Overcoming Odds Against English Language Learning & Teaching in Degree Engineering Colleges
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Faculty of Arts
Overcoming Odds against English Language Learning & Teaching in Degree Engineering Colleges of North Gujarat Region
Master of Philosophy
Purva Shukla
Name Overcoming Odds Against English Language Learning & Teaching in Degree Engineering Colleges of North Gujarat Region
[Pick the date] Abstract: Through a detailed survey analysis, in this report I have tried to present a thorough analysis on the English language learning of Engineering students from the colleges of North Gujarat. Survey is the form of research and methodology that has been used to analyze and present the results. A detailed list of recommendations is also provided in the end. I have also attached some appendices in the end to further our understanding and learning about the topic. CERTIFICATE Certified that the work incorporated in the dissertation entitled “Overcoming Odds against English Language Learning & Teaching in Degree Engineering Colleges of North Gujarat Region” submitted by me to Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya (KSV University) comprises the result of my independent and original investigations. The material that has been obtained (and used) from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the dissertation.
Place: Date: Signature of the Researcher
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this dissertation “Overcoming Odds against English Language Learning & Teaching in Degree Engineering Colleges of North Gujarat Region” is submitted by the candidate, PURVA SHUKLA, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Arts of Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya (KSV University), Gandhinagar. No part of this dissertation has been submitted for any other degree or diploma to any other university or institution.
Place: Date: Signature of the supervisor
Chapter 1: Introduction Language is the medium through which a person communicates his thoughts and feelings to his fellow men. Different subjects are transmitted through this tool. A person must know a little bit about the language he speaks and the culture he follows. Only then we can establish a relationship between the language that person speaks and its effect on the society. A language lives in a society so long as people speak it and use it as their native tongue. A language is important because the people who speak it are important -- politically, socially, commercially, economically and culturally. Importance of English language is doubtlessly great. It is spoken by more than Three-hundred-forty (340) million people as a first language in United Kingdom and the United States. With so much cultural diversity and uniqueness in every cult followed in our country there is a need for a common language which is understood by all. Of course we have Hindi as our national language to which we claim that every Indian knows to speak and understand. But in the international arena, there is no language other than English for purpose of trade, education etc. Hence, study of English language is of great importance for a developing country like India. Without knowledge of this language, our technicians, mechanics and engineers cannot progress.
"The English language in all is advanced and a flexible one and its teaching should not be discarded altogether. Indian cannot afford to ignore this language". -Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Engineers, as they are expected to the world, require an ever-increasing range of skills to maintain relevance with the global development. Communication skills are a vital component of this, recognised by all across the world. English language skills are also important given its widespread status across the globe. In fact, multilingual skills are considered a salient element in the make-up of the new global engineer. The effective communication skills with respect to learning English are discussed in the survey analysis below. The number speaks for itself.
5 We have based our study on the results of a primary research done through a small survey. The survey understood their liking towards English as a language and the trouble or issues they face in learning and using the same. The surveyed students included males and females below the age of 25 who are studying in any of the North Gujarat Engineering Colleges. These students through filling this survey provided us a first-hand account on the prevailing techniques used by colleges for English language teaching and how are they not productive enough for the students. We also got an idea on which aspects should be improved in order to provide state-of-the-art coaching of English language. The responses came from 289 Engineering students. An ideal survey of this magnitude should consist a sample size of 200 to 500 and hence we chose around 300 students. We have analyzed the data and presented the same in terms of bar graphs and pie charts for a better understanding of the collected data.
Nonetheless, the analysis done will guide the people, so as to engage themselves in the activities they lack. Since, the history has logged some huge success in the books, where clearly designated growth of English language as the pavement for new uprising, one has to build up a cognitive excellence to search for what cognitive mind a person has. Certainly, a few of them have a flare of command over the language, but lagging the competence level of the surrounding, the one with extra ability could not flourish the way they should have. A lot has been done to make people aware of the cross culture and its cultivated results in the field of communication. And this approach has a clear dimension to disseminate the paramount importance of this idiolect.
In general way or terms, communication will surely provide the ‘out of box’ thinking and will allow the perceiver to rationalize the things well before implementing. The beliefs may change, the notion may disappear, the sentiments could rupture, but what persists is the ‘IDEOLOGY’, the ideology to visualize the change and to assimilate the lost battles into huge victories. A more of what people think is directly related to what they do not rationalize. With the tickling time, one will keenly observe the diversity we live in, but lack stretch in this dialect. To relate with it, one simply doesn’t measure their effort needed in reaching a goal. This survey will make you strive to recognize the importance of this language and to let know what barrier we are in. What makes it a significant symbol is to capture the image of the present scenario and to map with what it can be in the upcoming generations.
It would be a great risk to neglect importance of English which is one of the major languages in the world. It’s a matter of privilege for us for us to be associated with English and English institutes for over two hundred years. It has given us an establishment and recognition in European thought and culture.
English has acquired the status of an international language. It is the language of trade, international politics, business, education and literature which has rich treasures of knowledge. It is only because of the English language that the exchange of teachers and students in different parts of the world is possible. There is no country in the world where English as a language cannot be understood. It is the first language in U.K, U.S.A., Australia and Canada. In countries like India, Pakistan, France, Africa and the Soviet Union English is the second or foreign language.
English acts as the pipe-line of stream of knowledge giving us the glimpses of various developments that are happening around the world. It is the store house of knowledge. In the midst of different cultures and languages in the world and even amongst states of a country, English acts as a mediator.
In this era of technology where the word is becoming mobile and the way social media has crept to the acme of importance into our lives, how can we forget or avoid the importance of English?
And because of such importance of English language, English has been made a compulsory subject at all levels of education in India. It is now clear that even parents understand the significance of English for their child’s future and
7 are making an effort to help build a strong foundation of English into child’s learning. HISTORY OF ELT IN INDIA
English people where the first ones who brought English in India. Their aim, at beginning, was just trade; so they didn’t bother to encourage the English. But some British missionaries started schools in India where English was taught as a subject. The reason why the English initially did not think of encouraging the teaching of English was that they feared that they might lose their colonies in India as they did in America. This fear was expressed by Randle Jackson, a member of the House of Commons, Who said “We lost our colonies in America by imparting our education there; we need not do so in India too.” However, after the battle of Plassey in 1757, the situation began to show a drastic change. Surprisingly the traders found themselves in the position of rulers. They wanted to have full command over the people whom they were governing and so decided to open educational institutes. Two such institutions were Calcutta Madorssa started in 1781 and Benares Sanskrit College founded in 1791. Although being the institutes of classical learning, they a made provision for teaching of English. With the passage of time the importance of English grew and there was only an upward shift in demand curve. To meet this demand, Hindu College was established by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1817. Soon, thereafter the missionaries opened a number of schools and colleges in which the teaching of English was given utmost importance. In 1835, Macaulay, in his famous minute, strongly recommends that the spread of western learning could only be possible through the medium of English language. Macaulay argued that, “English is better worth knowing than Sanskrit and Arabic” That “the natives are desirous to be taught English” and that “it is possible to make natives of this country thorough good English scholar”. The reason that the study of regional language got marginalized is because of Macaulay’s recommendation gave an impetus to study of English.
