CITY OF THOMSON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING January 14, 2016, 6:30PM Thomson-McDuffie Co. Government Complex

Present: Also Present: Kenneth Usry, Mayor (Separate sheet) John Smalley, Councilmember Alton Belton, Councilmember Clifford Lunceford, Councilmember James Jones, Councilmember Elaine Johnson, Councilmember (elect) Jimmy Plunkett, City Attorney Don Powers, City Attorney Dianne Landers, City Clerk

Mayor Usry welcomed all to the January 14, 2016 Regular Council meeting. The invocation was done by Rodney Dunaway, Interim Gas Director, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.


The oath of office/swearing in ceremony was administered by Judge Valerie Burley. Mayor Kenneth Usry Alton Belton, Councilmember John W. Smalley, Councilmember Clifford G. Lunceford, Councilmember James T. Jones, Councilmember Doris E. Johnson, Councilmember The above Mayor and Council will serve the City of Thomson for four years.


Councilmember Smalley moved to appoint Alton Belton as the Mayor Pro-Tem for the next four years. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. By a vote of 4 to 0, Councilmember Belton was elected as Mayor Pro Tem. MINUTES:

Councilmember Belton moved to accept the minutes from the December 10, 2015 regular council meeting, followed by a second from Councilmember Lunceford. All were in favor. Motion carried.


GBI Quit Claim Document – Old State Patrol Property: Council approved a resolution in November 2014, stating that we (City and County) would deed the jointly owned State Patrol property to the GBI with a reversionary clause that stated that the property would come back to us if it ceased being used by the GBI. In order to execute the quit claim deed to the State Properties Commission for the former State Patrol property, the States wants the following included in the deed….”if the property is no longer used for a public purpose”. Council approved “if the land ever ceased to be used by the GBI” in our original minutes from 2014. The “public purpose” description is required to be in the quit claim deed by law, in order for the State agency to accept said property. Councilmember Lunceford moved to approve the language requested so the Quitclaim deed can be executed and the funding for the new building may be placed in the State budget for 2017. Councilmember Smalley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Speed Humps – Pinehills and Lee Street: A petition was signed by a majority of residents to consider speed humps on Lee Street between Tom Watson Way and Grady Street. It was received in June of 2009, before we had a policy in place. However, a subsequent speed study conducted showed that there is a large volume of traffic and the majority of travel is at speed or higher. The speed studies that have been conducted in Pinehills along Michael Street shows that the speed humps would not be warranted based on speed alone. However, the petitions requesting installation of speed humps have been turned in as per the policy. Councilmember Belton moved to approve the installation of speed humps on Lee Street (2 ea.) and in Pinehills, Michael Street (2 ea.). Each speed hump and associated markings and signage costs $1760. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. The funds to pay for these will be taken from City T-SPLOST receipts.

Final 2015 Budget Amendment: Final 2015 budget amendments are as follows: General fund - Revenue and expense adjustments = $26,086.00 Water fund - Revenue and expense adjustments = $211,265.00 Gas fund - Revenue and expense adjustments = $1,082,289.00 Solid Waste fund - Revenue and expense adjustments = $58,218.00 Maintenance fund - Revenue and expense adjustments = $18,367.00 Councilmember Jones moved to approve the 2015 budget adjustments, followed by second from Councilmember Lunceford. All were in favor. Motion carried.

First reading of Ordinance to amend Mayor and Council’s salary: This is the first reading of an ordinance to amend the Compensation of the Mayor and Council. The Mayor’s salary shall be $8,000 and the salary of the City Councilmember shall be $5,000 per year. First reading, no action required.

First reading of Retirement Plan Amendment: In order to open an early retirement “window” for eligible employees, the action requires an amendment to our retirement plan, which exists in the form of an Ordinance. The changes to allow qualifying long term employees to early retire are as follows:  As of January 1, 2016, the employee must be at least 55 years old and have at least 28 years of total credited service as an eligible regular employee of the City of Thomson.  The employee who elects enhanced early retirement benefit will receive an unreduced retirement benefit, without actuarial reduction for the participant’s younger age at retirement. The retirement benefit will be calculated in the usual manner, based upon the participant’s service and final average earnings upon termination.  A window period between 9:00 a.m., Friday, February 12, 2016 and 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 31, 2016.  Should an employee who elects to retire under the ERIP change their mind and decide not to retire, he/she get to an opportunity to revoke their retirement election for seven (7) days after the employee submits the election.  Provides that the employee that elects to terminate employment, retire, and receive enhanced early retirement benefits pursuant to the ERIP, must resign and terminate employment no later than July 31, 2016. This is the first reading, so no action is required.

Appointments Industrial Development Authority: Replacement for John Perryman – Request was made from the City to appoint Bobby Hildreth of Georgia Power. This request is a joint appointment, therefore; McDuffie County will have to approve as well. Councilmember Jones moved to accept the appointment of Bobby Hildreth, seconded by Councilmember Belton. All were in favor. Replacement for George Hughes – Request was made for Clifford “Bud” Lunceford. Councilmember Belton moved to accept the appointment of Clifford Lunceford, seconded by Councilmember Smalley. All were in favor. DISCUSSION ITEMS:

William Coleman, a representative from the Family “Y”, gave information on an upcoming request of the Council to consider closing a portion of Ware Street. This is to allow the safety of the children walking from the new Family Y (old hospital) to the planned park area, south of Ware Street. Mr. Coleman stated that he and Family Y leaders would hold public meeting (s), to include the Board of Education and the residents in this area. It’s noted that the street closure is located on Ware Street, a traffic route between two schools.

Don Powers, City Administrator reported that EPD is requiring that each water system have a Qualified Water Los Auditor to sign off on the annual water loss reports that we prepare and send in each year. David Crawley will fill that role for our system.

There being no further business to discuss, Councilmember Jones moved to dismiss this Regular Council meeting until February 2016 or until notified differently. Councilmember Smalley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 7:15 p.m.

Dianne Landers City Clerk