Occupational Administrators Council Meeting Agenda

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Occupational Administrators Council Meeting Agenda

Occupational Administrators Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday, April 2, 2014 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. District Maricopa Room

Mission Statement: The Occupational Administrators Council collaborates to support the creation and implementation of programs that meet the workforce development needs of our communities. We accomplish our educational objectives by using current workforce data and by deploying human and physical resources to serve students efficiently. We promote economic vitality and quality of life by emphasizing the importance of college-level career and technical education among our internal and external partners.

In attendance, Rick Kemp (RSC), Sharon Halford (PC), David Dore (MCC), Scott Schultz (GCC), Joe Swaba (GWC), CJ Wurster (MSC), Heather Webber (EMC), Denise DiGianfilippo (PVC), Mary Lou Mosley (VPAA rep), Maria Reyes (CGCC), Stephanie Fujii (SCC)

NOTE: Minutes were taken by S. Fujii (Part 1) and then by R. Kemp (Part II), when Fujii left early, and so are a combination.

8:30 Call to Order

8:35 Approval of March 2014 Minutes – Approved w/one edit on spelling. (Motion: Rick; Second: Scott- Approved unanimously)

8:40 Maricopa Nursing - Enrollment & Strategic Planning Guests - Sandra Cooper, District Director of Healthcare Education Margie Schultz – Director, Gateway Community College Nursing and Administrator, Maricopa Nursing - MCCCD Nursing White Paper (presented earlier/shared again hardcopy) asking if we have any questions. Was created w/Sandra by Nursing leadership. Understand the MCCCD climate is not ideal for a BSN, but do want to keep in the forefront of the conversation in moving forward. Desire eventually, but currently working on concurrent enrollment programs and increasing enrollment. Articulating w/universities to help students achieve BSN. Aligning with Grand Canyon (Masters in Science, Nursing) bridging AASN into MS. Students w/BA/BS (not in nursing) and then pursuing AASN, so GCU program allows for that. GCU has largest program, MCCCD is second. - Also looking at decreasing credits for AASN. Mtg w/AZ State Board to discuss impact of the decrease in credits. Nation-wide it’s a 60 credits in 5 semesters. MCCCD are over clinical hours (800) where national average is 700 hours. Looking at bringing in a national consultant to assist/give guidance. - April 21st – Chancellor’s Healthcare Summit – anything from OAC to help inform. Get to Sandra by Mon. 4/7 - Discussed Steve Schroeder’s presentation and having him come in and share and/or Sandra pass on. Informed on curriculum and student outcomes.

9:00 Carl Perkins Updates - Jennifer Kaufman-Fourness - Shared 3 documents (bulleted below). Update on Perkins Applications 14-15. AZ State changed- no post-secondary app up yet, but she will forward as ASAP (mid April, due to her mid May). Believe there may be an increase (more than last year), but no guarantees. Plan for similar funding at local level. Plan similarly as last year, w/some increases. Handouts: o Post Secondary Performance Measures Definitions & Levels of Performances o MCCCD Planning Program Tips 2014-2015 o 2014 CTE Program List (Appendix) . Highlights: Want to make sure include/use as starting guide the planning (address). Growing fields and non-traditional populations - Spend 50% on programs, not services. Salaries ok, but not at 100%. - Required to submit a full job description for any job we will be supporting. So Jennifer may need additional paperwork/help, i.e., tutor. P/t can be funded at 100%, not 1 FTE. - Also applies for professional development- wary if funding the same people/same conference- make a rule (consistency in practice internally at a college) - Update on DO grant Perkins position – have interviews and hopeful will find a strong candidate. - 301- Randy & John for now

MATEC – Michael Lesiecki (Shared handouts) - Handout/Agenda) o Copy of the newly released ATE Impact brochure - Faculty Professional Development o Summer Conference (HI-TEC)- helping to support (pay for lodging & $500 registration fee). If have any faculty who are interested. Have funding for 20. o ASU Summer Institute - Grants – been very reactive. Would like a team that can help with strategy to assist. Heather, Bob Bill (grants), Steve Schroeder (healthcare). - Would like to come to OAC on a rotating basis.