By the year1837, a significant part of the facilities was provided by the missionaries for teaching English. Soon, in administration and judiciary English
9 became the language of administration even as the vernaculars continued to be used in several instances.
A sudden and shocking move came in the year 1853 when the Company’s charter was renewed once more under the pressure of government people to manage the widening domain of activities in India. And therefore it decided to open up its highest Civil Service appointments to Indians by allowing common people for appearing for the competitive examinations.
Three universities were established in 1857 at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras each as a result of first formalized education policy statement of the East India Company. But there have been instances where the Indian Education Commission expressed its dissatisfaction at the exclusive use of English as the medium of education and the Indian Universities Commission also raised its voice against the neglect of regional languages.
The commission recommended “We are emphatically of the opinion that there is something unsound in a system of education which leaves a young man, at the conclusion of his course, unable to speak or write his own mother tongue fluently and correctly. It is thus beyond controversy that a systematic effort must henceforth be made to promote the serious study of vernaculars in secondary schools, intermediates colleges and in the university,” And it also favored the idea of encouraging the teaching of regional languages in scholars and colleges which resulted in restriction of the medium English only to colleges and universities throughout the country.
India achieved independence in 1947. The leaders of public opinion, their commissions and committees took a close at the value of English and tried to strike a balance between gains and losses. Popular leaders like C. Rajagopalachari favored the continuance of English language, but some caused hindrances and advocated that English should go back with the English as it had come with them. Their arguments were based on the opinion of few who agreed that the students could learn and express their ideas more easily in their mother tongue. As a result it was decided that regional languages should be developed and Hindi should replace English.
It was suggested by the University Education Commission in 1949 that English be replaced, as easily as practicable, by an Indian language as the medium of instruction of higher education. In 1950, the Constitution of India approved for English to continue as the official language of the country for a period of fifteen years to be replaced by Hindi at the end of that period. Later, the parliament decided to allow English to continue as the associate official language of the Union till such time as Hindi began to be used for administrative purpose all over the country.
In the first decade of Indian Independence the three language formula was formulated. The following are the highlights:
Importance is given to regional languages
It attempts to promote national integration
It attempts to unify and provide a common language that serves as a “Window of the World”
To resolve the question of a common medium an Educational Commission was set up in 1964. It proposed that mother tongue should be used up to the highest level of instruction, but English should be taught both as a subject and as a library language at higher levels. A state of stability came only after the implementation of this proposal where mother tongue got precedence over English language.
Over the past two decades, the trend has remarkably bent in favor of English as the English medium schools have come in every corner of urban cities with under-qualified teachers. Students lack in the knowledge of their own mother tongue because of the lack of exposure to their mother tongue. Day by day the students are being alienated from Indian culture; not to mention their cognitive development being blocked. An overall development of the student should take
11 place with equal importance being given to English, keeping in mind the globalization, and other subjects so that they may excel in all spheres of life. SIGNIFICANCE OF ELT
In the Field of Education
It is hard to deny the fact that English has become the most important carrier of communications. It enjoys the status of a linking language of diverse multilingual nation life India. English also enjoys the prestigious status of second language worldwide. Its indigenous status of first language is confined to only a few nations like the U.S.A., England and Australia etc. Wherever English is spoken as a second language, ELT has become a lucrative vocation. English has evolved to become the official language or the most used by highly qualified people. Its fiefdom stretches to school, college and other institutions where it is the medium of instruction. Parents have understood its importance and they are taking interest from the very beginning of their child’s career so that their children can be better achieve proficiency in English. The question of ascendancy remains unquestioned in India-a resource pool of English. It plays important role in domains of business, administration, education and political relations, industry, Judiciary etc. and therefore a ticket to social mobility, higher education, and better job opportunities. In India, the students are seen juggling with English. It has been rightly pointed by Krishnaswamy and Shriraman (1994) that “English has become an international commodity like the oil and the microchip and more than a quarter of the world’s people use English; the world has become a global village. English has become necessary for mobility and social and economic success in the world today.”
In the Field of Literature
Language and literature have always known to be connected to each other by dynamic harmony. A normal use of English as a language includes values, presuppositions about the nature of life and deciding what is good and 13 bad about it. Therefore with regard to pedagogical concerns, it is imperative that Indian authors have made its mark in world of literature by contributing significant work.
In the Field of Employment
It is unsurprising and safe to say that without knowing English it is impossible for one to get a good job. One can get wings to fly high and garner success in the field of education, medicine and business as their career. English language has broken the barriers of communication between any two people, state or even country.
English is tagged as a ‘global language’ as it has unified different countries and their culture together. Teaching of English is becoming more and more popular and has noted a significance increase in India. It is a lot more than just an official language namely a language of diplomacy, higher administration, higher education, superior judiciary and information technology. Also, English has proved to the language of opportunities and success for life in India. The Education Commission of India in 1966 noted that; “when a degree holder from India goes to any of the developed countries he is not treated at par with a degree holder of that country”. It points to the evidence that Indian Educational System has no great implication on the matter of English language. Further, most of our system of curriculum doesn’t make the learning of English mandatory. A tendency of reluctance about learning or teaching of English language is seen as an inherent quality of Indian Educational System. Our ELT pattern has to be evaluated so as to efface the obstacle of academic growth. Following some steps with the following analysis, we can know about how the Indian ELT across the nation and how it has impacted the quality of education.
India’s Status on English Language
Through his “Minute of Education” Lord Macaulay in 1835 was the first to emphasis English language teaching in India. Way back in 1835, he imported English on Indians and had deeply entrenched its roots in a country that prided itself in Tamil and Sanskrit and other classical languages of the country. Sir Charles Wood, in 1854, stated that English be a suitable medium of higher levels of education, because a sound knowledge of English was a prerequisite to seek admission into any established university. Quite contrary to above, the response to English language at grass root level was very pitiable as no one turned their heads towards learning English. The general instruction and medium of learning was in English for fundamental sciences and mathematic science, which resulted in the phenomenal development of secondary and higher education, especially in urban areas. After the British left India in 1947, a great need for English was felt in the field of higher education and research. With this regard, the Kothari Commission, group appointed by the ministry of education, Government of India in 1964, referred to the study of English in India. The group has supported the structural approach to the teaching of English, which is now extensively practiced in different parts of India. The group also came up with a detailed syllabus for the study of the English language from class V to XII. With a population of billion plus and literacy rate of 74%, knowledge of English guarantees a job in the nation.
Approaches of English Language Teaching in India
Basically, Indians follow a multi-purpose teaching approach on ELT. As the purposed differ to learn English, the approaches differ too. With this regard there have been three fundamental pattern/approaches of ELT in India, namely
English for Academic Purpose (EAP)
15 English for Occupational purpose (EOP) English for Specific Purpose (ESP)
Firstly, EAP refers to the imparting the knowledge of English language in primary, secondary and common graduate level educational institutions. The approach of EAO aims to train students to be aware of basics of English, and encourages the students to have general thought about the basic grammar, pronunciation and the use of English for common purpose.
Secondly, EOP follows the methodology where teaching English language for professional purpose which in practical requires a basic insight about the concerned profession and its relevance with use of English.
