Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
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Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation A GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA UNDER TAKING (Incorporated Under Orissa Act 1 of 1981) IDCO TOWERS, JANPATH Telephon : 254 2784 e Bhubaneswar-751 022 (India) EPABX : 254 3804 Fax : 0674-254 2956 IDCO: P&A: EST:E-RRP-6/ 2380 DT. 16.02. 2004
In supersession of all previous and relevant circulars regarding sub- delegation of powers, for smooth and effective management of this Corporation, Managing Director has been pleased to sub-delegate powers to the Sub-ordinate Officers of the Corporation as under :- Sl. SUBJECT AUTHORITY LIMITS N o. I. ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS 1. Application for General Manager (P&A) Full powers alienation and with prior approval of acquisition of land M.D 2. Sanction of Leave and Allowances: Chief General Full powers a) Sanction of Casual Manager / Leave in favour of General Manager / sub-ordinate Divisional Head officers and staff b) Sanction of Earned General Manager Full powers upto the Leave, Maternity ( P&A) rank of JGM and Leave, Commuted Divisional Heads Leave, Medical and Group-A officers Leave. of field divisions.
R.I.Act Divisional Head Full powers in case of sub-ordinate Group- B, C & D employees subject to maximum leave of 120 days only in each case at a time. c) Sanction of General Manager Full powers upto the Conveyance ( P&A) rank of JGM for both Allowance office rate and field rate. Divisional Head Full powers in case of sub-ordinate employees at field rates only after sanction of rate of conveyance allowance by GM(P&A). d) Sanction of General Manager (P&A) Full powers upto the Servant Allowance. rank of JGM e) Sanction of House General Manager (P&A) Full powers upto the Rent Allowance rank of JGM f) Sanction of Medical General Manager (P&A) Full powers upto the Allowance rank of JGM g) Sanction of General Manager (P&A) Full powers upto the encashment of un- rank of JGM utilised leave h) Sanction of time General Manager (P&A) Full powers upto the bound rank of Deputy advancement scale Manager of pay 3. Sanction of T.A. Chief General Manager/ Full powers for all advance General Manager sub-ordinate officers upto the rank of JGM.
R.I.Act Divisional Head Full powers for all sub-ordinate officers and sanction to self upto Rs. 1000/- per month.
4. Approval of Tour Chief General Manager/ Full powers for all programmes and General Manager sub-ordinate officers tour diaries inside the upto the rank of JGM State and Divisional Heads. Divisional Head Full powers for all sub-ordinate officers and staff of division. 5. Pay advance, festival General Manager(P&A) Full powers upto the advance and other rank of JGM , temporary advances Divisional Heads and Group-A officers of field divisions. Divisional Head Full powers in case of sub-ordinate group- B, C & D employees of division. 6. Sanction of annual General Manager(P&A) Full powers upto the increment rank of JGM , Divisional Heads and Group-A officers of field divisions. Divisional Head Full powers in case of sub-ordinate group- B, C & D employees of division.
R.I.Act 7. Purchase of General Manager(P&A) Upto Rs. 5,000/- in stationeries, printing each case subject to materials, furnitures budget provision. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 2,000/- in etc. each case subject to budget provision. 8. Telephone, Fax bills, General Manager(P&A) Full powers in Water/ Electricity respect of Head bills, postage stamps, office subject to franking expenses prescribed etc. entitlement ceilings and the budget provision. Divisional Head Full powers in respect of Division office subject to prescribed entitlement ceilings and budget provision. 9. Minor repair bills of General Manager(P&A) Upto Rs. 1,000/- in type-writers, each case Divisional Head Upto Rs. 500/- in telephone, fax, each case duplicating machines, calculators and other office equipments 10 Repair and Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 5,000/- in . maintenance of General Manager each case subject to computers and its budget provision. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 2,000/- in accessories and each case subject to purchase of budget provision consumables
R.I.Act 11 Management of As per the rules of upkeep and maintenance of . vehicles Corporation vehicles vide office order no. a) Vehicle 431/83 dated 11.10.83 as amended from time maintenance to time. b) Purchase of POL, Divisional Head, Full powers subject motor parts, Central Store / to prescribed payment of taxes, Divisional Head ceilings within the insurance and budget provision. entry tax. 12 Approval of As per entertainment rules of the Corporation. . entertainment expenditure 13 Forwarding General Manager (P&A) Full powers Divisional Head Full powers in case . application of Group- of Group- C & D B, C & D employees employees of to take admission division into educational institutions without detrimental to their duties.
