Living Water Hydro-Electric
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Water gives life on its journey to the sea and replenishes springs if its liquid crystal structure is treated with respect.
Natural water loves to flow in vortices that cool, purify and energise its structure.
As the water temperature approaches 4 deg C it becomes more dense and reduces in volume. This creates a suction vacuum to pull more water behind it making the flow increase in speed and accumulate energy.
Funnelling the flow channel speeds up the water flow.
When water has learnt to flow with a natural centripetal vortex, it takes on an imploded structure that has great healing properties for humans and the natural world.
This imploded water has a large amount of energy that can be used sensitively to create a very effective hydro- electricity generator.
Living Water hydro-electric project will work with a small water intake and with a low head.
Living Water project is based on the insight and observation of natural water and subsequent experimental research by Victor Schauberger(1885-1958) and recent research into the nature and structure of water.
Phase 1 is an experimental stage to test out a new form of hydro-electric generation which utilises the centripetal vortex flow of water and the increased water speed with a funnel shaped pipe. This will initially provide electricity for Middle Wood Study Centre and for Backsbottom farm and house.
Project aims; To work with the natural centripetal flow of water in the River Roeburn. To generate a sustainable zero carbon electricity within Roeburndale. To enhance the water quality of the river Roeburn and to bring it back to life. To cool the water in the River Roeburn towards 4 degrees C. This will encourage natural vortex flows and contribute to infiltration through the riverbed to recharge springs. To put in land management measures higher up the valley that will help to stabilize water flow, reducing flash run-off and bring the springs back into a regular year long flow. To test this experimental stage for power generation, vortex stability, water flow, cooling effect on the water, water quality and electrical charges that might be generated within the pipe and it's possible effects on aquatic fauna and flora. To test the effects on quality of place. To adjust the design to maximise benefits of the Living Water generator.
The nature of this project would be replicable in other local communities. Already interest has been shown locally by other potential Hydro sites in the Forest of Bowland, in Portugal and in New Orleans USA.
Innovative Features: Vortex generators within the pipe create a double centripetal vortex flow. Wooden funnel shaped pipe helps to speed up the water flow and doesn't destroy the natural water charge. This is repairable by local craftspeople. Cooling and imploding of the water helps to store energy in the water structure. The vortex propeller extracts the energy from the water without destroying its liquid crystal structure. The design can be used with minimal water head. The essential qualities of living water are respected and enhanced. The local flora and fauna including fish, and people visiting the site and downstream should benefit from the improved water quality. The water flow in the river should become more regular with increased natural spring water input. Project Proposers; MiddleWood Charitable Trust Ben Tyers, Engineer. Dr Rod Everett, Ecologist and Permaculturist LIVING WATER Centripetal Vortex Hydro Scheme for Roeburndale, North Lancashire
Current Problems with River hydrology and hydro-electricity generation. Many upland rivers are subject to rapid changes in water level, with water levels often rising rapidly within a few hours of heavy rain. Extreme flooding of these rivers is now more common leading to loss of land, buildings and livelihoods. The rapid change in water level affects the ability of the river to provide a steady food source for fish and other fauna reliant on the water. Fish stocks have reduced dramatically over the last 70 years. The over grazing and removal of trees from the upper reaches of the rivers allows the water flowing into the river to heat up and Cold storm water entering this warmer water will disrupt the natural longitudinal vortex formation in the river flow and change it to horizontal cross river vortices. These are likely to cause flooding. Warmed water impedes the natural movement of fish by destroying the central longitudinal vortices that fish rely on to move upstream. These vortices also concentrate food particles making it easy for fish to feed. With destroyed vortices the fish have to search the whole river for feed. When dams hold the water and expose it to high temperatures especially with South facing dam walls, warm water again disrupts the natural longitudinal vortex formation. Steel/iron grills and pipes induce electrolysis and reduce the surface tension of the water molecule changing its laminar structure. In this state water loses its dynamic life giving energy. The iron ferric 3+ charge steals trace elements from the water Steel intake pipes for hydro-electric projects heat up with the disrupted water flow passing through them