The approach of ELT has been a specialized approach for the teachers to educate the students as it requires specialized knowledge about the particular occupational jargons.
To suit the needs of different courses of students, ESP advocates the designing of special courses instead of one multi-purpose course. Students of science and technology, for example, are said adequate for teaching English though ESP. Moreover, teaching English at the undergraduate level of engineering studies differs from English in other undergraduate courses because it has a specific purpose unlike a general purpose in other colleges. It differs from other courses in the three aspects, such as relevance, register and style. These three aspects have achieved supremacy in material designing because the course must engage the students for both academic and professional purposes. The academic functions include in such courses are oral and written communication, comprehension of lectures and books, note-making, note-taking, paper presentations, participation in regional, national and international seminars and taking interviews. Contribution of Various Institutions for ELT in India
India has one prominent multi-pronged educational system in the world. There have been too many intuitions with specialized purposes to assist various forms of Indian Educational Approaches. National System of Education (NSE), are University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical education (AICTE), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and Medical Council of India (MCI) and Dental Council of India (DCI) are some institutions which helped in strengthening the quality of education imparted to students. The National Policy on Education (NPE), in 1968, laid special focus on the study of English and other international languages. The NPE stressed that India keep pace with scientific and technological knowledge and also should contribute to it significantly. It would be worthwhile to look at the profile of AICTE, the body that monitors technical education in the country since this study concentrates on teaching of English in technological and engineering institutes. The main function of AICTE is to ensure the co-ordination and integrated development of technical and management education. AICTE is vested with the statutory authority for planning, formulation and maintenance of norms and standards, accreditation, funding priority areas, monitoring and evaluation, maintenance of a parity of certification and awards, and ensuring the coordinated and integrated development of technical and management education. A duly constituted Accreditation Board conducts the mandatory periodic evaluation to maintain standards.
Contributions by Indian Researchers for ELT
Our researchers have done a great deal of work, where teaching of English is concerned, to contribute and promote ELT approaches in India. All the findings by researchers were unique in analyzing the nature with particular reference to the mistakes made by vernacular user of various Indian languages while learning English as a second language. The following mentions are some important people in research area namely Ganapathy (1968) has done a contrastive study on speech pattern in Kannada and English. Agrawal (1970) has
17 studied the English tense equivalents of Rhyme of the Hindi tenses. Pramanik (1988) has done a study of some affective variables related to learning English as a second language at the post-secondary stage in Orissa Ravi (1998) has done research work in the study of the motivational problems with reference to teaching –learning English as a second language. Lalitha Raja, R. (2007) has done research work in the syntactic development of Tamil mother tongue children in learning English. Ramamoorthy (2004) has made a study in multilingualism and second language acquisition and learning in Pondicherry. Sandeep (2007) has done research on teaching English as a second language to meet the needs of the learners from rural areas.
All in all, this section has opened any analyzed various approaches of ELT has been exhaustively. Correcting the reluctance of learning or teaching of English language Indian Educational System, approaches like EAP, EOP, ESP would be valuable measures. To efface the obstacles of academic growth, new ELT patterns might be handy to the Indian Educational Curriculum. It is safe to conclude and answer questions like, that how the Indian ELT has been across the nation and how it should be for the betterment of the quality of education. Moreover, it will be worth mention here that the new patterns mentioned in this paper would also been a good experiment to the upcoming linguistic researchers of India.
The relationship and study of English as a language compared to second language is an important field of study. The communication between the indigenous and alien language produces subtle cultural conflict and changes in the behavioral pattern and even life style of the people. Over lapping and influence of L2 over L1 can be often positive and beneficial as the case of English over Gujarati. The situation of Gujarati as the primary language is a case study to explore a number of such case studies. The language English has given us numerous changes in culture, customs and Gujarati language itself and it surely doesn’t imply that English has uprooted or replaced Gujarati. The survival of Gujarati has never been threatened by the incursion of English into our lives. The loss of native language means the loss of personal identity. Gujarati has resisted this complete wipe out due to its flexibility. In fact, these two languages have happily coexisted side by side. And it is fair to say that Gujarati has gained a new dimension due to the effect of English on its vocabulary. The gigantic vocabulary of English language has contributed countless terms including scientific, technical, philosophical, legal, medical, and cultural to Gujarati glossary .Thus, to some degree Gujarati has become also a assorted in character due to the borrowing from English.
After World War II, English replaced German in almost all aspects. With this technical and scientific ascendancy brought the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then all over the globe.
Today’s era of information technology is transforming world economies from industrial production to information based goods and services. In a short span of 20 years the digital aura has sprouted from nowhere. Computer- mediated communication is closing the fissure between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal form of conversation and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices. English, like many languages, has a large and extensive lexis, of which about 80% is foreign. Therefore, it has adaptations from virtually every language in Europe and continues to borrow
19 words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. These characteristics make English a unique in history. Finally, there is no particular organization as a central authority that guards the purity of the English; therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. Thus, each country that speaks the language that can bring in aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary.
Changes in the 21st century
As the world is in transition, the English language is bound to take new forms. The language and the way of using it will change, shimmering patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people. English is relieving itself of its political and cultural implications as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few nations. Instead, it is a platform that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities. The pandemic use of English as a language of wider communication will continue to demand global uniformity. This could result in moribund standards, language modifications, and the loss of ethnic diversity. It is nowhere said and proved that any one other language will appear within the next 50 years to replace English. A language altercation, in which individuals change their linguistic allegiances, is another prospect. Because of these shifts in allegiance, more languages may disappear. Those remaining will rapidly get more native speakers. This includes English. Those universities using English as the medium of instruction will spread out and rapidly create a generation of middle-class professionals. Economic development will only increase the middle class, a group that is more likely to learn and use English in jobs. INFERENCE
English has been a recognized and enjoys the status of an international language for only 50 years. If the current trend follows the previous language patterns, we still have about 100 years before a new language conquers the world. Nonetheless, this doesn’t imply the replacement of English as a commonly accepted language. Instead, it may be an add-on or co-exist with languages by allowing people to exchange a few words, be it any language, across linguistic boundaries. It might be like a magical broom that opens the windows of communication breaking the barricades of inequality and expanding our minds to new ideas.
The three standing pillars of this survery are as follows:
Purpose of study: The primary purpose of this study is to examine the abberent trends in existing methods of teaching English to students of engineering. The survey also suggests some basic techniques and adapting those shall prove to be a better outcome for students. 1. To find out the learning strategies used by students of Engineering colleges in North Gujarat 2. To present a detailed analyzed results in the form of most graphs and suggest some methods to improve the teachings of usability of English.
Objective of the study: On the basis of the below analyzed examined report, we aim to understand the current methodology for teaching of English as a language and suggest some better alternatives which shall enhance learning foe students.
21 Scope of this study: A total of 289 students were asked to fill out a exhaustive survery questionnaire which had questions related to overall teaching and learning technique adopted by their teacher and themselves respectively. A survery of this magnitude is good enough for producing generalized results.