14 Purchase of technical General Manager (P&A) Full powers subject . / reference books shall purchase books to budget provision. on requisition from concerned General Manager/ Divisional Head. However, CGMs can purchase the books directly and send the bills to GM(P&A) for payment.
15 Payment of General Manager Full powers . advertisement bills ( P&A) and bills for purchase
R.I.Act of books and periodicals where prior approval of MD is available
16 Sanction of Misc. General Manager (P&A) Upto Rs. 2,000/- in . Court and legal each case. expenses II. FINANCIAL POWERS 1. Issue of cheques, pay General Manager (Fin) Full powers
orders bank drafts Divisional Head Upto Rs. 7.50 lakhs etc. 2. Sanction of Non-Recurring:- contingent Chief General Manager Upto Rs. 5,000/- for expenditure. field divisions in each case subject to budget provision General Manager (P&A) Upto Rs. 2,000/- for Head office in each case subject to budget provision. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 2,000/- for field division in each case subject to budget provision. Recurring:- Chief General Upto Rs. 2,000/- per Manager / month subject to General Manager budget provision Divisional Head Upto Rs. 1,000/- per month subject to budget provision. III. WORK EXECUTION POWERS 1. Approval of Tender Chief General Manager Full powers with Call Notice and prior administrative Tender Schedules approval.
R.I.Act Divisional Head Upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs with prior technical sanction and administrative approval.
2. Publication of tenders / Quotations a)Invitation of Chief General Manager/ Full powers tenders / General Manager/ quotations upto Divisional Head Rs. 1.00 lakh by wide circulation not requiring paper publication for works covered by Administrative Approval b) Above Rs. 1.00 Chief General Manager Full powers Divisional Head Upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs lakh by publishing in newspapers for works covered by Administrative Approval as per guidelines issued separately from time to time for publication of tender notices. 3. Approval of rates Chief General Manager Full powers based on analysis (Civil) & Chief General Manager (P&C) Divisional Head Upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs within the approved administrative cost
R.I.Act 4. Technical sanction of Chief General Manager Full powers with estimates prior administrative approval. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs with prior administrative approval. 5. Power to sanction Chief General Manager Upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs estimates for for works already purchase of store, approved by MD. tools and plant required for work already approved. 6. Determining earnest Chief General Manager/ Full powers money deposit General Manager/ against tender Divisional Head notices 7. Fixing price for Chief General Manager/ Full powers tender papers General Manager/ Divisional Head 8. Technical sanction of Chief General Manager/ Full powers repair works subject General Manager to scheme having prior approval of MD. 9. Purchase of materials Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 3.00 lakh on DGS&D rate or General Manager in each case. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 1,00,000/- EPM rate for in each case sanctioned work 10 Purchase of materials Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 50,000/- in . for maintenance General Manager each case. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 25,000/- in work each case 11 Purchase of small Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 5,000/- in . tools furniture for site General Manager each case with total and other not exceeding ¼% equipments and of cost of work
R.I.Act materials required for Divisional Head Upto Rs. 2,000/- in works each case with total not exceeding ¼% of cost of work 12 Purchase of Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 1,000/- in . stationery etc. General Manager each case not required for site exceeding Rs. chargeable to work 20,000/- per annum Divisional Head Upto Rs. 500/- in each case not exceeding Rs. 8,000/- per annum per division. 13 Emergency purchase Chief General Manager/ Upto Rs. 5,000/- in . with certificate for General Manager each case Divisional Head Upto Rs. 2,000/- in reasonableness of each case prices. 14 Passing of bills for Chief General Manager/ Full powers. . works and purchases General Manager/ Divisional Head
15 Acceptance of Chief General Manager Upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs . Tenders / Quotations with for works and recommendation of materials Head office level Tender Committee. Divisional Head Upto Rs 3.00 lakhs with recommendation of Divisional level Tender Committee.
