Sampath Professor Vol 23 PP 169- Molecular Structure Ultra Scientist Krishnan, 175, 2011 Vibrational Spectroscopic of Physical V,Santhan Studies and analysis of Science Krishnan, and diazopropyne R.Kumutha 4. S.Sampath Professor Vol 23 PP 475- Ab Initio, Density Ultra Scientist Krishnan, 481, 2011 functional theory and of Physical V.Santhana Structural studies of Science Krishnan and Pemoline R.Kumutha 4. S.Sampath Professor and Vol 24 No 3 PP 000 Vibrational Spectra and ab Asian Journal 1 Krishnan, Head (2012) initio studies of L-Prolyl L- of Chemistry V.Santhana Isoleucine Krishnan, N.Swarna Sowmya, R.Kumutha
5. S.Sampath Professor Vol 24 No 3 PP Computational molecular Asian Journal Krishnan, 000 (2012) characterization of of Chemistry R.Kumutha, Thiourea and its N.Balamuruga derivatives n and V.Santhana Krishnan 6. R.Hariharasuth Professor Vol. 1, No. 6, Dec Adsorption studies on International an, 2011 Direct Yellow 17 by journal of A.Nageswarao Varying the science and n and Concentraaation of MgO technology A.Bhaskaran in Sorel,s Cement 7. S.Muthu, Asst. Vol 15,No 2 PP Density Functional Theory Journal of E.Flamurugu Professor 205-222, (2011) and Ab initio studies of International Porchelvi and Vibrational Spectra of Academy of Yusuf Nalidixic Acid Physical Erdogada Science
8. S.Muthu, Asst. Vol 37, No 15, PP Density Functional Theory J Mol N,R,Sheela, & Professor 1276-1288, (2011) and ab initio studies of Stimulation S.Sampath Vibrational Spectra of 2- Krishnan bis ( 2-Chlorooethyl aminoperhydro-1,3,2 -0xazaphosphorinane-2 Department of Computer Science
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. S. Pushpa, K.S. Professor 8(2), 262-279, Journal of Easwarakumar, (2011) Towards a Time-based Information Susan Elias Approach for Author Co- and and Zakaria citation Analysis Computationa Maamar l Science 2. Yuquan Li, Professor In press Journal of Gexiang Zhan, Information A modified estimation of Jixiang Cheng, Science and distribution algorithm for Xiangxiang Technology digital filter design, Zeng, Marian Romanian Gheorghe, Susan Elias 3. Susan Elias Professor In press A Variant of the JUCS Journal and Vanaja Distributed P System for Gokul Real Time Cross Layer Optimization 4. Doreen Professor Vol. 4, No. 1, pp – A novel approach for QoS Int. J. Hephzibah 43-51, 2012 Innovative guided metascheduler for Miriam,D and Computing Easwarakumar. hypercubic P2P grid and K.S Applications system
Department of Biotechnology
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. R.S. Sreenivasan, Asst. Vol. 5(4): pp. 566- Effect of Cypermethrin, A Research M. Arivalagan, S. Professor 571, 2009 Pyrethroid Compound on the Journal of Vijayananth, P.K. Neurosecretory Cells Agriculture and Praveen Kumar, in a Freshwater Field Crab, Biological P. Krishna Sciences Moorthy and M. Spiralothelphusa Deecaraman hydrodroma (Herbst) 2. R.S. Asst. Vol. 5(4): pp. 572- Research Sreenivasan, M. 577, 2009 Journal of Professor Effect of Cypermethrin, a Arivalagan, S. Agriculture and Pyrethroid Compound on the Vijayananth, Biological Nutritive Value in P.K. Praveen Sciences a Freshwater Field Crab, Kumar, Spiralothelphusa P. Krishna hydrodroma (herbst) moorthy and M. Deecaraman 3. Dr.M.Sivanndha Professor pp. 01-05, 11July Mycobacterium bovis BCG European m 2011 and purified protein journal of derivative-induced reduction obstetrics and in the CD80 expression and gynecology & the antigen uptake function reproductive of Dendritic cells from biology patience with cervical cancer 4. Dr.Sulochana Professor 