Modus operandi of this survey:
One may be wondering the manner of conducting this survery. We have thus elucidated our modus operandi for the same clearing all air the air of haze and doubts:
In the light of growing importance of English as a language, we carried out a study on the results of a primary research done through a small survey. It was based on the liking towards English as a language. The surveyed students included males and females below the age of 25 who are studying in any of the North Gujarat Engineering Colleges. A legitimate and genuine data is recorded thorugh this survery as this is the first hand information filled out by students who took the existing methods of teaching as their premise for answering questions.
On analyzing the results of this study we got an idea of the gray areas and flaws in the prevailing methodology. The total nuber of students that participated in this survery were 289 which seems an ideal figure for generalizing the trend of some particular set of colleges.
We have presented the detailed report of this survery the most comprehendable form i.e. bar graphs, pie charts and other modern tools for better understanding of the collected data.
We also conducted a few tests to check their proficiency in the English language and the results of the same have been presented later in the appendices. WORKS CITED:
Aggarwal J.C. (2011). “Development of Education System in India” Shipra Publications. Print
Agrawal, B.R.D. (1970).English Tense Equivalents of Rhyme of the Hindi Tenses. Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages. Print
Ganapathy, T. (1968). Sentence Patterns in Kannada and English: A Contrastive study on speaking adult level. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign languages. Print
India, University Education Commission (1948-49 ; S Radhakrishanan, Chairman) (1963) “Report of The University Education Commission (December 1948-August 1949), Volume I” Manager of Publications ; Delhi. Print
Krishnaswamy, N. and Sriraman, T. (1994) English Teaching in India. Madras: TR Publications. Print
23 Chapter 2: Survey Analysis QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS
Local Engineering Students from North Gujarat Colleges were asked to fill a survey:
Questionnaire results:
The very first question that we put forward before the students gave us expected results. And the question was ‘Who inspired you to study further’?
The world, as we see today, couldn’t be better designed. And who could be associated when it comes to the development, be it in infrastructure, Information Technology or even corporates, than engineers. Engineering offers a wide range of studies. Mind well that only English is followed as language for teaching engineering. As our survery is based on Engineering colleges of North Gujarat, it is vital to look for the reason that students take engineering in the first place. Do you like English?
Around 86 per cent of the respondents like English as a language however only around 10 per cent of the students use English regularly for communication. This is shown in the following graph:
When asked about talking in English they said:
25 This clearly suggests us that there is a need to make them start speaking English more often. The curriculum and the college should strictly encourage students to speak in English only and also deliver speeches in English and participate in English Debate competitions to be made a compulsory part of English teaching. Let us also understand whether English lectures are delivered only in English or in a mix language. Following graph shows the details about the same:
Throughout the colleges of North Gujarat, only around half the lectures of English happen in English language. The 12 per cent lectures that happen in pure Gujarati have to change completely in order to acquaint the students with English language. Slowly and gradually, even the 36 per cent of lectures conducted in bilingual have to shift towards English alone only then will the students will understand the importance of knowing English and would start taking proactive measures towards learning the same.
Moreover, just using English is not enough, considering the level of North Gujarat students; English language teaching should be complemented by using a lot of activities which enhance their listening, speaking, reading as well as writing of the language. Let us understand the teaching methods used across North Gujarat Engineering Colleges for teaching English language.
What method is followed in teaching? As of now, only about half the colleges across the North Gujarat Engineering fraternity make use of various activities to teach English. This is very important in order to get the students interested in the process of learning. And this is one of the most important duties of a teacher. It is furthermore a very important duty of an English teacher to start making the students think in English. Once they start thinking in English, they would easily be able to frame sentences and use the language effectively. Following graph shows us the percentage of students who can successfully frame their thoughts in English which is very less.
27 Only about 28 per cent of the students are positive about using English whenever they wish to for the process of though formation. The huge number in the ‘sometimes’ section needs to shift towards ‘always’ and this is the role that all the English teachers have to play in a unified way. All the Engineering courses are generally in the English language and hence it is very important for students to have a good knowledge of English. The following graph shows that only around 17 per cent of the students do not need the help of anyone to comprehend the language used in their study material which is again very less.
Do you need someone’s help to understand the content? It is the very nature of human instinct to ask for help whenever the situation demands so. But the students here showed some special interest in asking for help which indicates that students are in need of specia ttention as far as teachin of English is concerned.
As we can see in the above graph, around 37 per cent of the students have either joined or are planning to join English Speaking classes. It is the responsibility of an English teacher to eliminate this need for the student to go elsewhere to learn English. If proper care be taken, all the activities that a student does at an English Speaking Institute could be done in the class itself and the students would have fun too in doing something different from their routine lectures. The students’ English writing abilities could be estimated by the graph provided below:
29 Around 41 per cent of the students cannot write letters in English on their own. If the students cannot even write letters on their own, there seriously has to be a major overhaul in the English teaching process. There is an urgent need across the region of North Gujarat to improve on the teaching standards and encourage activity based English teaching instead of cramming rules. The following graph shows us that around 78 per cent of the students learn English grammar by cramming rules and not by using it and understanding it from the basics and the roots. Such training is very much required.
Do you understand grammar by cramming rules? This has to change with the change in the teaching methodologies. English has to be considered as something with prime importance for a successful corporate career and future of the students. In India, English has become of high significance since our constitution is also written in English and it is the widely accepted corporate language in the country. The good thing is that the students already know this but still somehow cannot pull together the resources that can make them excel in the language. Following graph shows the students’ understanding of the importance of English in their careers ahead:
Can learning English make you a better employee?
31 More than 80 per cent of the students do realize the importance of English towards becoming better employees. English is also a very practical language and hence quite convenient in the business circles especially among a lot of other places.
Now, for learning English, all the aspects like speaking, writing, reading and listening have to be developed. Students should be encouraged to read more & more English books & novels as well as English movies. There should also be a culture developed for students to read daily newspapers in English and then share the news they liked with the class in English. Essay-writing competitions and debates should be encouraged too. The few charts shown below describe the interest level and anxiousness of students to participate in such activities and their liking for the same.
Do you watch English movies? Now of-course there is no harm in watching movies of your choice; be it in Hindi or any other language. But one cannot deny the influence that one has when one starts watching English movies. The change is obviously slow as this is a continuous process. But one must understand the importance of English movies and should adapt for the betterment and gaining command on English as a language.
Which language do you use while chatting with your friends?
As verified from the above graph, the mobile conversations have become English-more people are using it to communicate with their friends and relatives. It may not a new thing to find that many erroneous statement and naïve mistakes
33 that people generally make. This calls for learning of English and building a solid vocabulary.
How many of you use Socia Networking websites?
Almost everybody uses Facebook and such social networking websites. They have a big influence in learning English. A person is likely to learn faster using such websites as most of the content displayed on these websites is in pure English which will surely help the learners. Which newspaper do you generally read?
The most common habit found amongst the regular reader’s of any language is that they prefer to read newspapers. But when it comes to English, the numbers are bleak. 71% of people said that they preferred a Gujarat newspaper at the morning tea. The promises that our country is making cannnot be fulfilled unless we start working on English. Because only with perseverance comes greater profeciency and perfetness.