R.I.Act However, existing provision relating to approval of tenders upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs by MD on recommendation of CGM without reference to the Head office level Tender Committee would continue in exceptional cases in view of urgency of execution of works for which reasons shall be recorded in writing. 16 Deviation statements Chief General Manager 25% (within . sanctioned administrative approval) subject to condition that the total value does not exceed the sanctioned estimate and rates approved by the competent authority. The deviation statement should be duly checked by a Finance Officer of the Corporation not below the rank of a Manager.
R.I.Act General Manager 10% (within sanctioned administrative approval) subject to condition that the total value does not exceed the sanctioned estimate and rates approved by the competent authority. The deviation statement should be duly checked by a Finance Officer of the Corporation not below the rank of a Manager. 17 Grant of extension of Chief General Manager Full powers for . time in respect of works upto Rs. works. 10.00 lakhs with penalty as per contract agreement. In case of waiver / reduction of penalty approval of MD will be obtained.
R.I.Act Divisional Head Full powers for works upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs with penalty as per contract agreement. In case of waiver / reduction of penalty, approval of CGM will be obtained. 18 Power to split the Chief General Manager Upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs . works with prior approval of MD. Divisional Head Upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs with prior approval of CGM.
Note:- Administrative approval for all works shall only be issued by Head Office with prior approval of Managing Director. This order shall come into force with immediate effect. By order of Managing Director Sd/- General Manager (P&A)
Memo No. 2381 Dated 16th February, 2004.
Copy to All Chief General Managers/ General Managers / Joint General Managers / Managers / Divisional Heads / Finance Division / All Divisions of Head office / OSD to M, IDCO for information and necessary action. Sd/- General Manager (P&A) c.c. to guard file
R.I.Act Annexure-I
1. SHORT TITLE These Regulations may be called “The Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Staff Regulations, 2001”. 2. COMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into force from the date as specified by an order of the Board. 3. SCOPE AND APPLICATION These Regulations shall apply to all duty posts of the Corporation except: (a) Posts filled up by employees on deputation from the State or Central Govt. or other Corporations or Organizations (b) Posts filled up purely on a part time basis or on contract basis. (c) Posts filled up by persons re-employed after superannuation of service. (d) Contingent Workers. (e) Any other category of persons whom the Board may by order specifically exclude from the operation of all or any of the provisions contained in these Regulations. 4. DEFINITIONS. In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires: - (a) “Corporation” means the Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation. (b) “Board” means the Board of Directors of Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation. (c) “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation. (d) “ Managing Director” means the Managing Director of the Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation. (e) “Appointing Authority” the Chairman in respect of Group-A posts and the Managing Director in respect of all other posts. (f) “ Direct Recruit” means a person recruited to a post on the basis of a competitive examination or interview or both by the Selection Committee and other than by promotion. 5. CONSTITUTION OF CADRE : The staff of the Corporation shall be classified into the following four Groups.
R.I.Act (a) Group- A (c) Group- C (b) Group- B (d) Group- D The various types of posts covered by the above groups are shown in Schedule-I appended to these Regulations, provided that the class in respect of any other post shall be as specified by the Board. 6. CADRE STRENGTH. The Board shall determine from time to time the number of posts of various categories and create as many posts in each category as needed in respect of all groups of posts. 7. FORECAST OF VACANCIES The Managing Director shall determine on the first day of January of every year the number of vacancies that may arise in each group taking into consideration the number of persons due to retire on superannuation and the number of posts to be created under new schemes or expansion of old schemes. He shall make necessary arrangements to obtain approval of the Board for creation of such posts. As soon as the posts are created, steps shall be taken to fill up the posts by recruitment of suitable persons. 8. RECRUITMENT. 1) The posts shall be filled up by a. Direct recruitment; or b. Promotion of persons already in the service of the Corporation; or c. Deputation from the State or Central Government or a State or Central Government undertakings; or d. Recruiting the services of qualified persons on contract basis for specific periods on either full time or part time basis. 2) The Chairman shall decide by which the aforesaid modes of vacant posts are to be filled up provided that prior approval of the Board shall be taken before filling up posts. 3) The Board may prescribe the general and technical qualifications needed for filling up the posts by direct recruitment and where no such qualifications are prescribed, the Chairman may fix the same. 9. CONSTITUTION OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE.
