Rogers Lions Memorial Scholarships
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Scholarship Name Eligibility Requirements # of Application Information Awards/ Amount 1 Baccalaureate Scholarship Separate application and complete 1 of 4 2/$300 Application in Front Office essay topics stated in application
2 The Bank of Elk River 3.0 GPA, majoring in business, finance, 4/$500 Submit to RHS using Google marketing or a business-related field, Docs attending college or tech school full-time and maintaining a 3.0 GPA
3 Officer Besser memorial Student pursuing career in law 1/$500 Application in Front Office Scholarship enforcement, addtl essay with application
4 The Joe Brunn Effect Memorial 3.0 GPA, attending a technical or 2/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship vocational college, participated in a sport, Docs, include addt’l essay volunteered or currently working in a tech- job environment where this job would help bridge to a post-high school tech education, and 1 add’tl essay (1 page) Topic: What personally affected you to make a decision in this career choice? What do you want your legacy to be?
5 Dayton Lions Dayton Resident 5/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Docs
6 DECA 2yrs in DECA, leadership & State/Nat’l 2/$250 Submit to RHS using Google DECA participation Docs . See Shalaine Seymour with questions 7 Decimet Sales Attending a tech or trade school 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Docs 8 District Administrators Open Eligibility 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Docs
9 William Hjertstedt Son/daughter of EREA member. 4/$750 Application in Front Office Elk River Education Assoc Attending 2 or 4 yr college Scholarship (EREA) Separate Application DUE MARCH 10TH
10 EyeWest Health Care Pursuing an education in healthcare, 1/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship preference to financial need Docs
11 Fairview Northland Medical Students pursuing careers in the medical 14/$1000 Apply online at Staff field Selected from all hland/About/Auxiliary/ schools in Winners will not be chosen until service June 1 area 12 “Just Do You” Scholarship Submit a sample of some creative work: 1/$2017 Submit to: First National Bank of Elk River creative writing, artwork, a song, dance, Tanna Houlton skit, favorite recipe, old car restoration, 812 Main St NW science project, DECA business plan, etc Elk River MN 55330 - anything that shows us who you are and what you can do. Please don’t submit anything offensive. 13 Gradient Technology Science & Separate application. 1/$500 Application in Front Office Engineering Scholarship Pursing a degree in a science or Selected engineering fields, demonstrates financial from all need schools in district 14 Hassan Elem Scholarship Graduated from Hassan Elem and 4/$500 Submit to RHS using Google attending a 2 or 4 year school Docs 15 Hassan Sand & Gravel Attending a vo-tech or trade school 1/$500 Use Google Doc application Submit to: Kevin Scherber 13530 Willandale Rd Rogers MN 55374
16 I-94 West Chamber of Separate application – available in the TBD Commerce Front Office or at under Your Chamber, under Your or mail to Attn: Scholarships Chamber PO Box 95 DUE MARCH 31st Rogers MN 55374
17 LEOS Members of the Rogers LEOS Club 2/$250 Submit to RHS using Google Docs 18 David G. & Audrey M. Lindquist Girls basketball player, 3.0 GPA, involved 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Memorial Scholarship in community service, attending a 4yr Docs college
19 Carrie Lorman Memorial Female, business major & 1addt’l essay: 2/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship Person in my life who has had the biggest Docs with addt’l essay influence – who, how, why?
20 National Honor Society Member of National Honor Society, at TBD See Ms Froemming least 1 year managing inside concessions
21 Durand Onell Memorial 1 addtl essay “How have you worked to 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship take on a challenge or an obstacle in your Docs with addt’l essay life?”
22 Otsego Elem PAC Scholarship Must have attended Otsego Elementary 2/$500 Submit to RHS using Google for at least 3 years, 2.0 GPA in HS and Docs with addt’l essays college, 2 extra essays: 1) Describe yourself, including academic and extracurricular achievements as well as examples of volunteering in the community. 2) Describe how your parents were involved or volunteered at Otsego Elem.
23 Otsego River Riders Separate application. Proof of 4/$250 Application in Front Office snowmobile Safety Training, 250+ word Submit to: Marcia Culkins essay about snowmobiling or outdoor 9378 O’Brian Ave NE experience they have had. Otsego MN 55330
24 Quarterback Club Senior on varsity team 2/$500 Separate application – See Coach Franz 25 Randy’s Environmental Studies to be in the environmental fields 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Services Docs
26 RHS Girls Soccer Scholarship RHS Girls Soccer player, GPA 2.6, 2-4 4/$250 Application in Front Office (RRKOC) year school, coach recommendation Return Completed Application to RHS
27 ROADS Scholarship Open eligibility 24/$500 Submit to RHS using Google 1/$2017 Docs
28 Rogers Ambassadors Student that lives or worships in the 4/$500 See Program Advisor Scholarship Program Rogers school district, and complete 80% of scheduled events as an Ambassador. One year commitment June-June.