35 Should English be compulsory taught to you?
About 78% of people said that they wanted to learn English and therefore it should be made compulsory. It is further implied that the interest in learning English was genuine by the candidates and should not be avoided. How fluent are you in speaking English?
Only one-fourth of the voters belived that they could express themselves in an articulate manner which requires a good command on language. The rest of the people are developing and brushing their skills. But are they on the right track? It’s the need of the hour to learn English.
37 How many of you are doing extra time for learning English?
The above graph shows that people are damn serious about improving their proficiency over the language. All the need is an efficient leader and correct mentorship to guide them on the steps towards achieving grip over English. Now when somebody asks to translate the contents of a Chemistry class, it seems okay. But the super irony arises when same request is made in an English lecture! One should always strive to learn as much as possible and speak out too. The abililty to understand english and then comprehend should occur inisde the students brain. And this conversion should be as fast as possible.
Do you take part in activites organized by your teachers?
Only half of the respondents said that they actively participated in the activities arranged by their teachers. This has to change and the only way is through better teaching and encouraging students to learn and understand importance of English.
Does your teacher make efforts?
39 It is very important for us to assess the teacher the based on the how he/she encourages the students in teaching English other than the writing and simple explanation tool. This method particularly, keeps the students busy and makes them quench for learning more.
How many of you read English novels? Stories have found fascination in all age groups, be it a child or an adult. In fact most of our basic learning comes from the stories that we have been hearing since our childhood days. As goes the saying ‘A book is your best friend’, there are avid readers who immerse themselves into books completely. Sadly there aren’t many those with that designation. The idea is to spread awareness for reading, as it’s the supreme tool when used is bound give you results in terms of greater command over language.
All these graphs show us that students are interested in extra activities for learning English but those activities have to be planned properly and made interesting for the students by the teacher. Along with the activities, it is also important for the teachers to use various audio-lingual aids for enhanced learning as established earlier. Following graph shows us the data of how frequently is such audio-lingual aids used by the teachers:
Is your teacher using Audio-Video tools to teach you?
41 ]
Only around 62 per cent of the classrooms make use of audio-visual aids which has to be increased and ideally reach almost 100 per cent as this is the accepted way of enhanced language learning worldwide. The following graph shows students’ satisfaction with the importance given to teaching English by Gujarat Technological University (GTU):
Is English important to GTU? Around 28 per cent do not feel that English gets the due importance and that the focus on learning the language should be increased by the GTU. Moreover, while conducting exams for the English language, it should consist of criteria to evaluate students on the basis of their proficiency in reading, writing, listening as well as speaking. Only then all the aspects of the language could be covered. Generally we just have a system to evaluate the students on the basis of writing alone which is not sufficient. Around 47 per cent of the students feel that the exam pattern for testing students for English proficiency should undergo an overhaul and be changed as shown in the graph below:
43 Let us now understand the problems students face in writing, reading, listening, grammatical usage and speaking the language. The following graphs show that data: Now for the good listening of English language, one needs a good understanding skills. But the dearth has been continuing with 33.8% saying that do lack knowledging of understanding this language. Ironically, there have been opinions saying the pronunciations itself have been alienatig. This clearly implies a need to learn english.
What are major problem causing areas, according to you?
To learn a language, it is vital that we learn the words from its roots. As and when you have a grip on the language, articulation comes naturally to you. The above graph suggest a strong need to educate all.
Almost all subjects in college are taught in English. Now it is pretty much possible that one fails to understand the technical terms for not having learnt English. Let the alone the difficult terms, the ability to comprehend the material is prevalent.
And the gray areas for graduates are?
45 Graduates such as engineers have to spend their whole life working on projects which involve huge amount of technicality. No matter however good you may be in solving problems, if you cannot express yourself in English, which is the case with 40% of people in above mentioned graph, you cannot conquer the tasks. From the perspectives of the students, we found out that emphasizing on various sounds while teaching the language is very important. As shown in the graph below, majority of the students have confirmed the fact that they learn the language better if proper focus is given on the specific sounds and they are made to practice that.
Do you wish to see any changes in the current methodology?
47 More than 60% of the students re happy with the current content of the syllabus that is being offerred to them. The rest 31% are in doubt and yet under confident. It is in our mutual interest to educate everyone about engilsh and we shall do that with all our grace.
In what aspect we should make changes?
And those who said that they wanted a change, 39% of them felt that the grammar was the part which caused hurdles. Now this is not uncommon. While many efforts are being made in reviewing the whole syllabus, it is also a duty of students to participate in the activities organized by the faculties. Are you learning enough English?
49 Most of the students felt that the English content that they are being taught is upto their expecctations. The proof suggest that the paedagogy that is being followed in teaching is correct and needs to be continued in the same manner. We encourage learning by applying. Around 74 per cent of the students agreed that they need better practice of the sounds in order to help them speak English in an effective and proper way. Furthermore, more than 89 per cent of the students confirmed the necessity of establishing English Language Labs in the colleges for better learning process and this is very much required in order to communicate the urgency and importance of learning English to the students. The students would just take the subject more seriously if such efforts are put in by the college and the teachers combined. A lot of activities can be promoted from the labs and students could form groups and keep reading novels and sharing their knowledge and thereby augmenting the whole process of language learning. Activities like group discussions, English movie screenings, debates, speeches, essay writing, magazine & newspaper reading, etc. could be promoted in such a lab. Following is the graph that shows how students rate the need of an English Language Lab within the college premises:
Are phonetic transcription helpful and understandable?
51 It is arguabally the best methods of learning english as a verbal language. The phonetics teach us the exact pronunciations of the words that helps us present ourselves in a fluent english, be it in corporate world or classroom sessions.
Is language lab useful to you?
In the colleges where language labs are religiously conducted, the students have confirmed the significant role these labs have had in their language development. Their overall understandibilty of the language has shown definite improvement. Does language lab boost your confidence to speak English?
The approach has worked well for a lot of students already and could be taken to another level to improve the level of engineering students of North Gujarat and make them more competitive in the national and subsequently the international arena. As shown in the following graph, over 85 per cent of the students have inveterate the benefits they’ve had through language labs as substantial.
53 How many lectures of language lab do you want?
Following the helpfulness to understand and confidence building ability of languahe lab the students seemed incined towards more number of labs for the same. Maximum number of students have further suggested at least 2 lectures per week for English Language Lab. What exactly does the improvement does language lab brings upon?
More than half of the students believed that with these sessions they are likely to improvise. It’s for the good of these students that encourage us to increase the frequency of the sessions. Today’s corporate world demands proficiency over language which students are bound to get if worked upon.
55 Has your communication skill improved after attending regular lectures of English?
Around 90% of the studetns believed that sessions like thsese have helped in learing English as a language. And to keep this process ongoing, we must continue to hold lectures and but all the efforts to gain command over language. One must practise and speak in English reguarly only then the change can be brought about.
How many you are devoting extra time for building proficiency in English?
Language is such a thing that when learnt in continuation over a long period, only then it gives results of imporvement. And it pleases us to see that a large number of students are putting efforts to learn english and communicate effectively. It encourages the learners and the teachers too.