R.I.Act The Chairman shall constitute one or more selection committees for the purpose of making appointments to all posts except Group-D posts and nominate not less than three members to each such committee and entrust to them the task of recruitment of personnel from open market and filling up of posts by promotion of the employees already in service provided that he shall be the Chairman of the Selection Committee constituted for Group-A posts and the Managing Director shall be the Chairman of the Selection Committee constituted for selection of Group-B & Group-C posts and if there is a Chairman-cum-Managing Director, the Chairman & Managing Director shall be Chairman of the Selection Committee for Group-A, Group-B and Group-C posts. The General Manager (P&A) shall be the Chairman of the Selection Committee for selection of Group-D posts. 10. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES The vacancies may be notified to the Employment Exchange under provision of Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act to sponsor the names of suitable candidates. The vacancies may also be advertised in newspapers as an alternative. The advertisement should indicate the job specification, the qualification and experience expected from the applicants and the reservation of posts for S.T and S.C candidates, SEBC, Women, Ex- servicemen and Handicapped & Sports persons. 11. TEST AND INTERVIEW FOR SELECTION. The Board shall decide the modality for selection of different candidates. They are also to decide the procedure to holding the interview and conducting the written test etc. if any. The merit list prepared on the basis of approved vacancy available in a particular grade shall be kept reserved in the office of the Corporation for a period of one year along-with other ancillary documents, relevant in conducting such recruitment. 12. RESERVATION OF POSTS FOR PERSONS BELONGING TO SCHEDULED CASTE, SCHEDULED TRIBE, EX-SAERVICEMAN , HANDICAPPED SEBC AND WOMAN PERSONS.
R.I.Act The number of posts to be reserved for Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribe candidates at the time of direct recruitment or promotion shall be in accordance with the norms prescribed under the Reservation of vacancies in posts and services (for SC & ST persons) Act and Rules made there under. Reservation of posts for SEBC, Woman, Ex-Serviceman, Handicapped persons at the time of direct recruitment will be as per principles fixed by Government from time to time. 13. POWER OF APPOINTMENT In all cases, where it is decided under Regulation 8(2) to fill up vacancies by direct recruitment, appointment to Group-A posts will be made by the Chairman and appointments to Group-B and Group-C posts will be made by the Managing Director on the recommendation of the Selection Committee subject to the stipulation prescribed in Regulation 11 and 12. The Managing Director shall decide from time to time the manner of recruitment to Group-D posts. 14. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF CANDIDATES. The Selection Committee shall see that the candidate selected satisfies the stipulations mentioned below: - a) S/he possesses prescribed general and technical qualification and experience. The period of experience shall be calculated with reference to the date specified in the notification/advertisement. b) The candidate is above 21 years and below 32 years of age, provided that relaxation in age as granted to persons belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, SEBC, Women, Ex-servicemen and Handicapped persons by the State Government may be allowed by the Corporation .
Provided further that the Chairman may relax the upper age limit in respect of all posts for reasons to be recorded in writing. c) The upper age limit prescribed under clause (b) above shall be calculated with reference to the date on which the vacancy is notified and advertised. d) The date of birth as recorded in the School Leaving Certificate or the Matriculation Certificate shall be recorded for the purpose of proof of age. e) The candidate should have of good character. f) Be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity. g) Have not more than one wife living.
R.I.Act 15. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE No candidate directly recruited shall be appointed to a post in the service of the Corporation unless he is found medically fit for discharging the duties and to that effect he shall be required to produce a certificate of medical fitness from any of the authorized medical attendants/Doctors in the employment of the Corporation and/or any Medical Officer of the State Government not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon. 16. ANTECEDENTS:-
a) Initial Regular appointments should be subject to verification of antecedents, as may be prescribed by the Corporation from time to time.
b) Appointment of any person in the Corporation shall be liable to be terminated summarily at any time of his service, if it is found that s/he has given false or incorrect information regarding her/his antecedents, age, community, education, experience etc. subject to providing adequate opportunity to show cause against such termination. 17. PROBATION. Every candidate appointed to the post for the first time in the service of the Corporation shall be treated as on probation for a period of one year, provided that the Chairman may reduce the period of probation for reasons to be recorded in writing. The appointing authority may extend the period of probation by not more than three years. During the period of probation or extended period of probation, the services of the candidate may be terminated following the provisions of OIIDC Employees Conduct, Discipline, Appeal & Service Regulations- 1996. 18 DIS-QUALIFICATION:
a) Where vigilance / disciplinary action has been initiated against an Employee otherwise eligible for promotion or s/he has been placed under suspension, DPC shall consider his case but record its recommendation separately which shall be placed in a sealed cover.