and the increased friction. This heat loss represents a large loss of potential power for electricity generation. With Kaplan or Francis turbines extreme differences in pressure in areas of the turbine induce cavitation process. Turbine blades corrode and the microstructure of water is destroyed. This represents a loss of energy. These turbine blades brake up and destroy the long water filaments that are the natural form of water. The denatured water outflow from a hydro-turbine leads to more anaerobic bacteria in the river leading to disease in the aquatic fauna. Higher water temperatures in the water above its most dense at 4 deg. C prevents the river water from infiltrating into the river bed and going deep into subterranean aquifers. This prevents the action of water that would naturally be collecting salts from deep in the earth and then bringing them towards the surface as natural springs. Many natural springs (not surface rainwater springs) are now dry. Current power calculations for the power available from Hydro-electric installations are based solely on the head of water and the flow rate. These calculations take no consideration of vortices, water density, temperature and increased speed of funnelled water. “We hydrologists lump flow phenomenon into bulk water transfer formulas that do not recognise any structure in flow. It is good enough for predicting discharge – but not real.....The fish know different” Robert Newbury. The following aspects of water need to be considered in relation to river hydrology and hydro-electricity generation;
Water is not a series of distinct molecules. It behaves like a liquid crystal where molecules flow in a filament type pattern. There are 2-3 million layers of water molecules in ordered water. (Professor Gerard Pollock -Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington) Water molecules are dipole and the liquid crystal structure leads to a specific energetic pattern and are attracted to -ve charged surfaces. Water is at its most dense at 4 deg C and has the most potential to give power. Above and below this temperature water has an increase in volume. Turbulence and the associated decrease in velocity become more pronounced the more the water temperature diverges from 4 deg C. Water will accelerate in the central flow longitudinal vortex inducing a temperature decrease towards 4 deg. C. A river with a flow rate of 1 cubic metre per second would require a power of 418kW to heat the flow by 0.1degC. A similar power may be lost if the hydro scheme heats the water by this amount. Professor Finzi of Aachen Technical College designed Rheinfelden hydroelectrical generators. These produced considerably more energy than can be calculated by normal calculations. This higher velocity of flow was reached in two stages. A small island located in midstream provided the means for the first increase in velocity, as the water was forced to flow on one side only of the island. The water, finding itself in a much more narrow bed, increased its velocity of flow. A further increase was achieved by a funnel-like construction of the inlet towards the turbine, restricting the diameter of the water's flow even further and increasing the velocity so as to pass the turbine at a considerable 35 m/sec (approximately 80 mph). Viktor Schauberger viewed inward spiralling vortices as an effective principle in nature, the implosion principle. It emphasizes the importance of form and direction of movement in natural processes. According to Schauberger, vortices in water are natural implosion energy generators, a statement seemingly backed up by scientific result. In 1952, Schauberger co-conducted several experiments with vortices and pipes at the Technical University of Stuttgart, Germany, with Prof. Franz Pöpel. Schauberger stated that if water is allowed to flow in a cycloid spiralling way (similar to vortex motion) friction will disappear and the system produces suction energy instead. According to Pöpel’s data 1952, this is exactly what happened in these special copper pipe forms, which Schauberger had adapted from the horn of a kudu antelope. At certain points the water’s velocity seemed to harmonise with the dimension and form of the pipe, and frictional resistance dropped, and a slight suction energy surplus was produced. These findings were consistent with a Diploma work by Kullberg in 1982, Water flowing in a vortex cools the water in the centre of the vortex. The core maybe 0.2 Deg C cooler. This vortex changes the structure of water and has been used by Watreco in Sweden to develop very efficient cooling systems for ice rinks. Franz Zotloterer an Austrian Engineer has designed a gravitational water vortex Hydro Electric system. ( This cools the water towards 4 deg C. VIVACE a water power project from The University of Michigan uses the power in water vortices to generate clean aquatic energy. The water vortex supports a natural cleaning process. Watreco has used vortex water purification that made them the Cleantech Company of the Year 2009. Zotloterer water vortex also supports the natural cleaning of the river. Longitudinal vortices in a river concentrate particles and nutrients in their central core and make this