57 How often do you clear your doubts from your lecturers?
A large portion of student still hesitate to ask doubts in lecutures. This has to transform. It has been seen that those who failed to get their queries asnwered are more likely to langauage with greater accuracy and speed. Does your teacher answer your queires?
More than 60% of students feel that the lecturers are doing their part by answering the queires. And its good thing as this will help students break the barrier and communicate effectively with amognst themselves and in the corporate world. But there still exist a large part of students who feel dejected and unsatisfied. May be a change in some teaching methodlogy will help the learn better and quickly.
59 Are you okay with the order of subjects being taught (does English always occupy last lecture)?
When we asked students about the regularity of lecutres of English, 63% of them were contend with the scenario. A large part of them still feel that change is required. A strategy with mutual consent that will be win-win situation for all shall be devised. Chapter 3: Miscellaneous S urvey A nalysis
From all the results and graphs shown & discussed above, it is pretty much clear that the level of English among the North Gujarat Engineering students is not up to the mark and needs a significant improvement. This improvement has to be triggered by the teachers, colleges and the university at large by implementing newer teaching tools and techniques. As of now, only writing gets enough weightage whereas ideally equal importance should be given to reading, listening and speaking as well. The evaluation methodology also has to change. Evaluation also majorly considers only writing of the language as the main criteria. The assessment process should become more like an IELTS or TOEFL exam wherein students are asked to showcase their competency in all four aspects of language learning, viz. reading, writing, listening & speaking.
We furthermore analyzed that students do understand the importance of learning English and they directly correlate the same with the progress that they will make in the corporate career. Being an accepted corporate language of India and the world, it stays as an utmost important language to be learned in order to be nationally as well as internationally well accepted. The students further show the willingness to learn too but the only issue that restricts their learning process is the inadequate help and support being provided to them by the teachers and the colleges.
The students also understand the problems that they might face in their careers if they are not good with the English language. And hence a lot of them go for extra coaching of the subject. Such a need should be eliminated by the colleges by providing them with the best language learning tools & techniques. As Engineers, it would be very important for them to learn English. All their course books are in English as well. Hence, if they are not acquainted with the language from the first year of engineering itself, they might later find it very
61 difficult to grasp and understand their course books properly. This could curb their overall engineering learning as well.
Moreover, students with weak English also tend to lose confidence and this would result in an amputated self-image which could be really destructive for their careers ahead. Language has been the main source of human evolution and development halts if we are not able to communicate properly or use the language effectively. Hence, it is the duty of all the teachers and colleges to give English language learning its due importance and make the curriculum in an interesting and effective way.
Language learning labs have come up as an important tool of teaching English for teachers. Hence, teachers should emphasize more on that and conduct English teaching sessions by training them for various aspects of the language like writing essays, preparing & delivering speeches & debates, participating effectively in a group discussion, tricks for personal interviews, reading novels & magazines, learning vocabulary through roots & cue cards, etc. C hapter 4: C onclusion:
In this era of globalization, the study of English language is the most important as it is the only common form of communication between different countries. In this adventurous period we must not keep their eyes closed. India, being a diverse and versatile nation in terms of language and culture, has reacted positively to English ever since its inception. To such diverse states of India, English has appeared to be the connecting link. From the pragmatic point of view, it should receive a great boost. English serves as a window to the world. It is known to all that the legacy of English language has left an indelible imprint on the Indian psyche. Hence we can’t deal with English just as foreign language.
People all over the world learn English to facilitate easy understanding of political, social, cultural and religious issues because this language is easier than French, Greek, German or even Sanskrit. English is the language of the British, who kept us slaved for about two centuries. The greatest service, probably, the British did to us is that they have left us the priceless legacy of English. English as an international language has benefited us in numerous ways and it is undoubted that with our knowledge of English we are able to seek employment anywhere in the world. English has emerged as the most important global language. Therefore it would be wrong to assume English as a language of the British alone. English has also evolved as a language of technology and science. Almost all important books for higher studies are written in English.
In order to master the knowledge in engineering and upgrade the skills, engineering students should be proficient in English.
Most of the scientific papers or journals or even basic graphs and their explanation of the curriculum are written in English. Hence, engineering students should at least master the basic English ability to deal with the countless English
63 lectures, tutorials, labs, projects and papers. Finally, they have to appear for countless examinations which are definitely in English.
When engineering students graduate from the college and step into the real world, they will find that English appears even more crucial than it used to be. It is quite evident that Engineers usually work in groups since their task can seldom be solved by an individual. The very first protocol of their work determines that being an engineer needs to cooperate and communicate with different people from different parts of the world. For non-native English speakers, unfortunately, most of the engineers speak English as the first language or the working language. In order to understand and coordinate with their colleagues and accomplish their projects fluently, engineers have to speak good English.
All in all, the education in universities should be conducted only in English for three reasons. First, students who know English are able to find their favorite job related with their choice of field. Second, they can communicate with others according to global standards. Third, as a major language in universities, English makes it easy for students to access information. In my opinion, internationally speaking, people need one common language. For many years, English has been the common world-wide language, and it will continue to be the only one in the future.
Therefore it seems safe to conclude that learning English has become a necessity for us. It is also necessary to cope up with this fast developing team in terms of technology and modernization. Chapter 5: R ecommendations
Owing to the importance and growing demand of English communication competence for engineering students from rural areas, there is an urgent need for the teachers as well the students to make integrated efforts.
1. Every Faculty is expected to fulfil their assigned responsibilities. But apart from that they should think it as their moral responsibility to take more efforts to provide more exposure to English language for students. It is might be a herculean task for some to learn English. So, they expect assistance and warmth understanding from teachers. So, during the interactive sessions the students should be encouraged and helped to talk. So, that the students can built an ability to participate in various activities such as paper presentations, GD’s, mock interviews, role plays etc. to develop English communication competence.
2. Students till date remain passive learners mainly because of their lack in understanding of technical words. Students from the secondary and higher secondary level should be given dictionary of technical words with their meanings in regional language for use. The technical teachers should help students in understanding the technical words in English and their equivalents in regional languages. Again they should help the students to understand the meanings of long and complicated sentences in technical subjects.
3. When asked to students about the toughest part of English language, Grammar was the unanimous cry. Thus it is important that the grammar be taught with extra enthusiasm and in jovial manner. Teachers must understand the fact that grammar is the most vital part of learning English. And therefore be learnt holistically.
65 4. In this modern era of technology, new trends and methods of teaching are emerging in the learning of the English language competence which involves the use of Computer assisted language learning. The students now detest the traditional and monotonous way of teaching and are more interested in doing exercises on a computer than by hand. This system works more effectively when the ratio of computer and student is 1:1
The system of CALL may include:
Teaching through Audio/Video support methods
Learning English and words etymologically
Group discussions
Inter-lingual method-Listen and see clippings in regional language and English
Language Learning-vocabulary-synonyms and antonyms
Role plays-Speaking task
Fluency Tasks
On a whole it’s safe to say that by this method of learning students are provided a lot of practice and exposure to the English language. This method follows rigorous approach of teaching and focuses on individualization of learning. Teachers act as mentor, trainer and help facilitate learning. In addition to all these, teaching through multimedia tools provides an extra edge to students which later prove to be highly beneficial in their careers.