b) If the employee is completely exonerated of the charges, s/he will be promoted from the due date if recommended by the DPC and will also be paid arrears of salaries and allowance. Where the employee is not completely exonerated, the promotion if recommended by the DPC, shall not be given effect to and her/his case for promotion will be considered by the next DPC in the normal course and
R.I.Act having regard to the penalty imposed on her/him.
c) No candidate shall be eligible for appointment and no employee shall be entitled to continue in the Corporation service if s/he has been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence involving moral turpitude under Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure . 19. TRAINING:-
i) Every Employee will be required to undergo such training or course conducted in- house and outside as may be prescribed by the Management or Appointing Authority.
ii) The Employee who is required to undergo any training or course may be required to execute a bond to serve the Corporation for such period as may be prescribed which shall not exceed 12 months for every one month of training or course subject to an maximum of three years after completing the training or course. Failure to serve the Corporation for the stipulated period will render the Employee liable to refund the emoluments paid to him during the training period.
iii) Every Employee on training will be considered to be on duty and be provided with benefits and allowances as decided by the Management or Appointing Authority.
iv) Every Employee will undergo any training whether specialized or technical or managerial as deemed fit by the Competent Authority.
v) An Employee found to be guilty of unbecoming conduct will be liable to be discharged from the training course even before the completion of the period of training. Such an Employee will be liable to refund full amount of the emoluments paid to him during the period of training. 20 PROMOTION. 1. The Selection Committee constituted under Regulation-9 shall consider the cases of promotion of existing employees to the next higher grade. For this purpose, the Selection Committee shall meet as and when necessary and prepare a select list of employees fit for promotion to fill up the vacancies in the various grades. The case of employee who is not found fit once by the Committee shall not be overlooked subsequently simply because he was not found fit on the earlier occasion. Such an employee should invariably be considered afresh on the subsequent occasions along with other eligible employees.
R.I.Act 2. After acceptance of recommendations of the Selection Committee, orders for promotion to Group-A posts shall be passed by the Chairman and to other posts by the Managing Director. 3. Any employee who is aggrieved by an order of promotion may represent his case to the Board in case the post claimed for promotion is a Group-A post and to the Chairman in other cases. 4. The avenues of promotion for the various categories of employees and the criteria fixed for the same shall be as may be prescribed by the Board subject to the following general conditions: a) An employee must have put minimum five years of service in the lower grade before he is considered for promotion to the next higher grade except the persons eligible for promotion to the following posts:-
i. Joint Manager/Manager/Deputy General Manager – Minimum 4 (four) years of services in the lower posts
ii. Joint General Manager/General Manager/Chief General Manager - Minimum 3 (three) years service in the lower posts. b) For the posts in Group-C, the criteria for promotion shall be merit with due regard to seniority. c) For all posts in the Group-B and Group-A, promotion shall be selection on the basis of suitability and merit, having due regard to seniority. d) Cases of promotion will be taken up subject to availability of vacancies. e) Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, statutory concessions, if any, prescribed under Orissa Reservation of vacancies in posts and services ( for SC, ST ) Act shall be honored. 21. BASIS OF PROMOTION;- 1. CCRs of proceeding five years are to be taken into consideration. In case of non- availability of CCRs of any year, the CCRs of the equal number of previous years shall be taken into consideration.
R.I.Act 2. Rating of performance:- Performance rating of Employee on the basis of the entries in their CCRs may be made as follows:
Outstanding A+ Very Good A Good B Average C In case of other expressions used in the CCR such expressions may be reduced to one of the above categories as per the following equivalence.
Excellent / Extraordinary/ Brilliant- Very Good Fair / Satisfactory Good 3. Selection Criteria:-
For all categories of posts the process of selection with zone of consideration of 3 times of the available vacancy for general candidates and 7 times for SC/ST candidates shall be followed.