food easily available to fish. Fish can stay in the central core of the vortices with very little energy expenditure. If warm water is put into a river this destroys the stable vortices and fish are washed down the river. Whereas in a natural cool river with longitudinal vortices fish always escape using their shape and small gill movements to push them upstream. The centre of longitudinal vortices as it approaches 4 deg. C, with water at its most dense, can carry stones and other debris down the river. Victor Schauberger used this phenomenon to move large timbers down a log flume against all the observers’ expectations. Flowing water of 4°C is at its maximal dragging force. Thus in rivers, this gradient leads to local flow speed acceleration and increased dragging force and sediment uptake. This will help reduce silting of the river. Rivers with natural vortices in the central flow, flow faster and enable more water to go downstream without the potential for flooding and bank erosion. Rivers that have regular input of cold water from springs or tree covered streams have more regular vortical flow and are less likely to flood and have greater potential for producing power. Niels Werdenberg in his thesis highlights the importance of longitudinal vortex forming structures in a river to increase the velocity in the centre of the river taking pressure off the banks and deepening the central channel. Warmed river water develops horizontal vortices and these slow the water flow down acting like a dam. This makes the water more likely to flood. The reduced density leads to an increase in water volume. Warmed water above 9 deg C binds to oxygen and becomes aggressive. This encourages the growth of bacteria and parasites. It also locks up trace elements and minerals.
With the above information River hydrology protection and hydroelectric generation can be designed more effectively.
1. The upper reaches of the river need to be protected from heating sunlight by allowing vegetation alongside the river and springs to grow either as woodland or dwarf shrubs. This will slow down the flow of surface water into the river. It will shade the river keeping it cool, with temperatures moving towards 4 deg. C. In addition the infiltration of rain water to fill the deep ground water will lead to revitalized springs giving a more constant flow to the river 2. The encouragement of longitudinal vortices in the river and in hydroelectric intake will help; 1. to speed up the water, 2. to cool the water to make it more dense, towards 4 deg. C. With the reduction in volume a slight vacuum is created. 3. to concentrate the flow of water centrally reducing flooding, 4. to make the water cleaner with less bacteria, 5. the fish to find food, 6. to keep the river free from sediment. 3. Taking the hydroelectric water intake through a funnel will increase its speed and help produce more power. 4. The use of wooden intake pipes will prevent the energy change in water experienced with steel pipes. An outer double vortex generator within these pipes will reduce the pressure on the pipes themselves. Victor Schauberger patented a water pipe design for this in 1934. 5. The final generating propeller needs to go with the flow of the liquid crystal structure of water in its vortex structure and be designed not destroy its fundamental laminar structure. This propeller needs to take the maximum amount of energy out of the fast flowing water vortex. 6. The reduction in water temperature will enable the water to percolate into the ground and help rejuvenate natural deep springs and bring a life giving energy back to the local environment. Minerals and trace elements become available. Further enhancement of springs can be encouraged by holding run-off water higher up in the landscape in deep infiltration ponds. Revitalized springs will give a more constant flow to the river 7. The use of dams should be avoided if possible. If dams are needed then the outflow should be of colder water from the bottom of the dam, rather than warmer surface water.
From the above we have developed a 3 phase proposal
Phase 1. Initially, an active working model of the centripetal vortex hydro generator needs to be built. This will have a 2 m head and a wooden funnel shaped intake pipe 64 metres long with a 127mm intake and outlet jet of 25.4mm at the generator impeller. This wooden pipe will have silver plated copper vortex generators on the inside of the wall which will create a double spiral that effectively acts as ball bearings for the inner faster clockwise vortex of water. The bronze impeller has been designed and will be built by Engineer Ben Tyers. This consists of anticlockwise vortex cone with a sharp point, which starts to split the water vortex from the pipe. The shape of the propeller, when running at full speed, will gently take the force out of the main power vortex as it unwinds the vortex into channels. These are enclosed channels and splay out horizontally at the end. Near the end these channels are divided, splitting up the vortex further. The propeller and vortex generators will be silver plated. The silver helps to bind the oxygen gases and release the carbonic acid and CO2 from passing sediment.
