Outreach Metrics Form July 2015

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Outreach Metrics Form July 2015

Outreach Project - Final Report Metrics Form

OWEB receives a portion of its funds from the federal government and is required to report how its grantees have used both federal and state funds. The information you provide in the following form will be used for federal and state reporting purposes. Please complete all portions of the form below as they apply to your project. Please complete all portions of the form below as they apply to your project and submit all pages (do not exclude any pages). Please provide specific values, do not enter values like “2-3” or “<100”. Enter your best approximation of what the project will accomplish. If you have any questions, please contact Ginger Lofftus, OWEB PCSRF Reporting Assistant, at 503-986-5372 ([email protected]) or Cecilia Noyes, OWEB Federal Reporting Coordinator, at 503-986-0204 ([email protected]).

I. Outreach materials

1. Did this project fund the development or preparation of outreach materials that present information to the public, stakeholders and/or entities/groups to increase their understanding of watershed conservation, protection or restoration? Yes No If you answer yes complete the appropriate information on the outreach materials. If you answered no, proceed to Section II - Outreach Events.

1.a Outreach Documents (e.g. reports, brochures, handouts) For each outreach document developed or prepared by the project provide the title, author, date and total number of documents prepared Title Author(s) Date of Total number document prepared**

Total number of all documents prepared or printed** 1.b Exhibits (e.g. displays, posters) Number of unique exhibits developed**

Total number of exhibits prepared**

OWEB Outreach Final Report Metrics – July 2015 Page 1 1.c Interpretative Signs (don’t include exhibits listed above for 1.b) Number of unique interpretative signs developed **

Total number of interpretative signs prepared**

Number of different locations where interpretative signs were exhibited Describe where the signs were posted:

1.d Media (e.g. videos, radio or TV spots, press releases, websites, newspaper or magazine articles, and social network media such as Facebook or Twitter) For each outreach/educational media developed or prepared by the project provide a description, when the media was used, where it was used and the total number of media prepared. Media description When used Where used Total number of media prepared**

Total number of all media prepared **

** Examples for reporting the number of outreach materials developed and/or prepared. A project developed one educational brochure and printed 500 copies to distribute to landowners; you would report 500 for the total number of documents prepared. A project created a poster to display at landowner recruitment events, ten copies of the poster were produced; you would report one for the number of exhibits developed and ten for the total number of exhibits prepared. A project developed a website to inform landowners about habitat restoration funding opportunities; you would report one for the total number of media prepared. A project created a video and produced six copies of the video to show at multiple events; you would report six for the total number of media prepared.

II. Outreach Events 1. Did this project sponsor events that presented information to the public, stakeholders and/or entities/groups to increase their understanding of watershed conservation, protection or restoration? Yes No If you answer yes, complete the questions below. If you answer no, proceed to Section III - Interpretative Sites.

OWEB Outreach Final Report Metrics – July 2015 Page 2 1.a Workshop/Training Events Number of workshop/training events* Number of workshop/training participants

OWEB Outreach Final Report Metrics – July 2015 Page 3 1.b Presentations at Schools and Educational Institutions Number of schools/education institutions that received a presentation Number of students who participated

1.c Outreach Events Number of outreach events not included above (e.g. a booth at a public/user group event, a public presentation, a press briefing, or a site tour) *

* Events that occur over multiple days or have multiple sessions but are located at the same location are counted as one event.

III. Interpretative Sites 1. Did this project develop sites to allow public viewing of salmonid spawning/rearing habitat or interpretive kiosks placed in salmon habitat? Yes No If you answered yes, complete the two questions below, if you answered no, proceed to Section IV- Landowner Outreach and Restoration Results

1.a Number of viewing/access structures developed/constructed/installed

1.b Acres encompassed (the amount of land and stream encompassed by the interpretative site)

1.c % of project cost for developing interpretative site(s)

IV. Landowner Outreach and Restoration Results 1. Did this project conduct landowner outreach and/or do you expect habitat restoration to be proposed or implemented as a result of this outreach project? Yes No If you answered yes, complete questions 2 through 9 below as they apply to this project. 2. Number of habitat restoration project proposals developed 3. Acres of habitat expected to be restored or protected as a result of this outreach project (to nearest 0.1 acre) 4. Miles of stream(s) expected to be restored or protected as a result of this outreach project (to nearest 0.01 mile) 5. Number of watersheds (10 digit hydrologic unit) where habitat is expected to be protected or restored as a result of this outreach project; report the count of 10 digit hydrologic units (HUCs), do not report the HUC IDs 6. Estimated cost of the habitat restoration expected to be applied as a result of this outreach project

OWEB Outreach Final Report Metrics – July 2015 Page 4 7. Select one or more of the following types of habitat restoration expected to be applied as a result of this outreach project. If you do not expect habitat restoration to result from this project select ‘None’. Fish Screening Riparian Habitat Urban-Impact Reduction Fish Passage Upland Habitat Other (explain): Instream Flow Wetland None Instream Habitat Estuarine/Nearshore

8. Amount of cash donations made to restoration and/or conservation activities as a result of this outreach project. Do not include landowner contributions for implementing restoration projects on their own property. 9. Number of volunteers committed to restoration and/or conservation activities as a result of this outreach project

OWEB Outreach Final Report Metrics – July 2015 Page 5

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