An Employee having at least four A+ and one A during last 5 years shall be treated highly meritorious and be given higher position than others. In case of more than one Employee obtaining equal grade, position in the merit list shall be fixed as per the seniority.
In case of Employee against whom disciplinary / criminal proceedings are pending but his case is recommended for promotion, the recommendations for promotions is to be kept in sealed cover as per IDCO office memorandum no. 20908 dated 14.9.94
In case of an Employee against whom major punishment has been awarded on account of departmental proceeding or in criminal proceeding within the last five years shall not be eligible for promotion.
R.I.Act 4. SUITABILITY:- For Group-A :
(a) For the post of Joint General Manager and above the officer securing minimum 2“A” grades and 1 “B” during last three years shall be eligible to be promoted to the rank of Joint General Manager/ General Manager / Chief General Manager.
Since those three categories of posts come under Senior Management and carries higher responsibilities, people having capability / supervising ability and bright carrier shall be considered for promotion.
(b) Deputy General Managers / Managers / Joint Managers .- An Officer securing minimum two ‘A’ grade and two ‘B’ grades during last four years shall be considered for promotion to the next higher posts.
For Group-B :
For promotion to Group-B categories of posts an Employee should have minimum ‘B’ grading on an average during the last five years. Employees having adverse entry in any one year in the CCR during the last five years shall not be eligible for promotion.
On an average can be arrived at through a system of award marks against the ratings as follows:-
1. Outstanding ‘A+’ 5 marks
2. Very Good ‘A’ 4 marks
3. Good ‘B’ 3 marks
4. Average R.I.Act For Group-C ;-
An employee securing 4 ‘C’ grade during last five years shall not be treated as suitable for promotion.
For promotion to Group-C posts an employee has to secure minimum 2 ‘B’ grades in any two years during last five years for making her/him suitable for promotion. Employees having adverse entries shall not be considered for promotion.
No CCR is maintained for Group-D employees. For promotion from Group-D to Group-C posts, criteria for selection shall be purely on the basis of seniority subject to un-suitability for the post due to punishment in criminal / departmental proceeding or pendenancy of criminal / departmental proceedings.
Minimum experience as provided for in the Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Staff Regulations, 2001 will be one of the necessary conditions for considering some one for promotion
The Regulation 8(3) read with 20 (4) prescribed that an employee of any cadre must have put in for at least 5 years of service in the lower post before s/he is considered for promotion to the next higher post, unless the Board for special reasons orders to the contrary.
However certain relaxation in the eligibility conditions for managerial posts as follows have been inducted in the line of the instructions of P.E. Department communicated in their resolution no. 3169 dated 16.8.1995
Sl. No. Name of the Posts Minimum length of service required in just below post for promotion
1 Assistant manager 5 years
2 Deputy Manager 5 years
3 Joint Manager 4 years
4 Manager 4 years
5 Deputy General Manager 4 years
6 Joint General Manager R.I.Act 22. VALIDITY OF PANEL;
All panels shall be valid for one year. The panel will be deemed to have become valid from the date of the proceeding is approved by the Competent Authority and the instructions regarding validity of panels will apply to both in respect of panels constituted against open selections or departmental promotions. 23. DEPUTATION OF STATE OR CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES:-
(1) The Chairman shall decide which of the posts shall be filled up by getting suitable employees on deputation from Central or State Government or from Central or State Government Undertakings in view of the expertise and specialized knowledge needed for a particular post or a group of posts.
(2) After orders of Chairman are obtained, the Managing Director shall take steps to bring the services of suitable employees on deputation.
(3) The designation of the employees brought on deputation shall be as determined by the Chairman, subject to the general principles laid down by the Board. 24. RECRUITMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS ON CONTRACT BASIS. (1) The Chairman may where he feels it expedient to do so order for securing the services of a qualified person on contract basis to fill up a post on either full time or part time basis. Provided that such appointment shall not be for a period of more than one year at a time. (2) The remuneration and other terms of appointment of a person engaged on contract basis shall be as fixed by the Chairman. 25. SENIORITY. (1) Inter-se-seniority of employee in a particular grade shall be fixed according to the order of merit in which her/his name is placed by the Selection Committee at the time of direct recruitment or promotion and not according to the date on which he joins the post subject to the condition that the selected candidate on direct recruitment joins his post not later than 120 days (One hundred twenty days) from the date of issue of appointment order. (2) Where vacancies are filled up both by direct recruitment and by promotion of existing employees the seniority of the promoted candidates shall be fixed above the candidates directly recruited during the year.