Apart from teacher’s efforts, students must also make a contribution if they want toil upwards. They should adapt the following methods as normal habits of day-to-day life: Reading English newspapers Everyday
Reading English Novels and magazines
Watching English Movies and series
Communicating with English with friends and family
Incorporate English words into day to day life
1. Aggarwal J.C. (2011). “Development of Education System in India” Shipra Publications. Print
2. Agrawal, B.R.D. (1970).English Tense Equivalents of Rhyme of the Hindi Tenses. Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages. Print
3. Ganapathy, T. (1968). Sentence Patterns in Kannada and English: A Contrastive study on speaking adult level. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign languages. Print
4. India, University Education Commission (1948-49 ; S Radhakrishanan, Chairman) (1963) “Report of The University Education Commission (December 1948-August 1949), Volume I” Manager of Publications ; Delhi. Print
5. Krishnaswamy, N. and Sriraman, T. (1994) English Teaching in India. Madras: TR Publications. Print
6. Lalitha Raja,R and N.Rajasekharan Nair(2007). Development of plural concord in English among school children, Indian Linguistics. Vol-68: 1-2. Print
7. Michael Lessard-Clouston (1997). “Towards an Understanding of Culture in L2/FL Education”. Print
8. Pramanik, T.K. (1988). A study of some affective variables related to learning English as a second language at the post-secondary stage in Orissa. Unpublished PhD dissertation in English. Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages. Print 9. Ramamoorthy , L. (2004). Multilingualism and second language acquisition and learning in Pondicherry. Language in India. 4:2. Print
10. Ravi, P.V.(1998).The Motivational problems with reference to teaching- learning English as a second language. Unpublished PhD dissertation in English. Madurai: Madurai Kamaraj University. Print
11. Sandeep, K.T.(2007). Teaching English as a second language to meet the needs of the learners in Rural Areas: A Challenge. Language in India.Vol.7/9. Print
12. Sharma R.K., Sharma R.N (1996). “History of Education in India” Atlantic Publishers & Distributers. Print
13. Shukla Ram Shankar (1988). “Pramanik Hindi shabda sagar” Star Publications. Print
69 APPENDIX-2: PRE – TEST Reading Task (5 Marks)
Sachin Tendulkar Shahrukh Khan Mukesh Ambani
Born 1973 1965 1957
Occupation Sportsman Actor Businessman
Spouse Anjali Mehta Gauri Khan Nita Ambani
Kids Two Three Three
Use the information given above to help you fill the missing words:
Example- Mukesh Ambani was born in year ______?
Answer- Mukesh Ambani was born in 1957.
1) _____ is the wife of Sachin Tendulkar.
2) Shahrukh Khan has ____ kids.
3) Mukesh Ambani is ______by profession.
4) _____ was born in 1973. 5) Gauri Khan is married to ______.
Writing Task (5 marks)
Look at the picture given below and write in the lines provided.
Speaking Task (5 Marks)
71 Use the following chart to fill in the blanks below.
Example: Does Rachel know how to cook food?
Answer: Yes Rachel knows how to cook food but I don’t.
Sam & Rachel ____ like to go to school but they have to. They have got a presentation to make. Sam _____ presentation but Rachel _____.
But Sam will help Rachel in her work. After making the presentation they will go for fishing. Sam _____ fishing but Rachel ___.
Fishing is very tiring they want to have food. But both of them _____ how to make food. So they decided to have tea.
Both of them _____ tea but only Rachel _____. After having tea they decided to go for a movie. As both of them _____ watching movies.
Listening Task (5 Marks)
Listen the clip carefully and answer the question given below:
(http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/dec/05/nelson-mandela-1964- speech-audio)
1) Which is the richest country in Africa?
a) South Africa
b) Egypt
c) Kenya
d) Ghana
2) Poverty goes hand in hand with?
a) Injury
b) Malnutrition
c) Wealth
d) Health
3) What causes lack of human dignity?
a) Policy of export
b) Policy of import
c) Policy of subsidiary alliance
d) Policy of white supremacy
73 4) The conversation in the clip is about? a) Movies b) Economy c) Racial discrimination d) Weather APPENDIX- 3 : POST TEST Reading Task (5 Marks)
Look at the map below and fill in the conversation between two friends:
Tina- Hey Saurabh I am new to the city and I don’t know the way can you help me with the directions to our campus?
Saurabh: Yes sure Tina. Where are you?
Tina: I am at the Gas Station.
Saurabh: Gas station near Technology Park?
75 Tina: No the one which comes ahead of Downtown Lonnia.
Saurabh: Ok you have to walk______and cross_____ and take a _____ before Military Camp. Then there is a lane where you have to walk ______for _____km.
Tina: Should I take the turn to the lane which reaches DIKEPPEE.
Saurabh: No you have to take a ____ turn after 5 km.
Tina: I have reached ____ Park. Where should I go now?
Saurabh: ___ the Technology Park and walk _____ for few minutes. You will find a lane which will go to ______.
Tina: Thanks for the directions. You are my Best Friend.
Look at the picture given below and write down the appropriate names of the things in the boxes, picking the choices from the below given words: a) Telephone
b) Chair
c) Teapot
d) Pillow
e) Light
f) Window
g) Curtains
h) Television
Write 3 sentences about the picture given above using the following words:
77 For example: There is a Pillow on the bed.
Speaking Task (5 Marks)
Look at the picture given above and answer the following questions:
1) What is the occupation of the above people?
2) Create a conversation between the girls holding book and apples. 3) What is third girl doing in the above picture?
4) What all things do you see in the above picture?
Listen to the clip and choose the correct option. (2.5 Marks)
1) Whose phone call will you pick? Dad/ Mom
2) One film you wish you would have acted in? Titanic/ Ganga Jamuna
3) With whom is the conversation going on? Amitabhi/ Salman
4) He wants to be the owner of IPL team? Yes/ No
Rearrange the jumbled sentences (2.5 Marks)
1) Money can buy Love
2) I am in conversation with Salman Khan.