Diagram of water flows within the wooden vortex pipe, as proposed for Roeburn Hydro Scheme. In the diagram the length for Phase 1 will be 62 Meters, for Phase 2 it will be in hundreds of metres to enable the head of water to be incorporated and to stabilize the vortex flow. Schauberger’s Wooden Water Pipe and vortex generators Ben Tyers initial propeller model showing channels (These will be covered by a cone.)
In Phase 1 this set up will be tested for power generation, vortex stability, cooling effect on the water, water quality and electrical charges that might be generated within the pipe.
Once tests have been completed and more comprehensive water flow calculations on the River Roeburn are made, then phase 2 can begin. Possible Locations for Phase 1 A-B Horse wood stream, C-D Old River Course, or E-F-G Backsbottom. Any of these will have 62 Meter Pipe. We have decided to use C-D The electricity will be used by Middle Wood Trust, Backsbottom Farm and potentially feed into the Grid.
C-D is the old course of the river prior to the Roeburn flood. This has a river bank at C of 0.5m and possible high flood level at D of 1.55m. The total fall from river level at C to river level at D is 2.36m. There would be 95 m of intake leat stream before the 62 m of Hydro. With the small head this site would show the full effect of the centripetal vortex pipe. The pipe would cross the concessionary bridle way but can easily be bridged. This would be the most aesthetic location. Min River flow after weeks of drought around 49cuM/min. This is the location that can be used with minimum ground work.
Phase 2 From Fairy Pool to below Roeburnscar has a fall of 11.63 m to flood level. The River has a min flow after weeks of drought of 174 cuft/min, 49.27cuM/min or 2956 cuM/hour and max flow of around 1200 cuM/min. Mean flow around 50- 150cuM/min.
Location of Phase 2 showing Wray and the possible catchment area of the River Roeburn Phase 2 Roeburn Natural centripetal flow electricity generation and water enhancement. To set up a full scale hydroelectricity generating plant in the River Roeburn.
Project aims; 1. To work with the natural centripetal flow of water in the River Roeburn. 2. To generate a sustainable zero carbon electricity for Wray and Roeburndale. 3. To enhance the water quality of the river Roeburn to bring it back to life. 4. To cool the water in the River Roeburn towards 4 degrees C to encourage natural vortex flows.
The Roeburn Hydro Scheme Phase 2 will set up a hydroelectric generation on the River Roeburn in North Lancashire for the Community benefit of Wray Village and Roeburndale Parish. 178 houses + Chapel, Church and Institute and Roeburndale Parish.. Hydro-electricity has the advantage over wind with its minimal landscape damage within the Forest of Bowland AONB and also a more steady flow of electricity produced. The power output is predictable and puts less strain on the National Grid. In the long term we may look towards a localised SMART grid Phase 2 has the potential to use either the head of 7.5m over 600m or the full potential 41m head over 2 km. Expected input flow around 1 cu m/sec (Until phase 1 is complete we cannot estimate the full power generated but we expect it to be considerably more than a conventional hydro scheme.)
The aim is that this will provide the electricity needs for the Village of Wray and Roeburndale.
The need for the project is evident in the Governments full backing of CO2 reduction measures.
The village of Wray is reliant on grid based electricity and natural gas for heating and cooking. Natural gas from the UK is rapidly diminishing. The UK needs to reduce energy use. The looming energy crisis and rapidly rising energy prices will make the current energy input into the village unsustainable. Rather than wait for this to happen and to suffer from the consequences, it would be wiser to act now as a community to look at our local energy system and consumption. The nature of this project would be replicable in other local communities.
The nature of the Schauberger based technology is very sensitive to the energy and structure of living water. This will be enhanced by the project and will help to improve the aquatic life after the outflow from the turbine. In the longer term with Phase 2 the river ecology and its watershed will be enhanced.