9:30 Sub-Committee Updates:  Sharing/Early Alert Committee Update (Rick Kemp, Maria Reyes, Scott Schulz, David Dore, Stephanie Fujii, Mary Lou Mosley, CJ Wurster, Cindy Odgers, Bettina Celis, Sam Dosumu) - VPAA – Mary Lou will take it to VPAA for their feedback - Feasibility Plan – combination of a number of colleges o will eventually be a part of ACRES, once done will have a demo of it o review of the study, what to include and not, further clarification - Rubric – aligns with feasibility, does have MP flavors, applied at blue box of the Draft Process - Proposed Draft of process - ACRES help to document, communicate, all have access.  Maricopa Corporate College – Credit Programs (David Dore, Rick Kemp, CJ Wurster, Maria Reyes, Randy Kimmens) - No subcommittee meeting, but believe conversations have occurred and now asking for an update. Randy sent out a draft of process, subcommittee to review. Next 6 months pilot how it could work. Subcommittee will meet as needed to try and help inform. Issues: o Who is the One Point of contact? – Is it MCOR? Yes. OAC members have issues/concerns w/that o MCOR doing one thing, DO Workforce doing another- Inability/confusion around how to work together, roles, responsibility - MCOR at VPAA, gave presentation. Reinforced they are one point of contact. They will refer credit to colleges. If company is already working/outreaches with/to a college, then do we have to refer back to MCOR? - Faculty leadership (FEC) w/MCOR, convened a meeting w/Randy & Maria. Faculty have additional questions. Desire to maintain the integrity of the credit offerings, yet MCOR does not understand the complexity of non-credit. - We’ve asked MCOR to use OAC administrators as point of contact, but they are not. Believe MCOR may be reaching out to specific faculty, dept/division chairs - Challenge of collaboration, coordination, communication. Yet, not experiencing that- almost negating the One Maricopa? Poor track record to communicate and understanding, i.e., ESL, but believe the Marriot contract is ESL. - Attempting to address via a creation/identification of a process (draft), but unsure about outcome-MCOR has operated in what appears to be their best interest/style - Maybe we (OAC) define our expectations- collectively as a group, the level of service colleges can provide in working with MCOR. Have this work be done at the subcommittee (made up of OAC & MCOR folks) mtg. Mtg regularly, to: o Review & evaluate process of brokering credit (post) how it is working o Level of expected service at the college level (as defined by OAC) when working with MCOR- timeline defined/how we can respond - Each college needs to determine how/what their respective level is - If college is already working w/partner/company, then colleges will continue. - MCOR come to OAC on a rotating basis

April 2, 2014 OAC Minutes, Part II Sub-Committee- Early Alert

Draft needs to go to VPAA, then to Dr. Dosumu and DCC in next month.

Feasibility was based on current process provided by GCC, MCC, Rio, and EMCC. It was noted that the form needs college name. All studies and notes will go into ACRES. When process is ready, we will run through demo on how to log and load information. David noted that a revision to the Program/Curriculum Guide section will be necessary. Rick confirmed that grand and closed to public programs will not have to go through whole process. Should projections be part of rubric, particularly for emerging skills and professions?

In discussion the rubric, Heather suggested that scoring 1-4 seemed unnecessary. The OCA approved going to three scoring possibilities (0, 1, and 2).

The flow chart is ready to move forward. Sub-committees should do one last review and move items forward.

ADE Update

Scott provided update that the compliance statement was ready and Skill Centers have been added as previous statement only mentioned colleges.

Workforce Development Update

Randy shared that the Healthcare Summit will be held on April 21st from 7:30 to 9:30. In the Fall, another IT Summit will be held. The IT is currently working on focus group of IT employers on April 8th to look at IT workforce needs.

In the State budget, 1-4-1.6 million could come to Maricopa earmarked for STEM. A master plan will for STEM development and where the district is going is needed.

GCC and MCC are wanted to gather the Fire Emergency Response community and colleges group again. This group met 5 years ago to standardize district curriculum and program in Fire and Emergency Response.

GPEC is focusing on attracting manufacturing organizations. ASU and GPEC are part of a planning grant ($175,000) and want to identify projects down the road for community college involvement. They would like possible deliverables and letters from industry partners, which would place MCCCD in the mix for partnering.

Velocity is looking at moving to the Valley. GPEC is trying to pull together resources to also attract technology companies over the next couple of years.

Committee Updates

VPAA – Sharon shared that MCOR was going to move into old Scottsdale Business Institute space that is still under lease for two more years.

DCC – Course sequencing is moving forward. David will start as DCC representative for OAC next year.

Common Pages – Sam and Felicia are taking reigns and moving process forward.

Dual – 9,954 students in the spring and 433 courses. Module of EDU250 equivalent went live. Impact of new math placement scores could be substantial. Math IC Chair coming to may meeting to present modules for math readiness.

Maricopa Priorities – Meeting for Chairs and Task Force last week and process continues.

It was discusses that the OAC Chair for next year will be Heather, with Denise potentially being the following year.

The need and timing of possible retreat will be decided in May meeting.

Meeting concluded at 11:20am.

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