The Universal Prayer

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The Universal Prayer

The Universal Prayer Sunday 10th December 2017 Second Sunday of Advent

Celebrant: Sisters and brothers, seeking the consolation of God for all in distress and need, we open our hearts to that Divine Grace by which we prepare a way for the Lord.

1. That the Church will, in these days of Advent, repent of her sins, seek the gift of wisdom, and be committed to justice and mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

2. That Archbishop Wilson and all in our parish and families who carry the burden and anxiety of sickness will know the healing presence of Jesus, and the sweet balm of the Holy Spirit. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

3. That our Catholic youth and young adults, in this Year of Youth, will have the vitality, humility and commitment of faith as seen in John the Baptist, and centre their lives on Jesus Christ. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

4. That as we wait for the promised, ‘new heavens and new earth’, our Catholic youth and young adults will give leadership in the care of the earth, our common home, being committed to good stewardship of all creation. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. 5. That the terrible situation of war which is dislocating people in Yemen, resulting in a lack of food, water and medicine be quickly reversed through the efforts of the United Nations. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

6. That this International Human Rights Day will motivate every individual and nation to eliminate all forms of discrimination, injustice and violence, so that the dignity and rights of each person is respected in word and in action. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

7. That the dead will praise the glory of God through Jesus Christ. and those who are mourning receive the consolation of God. We remember . . .

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

Celebrant: Almighty God, listen to the cry of the poor and the needy who are helpless, that your justice may flourish in every land, and peace come to every person. Through Christ our Lord. The Universal Prayer Monday 11th December 2017 St Damasus I, Pope Monday Second Week of Advent

Celebrant: The beauty of the language of the prophet Isaiah continues to be a source of great encouragement as this Advent Season unfolds.

1. May there will be rain for those places on the African continent where drought is bringing great hardship, and where insufficient clean drinking water is causing disease to flourish. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. May all weary hands be strengthened and faint hearts be filled with courage. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. May the sick receive that healing of body, mind and heart which brings acceptance and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. May the time come soon when Christians, Jews and Muslims can enter Jerusalem together, rejoicing in God’s faithfulness. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. May this International Mountain Day, with its theme, “Mountains under Pressure: climate, hunger, migration”, help us to be mindful of those who live in the mountains of our planet which are deeply affected by climate change. Let us pray to the Lord.

6. May the love which St Damasus had for the Sacred Scriptures in having them translated into Latin, the language of the people, be inspiration for those who continue the work of translation, so that more people will be able to read the word of God. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Lord God, speak peace to your people, and help all who suffer. Through Christ our Lor Tuesday 12th December (Our Lady of Guadalupe) Second Week of Advent

Celebrant: My friends, in the face of so much suffering around the world and uncertainty about the future we beg for the gift of God’s consolation.

1. That the people of Jerusalem, so bitterly divided, may once again receive the consolation of God which will heal every division. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. That those who are grieving at this time may know the blessings which Christ has promised to them. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. That the world might hear more clearly the joyful message that God is here, like a shepherd feeding his flock. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. That those who carry the burden of sin may meet Christ, the Good Shepherd, in the Sacrament of Penance this Advent. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. That the nations of the Americas – South, Central and North – who honour Our Lady of Guadalupe as patroness, may be strong in faith and active in charity. Let us pray to the Lord.

6. That the unborn, placed under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, will be given the right to life, and where they are in danger, be given every available health care. Let us pray to the Lord.

7. That the Sisters of Mercy, celebrating their Foundation Day today, may continue to follow the example of Venerable Catherine McAuley, and be women of mercy and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Eternal King, you judge the world with fairness, forgive, heal and restore us. Through Christ our Lord. The Universal Prayer Wednesday 13th December St Lucy Second Week of Advent Celebrant: Dear friends, the feast of St Lucy, whose name means ‘light’, has long been a favourite of children in Europe as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.

1. That children, in particular, may carry that heavenly light in their lives, which brings joy and peace to others. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. That the sick who honour St Lucy as patroness, especially people with eye diseases, those suffering from haemorrhage and with throat infections, may receive the gift of healing. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. That glaziers and those who make knives, who also honour St Lucy, may carry out their work with honesty and responsibility. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. That those who have grown tired and weary with the burdens of life, may find in God, who does not grow tired or weary, the one who gives comfort and strength. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. That we may look into our summer skies and see there tee creating hand of our God with a deep sense of thanksgiving. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Heavenly Shepherd, you heal our ills and forgive our sins; through this Eucharist receive our praise and thanksgiving. Through Christ our Lord. The Universal Prayer Thursday 14th December St John of the Cross Second Week of Advent

Celebrant: Sisters and brothers, once again we hear the word of God telling us not to be afraid. Through our Eucharist we renew our trust in that promise.

1. We pray for those in our local community who are afraid at this time because of personal difficulties, unemployment or sickness, that they may be encouraged through friendship with others. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. We pray for those in refugee camps, prisons and detention centres, along with those on temporary visas, anxious about their future, that our Government, working with others, may find new ways to enable people to live in freedom. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. We pray for those who have become the voice of the voiceless, of those who feel disempowered in the face of huge difficulties, that they may be advocates with integrity. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. We pray for all whose lives are severely traumatized by war: those living in a war zone and in refugee camps, those injured and grieving, those whose homes and places of work have been destroyed, that peace will quickly come to them. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. We pray that the wisdom of St John of the Cross will lead us to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, Bridegroom of the Church. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Almighty God, kind and merciful, rich in compassion, have pity on all who suffer and bring them to salvation. Through Christ our Lord. The Universal Prayer Friday 15th December 2017 Second Week of Advent

Celebrant: Friends, God invites us to find true freedom by following the way Jesus has shown us.

1. That Christians may give sincere witness to following the way of Christ, and so grow with integrity. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. That the generations in our families may live in peace with each other: the young and the old learning from each other with mutual respect. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. That we may understand the wisdom of Jesus, who ate with sinners, calling them to a new life, who prayed and fasted alone, drawing closer to his Father. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. That at this time of the year we may strike a healthy balance between eating and drinking and the need for self-discipline. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. That we will not forget in our prayer the needs of Christians in many countries suffer persecution for their faith. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Lord our God, give us the strength to follow your way, so that delighting in your law of love, we may flourish in good works through Christ our Lord. The Universal Prayer Saturday 16th December 2017 Second Week of Advent

Celebrant: Dear friends, the life of Elijah Prophet had a powerful influence on Jewish people, and in the Transfiguration he and Moses appeared in the presence of Jesus.

1. That the goodness of Elijah may continue to inspire people of faith. Let us pray to the Lord.

2. That we may appreciate the many miracles which take place in our lives each day. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. That the return of Elijah to heaven may remind us of our destiny to live with God forever. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. That those who have died from our parish, families and friends may sleep in God’s love, waiting for their resurrection. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. That those who are suffering this day for whatever reason may see in the suffering Jesus the one who brings hope and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

6. That the distress of the people of Yemen in the war with Saudi Arabia will be relieved through a more pro-active United Nations. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: God and King, be our shepherd, come to our help, protect us, do not forsake us though Christ our Lord.

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