29 Rogers Dugout Booster Club Separate application from baseball coach TBD See Coach Harapat
30 Rogers Elementary Rogers Elementary alumni 4/$500 Submit Google Doc application to: Karen Musolf Rogers Elem PTO 12521 Main St Rogers MN 55374 31 Rogers Fire Auxiliary Preference to students pursuing a career 2/$500 Submit to RHS using Google as firefighter, EMT or emergency Docs personnel 32 Rogers Girls Tennis Booster Member of the RHS tennis team for at 3/$250 Application in Front Office Club least 3 years, lettered as a Senior in Submit to: tennis at RHS, GPA 3.0 Jeanne Rubbelke Scholarship PO Box 711 Rogers MN 55374 33 Rogers Lions Club 6 General Scholarships 6/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Docs
34 Rogers Lions Club 5 Memorial Scholarships 5/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Oliver Kapsner “Personal Docs with addt’l requirements Integrity” Kenneth McAlpine “Good Citizenship” Ted Biren “We Serve” Melvin Rouillard & Jerome Gmach “Veterans” Donny Hall “Faith, Family & Community” 35 Rogers Lions Club 2 Vocational Scholarships 2/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Docs
36 Rogers Rotary Club Min 30 service hours, 3.0 GPA, winning 2/$500 Submit to RHS using Google student must attend a Rogers Rotary Docs meeting 37 Rogers Royals Boys Soccer 3 yr participant who has been a booster 1/$500 See Coach Miller Booster Club Scholarship club dues paying member for those 3 years, no school suspensions Rogers Royals Lacrosse Student’s family must be a current 2/$500 Separate Application in Front Booster Club Scholarship member of the booster club, earned or will Office. Application and essay to earn a letter in Lacrosse, entered senior be turned in to Coach Fricken season in good standing by 4/18. 38 Rogers Royals Tip Off Club Completed their senior basketball season TBD Separate application in Front in good standing, earned a letter in Office basketball as a player or manager at RHS Submit to RRTOC
39 Megan Sample Memorial Priority to someone active in DECA 1/$3000 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship Docs
40 SPIRE Scholarship Program Separate application. 2/$500 Member of SPIRE Credit Union of all RE2017 Deadline is April 14th applicants
41 Student Council Current member of student council, 2/$250 Submit to RHS using Google served at least 1 year on exec council Docs
42 Teaching Separate application. Son/daughter of a $150 Application in Front Office Assistants/Paraprofessionals teaching asst. Parent must be a full share Submit to: member of AFSCME union for 1 yr prior Tracy Ratike to child’s senior year Vandenberge MS Application due before 4/15 948 Proctor Rd Elk River MN 55330
43 Three Rivers Foundation Preference to financial need & leadership 1/$1500 & Submit to RHS using Google 6/$1000 Docs
44 Thumbs Up High 5K Student going in to Mental Health field or 3/$1000 Online at Scholarship similar field of study. Complete list of all http://www.thumbsuphigh5k.c connected to scholarship application applicants om/pages/contactandscholarsh ips 45 Shawn Topp Memorial No additional requirements 2/$1600 Submit to RHS using Google Scholarship Docs
46 Vision Scholarship - Student with good academic standing 1/$1000 Submit to RHS using Google Minnesota School Bus Docs Operators Association
47 Darla Westberg Teammate A senior volleyball player that exhibits the 1/$500 Submit to RHS using Google Award traits of hustle, hard work, determination, Docs leadership and classroom achievement, and is a good teammate
48 Wright Hennepin Coop Must be a member of the cooperative, 1/$1200 Application in Front Office or with Acct # on application. Selected online at from multiple schools Guidelines for Applicants Rogers Lions Memorial Scholarships
The Rogers Lions offer 13 Scholarships, each for $1000. Six are general scholarships, two are for students attending tech/trade schools and five are the memorial scholarships listed below.
All memorial scholarship applications must also be accompanied by a letter of reference from an instructor, attesting to the student’s character, leadership ability. General requirements are a minimum 3.0 GPA and maintain a very good attendance record. Special consideration is given to children of a Rogers Lions member, and students who have financial need.
The Oliver Kapsner “Personal Integrity” Memorial Scholarship
submit an essay on the importance of personal integrity for leaders
The Kenneth McAlpine “Good Citizenship” Memorial Scholarship
demonstrate a desire to make a meaningful contribution to society both present and future, be involved in a balance of community, school and work activities, pursue goals and aspirations with integrity, resolution, self-discipline and judgement, earn money for college expenses thru part-time work
The Ted Biren “We Serve” Memorial Scholarship
submit an essay on “Why am I a candidate for this scholarship?”, also must have excelled in the field of giving freely of their time for others
The Melvin Rouillard & Jerome Gmach “Veterans” Memorial Scholarship
must be a dependent of a Veteran
The Donny Hall “Faith, Family & Community” Memorial Scholarship
demonstrates the importance of Faith, Family and Community