3) Deal breaker in a relationship is disrespect
4) Abhishek should do elocution type of competitions
SR. DATE UNITS NO 1 17th Oct, 2011 PRE-TEST 2 18th Oct, 2011 to ICT- MATERIAL 26th Oct, 2011 3 27th Oct, 2011 POST-TEST
Mark Sheet of I.T students of L.D.Engineering Roll. No. Student’s Name Pre test Marks Post test Marks 1 Mitali S.Patel 15 15 2 Rohan G.Raval 14 16 3 Ankita K. Panchal 13 15 4 Heena V. Gami 11 13 5 Devarsh J. Shah 14 16 6 Nishant P.Barot 13 16 7 Arpita R. Panchal 10 14 8 Chirag J. Barot 14 16 9 Divyang K.Patel 13 15 10 Hemali S. Raval 12 14 11 Sejal S.Shah 14 16 12 Rohit B. Solanki 13 15 13 Nayan H. Patel 12 16 14 Khyati P. Raval 11 15 15 Sudeep V.Patel 10 13 16 Kautuk M.Shah 15 17 17 Atul K. Raval 09 14 18 Margi G. Joshi 10 13 19 Ankita D.Prajapati 13 16 20 Hetal N. Sakaria 11 17 21 Prakash G. Solanki 14 18 22 Indu M. Paramar 12 16 23 Haresh H. Patel 08 15 24 Meet A.Panchal 11 14 25 Bina S. Gajjar 14 18 26 Sangna U. Sheth 12 17 27 Kamini R. Gami 15 19 28 Vaibhav N. Thakor 13 16 29 Vishva V. Patel 07 14 30 Bhoomika P. Rav 15 18
83 Mark Sheet of I.T students of U.V.Patel Engineering Roll. No. Student’s Name Pre test Marks Post test Marks 1 Anant V. Patel 08 11 2 Amisha J. Bhatt 10 13 3 Mitesh M. Shah 09 9 4 Parth P. Panchal 11 14 5 Hardik S. Patel 13 15 6 Ritu D. Shah 07 9 7 Dhayan H. Raval 08 12 8 Pranav A. Solanki 11 16 9 Jinal N. Patel 12 15 10 Divya R. Bhatt 10 13 11 Bhoomika B.Patel 14 16 12 Vinay J. Solanki 07 11 13 Gayatri A. Prajapati 12 15 14 Dhaval V.Patel 09 14 15 Umang G. Bhatt 08 11 16 Megana N.Barot 06 10 17 Sarika I. Oza 11 13 18 Chintan M. Zaveri 12 15 19 Dhaval V. Desai 07 13 20 Vismay S. Joshi 13 16 21 Deep A. Chaudhari 06 11 22 Parth L. Salavi 08 14 23 Vina R. Goswami 10 12 24 Asha C. Gadhavi 12 15 25 Rahul D. Chauhan 14 17 26 Saurbh S. Patel 11 13 27 Pinki K. Suthar 07 11 28 Rohini N. Nayi 10 14 29 Pradip A. Dave 06 10 30 Dixita M. Rami 12 13
1) Who inspired you to study further? ( to take admission in Engineering)
a) Parents b) Friends c) Self-motivation
2) Do you like to study English as a language? 85 a) Yes b) No c) Somewhat
3) How much time do you spend daily for English?
a) 30 minutes b) One hour c) More than one hour
4) Which newspaper do you generally read?
a) English b) Gujarati c) Hindi
5) While chatting with your friends through SMS, which language do you use?
a) English b KJIIK) Gujarati c) Hindi
6) While watching English movies, which language is preferred?
a) English b) Hindi c) Don’t watch English movies
7) Do you talk to your friends in English?
a) Always b) Never c) Sometimes
8) In your English Syllabus, which portion is liked by you?
a) Textual b) Grammatical c) Activity 9) Do you think English should be compulsory subject in your course?
a) Yes b) No
10) Do you feel your English syllabus fulfills your requirements?
a) Yes b) No
11) Do you want to make any changes in syllabus?
a) Yes b) No
12) In which portion you want to make changes?
a) Text b) Grammar c) Activity
13) Do you attend the lectures of English regularly?
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
14) Are the periods of English arranged properly? ( or last periods are provided for English)
a) Yes b) No c) Change is required
15) What is the medium of your lectures of English?
87 a) English b) Gujarati c) Bilingual ( English and Gujarati)
16) What method is followed in teaching?
a) Chalk- duster b) Lecture c) Based on activity
17) Are you happy with your current curriculum?
a) Yes b) No c) to some extent
18) What medium should be there to teach you?
a) English b) Gujarati c) Bilingual
19) In which medium you are being taught?
a) English b) Gujarati c) Bilingual
20) In case of doubts, do you ask to your lecturers?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
21) Are your queries be satisfied by your lecturers?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never 22) Do you like group discussion?
a) Yes b) No
23) Do you feel language is a barrier to answer the question?
a) Yes b) No
24) Do you face problems while learning English through English?
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
25) Are you able to comprehend the lessons?
a) Fully b) Partially
26) Are you able to frame sentences yourself?
a) Yes b) No
27) Are you able to frame your thoughts in correct English?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
28) Do you need someone’s help to understand the content?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
89 29) How will you rate your fluency in English?
a) Poor b) Average c) Good
30) Are you doing extra practice to develop fluency in English?
a) Yes b) No
31) Have you ever joined Spoken English Classes?
a) Yes b) No c) will join
32) Do you think fluency of English can help you to be a better employee?
a) Yes b) No c) can’t say
33) Are able to write letter to any company or management?
a) Yes b) No c) Needs help
34) Do you understand grammar by cramming rules?
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
35) Do you understand the lesson explained by your teacher?
a) Thoroughly b) Partially 36) Are you able to write on any given topic?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
37) Does your teacher use English language for explanation?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
38) Does your teacher encourage you to speak English?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
39) Does your teacher plan various activities to make you speak in English?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
40) Do you take part in activities arranged by your teacher?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
41) Which activity is liked by you?
a) Group discussion b) Role-play c) Creative writing
42) Do you watch English movies?
91 a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
43) Do you read English novels or short stories?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
44) Do you ask you teacher to translate the lesson?
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never
45) Does your teacher make you understand the topic by explaining in simple English or does s/he translate into Gujarati?
a) Into simple English b) Into Gujarati
46) Are satisfied with the way your teacher teaches you?
a) Yes b) No
47) Does your teacher use audio-lingual aids to teach you?
a) Yes b) No
48) Do you use face book, Google and other on line web-sites?
a) Yes b) No 49) Do you chat with your friends using English?
a) Yes b) No
50) Do you think English is given enough weightage by the GTU?
a) Yes b) No
51) Do you need some changes in Exam pattern of English?
a) Yes b) No
52) Do you feel your communication skill is increased after attending periods of English?
a) Yes b) No
Communication Skills
53) In your opinion the problems regarding to listening are because of-
a) Pronunciations are not understood by you
b) Lack knowledge of understanding English
c) Lack practice of listening English
93 54) According to you the problem regarding speaking are related to
a) Making request
b) Lack of vocabulary
c) Expressing your ideas in a correct order and form
55) You feel about reading that you face problems related to
a) No ability to comprehend
b) Problem in understanding sentence formation
c) Problem in understanding technical material
56) You face problems in writing English while
a) Doing creative writing
b) Making notes
c) In technical report writing
d) In all the above mentioned topics
e) Grammar
57) You face problems regarding grammar while you are
a) Speaking English
b) Writing something c) Attending grammar portion in exercise
f) Teaching Method
58) Which of the following method helps you to understand the topic better?
a) Lecture based teaching
b) Group discussion
c) Activity based learning
g) Phonetics
59) Do you understand phonetic transcription?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Partially
60) Do you think practice of sounds helps you to speak English correctly and effectively? a) Yes b) No c) at some points
Language Lab
61) Do you think that Language Lab is useful to you to improve your command over language? a) Yes 95 b) No
62) Which skills do you think can be improved through Language Skill? a) Listening and Speaking b) Reading and Writing c) a) and b)
63) Do you attend your Language Lab regularly? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
64) Has Language Lab improved your confidence to speak in English? a) Yes b) No
65) How many lectures should be allotted for Language Lab ( per week)? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4