Proposed legal structure some form of Social Enterprise Company. Possible partners; Ben Tyers, engineer who has studied the work of Victor Schauberger who was brought up in Tatham nearby Wray. Dr Rod Everett owner of land and fishing rights of the proposed section of the River. Initiator of the Project. Ecologist, farmer and permaculture teacher. Wray Village interested parties. MiddleWood Charitable Trust Permaculture Association UK LESS Local and Effective Sustainable Solutions, Lancaster North Lancashire Social Enterprise -contact Jez Hall Forest of Bowland AONB
Other groups that have given support to this project John Hickling Natural England Professor Gerald Pollock, University of Washington Professor Davor Pavuna, University of Lausanne Solar village project at Tamera Portugal Curt Hallberg, Watreco Ltd Sweden Old Vic Theatre
Historical; The River Roeburn was used from 1700's up to the early 1900's to provide mill power for wool, cotton, silk mills and bobbin mills at the Southern Edge of Wray. The old weir for mill in 1965
Phase 3 To work with farmers and landowners in Roeburndale to enhance and stabilise the water flow by: ◦ a)Planting the banks of inflowing streams and springs to keep the water cool. Vortex generation in the river will help to cool the water. ◦ b)By creating deep ponds higher up the valley which will hold the water to allow it to infiltrate to the springs, slowing down the flash flooding. This strategy has been used in Austria by Sepp Holzer and more recently by Tamera Community in Portugal. ◦ c). By encouraging blanket bog and shrubs such as heather and bilberry to hold water on the land. ◦ d). By using aerator or para plough on compacted stock fields which will enable rainwater to sink in and be absorbed into the groundwater 1. To work with residents of Wray and Roeburndale to make the most efficient and sustainable use of the energy generated. This will help to fully engage the community living in Wray village and Roeburndale with the issues of Climate change, CO2 reduction and the issues of Peak oil and Gas. It will help in educating the village and other local communities to understand how the current lifestyle and energy consumption is unsustainable. This will lead to a greater understanding of the lifestyle changes and will encourage local innovation in how to make such changes. Relevant Studies; Initial Study; Roeburndale West Hydropower feasability study by Northern Millwrights Feb 2010.This study looked at the whole river. Due to our wish to work beneficially with the River ecology, this proposed project is very different from the conventional damaging Hydro Electric scheme that they estimated to be in the order of 4,600Mwh/year.
Forest of Bowland AONB micro hydro study.
Important viewing to help understand this proposal Callum Coats. U Tube “The extraordinary nature of water”. 6 parts Professor Pollock talk on “water, energy and life. Views from the waters edge.” Available on University of Washington web site.
Books Living Energies. Callum Coats 1996. The Water Wizard Viktor Schauberger translated and edited by Callum Coats 1997. Niels Werdenberg. Masters Thesis 2006. Handling Water. Available on the internet.
Contact; Dr R.D.Everett, Backsbottom Farm Roeburndale West, Lancaster, LA2 9LL Tel;015242 22214 E.mail [email protected]
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*Coming soon a more technical web page being developed by the engineer Ben Tyers. Living Water rap we'd better ask the fish.. (AKA The Fish Know Best) .Ask the fish to get our wish - It's a human eccentricity clean power to rely on electricity, in a splish! but to keep things on the boil we've gotta get off oil Cos the fish are in the know cos there's less and less about about the river's natural flow yeah, the world is running out... and how it can be managed without causing any damage, Running out! to give us energy for less I hear you shout, and bring us happiness... how we gonna sort this out? Happiness! Costing less! To look after our home planet So come on, we've really gotta plan it say yes! so our energy tomorrow doesn't cause a lot of sorrow HAPPINESS! to all creatures great and small, COSTING LESS!! cos pollution hurts us all... SO COME ON, SAY YES!!! Yes us all, short and tall, so we'd better get on the ball!
To get clean energy from water now's the time we oughtta ask the true authority bout the natural priority, for us to get our wish