2011 Docking studies on novel BMC Structural somasundaram analogues of 8 methoxy biology flouroquinolones against Gyr A mutants of mycobacterium tuberculosis 5. Dinesh babu, Professor Galley proof Development of 3D International Mohanavalli, enclosed collagen scaffold for the Journal of Ishwarya growth of Dendritic cells contemporary sivakumar, science S.Kirubananda Engineering and technology n, Dr.M.Sivanan dham 6. Harish.S, Professor Galley proof Improving the binding International Ashwath enclosed affinity of CD40L Journal of kumar, mimetic molecules using contemporary S.Nagavignesh Insilico Methods science , Engineering and technology Dr.M.Sivanan dham
Department of Marine Engineering
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Mr. S. Professor Galley proof Performance of International Krishnan and enclosed Manganese Phosphate Journal of S.Ilaiyavel coating on Ferrous contemporary Metals(Mild steel, science Graphite cast Engineering and iron,En24,D2 ). technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Umayal Asst. Professor VOL. 3, No. 10, pp. A strategic framework for Advances in Karpagam P.L 15-21, Oct, 2010 managing higher management and Suganthi. L educational institutions 2. R.Parthiban Professor Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. Biodegradation kinetics Songklanakarinjo 539-544, during different start up urnal of science 2011 of the anaerobic tapered and technology fluidized bed reactor 3. Senthil Kumar Professor Vol. 1, No. 7, Removal of zinc(Zn2+) International R and pp.1965-1977, 2011 ions with crab shell journal of Parthiban R particles from aqueous environmental solution sciences 4. R.Parthiban Professor Vol.2,No. 4 pp. 1-9 International 2011 Drying of food grains in journal of an annular circulation advanced fluidized bed engineering and technology 5. Parthiban R., Professor Vol. 1, No. 7, International Senthil Kumar pp. 2037-2047, Biosorption of lead with journal of Turbinaria conoides and R., Latha 2011 environmental neuro fuzzy modeling sciences Parthiban 6. R.Parthiban Professor Vol. 92, pp. 3-7, Coactive neuro fuzzy Journal of 2011 interference system institution of modeling in anaerobic Engineers (India) digestion of waste water Chemical treatment Engineering 7. R.Parthiban Professor Vol. 4, pp. 81 – 86, Computational Hindustan and Latha 2011 Intelligence with ANFIS Journal Parthiban for Job Satisfaction Analysis’ 8. R.Parthiban Professor Vol.5, pp.1 -11, Biotransformation of International and 2011 Hexavalent to Trivalent Journal on M.Sivarajan Chromium in Industrial Applied Effluents Bioengineering 9. P. Selva Asst. Professor Vol.1 (2011), No.2, International Ilavarasi, Journalof 46-50. Biodiesel production Lima Rose renewable from mutton tallow”, Miranda energy Research (IJRER) 10 Fathima Jalal, Asst. Professor Vol.1(2011), No.1, International . P. Selva 33-37 Fatty methyl esters Journal of Ilavarasi, from vegetable oil for renewable Lima Rose use as a diesel fuel energy Research Miranda (IJRER) 11 Mr. S. Professor Galley proof Zinc phosphating of International . Jegannathan enclosed aluminum by Journal of and Mr. M. electrochemical method contemporary Thirumalaikum science ar Engineering and technology
Department of Humanities and science
S.No Author name Designation Date Paper title Journal 1. Amutha charu Asst. Professor Vol. 11:12 Dec 2011 London dreams: Analysis International sheela pp. 312-323 of Tabish Khair’s the online Journal ISSN 1930-2940 thing about thugs as an language in India anti colonial dis-course