R.I.Act 26. GRADATION LIST. A gradation list of employees in a particular grade shall be prepared and circulated among all the concerned employees. Objections, if any, filled by the employees within 30 days from the date of circulation shall be duly considered by the Managing Director and disposed of after which, the gradation list shall be finalized.
An aggrieved employee may appeal against the decision of the Managing Director passed on his objection petition to the Chairman whose orders thereon shall be final. 27. TRANSFER 1. Every Officer/staff of the Corporation including Officer/staff on deputation to this Corporation, shall be liable for transfer to any place(s) of business/project sites/Divisions of the Corporation or any other place of work related to the Corporation and the Officer/staff shall duly served at such offices/places of work. 2. The Chairman-cum-Managing Director/Managing Director, being the competent authority, in respect of all Officer/staff of the Corporation, may depending upon the exigencies of the works transfer an Officer/staff to any such office/division/project sites. 3. An Officer/staff may be required to serve for a minimum period of 3 (three) years at a particular station. However the competent authority may transfer any of the Officer/staff before the aforementioned period on administrative grounds and in the interest of the Corporation. 4. Annual transfer would be made during the transfer season i.e. from the month of April to June every year. Transfer beyond the transfer season would be minimum and made on administrative grounds and in the interest of the Corporation. Transfer of Officer/staff can also be made in the event of promotion/suspension/retirement and closure of project sites. 5. In case the transfer of an officer/staff is made on her/his representation, no Transfer T.A would be admissible. 6. For annual transfer during the transfer season, all Departmental Heads/ Divisional Heads of the Corporation should assess performance of existing officers and staff, the additional requirement of staff and surplus staff depending upon the work-load for the coming year and furnish proposal to the Corporate Office by March- 15 for general reshuffle of employees.
R.I.Act 7. The concerned Departmental Head/Divisional Heads would see that one Officer/staff posted under their control would not continue in a particular seat/assignment for more than 3 (three) years except in exceptional cases. 8. Request of an Officer/staff for transfer before 3 (three) months of her/his posting in a particular Division/project site can only be entertained on the specific ground/administrative ground to be recorded in writing on case to case basis. 9. Representation of Officer/staff posted in KBK districts, who have served there for more than 3 (three) years in a continuous spell and employee retiring within two years can be considered sympathetically. 10. An Officer/staff, under orders of transfer shall be relieved maximum within seven days time by the concerned controlling officer on receipt of the transfer order. 11. No leave would be granted to the Officer/staff under orders of transfer and the transferred Officer/staff would join in her/his new place of posting immediately. 12. As per OIIDC Employees Conduct, Discipline, Appeal and Service Regulations, 1996 an Officer/staff would not get outsiders to canvass/interfere on her/his behalf. S/he should file representation for transfer through proper channel only to the Competent Authority. 28. SUPERANNUATION AND RETIREMENT (1) The retirement age of the employees of the Corporation shall be 58 years provided that the Chairman may in case of Group-A officers and Managing Director in case of all other employees review their performance before completion of their 50th and 55th years of service to assess if they are suitable to hold their posts. (2) An employee who has attained the age of 50 th and 55th years of age may be retired on giving him three months notice or pay in lieu thereof if s/he is not found suitable to be continued in employment.
An employee who attained the age of 55 years may elect to retire by giving three months notice of her/his intention to retire. The Board is to lay down the procedure for effecting such premature retirement. 29. A record of service and Confidential Character Roll shall be maintained in respect of each employee in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Managing Director from time to time. 30. If any doubt arises as regards the interpretation or applicability of any of these Regulations, the matter shall be referred to the Board whose decision
R.I.Act thereon shall be final. 31. Appointment and promotions made in the Corporation prior to the enforcement of these Regulations shall be deemed to have been made under these Regulations and all the existing employees of the Corporation shall be governed by them. 32. Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the Regulations, the Government may from time to time issue such directives as they may consider necessary in regard to the recruitment and promotion of staff and those directives shall be binding on the Corporation for immediate implementation.